18:01:09 <gundalow> #startmeeting New Modules Meeting 18:01:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 19 18:01:09 2016 UTC. The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:01:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:01:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'new_modules_meeting' 18:01:23 <gundalow> #chair abadger1999 ryansb 18:01:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 gundalow ryansb 18:01:53 <ryansb> hello, all 18:01:54 <abadger1999> ola 18:03:56 <gundalow> Anyone got anything? 18:04:20 <ryansb> How about https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/2917 18:04:43 <ryansb> Appears to have enough shipits, if there's no objections I'll merge after this meeting 18:05:07 <ryansb> My only big gripe is that it's actually 7 modules under one PR 18:05:34 <gundalow> Version_added will need updating on the, all 18:05:37 * abadger1999 looks at one of the modules 18:05:38 <gundalow> them all* 18:06:38 <gundalow> Would be good if they used a docs_fragment for the common stuff and put the common options in module_utils 18:07:44 <gundalow> and perform_checks into module_utils 18:07:49 <gundalow> #topic https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/2917 18:08:53 <gundalow> oh, though perform_checks is different in two modules 18:09:04 <abadger1999> ryansb: Would like to see it import from ansible_module_utils without wildcards (and at the top with the other imports). 18:09:34 <abadger1999> ryansb: would like to see get_exception used instead of sys.exec_info directly (so we can remove it easier when we drop 2.4 support) 18:11:28 <ryansb> abadger1999: That's fair, can you post those on the review? 18:11:34 <gundalow> 6/7 manage_config are identicle 18:11:49 <gundalow> Do people think I should suggest module_utils for common code? 18:12:03 <abadger1999> ryansb: I'm not familiar with proxysql so Idon't know what separates it from the mysql modules. 18:12:22 <abadger1999> ryansb: I can... wanted to know if you consider these blockers or just nice to have? 18:12:31 <ryansb> Neither do I, but I also think since this is extras we shouldn't gate too hard 18:12:41 <ryansb> so maybe post as suggestions for followups? 18:13:06 <abadger1999> works for me. 18:13:11 <gundalow> +1 18:13:48 <ryansb> gundalow: same goes for your module_utils suggestion IMO, since that can be done after (and requires coordinating with ansible/ansible) 18:14:11 <gundalow> cool, will add it as a suggestion 18:15:19 <ryansb> Ok, next up we have this monster list: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/92#issuecomment-248412097 18:21:00 <ryansb> #topic Dimension Data Modules https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/92#issuecomment-248412097 18:21:05 <ryansb> Is the author here? 18:23:27 * gundalow doesn't recognise the name mpappas86 18:23:50 <gundalow> Is tima on IRC? 18:23:58 <gundalow> Would be interested to know why he added it 18:24:45 <gundalow> also that's not a new module 18:25:02 <gundalow> we looking at https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-core/pull/4054/files ? 18:25:39 <ryansb> no, at https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/2977/files 18:26:01 <ryansb> and the other 7 listed with it https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/92#issuecomment-248412097 18:28:29 <gundalow> Thanks 18:28:38 <thaumos> @ryansb et al, should we suggest, by way of docs, to do a PR per module? 18:29:29 <abadger1999> regarding the proxysql modules... I also realized the user input isn't quoted. So that's probably a blocker. Comment on the pr has links to helper code and examples in existing modules 18:29:32 <ryansb> I thought that was in the docs somewhere already...is it not? 18:29:38 <thaumos> I don’t believe so... 18:29:41 <thaumos> I can double check 18:29:48 <thaumos> Also, re: tima I can ask him to join 18:29:53 <ryansb> ok, well if not then yeah, we should document that somewhere 18:30:13 * gundalow is making notes on improving developing_modules, I'll add it to that 18:30:14 <thaumos> I’ll double check, and pr it if it doesn’t exist. 18:30:33 <gundalow> https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-testing-working-group#lineNumber=139 line 139 18:30:45 <thaumos> There’s tima 18:30:47 <tima> greetings. 18:31:29 <abadger1999> I don't think the get_dd_region stuff is going to work. 18:31:35 * abadger1999 looks for the module_utils PR to check 18:31:55 <thaumos> @gundalow, what was it that you were curious of tima adding? 18:32:25 <ryansb> the dimensiondata modules 18:33:44 * dminca reads through the lines 18:34:05 <gundalow> ergh, way too many tabs open 18:34:20 <dminca> kill`em`all 18:34:23 <dminca> :) 18:34:38 <abadger1999> okay, the dd_region() stuff definitely will not work. 18:34:44 <thaumos> lol kill -9 tabs 18:34:51 <gundalow> tima: Was just wondering why you added some PRs to the agenda, if there was a reason to speed them up, such as https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-core/pull/4054 18:35:12 <gundalow> I clear out my tabs when I accidently have two instances of Chrome running and I shut them down in the wrong order 18:35:15 <gundalow> so once a week :P 18:35:52 <thaumos> and the worse thing is when you try to restore tabs and it creates yet another instance… yeah I know that pain 18:36:21 <gundalow> on a side note, what I've found helpful on https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/110 is to edit the comments and put ~~foo~~ MERGED 18:36:34 <tima> hum. checking @gundalow. 18:36:50 <dminca> gundalow use The Extender Chrome extension 18:37:16 <ryansb> really GH issues is tough to keep uptodate with these 18:37:25 <ryansb> might be a good use for the new github dashboard things 18:37:32 <gundalow> ryansb: oh the project thing? 18:37:45 <abadger1999> the reason is there's a circular dependency of what the code needs to run... dd_region() needs libcoud to operate otherwise it throws an exception. But we need to catch that exception and use module.fail_json() to return a nice error message. But since the return from dd_region() is used in the argument_spec then we'll never be able to create the module. 18:38:03 <tima> on man that PR was from months ago @gundalow. that contributor approached me at an event months ago and said it was just sitting there with no feedback coming in. 18:38:11 <ryansb> Yeah, since basically our agenda is driven by "Is it waiting on maintainer? skip. Is it waiting for review? Review it." 18:38:18 <gundalow> tima: cool 18:38:26 <thaumos> @ryansb agreed, we should try it out. 18:38:28 <dminca> sorry, The Great Suspender 18:38:33 <thaumos> lol thanks dminca 18:38:41 <thaumos> I was thinking, umm… am I crazy I can’t find that! 18:38:42 <ryansb> thaumos: ohhh....it's one-repo :/ 18:38:46 <dminca> thaumos yw :) 18:38:55 <ryansb> Well after the merge it'll be great! 18:38:56 <thaumos> @ryansb, well… 18:38:59 <thaumos> lol exactly 18:39:13 <thaumos> test on extras? 18:39:27 <thaumos> or it can only be enabled on one 18:40:13 <ryansb> We could do one per repo as a test 18:40:17 * ryansb will give it a shot 18:40:46 <tima> @gundalow: never quite sure where to put PRs like that when someone approaches me like that. This agenda seemed like the best option. maybe not? you tell me and I'll course correct in the future. 18:41:38 <thaumos> maybe create a label or something to that affect… @ryansb / @gundalow maybe something to look at for the board? 18:41:40 <gundalow> tima: Agenda is the right place. 18:42:15 <gundalow> tima: I was only wondering as the one I picked didn't have any review comments on, so wondered if it was a customer PR that needed fast trackikg 18:42:32 <abadger1999> I think this meeting is probably the best place. 18:42:45 <abadger1999> everything else can get pushed down in priority. 18:43:39 <gundalow> I think after we merge an item in the agends we should edit and ~~strikethrough~~ it 18:43:45 <gundalow> no need for anything more complex 18:43:52 <thaumos> most of the time, for modules, it’s the partner not a customer :-) 18:46:59 <gundalow> :) 18:52:09 * gundalow has reviewed the back end of https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/92 and striked out a load of PRs that have been merged 18:55:09 <ryansb> thanks gundalow 18:55:17 <ryansb> Anybody have other PRs to bring up? 18:55:34 <gundalow> ryansb: nps, should make it easier for everyone in the future 18:55:48 <gundalow> PLEASE TEST ANSIBLE 2.2 RC2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 18:56:06 <gundalow> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 18:56:27 * gundalow isn't sure how to do blinking text in IRC 18:56:41 <ryansb> I don't think that's in the spec, luckily for us all 18:56:57 <gundalow> :sad_face: 18:57:21 <gundalow> Remember for any new modules that get merged the version_added will need updating 18:57:46 <ryansb> ^ also important 18:58:32 <gundalow> Also in modules-core and modules-extra for devel (and shortly for the stable- branches) we are using ansible-validate-modules from ansible/ansible. Any issues let me know 19:00:46 <dminca> thanks for the useful info :) 19:05:59 <gundalow> all done I guess 19:06:01 <gundalow> #endmeeting