19:07:34 <gregdek> #startmeeting community-working-group 19:07:34 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 17 19:07:34 2016 UTC. The chair is gregdek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:07:34 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:07:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'community-working-group' 19:07:37 <rbergeron> LOL 19:07:43 <abadger1999> If you all can think of better ways to do it, feel free to let me know :-) 19:07:46 <gregdek> #topic WE GOT NEXT 19:07:50 <gregdek> #topic Roll Call 19:07:59 <alikins> blippy 19:08:17 <rbergeron> i'm more into croissants than rolls, personally 19:09:25 <gregdek> Agenda, comme toujours: https://waffle.io/ansible/community 19:09:38 <gregdek> OK, let's blow thru this thang. 19:09:44 <rbergeron> OUI 19:09:47 <gregdek> #topic Planning for Contributor Conference Brooklyn 19:09:55 <gregdek> https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/115 19:10:19 <rbergeron> whee! 19:10:21 <gregdek> Updated! 19:10:26 <gregdek> Any questions? 19:10:30 <rbergeron> So I'm on the hook for putting that in hubspot. 19:10:34 <gregdek> Yeppers. 19:10:41 <rbergeron> and i expect you to harass me about it in the morning. 19:10:46 <rbergeron> LIKE A BOSS 19:10:48 <rbergeron> literally 19:11:01 <gregdek> Will do! 19:11:05 <rbergeron> thanks! 19:11:07 <rbergeron> next? 19:11:34 <gregdek> #topic Ansiblefest SF recap 19:11:45 <gregdek> https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/93 19:11:54 <gregdek> Blog post done, waiting on Anna to post 19:11:56 <rbergeron> I think we're waiting on annaucbo's draft :) 19:12:03 <gregdek> Er, draft, yes 19:12:03 <rbergeron> or to post 19:12:06 <rbergeron> or draft! yes 19:12:15 * rbergeron gets a giant cup of tea 19:12:27 <gregdek> And once that's done, we're done with that item. 19:12:30 <gregdek> Next: 19:12:42 <gregdek> #topic Module Maintainer Guidelines 19:13:07 <gregdek> https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/81 19:13:25 <gregdek> We've got a new draft in, just need to clean up some other stuff... 19:13:50 <rbergeron> yeah, cleaning up. 19:14:15 <gregdek> Should we ask alikins to submit his changes as a PR to this file? 19:14:51 <rbergeron> ummm 19:15:02 <rbergeron> so - i think maybe a lot of that could still just go in ... 19:15:04 * rbergeron looks 19:15:16 <gregdek> If you want to Just Do It, that's fine too. 19:15:29 <rbergeron> well, i'll finish saying why -- because the same guidelines apply even if you're just submiting a PR to someone else's module. 19:15:47 <rbergeron> and if you'er not a maintainer, you might wind up missing some of that context. 19:15:56 <rbergeron> iirc. was my line of thinking 19:16:11 <rbergeron> but -- open to just having him do a PR to that file as well :) 19:16:46 <gregdek> You tell me the right answer. :) 19:17:06 <rbergeron> I think it might be best in the ... 19:17:15 <gregdek> ... 19:17:19 <gregdek> ... 19:17:22 <gregdek> !!! 19:17:28 <gregdek> ??? 19:17:35 <gregdek> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 19:17:46 <rbergeron> ughhhhhhh 19:18:13 <rbergeron> i don't know. i want to say "OMG so much redundancy" but it seems like a lot to untangle and fix, before we then ... have to sort out the core / extras stuff. 19:18:23 <gregdek> Is this doc sprint material? 19:18:40 <alikins> I'll do a pr, though maybe not soon 19:19:28 <rbergeron> gregdek: actually, probably, yeah. (i mean, the whole of the core / extras stuff probably is.) 19:19:47 <rbergeron> actually, i think this stuff from alikins is probably fine in guidelines.md 19:20:09 <gregdek> Then let's do that. If you can pull it in so alikins doesn't have to mess with the PR, so much the better. 19:20:26 <rbergeron> yeah 19:20:32 <rbergeron> um, also: i do'nt think my PR has been merged? 19:20:44 <gregdek> It hasn't? 19:20:52 <gregdek> What's the PR id? 19:21:08 <rbergeron> https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/2710 19:22:05 <gregdek> abadger1999 bcoca any reason we can't just merge this new GUIDELINES.md file into extras? 19:22:37 <gregdek> It's just a new top level text file, so I would just merge, but I vaguely remember some reason for being careful with top-level files like that...? 19:22:52 * abadger1999 checks 19:23:43 <abadger1999> gregdek: I think it will be okay if it's not a directory and doesn't end in .py or .ps1.... I say merge it to devel only -- we'll find out pretty quickly if there's a problem. 19:24:02 <gregdek> ok will do, thx! 19:24:41 <gregdek> Done. 19:24:59 <rbergeron> WOOO 19:25:20 <rbergeron> okay, then i'll make a PR to that. Unless things go awry. 19:25:21 <gregdek> ok, next? 19:25:23 <gregdek> Yep. 19:25:37 <gregdek> #topic Public Metrics 19:25:46 <gregdek> https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/38 19:25:54 <gregdek> newtMcKerr: any update on ^^^? 19:27:13 <gregdek> I'll say that's a "no" for now. 19:27:18 <rbergeron> :) 19:27:20 <newtMcKerr> JCTanner is working on a bunch of this stuff and has it coming along. Data and graphs. 19:27:33 <gregdek> okeydoke! 19:27:37 <newtMcKerr> not sure if I’m allowed to post those yet :) 19:27:37 <gregdek> Should I reassign to him? 19:27:40 <newtMcKerr> yes please. 19:27:44 <gregdek> will do, thx! 19:28:00 <gregdek> jtanner|t420: you're now on the hook for that one :) 19:28:16 * jtanner|t420 reads up 19:28:37 <jtanner|t420> https://jctanner.github.io/ 19:28:46 <newtMcKerr> yay, that ^ 19:28:54 <gregdek> ooooOoooo! 19:28:57 <jtanner|t420> updated ~hourly 19:29:22 <gregdek> I'm so glad there's an actual engineer working on this stuff now. 19:29:23 <jtanner|t420> i broke the galaxy one, but i'll fix it soon 19:29:30 <newtMcKerr> (thanks tanner, didn’t think those were for public consumption yet) 19:29:39 <newtMcKerr> er…thanks :) 19:29:40 <rbergeron> fun! 19:29:40 <jtanner|t420> it's public data, so i don't mind 19:31:00 <gregdek> w00t 19:31:03 <gregdek> ok. 19:31:05 <jtanner|t420> i'm not able to assign issues to myself in the community repo 19:31:12 <linuxdynasty> abadger1999: or bcoca have you guys made a decision on the retry/backoff PR https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/17039? Just following up. 19:31:32 <linuxdynasty> oops wrong channel, should have asked in devel 19:31:34 <linuxdynasty> sorry 19:31:40 <gregdek> no worries :) 19:31:47 <gregdek> #topic Testing Working Group 19:31:54 <gregdek> (jtanner|t420 I will add you after the mtg) 19:32:09 <jtanner|t420> k, thnx 19:32:27 <gregdek> https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/47 19:32:32 <gregdek> IT LIVES 19:32:37 <gregdek> so closing. Thx gundalow! 19:33:13 <rbergeron> :) 19:33:14 <rbergeron> yay 19:34:12 <gregdek> Closed. 19:34:23 <gregdek> And jtanner|t420 I've added you to the community team and assigned you that issue. 19:34:27 <gregdek> Next: 19:34:29 <jtanner|t420> thanks 19:34:33 <gregdek> Meetups. I've done nothing on mine, sigh. 19:34:56 <rbergeron> Bummer. 19:34:58 <rbergeron> Mine is next week! 19:35:01 <rbergeron> wish me luck! 19:35:03 <rbergeron> :D 19:35:06 <gregdek> GOOD LUCK! 19:35:10 <rbergeron> THANKS! 19:35:21 <rbergeron> When i'm done, i'm gonna take myself to see a movie, maybe. 19:35:30 <gregdek> You do that. 19:35:34 <rbergeron> probably not though 19:35:37 <gregdek> I'll get mine scheduled tomorrow. 19:35:42 <rbergeron> :) 19:36:12 <gregdek> OK, that's it. 19:36:15 <gregdek> #topic open floor 19:36:20 <gregdek> Anyone have anything else? 19:36:28 <rbergeron> Ansiblefest! coming up yo 19:36:31 <rbergeron> that's it. 19:36:45 <gregdek> We covered that first! 19:36:57 <rbergeron> no, we talked about the contributor thing 19:37:04 <rbergeron> which is the day before ansiblefest 19:37:06 <rbergeron> :) 19:37:19 <rbergeron> i'll just shut up now, because brain is terrible 19:37:41 <gregdek> Ah right, ok. 19:37:46 <gregdek> Technically correct. 19:37:50 <gregdek> *Technically*. 19:37:55 <gregdek> Anything else? 19:38:00 <rbergeron> Not technically. 19:38:01 <gregdek> Anyone? Anyone? 19:38:04 <rbergeron> :p 19:38:06 <gregdek> YES TECHNICALLY 19:38:13 <rbergeron> I meant not technically anything else. 19:38:22 <gregdek> Ohhhhh lol 19:38:30 <rbergeron> #endmeeting 19:38:33 <rbergeron> oh great 19:38:36 <gregdek> #chair rbergeron 19:38:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: gregdek rbergeron 19:38:40 <rbergeron> #endmeeting