19:04:34 <jimi|ansible> #startmeeting Ansible Public Core Meeting 19:04:34 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Aug 16 19:04:34 2016 UTC. The chair is jimi|ansible. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:04:34 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:04:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_public_core_meeting' 19:04:40 <jimi|ansible> ^ abadger1999 19:04:45 <newtMcKerr> here 19:04:47 <nitzmahone> Yo 19:04:58 <abadger1999> jimi|ansible: actually -- i think that's the first time we've used that name :-) 19:05:09 <jimi|ansible> not when i've been starting it 19:05:11 <abadger1999> Last time was Ansible Core Public Meeting ;-) 19:05:20 <bcoca> slight variations on theme 19:05:34 <jimi|ansible> ahh well, whatever gets us there :) 19:05:39 <bcoca> next: meeting core public ansible 19:06:02 <jimi|ansible> C.A.P. Meeting 19:06:42 <abadger1999> jimi|ansible: I just bring it up because they become different meetings in the archive. 19:06:58 <abadger1999> But it looks like we already have 5+ archives so what's one more ;-) 19:07:08 <alikins_> Yo 19:07:24 <jimi|ansible> looks like no agenda was created for today's meeting, so floor is open 19:07:25 <abadger1999> jimi|ansible: Want to chair the rest of us? 19:08:06 <bcoca> so i got a few items: possible 2.1.2? 19:08:14 <jimi|ansible> #chair abadger1999 bcoca nitzmahone mattclay alikins_ gundalow jtanner|t420 newtMcKerr Qalthos shertel Shrews mordred 19:08:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos Shrews abadger1999 alikins_ bcoca gundalow jimi|ansible jtanner|t420 mattclay mordred newtMcKerr nitzmahone shertel 19:08:16 <bcoca> module facility for 'actions' 19:08:34 <jimi|ansible> #topic 2.1.2 19:09:00 <jimi|ansible> to start off, I have not created any plans for 2.1.2, i've been focused on 2.2.0 19:09:27 <bcoca> i know, but enough problems with 2.1.1 that i think it merrits a 2.1.2, most stuff should already be in stable-2.1 19:09:42 <jimi|ansible> a lot of the things i have been fixing have hinged around performance and won't easily CP to the stable-2.1 branch 19:09:43 <bcoca> i have 1 more thing i think belongs there, i think some of the include fixes also need to go there 19:09:58 <bcoca> jimi|ansible: was not thinking about performance 19:10:11 <bcoca> taht will probably make some other patches not easy to apply 19:10:21 <jimi|ansible> bcoca: right, but a lot of the include fixes are impacted by that, because the performance stuff touched on includes a LOT 19:10:26 <jimi|ansible> yeah 19:10:51 <bcoca> localhost alone i think merrits it 19:11:06 <jimi|ansible> is that fix related to this? https://twitter.com/garthk/status/765331403890319360 19:11:11 <jimi|ansible> ^ meant to bring that up earlier 19:11:42 <bcoca> that is one of many symptoms due to the localhost being forced to always be in inventory 19:11:51 <bcoca> we have 4-6 tickets about it 19:11:59 <bcoca> was not even aware of tweet 19:12:05 <nitzmahone> At least 19:12:47 <jimi|ansible> ok 19:12:59 <nitzmahone> Do we have regression tests for the localhost stuff yet? 19:13:09 <bcoca> i just want to add json fix for s3_bucket 19:13:13 <bcoca> no, need to write em 19:15:19 <jimi|ansible> if everyone is ok with it then, lets aim to get 2.1.2 rc1 out by next Monday, meaning get fixes into stable-2.1 asap 19:15:54 <bcoca> ok, will do 19:17:12 <jimi|ansible> #agreed 2.1.2rc1 next Monday, Aug 22 19:17:27 <jimi|ansible> or should that be #action... 19:17:47 <ryansb> bcoca: let me know when you have a draft of the s3_bucket bit 19:17:50 <ryansb> I can review/test 19:19:41 <jimi|ansible> bcoca: anything else? 19:19:58 <bcoca> ryansb: Pr is up 19:20:06 <bcoca> jimi|ansible: the 'action's facility 19:20:10 <ryansb> cool 19:20:32 <bcoca> https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/2735 19:20:36 <jimi|ansible> #topic actions facility 19:20:39 <ryansb> cool, thanks 19:20:45 <jimi|ansible> bcoca: what is that exactly? 19:21:05 <bcoca> something nitzmahone and chouseknecht added to azure/docker modules, basically a list of 'actions attempted' during module run 19:21:43 <jimi|ansible> ok, i was unaware of that but it sounds cool, looking to generalize that? 19:21:46 <bcoca> instead of having each module implement their own, looking for unified way to do this and under which conditions it returns 19:21:50 <bcoca> yep 19:21:59 <nitzmahone> CHECK MODE 19:22:05 <bcoca> very useful for debug, also overlaps with diff and check mode 19:22:14 <jimi|ansible> ok, sounds like something we need to put on the 2.3 road map 19:22:27 <bcoca> nitzmahone: want to create a proposal? 19:22:28 <nitzmahone> wfm 19:22:34 <nitzmahone> Sure 19:22:57 <bcoca> nitzmahone: i would return normally during debug or check mode (to show what would have happened) 19:22:57 <jimi|ansible> #action nitzmahone to create a proposal for the module action facility 19:23:06 <nitzmahone> Exactly 19:23:15 <linuxdynasty> i'm just curious can we add an option like a test mode. since I have been using the check_mode option as a test mode 19:23:22 <nitzmahone> I don't think it needs to be opt in either 19:23:22 <linuxdynasty> especially with cloud modules 19:23:43 <bcoca> linuxdynasty: can you define how you see check_mode then? 19:23:45 <jimi|ansible> nitzmahone: well we could intercept anything sent to run_command or file stuff easily enough 19:23:52 <jimi|ansible> however any api calls would have to be opt-in 19:24:15 <bcoca> run_command already intercepts for debug/logging, so easy to add there 19:24:17 <linuxdynasty> For me diff mode, is what would change and the difference and check mode, is a dry run of the module itself 19:24:18 <jimi|ansible> but we can bikeshed hat later 19:24:23 <jimi|ansible> that 19:24:25 <nitzmahone> I just meant that it didn't need to be a separate mode like check/diff 19:24:38 <jimi|ansible> nitzmahone: right, it's more like auto debugging 19:24:43 <nitzmahone> Obviously most modules will need to as support 19:24:48 <bcoca> nitzmahone: agreed, i think it should happen when debug and/or check_mode 19:24:50 <nitzmahone> *add 19:25:13 <bcoca> well, like we did with debug, starting in run_command takes care of a lot 19:25:24 <linuxdynasty> so for me in the aws modules, I want to be able to run an integration test, which would be in check mode and not actually run the boto3 commands but validate against a static tests in the module itsel 19:25:25 * resmo waves 19:25:32 <nitzmahone> Certainly for core mods 19:25:47 <bcoca> linuxdynasty: that seems something more for the testing framework than built into module facilities 19:26:01 <ryansb> linuxdynasty: therre's a lib that lets you run tests like that 19:26:05 <ryansb> it's called "placebo" 19:26:10 <ryansb> (boto3 only, no boto) 19:26:20 <bcoca> ^ another reason to port to boto3 19:26:28 <jimi|ansible> also moto 19:26:50 <linuxdynasty> I am fine with using placebo as long as we could include placebo with shippable 19:27:09 <bcoca> @mattclay ? 19:27:13 <linuxdynasty> and the recorded calls included (do not include private data obviously) 19:27:28 <bcoca> linuxdynasty: there is testing meeting group, probably should shift that there 19:27:36 <linuxdynasty> kk 19:27:37 <nitzmahone> Could be a decent stopgap for cloud module integration tests 19:27:58 <bcoca> depends on every cloud having one 19:28:16 <ryansb> for clouds that don't there's always manual mocking 19:28:21 <nitzmahone> >0 better than 0 19:28:30 <ryansb> but tbh with some cloud modules as small as they are, mocking sorta defeats the purpose 19:28:33 <linuxdynasty> would it be to soon to include this https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/17039 bcoca 19:28:40 <nitzmahone> Ugh manual mocking 19:28:46 <linuxdynasty> I have been manually mocking 19:28:53 <linuxdynasty> on all of my modules :( 19:29:02 <bcoca> ^ that was my 3rd item before we got distracted into cloud testing 19:29:12 <linuxdynasty> my bad for taking us on a tangent 19:29:48 <bcoca> abadger1999, was looking for good way for generalizing that and using api.py's retry also, can we have derived classes in diff files in module_utils? ec2.py have AWSRetry and main retry in cloud.py or api.py? 19:30:11 <abadger1999> bcoca: yes. With ansiballz that will work 19:30:38 <abadger1999> note -- api.py seems like a bad name but it's already in module_utils so.... 19:30:52 <bcoca> ^ i asked, no one had better name 19:31:04 <bcoca> its generic functions/decorators for anyone using a remote api with a module 19:31:28 <bcoca> retry/backoff, etc, this PR is a much more featurefull version and adds aws specific one 19:31:28 <abadger1999> timeout.py retry.py, etc. 19:31:29 <mattclay> linuxdynasty: Including placebo on Shippable should be fine. 19:31:40 <abadger1999> If itss shipped, then its too late to do something different, though. 19:31:54 <linuxdynasty> mattclay: sweet 19:31:55 <bcoca> abadger1999: added it in 2.1, not sure if anyone/anything uses it 19:32:02 <abadger1999> <nod> 19:32:14 <bcoca> abadger1999: want to take this offline and go into detail? 19:32:19 <abadger1999> bcoca: sure. 19:32:20 <bcoca> linuxdynasty: we'll keep you in loop 19:32:23 <linuxdynasty> ty 19:32:39 <bcoca> linuxdynasty: btw, really liked what you did, just trying to get something that works for most modules 19:33:13 <linuxdynasty> bcoca: makes sense, especially for cloud modules. Would love to see someone add rackspace/openstack to it 19:33:30 <linuxdynasty> but since i do not even know if racksapce or openstack or google implements the same time of rate limiting 19:33:30 <resmo> .oO(cloudstack) 19:33:43 <linuxdynasty> but the framework is there for anyone to use 19:34:26 <bcoca> linuxdynasty: some probably do, just probably not as many people hit it as with aws 19:34:48 <bcoca> mordred, Shrews see PR above 19:36:48 <jimi|ansible> #topic open floor 19:36:52 <jimi|ansible> (since we were doing it anyway) 19:37:39 <resmo> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/16492 19:38:41 <bcoca> my comments are already in ticket, to me it seem to solve a purposfully created problem 19:40:55 <resmo> it is a small change and would be big improvement in the usability of vars, can't see any downside 19:41:15 <jimi|ansible> yeah i have concerns about that, because it doesn't distinguish between being set and not set 19:41:49 <resmo> set or not set? vars are always set, defaulted 19:41:51 <abadger1999> Couldn't hte example you give at the end be done by comparing against None instead of the default value? 19:42:04 <jimi|ansible> i'd rather see that handled via a different filter which would set None to Undefined 19:42:17 <bcoca> |undefined? 19:42:33 <jimi|ansible> resmo: if i remember correctly, those methods check the params sent in, not the overall view of the module params 19:42:36 <jimi|ansible> this blurs that line 19:42:47 <jimi|ansible> since it is still "set" but now ignored 19:42:55 <resmo> jimi|ansible: correctly 19:43:22 <resmo> jimi|ansible: but if you pass the param with the "default" value it will be handled 19:43:38 <resmo> if not passed, it has the same value 19:43:44 <resmo> that feels strange 19:44:47 <jimi|ansible> but these methods aren't looking at the param as it would be internally, it's looking at it as they are passed in, just because it has some value doesn't mean anything internally (unless you're really butchering module writing) 19:47:08 <jimi|ansible> well, hrm maybe i'm misunderstanding how things are done in those methods, tracing it down (been a while since I looked...) 19:51:01 <abadger1999> I like the idea of a filter that unsets a var much better than this strategy -- but I'm not sure if that's easily achievable. 19:51:26 <jimi|ansible> ahh so yeah, this is why we have _set_defaults(pre=False) after the check, so that nothing is actually set 19:51:28 <bcoca> filter cannot really unset var as vars are not in jinja2 19:51:42 <jimi|ansible> it can make it appear unset though 19:51:48 <bcoca> var2: "{{|undefined}}" 19:52:05 <nitzmahone> Urg filter side effects 19:52:23 <jimi|ansible> well, maybe, i think jinja2 actually handles that via exceptions 19:52:38 <bcoca> it does, but vars are defined in yaml, then in ansible/python 19:52:58 <bcoca> vars have 'template as value', no real way to undefine them through a tempalte 19:53:14 <bcoca> can pass None, but python does not have 'undefined' value like perl/php 19:53:36 <bcoca> inside a template, it would work, but not in a play 19:55:23 <bcoca> that is why we have the 'magical' omit token 20:01:47 <jimi|ansible> well, wait you can actually do this with default(omit, True), which will omit if the passed in value fails as a boolean, which None should 20:05:01 <jimi|ansible> $ ansible -m debug -a "msg='this should be 'foo' => {{None|default('foo', True)}}'" localhost 20:05:35 <jimi|ansible> or, with omit: 20:05:37 <jimi|ansible> $ ansible -m debug -a "msg='{{None|default(omit, True)}}'" localhost 20:05:39 <jimi|ansible> localhost | SUCCESS => { 20:05:40 <jimi|ansible> "msg": "Hello world!" 20:05:42 <jimi|ansible> } 20:05:48 <jimi|ansible> ^ resmo 20:06:38 <jimi|ansible> so, based on that, I really don't think we need to add in this work around 20:10:55 <resmo> so, you set a variable in group vars and you want to unset it in host_vars, what would the exmaple look like? 20:11:14 <bcoca> not for all cases, but you can alway msg='{{ var22 is defined|ternary(omit, var1)}}' 20:11:14 <resmo> imho this doesn't solve my the use case 20:12:37 <jimi|ansible> using your example from the PR, you override it with a nil and it would be omitted via the above syntax i gave 20:13:01 <resmo> I see 20:13:03 <bcoca> or you can check if the other value is not null/none/defined 20:13:17 <bcoca> either way, should work already 20:15:17 <resmo> yeah, doesn't look simple anymore to me to be honest 20:15:57 <jimi|ansible> {{some_var|default(omit, True)}} isn't simple? 20:18:15 <resmo> simple for us but not for the majority of users 20:19:29 <resmo> hmm if you pass nil to a required var, my patch would complain e.g. 20:20:05 <resmo> s/required var/required param/ 20:20:42 <jimi|ansible> so would the above, it would be omitted and the module would complain 20:21:16 <jimi|ansible> it's not being set to None, it's being properly omitted 20:21:26 <bcoca> no other user has even brought anything like this up, most use 'omit' when they want to make an option conditional 20:21:39 <resmo> jimi|ansible: true 20:21:53 <resmo> bcoca: most users would make 2 task and using when 20:22:09 <jimi|ansible> i would recommend adding an example here: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks_filters.html#defaulting-undefined-variables 20:22:30 <jimi|ansible> ^ we do not have that optional boolean param documented (which to be fair is really in the jinja2 docs, but it'd be nice to include in ours i think) 20:22:43 <resmo> ack 20:22:48 <jimi|ansible> thus me always forgetting about it until i look at the jinja2 docs... 20:22:50 <resmo> taking care 20:23:03 <jimi|ansible> cool 20:23:04 <resmo> of the docs update 20:23:56 <jimi|ansible> since we're past time, i'll wrap this up and we can head back to #ansible-devel 20:23:59 <jimi|ansible> #endmeeting