19:03:10 <rbergeron> #startmeeting Community Working Group 19:03:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 10 19:03:10 2016 UTC. The chair is rbergeron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:03:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:03:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'community_working_group' 19:03:18 <rbergeron> #chair gregdek gundalow 19:03:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: gregdek gundalow rbergeron 19:03:32 <rbergeron> #topic Who's here? 19:03:41 * gregdek is back 19:03:42 * rbergeron is here, mostly 19:03:57 <gregdek> Had to do troubleshooting in the break room for a presentation. I just wanted coffee! 19:04:06 * gregdek rummages in his pockets for an agenda. 19:04:11 <rbergeron> #topic Agenda 19:04:16 <rbergeron> https://waffle.io/ansible/community 19:04:31 <gregdek> OHAI 19:04:33 <rbergeron> there you go 19:04:33 <gregdek> ok. 19:04:42 <rbergeron> take the reins, fearless leader 19:04:53 <gregdek> #topic Contributor Conference SF Wrap-Up 19:05:07 <gregdek> https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/93 19:05:13 <gregdek> So looks like we need: 19:05:19 <gregdek> 1. Video uploaded; 19:05:22 <gregdek> 2. Recap. 19:05:34 * gundalow returns 19:05:36 <gregdek> And you're working on 1, and we've got a meeting with RH PR to help with 2, right? 19:06:08 <rbergeron> yes. 19:06:13 <rbergeron> can you open this? https://youtu.be/Ly46x0nxjxk 19:06:24 <rbergeron> (so i don't have to get another laptop to test this again) 19:06:47 <rbergeron> Youtube is terrible when you have multiple accounts and want to look at other things. 19:06:48 <gundalow> rbergeron: "This video is private" 19:07:16 <gundalow> when I'm signed in with @redhat.com 19:07:16 <gregdek> "Sooooory about that!" 19:07:17 <rbergeron> try again? 19:07:29 * rbergeron just changed a thing 19:07:33 <gundalow> wirks 19:07:34 <gregdek> Got it! 19:07:35 <gundalow> works 19:07:38 <gregdek> w00t!!! 19:07:55 <rbergeron> okay. so - taht's the third one, the other two... are still processing. which could be an hour or a day 19:08:00 <rbergeron> depending on what hamsters are at the wheel 19:08:07 <rbergeron> and provided i don't log in to another account 19:08:12 <rbergeron> and foul things up 19:08:18 <rbergeron> which is what happened last time before i got very angry :) 19:08:19 <gregdek> Holy shit. That's a big beard. 19:08:36 <gundalow> rbergeron: Do you use Chrome, you can create separate profiles for personal & work 19:08:41 <gregdek> That is a Civil War General Shovel Beard. 19:08:45 <gundalow> gregdek: impressiv 19:08:46 <gundalow> e 19:09:03 <gregdek> Annnnyway! Looks like that's on track! 19:09:18 <rbergeron> gundalow: yeah, it's just... it is awful with youtube and uploads. We went through this at Elastic as well. 19:09:41 <rbergeron> "it works with chrome" does not always mean works with youtube while editing videos and uploading stuff. 19:09:43 <gregdek> So, very good. 19:09:51 <rbergeron> gundalow: i have tried, believe me :) 19:10:13 <rbergeron> so anyway, that's on track. 19:10:19 <rbergeron> and yes, we have a meeting with anna banana tomorrow. 19:10:38 <gregdek> OK! Hoping this is wrapped up by next week. 19:11:22 <gregdek> And we really should make this part of Anna's draft. 19:11:31 <gregdek> So let's move on: 19:12:15 * rbergeron looks at gregdek for moving on 19:12:20 <gregdek> #topic Planning for Contributor Conference Brooklyn 19:12:33 <gregdek> https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/115 19:12:36 <gregdek> Sigh. OK! 19:12:46 <gregdek> So basically we go through the exact same playbook. 19:13:11 <rbergeron> Yeah. 19:13:43 <rbergeron> Do we have any specific folks over on that side of the country who might want to get in on this more? 19:13:46 <gregdek> So. What's our first step? 19:13:51 * rbergeron still kind of wonders if it's tooooo sooooon 19:13:51 <gregdek> We've got the Ansible NYC folks. 19:14:05 <gundalow> Do we have a list of contributors? 19:14:20 <rbergeron> Make an etherpad? 19:14:28 <gundalow> +1 19:14:35 <gundalow> then we can throw ideas for topics up 19:14:38 <gregdek> When in doubt, make an etherpad! 19:15:04 <gregdek> I can reach out to all the meetup group leaders on the East Coast. 19:15:07 <rbergeron> I mean -- we have the same list of folks that we've had, and i wonder if / when it's time to just have it be more wide open 19:15:14 <gregdek> Yes. 19:15:17 <gregdek> Have it wide open. 19:15:18 <rbergeron> that sentence was terrible 19:15:24 <gregdek> No, I get it. 19:15:27 <gregdek> Open it up. 19:15:32 <gregdek> We're ready. 19:15:44 <gundalow> No reason not to. Worse case we get a larger room 19:15:51 <gregdek> Yep. 19:16:00 <rbergeron> Or multiple rooms 19:16:08 <gregdek> We'll need to get core folks in early. 19:16:58 <gregdek> So. Want to take some time to set that up? 19:17:40 <rbergeron> yeah, after this meeting? 19:17:46 <rbergeron> or tomorrow morning? 19:17:53 <gregdek> tmrw morning works 19:17:59 <gregdek> lemme check calendar 19:18:25 <gregdek> ugh, no 19:18:59 <rbergeron> lol 19:19:02 <gregdek> ok, we can do 4:30 today 19:19:11 <rbergeron> ok 19:19:37 <rbergeron> you sure you want a half hour away from the computer? i mean... you love meetings nonstop 19:19:52 * rbergeron smiles sweetly 19:19:54 <gregdek> I have a meeting at 4. 19:20:08 <gregdek> :) 19:20:22 <rbergeron> oh, silly 19:20:27 <gregdek> Moving on! 19:20:30 <gregdek> #topic Module Maintainer Guidelines 19:20:35 <abadger1999> and riposté 19:20:40 <gregdek> https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/81 19:20:47 <rbergeron> abadger1999: wot? 19:21:06 <abadger1999> rbergeron: complimenting greg on his reply ;-) 19:21:08 <gregdek> I believe it's a fencing term that translates roughly to "OH SNAP" 19:21:22 <rbergeron> ah 19:21:41 <gregdek> So! I see we have a new draft of module maintainer guidelines! 19:21:51 <rbergeron> okay, so: i have a pr for ... basically copying shit over from one to the other. 19:21:59 <gregdek> w00t 19:22:00 <rbergeron> and then we'll have to make updates to a few things. 19:22:02 <gregdek> url? 19:22:33 <rbergeron> I am conundruming a few things ... 19:22:33 <rbergeron> oh 19:22:35 <rbergeron> https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/2710 19:22:43 * gregdek looks 19:23:00 <rbergeron> it's the same. literally, because that's what we talked about, just ... refixing the name. 19:23:10 <gregdek> Yep. 19:23:21 <gregdek> The same as what's in your repo, right? 19:23:22 <rbergeron> but then we had a bunch of switcheroos in the bot since that time, and need to catch up on what is in movement there or not. 19:24:22 <rbergeron> no, i'm a moron 19:24:35 <gregdek> ? 19:25:04 <rbergeron> plz hold 19:25:09 <rbergeron> talk amongst yourselves 19:25:16 <gregdek> ok :) 19:25:26 * gregdek whistles 19:27:07 <gundalow> moooo 19:27:41 <rbergeron> okay 19:27:43 <rbergeron> i fixed it 19:27:51 <rbergeron> so yes! the same as what's in my repo except a minor fix 19:28:06 <rbergeron> well, a removal of a line that was a "should we x or y" 19:28:50 <gregdek> OK! 19:29:28 <rbergeron> but same things apply from above about need to fix minor link-ish things that i outlined in the issue 19:29:32 <gregdek> So this should pass travis, and when it does, I'll merge. 19:29:38 <rbergeron> thank you! 19:29:47 <gregdek> And you can submit extra PRs. 19:29:52 <gregdek> Can you remove a file as a PR? 19:30:25 <gregdek> I guess we'll figure it out! 19:30:28 <rbergeron> I have no idea. 19:30:37 <gregdek> OK, well, it's moving. 19:30:42 <gregdek> So that's good for now. 19:30:56 <gregdek> And I need a break :) 19:31:08 <gregdek> Anything else critical this go-round? 19:31:14 <rbergeron> no. 19:31:52 <gregdek> gundalow? 19:32:34 <gundalow> nah 19:33:04 <rbergeron> okay then! 19:33:08 <gundalow> I will speak with privateip tomorrow about are plans for Brooklyn. I believe we will be doing a Network Hub again. 19:33:11 <rbergeron> ending the meeting? 19:33:18 <gregdek> yepls! 19:33:22 <gundalow> yarp 19:33:22 <gregdek> #endmeeting