16:01:00 <gundalow> #startmeeting Networking meeting 16:01:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 24 16:01:00 2016 UTC. The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'networking_meeting' 16:01:08 <gundalow> #chair Qalthos privateip 16:01:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos gundalow privateip 16:01:27 <gundalow> Hey eveyone, who's around? 16:01:34 * caphrim007 raises hand 16:01:35 <gundalow> caphrim007: hi 16:01:40 * mhite waves 16:01:45 <privateip> good day all 16:01:46 * Qalthos 🌊🌊 16:02:18 <gundalow> Agenda as always https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/110 16:02:48 <gundalow> #topic Tracking Network OS versions 16:04:06 <caphrim007> gundalow: i've added some topics 16:04:11 <gundalow> For now on we will be including details of the version of the network appliance that's been tested in when doing bug fixing 16:04:14 <gundalow> caphrim007: Thanks :) 16:05:30 <gundalow> privateip: You got the example, I can't see it now 16:05:56 <privateip> https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-core/pull/4523 16:05:56 <gundalow> For example a string like: Tested with VyOS 1.7 16:06:01 <gundalow> Thanks 16:06:06 <privateip> np 16:06:11 <gundalow> We also ask for that information when people raise bugs 16:07:11 <gundalow> Just as freeform text, the aim is we can 1) Track what a PR has been tested against, which helps if bugs are found later on 2) Lets us know what people are using 16:07:15 <gundalow> privateip: anything you'd like to add? 16:08:30 <stianvi> gundalow - this should also include hardware version/type too? 16:08:44 <gundalow> stianvi: excellent question. I think that would be useful 16:08:53 <stianvi> i.e. qfx5100 junos 15.1R4 16:09:36 <gundalow> One would hope that the APIs are common across appliances, however that may not be the case 16:10:13 <privateip> hw is nice to have but the os will be the req element 16:10:24 <privateip> in some cases hw just doesn't make sense 16:11:54 <gundalow> It's a new thing, we will try it out and see how it works. Easy to adjust in the future 16:12:42 <gundalow> Any other questions/thoughts on that? 16:12:47 <mhite> Seems reasonable. 16:13:49 <gundalow> #topic 2.2 code freeze 16:14:11 <gundalow> #info Ansible 2.2 is coming. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ansible-devel/Ce5uNA5TnJ0 16:14:27 <gundalow> #n preparation for major releases, we will be instituting a "feature freeze" before the first release candidate. For 2.2, the last day to add features will be Monday, September 5th. 16:14:31 <gundalow> During this period, no new features will be added to the devel branch as we stabilize the code and prepare to create the stable-2.2 branch. This freeze will last at least 2 weeks, but could last up to a month or more depending on any bugs we find related to the new features we've created in the devel branch. 16:14:41 <gundalow> .. 16:15:27 <gundalow> So the Network group, like the rest of the Core Engineering Team are busy finishing off their features for that 16:15:29 <caphrim007> does that date apply to -extras too? 16:16:04 <gundalow> caphrim007: -extra will be ~ 2 weeks after that 16:16:08 <caphrim007> k 16:16:19 <gundalow> I see you have more modules for us :) 16:16:46 <stianvi> so just for the core and core-modules? 16:16:46 <caphrim007> yeah i wanted to get them in before 2.2 window closed 16:16:54 * privateip labels caphrim007 "the module machine" 16:17:00 <gundalow> +! 16:17:03 <gundalow> +1 16:17:10 <linuxdynasty> +1 16:17:42 <mhite> @caphrim007 is definitely beast mode on the F5 modules right now. 16:17:56 <gundalow> stianvi: I think we will allow some modules-core changes in, though maybe not as long a window as modules-extras 16:18:33 <stianvi> thanks gundalow 16:19:22 <gundalow> #topic Ansible 2. Network Modules updates 16:19:27 * gundalow hands over to privateip 16:19:34 <privateip> thx 16:19:46 <privateip> just a quick update for those here (and those reading at home later) 16:20:00 <privateip> you might have noticed a flurry of commits this week 16:20:12 <privateip> we are starting to get the network 2.2 refactor merged back into devel 16:20:27 <privateip> as of now the following are code complete (still in testing) 16:20:35 <privateip> ios_config, ios_commnad, ios_facts 16:20:41 <privateip> nxos_config, nxos_command 16:20:50 <privateip> eos_command, eos_config 16:21:00 <privateip> iosxr_command, ios_config (coming today) 16:21:08 <privateip> iosxr_command, iosxr_config** (coming today) 16:21:16 <privateip> vyos_command, vyos_config 16:21:21 <privateip> still to come 16:21:32 <privateip> ops_command, ops_config (openswitch) 16:21:37 <privateip> junos_command, junos_config 16:21:44 <privateip> facts modules for all 16:22:08 <privateip> i would suggest starting serious testing next week 16:22:21 <privateip> please file issues for anything you find 16:22:33 <privateip> lots of goodness added to both 16:22:48 <caphrim007> do those command modules use...a webservice api? 16:23:00 <privateip> where available 16:23:00 <caphrim007> or is it a cli via paramiko? 16:23:03 <caphrim007> or something else? 16:23:21 <privateip> all support cli, we have implemented api calls for those platforms that support them 16:23:53 <privateip> the two biggest changes: *_command will now enforce no config commands and *_config will now load a config from disk 16:24:07 <caphrim007> ahh ok 16:24:07 <privateip> this will ultimately allow us to deprecate *_template 16:24:41 * privateip takes a bow and returns to gundalow 16:24:48 * gundalow wakes up 16:24:59 <gundalow> Any other questions on that? 16:25:08 <privateip> haha i have a habit of doing that to people :) 16:25:30 <gundalow> nah, was just realising other stuff we needed to do and making notes :( 16:25:54 <gundalow> #topic caphrim007's F5 modules 16:26:32 <caphrim007> i sent in several. they've been baking in our other repo for a while now 16:27:29 <gundalow> privateip: Are you happy for me to merge any that have "shipit" LABEL 16:27:38 <privateip> yep 16:27:51 <caphrim007> i think i've tried to address any comments on them from mhite, gundalow, etc 16:28:06 <gundalow> Cool, I'll review after meeting and do so 16:28:10 <gundalow> caphrim007: in https://github.com/ansible/ansibullbot/blob/master/MAINTAINERS-EXTRAS.txt 16:28:12 <caphrim007> i added another pr for a bigip_facts enhancement a couple moments ago 16:28:30 <gundalow> Should the whole of network/f5 just be allocated to you? 16:28:43 <caphrim007> yeah probably, at a minimum 16:28:52 <caphrim007> mhite: want to be on that list too? 16:29:04 <caphrim007> (sees he's there) 16:29:11 <gundalow> being on that list means you will get a ping when someone raises a PR 16:29:22 <caphrim007> that's fine 16:29:29 <gundalow> `network/f5/: mhite caphrim007` 16:29:55 <gundalow> caphrim007: did you take over bigip_gtm_wide_ip.py from perzizzle? 16:30:16 <caphrim007> i think they mentioned they were ok with that? 16:30:21 <caphrim007> so I'm ok with that 16:30:28 <gundalow> cool, I'll update that 16:30:46 <caphrim007> i'll need to make sure that it's part of the f5-sdk before i move forward on it 16:31:00 <caphrim007> so it may not be ready for 2.2 16:34:14 <gundalow> caphrim007: https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/2777/files did you decide to remove the singular option ntp_server, and just use ntp_servers (with s) 16:35:04 <caphrim007> ....y......e....s..... 16:35:14 * caphrim007 goes to look at his tests 16:35:25 <gundalow> YAY TESTS 16:35:37 <gundalow> I think the docs just need trimming don 16:35:39 <gundalow> down* 16:36:09 <caphrim007> yeah it looks like i decided against the two different params 16:36:16 <caphrim007> lemme update that 16:36:24 <gundalow> aye, one option is much better 16:38:12 <gundalow> #topic Open Floow 16:38:14 <gundalow> #topic Open Floor 16:38:24 <gundalow> What else do people have? 16:38:37 <gundalow> Qalthos: Anything? 16:39:37 * Qalthos looks for the tab 16:40:12 <gundalow> #topic Provide options for SSH key checking https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/15736 16:40:16 <gundalow> #link https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/15736 16:40:23 * gundalow hands over to Qalthos 16:40:52 <Qalthos> Basically, as it is now, using shell to provide SSH connections doesn't actually do any sort of host checking 16:41:28 <Qalthos> It pretends to, but doesn't actually consult any known_hosts files, making it somewhat pointless 16:42:53 <Qalthos> This change adds three options for using shell... 'ignore', which preserves the current behavior, 'strict', which checks user and system host files and rejects hosts it doesn't know, and 'loose', which does the thing most people want 16:43:45 <Qalthos> ie, allow hosts, but check host files and write back to ~/.ssh/known_hosts (unless I misunderstand paramiko docs) 16:44:40 <privateip> +1 for loose as the default for 2.2 16:45:12 <gundalow> caphrim007: mhite stianvi What are your thoughts? 16:45:26 <gundalow> + anyone else lurking in here :) 16:45:46 <mhite> I'm ok with loose 16:46:03 <skg_net> +1 loose as default as well 16:46:08 <caphrim007> i concur 16:46:09 <Qalthos> sweet 16:46:14 <gundalow> skg_net: hi :) 16:46:45 <skg_net> @gundalow Hi 16:46:50 <Qalthos> unless anyone has any objections, I will change the default to loose and merge today, then 16:48:29 <gundalow> cool, thanks Qalthos 16:48:37 <gundalow> #topic Open Floor 16:48:41 <gundalow> Anyone got anything else? 16:49:09 <skg_net> is there a way for Ansible to persist the ssh connection 16:49:17 <skg_net> I tried ssh_args = -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s but no luck 16:50:05 <privateip> not today when using connection=local (ie cli over ssh) 16:50:31 <skg_net> Thanks 16:50:36 <privateip> for devices that offer a true linux environment then the connection can be changed to ssh in which case the control channel is persisted 16:51:27 <skg_net> ok got it..let me play around and get back 16:53:35 * gundalow makes a note to add that to the docs (when I update them) 16:55:31 <gundalow> Anything else, otherwise I'll close the meeting 16:56:13 <skg_net> Monday I will be raising PRs for DELL modules 16:56:34 <gundalow> skg_net: ah yes 16:57:29 <gundalow> skg_net: ping me here, or "@gundalow" in the PR and I'll look at it 16:57:34 <gundalow> #closemeeting 16:57:43 <gundalow> #meetingclose 16:57:48 <skg_net> ok will do it 16:57:51 <gundalow> #endmeeting