17:01:17 <gundalow> #startmeeting Testing Working Group 17:01:17 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Nov 10 17:01:17 2016 UTC. The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:17 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:01:17 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'testing_working_group' 17:01:24 <gundalow> #chair gundalow mattclay 17:01:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: gundalow mattclay 17:01:31 <gundalow> #topic Roll call 17:01:41 <gundalow> Agenda as always is https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/114 feel free to add items 17:01:44 <thaumos> :-) 17:01:51 <gundalow> hey thaumos 17:01:58 <thaumos> herro 17:02:17 <mmaglana> hello! 17:02:18 * gundalow waits a minute for people to grab drinks between meetings and filter in 17:03:10 * lbalhar is frenzymadness from github 17:03:51 * mattclay waves 17:04:06 <gundalow> lbalhar: Glad you could make it, thanks for the offer of help with python3 stuff myself mattclay and abadger1999 are very thankful 17:05:02 <lbalhar> gundalow, I am in contact with misc and abadger1999, but most with misc because we are in same time zone 17:05:37 <gundalow> Ah, where in the world are you? 17:05:39 * gundalow is UK 17:05:43 * misc is FR 17:06:07 * lbalhar is in Czech republic 17:06:10 <gundalow> cool 17:06:21 <thaumos> all the better half of the world 17:06:35 <gundalow> #topic Python 3 compatibility 17:06:41 <gundalow> abadger1999: you around? 17:06:50 <misc> so I might have found some modules to fix ( just grep -r iteritems() in the git repo), and iterkeys(), and those who match have likely not be ported) 17:07:08 <misc> after seeing https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-core/pull/5497 17:07:26 <misc> most of them are in cloud/, so that's annoying to test 17:08:13 <mmaglana> you'll get to know mock really well. :-) 17:08:20 <lbalhar> what about creating something like roadmap from known issues and for new nice-to-have tests 17:08:51 <misc> lbalhar: we do not have much know issue for python3, except the opened bug 17:08:51 <gundalow> Etherpad or shared google doc may work well? 17:08:56 <misc> the rest are unknow issue :) 17:10:03 <lbalhar> gundalow, maybe issues are good because they can be assigned to responsible person 17:10:43 <gundalow> true 17:10:56 <mattclay> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/projects/1 17:11:05 <gundalow> mattclay: you beat me to it 17:11:08 <mattclay> That's the project for tracking Python 3 issues. 17:11:27 <gundalow> So GitHub recently added the ability to use Projects to group issues & PRs 17:12:16 <lbalhar> mattclay, perfect, I am just wondering if it is well-known because it is not that full as I expected :) 17:12:51 <misc> lbalhar: yeah, most of the time, we do PR rather than opening issue then a PR :/ 17:12:53 <gundalow> py3 migration still contains known-unknowns and unknown-unknowns 17:13:21 <misc> I am also unsure if I should open 1 ticket per module that I know wouldn't run 17:13:49 <gundalow> good question 17:14:01 <lbalhar> yes 17:14:04 <lbalhar> good question 17:14:38 <gundalow> One PR (per repo) to fix the iteritems() issues is fine. Though if you end up splitting it into a) Things I have tested b) Think I can't test, then that's fine 17:15:04 <misc> well, fixing automatically iteritems would be doable 17:15:13 <misc> but we still do not know if that's python3 ready 17:15:17 <gundalow> sure 17:15:24 <misc> I do not even know if boto is python 3 ready 17:15:49 <lbalhar> misc, what is boto? 17:16:02 <misc> lbalhar: the library used by all amazon ec2 module to do api call 17:18:34 <misc> I guess I can open at least issue for the stuff that can be tested 17:18:46 <misc> like expect, make, portage, composer 17:18:52 <lbalhar> misc, on PIP there is info that boto is Python 3 compatible 17:19:01 <lbalhar> PyPI 17:19:07 <misc> lbalhar: ok so we can reasonably assume this can work 17:20:42 <lbalhar> misc, yes, and is there any way how to run all tests on local machine? Something like using shippable locally with docker or anything else? 17:21:43 <mattclay> lbalhar: You'll either want to run the tests using docker or a VM, at least for the destructive ones. 17:22:38 <gundalow> (back in a minute) 17:22:48 <mattclay> You can run the integration tests locally. See the docs here: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/tree/devel/test/integration 17:23:59 <mattclay> Just keep in mind that not all modules have integration tests. 17:24:09 <abadger1999> sorry, back 17:24:38 <mattclay> Also, the tests usually don't cover everything a module does. 17:25:51 <lbalhar> mattclay, of course, this is my second question if there is anything like test coverage output, where I can find untested modules 17:26:19 <abadger1999> misc: For PRs, with a few simple fixes (like iteritems/using six.moves, get_exception or as exception, etc) one PR with several modules is fine. 17:27:07 <mattclay> lbalhar: Test coverage reporting for integration tests is coming. You can determine if there are tests for a module by looking for a directory in test/integration/targets/MODULE_NAME 17:27:28 <abadger1999> Issues I'm unsure about. One issue per module is better for tracking but it's a lot of work. 17:27:36 <lbalhar> mattclay, perfect, thanks 17:27:45 * gundalow returns 17:29:12 <gundalow> abadger1999: There was a previous suggestion to create a spreadsheet of all the modules and rank if they work with py3. Do you think that's still something valid to do? 17:29:12 <abadger1999> lbalhar: When I talk about multiple things being in one PR... just make sure it's not too much to review at one time. So if it's all one kind of simple change (iteritems is an example of that) then you can put a lot of modules together. If it's several different things (or involving byte vs text string) probably better to only do one module in a PR 17:29:22 <abadger1999> gundalow: I do. 17:29:30 <abadger1999> gundalow: Not sure how we fill that in... 17:29:54 <lbalhar> abadger1999, yes, you are right 17:29:56 <abadger1999> gundalow: Maybe just rely on community to fill it in. 17:30:10 <abadger1999> So that it's more informational for people looking to test and port. 17:30:25 <abadger1999> rather than for users looking at what is guaranteed to work on python3. 17:30:27 <gundalow> can use a script to list all the modules, and if their is a test directory for them. We can maybe add an "importance" column 17:30:39 <abadger1999> Yeah. 17:30:52 <abadger1999> And automated testing column, manual testing column. 17:31:01 <gundalow> cool, I'll do that 17:31:02 <abadger1999> Column to link bugs/PRs 17:31:24 <alikins> mattclay: +1 re coverage for integration tests 17:31:27 <abadger1999> misc: Note: iteritems is a good change to make but iterkeys is usually unnecessary. 17:31:27 <lbalhar> sounds good 17:31:46 <abadger1999> just do for i in dictionary: to get the keys out 17:32:49 <lbalhar> yep, and if you are interested in Python 2/3 compatible code, we are working on conservative porting guide here: http://portingguide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ 17:33:15 <lbalhar> it is still in progress, but a lot of content is already there 17:33:19 <mattclay> lbalhar: If you're looking for another one to fix, there's also switching from dict.has_key to in. 17:33:54 <mattclay> There's a few modules with that, and an inventory script. 17:35:01 <gundalow> Issue to track generating a spreadsheet https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/18456 17:35:19 <lbalhar> mattclay, I'll need to find good strategy to work on Ansible - first I want to do something with test (porting, creating new ones) to learn about Ansible's code and then I can port things in core 17:35:36 <gundalow> Do we need to track things like "dict.has_key", if so where? 17:36:10 <gundalow> maybe as another sheet in the spreadsheet? 17:36:44 <mattclay> gundalow: +1 17:36:48 <abadger1999> If there's a lot... otherwise, I'd probably write a code-smell test and then fix every place that was found. 17:37:01 <lbalhar> gundalow, I think that better will be to track incopatible modules in general that incompatible code 17:37:06 <abadger1999> or I suppose it could be good to use another sheet so that community could do that. 17:37:11 <abadger1999> Instead of me. 17:37:20 <mattclay> Once we have static analysis in place, checking for things like has_key should be easy. 17:37:28 * gundalow would prefer to use computers to track things :) 17:37:59 <mattclay> I've got a prototype extension for pylint to blacklist specific methods which are not supported on python 3 (or should otherwise not be used for various reasons). I'll be putting that in 2.3 at some point. 17:38:43 <abadger1999> Cool. pylint has a --py3k switch too... they may want that upstream. 17:39:47 <gundalow> If there are stronger linters that we can enfore for new modules that would be good 17:40:30 <alikins> the 'futurize' command will check too 17:40:40 <alikins> and pyqver to some degree 17:41:20 <gundalow> It would be good to raise the bar for new modules. I'd like to avoid the todo list growing at both ends (existing *and* new modules) 17:41:35 <alikins> (my branch of pyqver is at https://github.com/alikins/pyqver but needs to get the flake8 v3 compat merged into master) 17:42:30 <bcoca> gundalow: yet there is desire to lower the bar 17:43:01 <gundalow> bcoca: raise the bar w.r.t. py3 compatability 17:43:30 <gundalow> At the moment I believe we only do a compile test, which I don't believe spots issues like dict.has_key 17:43:38 <alikins> openstack's 'hacking' does a set of py3 compat checks as well 17:43:39 <gundalow> though please correct me if that's wrong 17:43:56 <mattclay> gundalow: You're correct. We do a py3 compile check, but it does miss things like dict.has_key. 17:44:03 <gundalow> cool 17:44:15 <gundalow> bcoca: so it's that type of thing I'd like to raise the bar on 17:44:37 <alikins> I would like to not have to hold the bar 17:44:58 <gundalow> OK 17:45:06 <gundalow> so what have we agreed on 17:45:54 <gundalow> 1) gundalow will generate a spreadsheet to track module v py3 https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/18456 - Feel free to add any comments on what else you think should be in that 17:48:14 <gundalow> 2) Initially (to make it easier for people to edit) lets add details of bad things to https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-python3 - again, please add anything you can think of 17:49:48 <abadger1999> <nod> 17:51:20 <gundalow> So, for example if someone was to fix all the dict_has_key issues, how to we stop that being reintroduced 17:51:40 <gundalow> seems like there were a few options 17:51:50 <gundalow> a) write some bash in codesmell 17:52:03 <gundalow> b) pyqver 17:52:16 <gundalow> c) Add a rule to pylint 17:52:26 <gundalow> or something else 17:52:59 <mattclay> gundalow: If we can wait a little on that, I'll cover that as part of my planned static analysis work for 2.3. 17:53:33 <gundalow> That sounds reasonable, avoids over complecating the issue 17:54:04 <gundalow> if we end up fixing all the issues, then a few get reintroduced we can fix those new instances of has_key later 17:54:12 <abadger1999> yep. If you want some bash in the meantime, that one is probably very easy to add to code-smell temporarily. 17:54:26 <abadger1999> has_key shouldn't have any false positives. 17:54:34 <abadger1999> from a simple grep. 17:54:38 <gundalow> cool 17:54:40 <mattclay> There are so few uses of has_key that I'm not too worried about it showing up again. If it does, it's an easy fix. 17:54:52 <gundalow> +1 to mattclay 17:54:54 <abadger1999> mattclay: less work, wfm :-) 17:55:06 <gundalow> How do we generate the full list of bad things? 17:55:14 <lbalhar> +1 to mattclay 17:56:08 <mattclay> That will be something I'll research as I'm selecting the static analysis rules to use (or write, as needed). 17:56:27 <bcoca> git log author=bcoca|grep fix 17:57:20 <abadger1999> heh :-) 17:57:34 <lbalhar> mattclay, take a look at coala.io 17:57:57 <gundalow> lbalhar: I know we went round the houses a bit there, does that help you? 17:58:15 <lbalhar> mattclay, https://coala.io/ 17:58:42 <mattclay> lbalhar: Thanks, I'll take a look. 17:59:11 <lbalhar> gundalow, yes, than you, the best is to learn during work and I have one task to solve in Ansible right now and next I will see what to do next 17:59:40 <lbalhar> gundalow, maybe I'll write some tests for untested modules and then I can help with Python 3 in tests/modules 18:00:18 <lbalhar> is always better to start with tests because with tests modifications you cannot break Ansible core functionality 18:01:31 <gundalow> Tests would be amazing :) 18:02:13 <gundalow> lbalhar: I'm in the UK, and mattclay is West coast. So whatever hours you happen to be online one of us should be here if you need us :) 18:02:53 <gundalow> #topic yamllint enforces for tests 18:02:58 <gundalow> So this topic is a follow on from the core meeting earlier 18:03:52 <gundalow> As people that write tests, what are your thoughts if we required all yaml files under ansible/test to be yamllint complient 18:04:19 <gundalow> misc: What do you think? 18:05:11 <gundalow> lbalhar: As people that write tests, what are your thoughts if we required all yaml files under ansible/test to be yamllint complient? 18:05:16 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/15470/files 18:07:18 <lbalhar> gundalow, I think that linting is good idea, I am working on Samba and there is nothing like this and I have to disable it in editor because otherwise I have errors on every line 18:08:04 <gundalow> cool 18:08:07 <lbalhar> gundalow, and also if your editor automatically fixes issues in files, you commits can contain unrelated changes in edited files 18:08:19 <gundalow> so that's 100% agreement from the contributors present, motion carried 18:08:26 <gundalow> #topic Open Floor 18:09:21 <gundalow> lbalhar: Talking of linters, we have a tool valled validate-module which you may have seen if you've developed a new moduled and missed version_added or made a similar issue 18:09:49 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/18439/files updates that 18:10:16 <gundalow> mattclay: I've looked at it and it seems sensible 18:11:29 <abadger1999> jtanner has a PR that enhances validate-modules: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/18439 18:11:47 <lbalhar> gundalow, thanks, it will be handy if I'll work on modules 18:12:21 <gundalow> lbalhar: aye, just an FYI really 18:12:39 <abadger1999> if ya'll want to review and merge. 18:12:48 <gundalow> abadger1999: aye, will do 18:13:01 <gundalow> Thanks for your review comments 18:13:26 <gundalow> Anyone got anything else? 18:14:11 <gundalow> lbalhar: Thanks for you time, input, ideas, and offers to help with this all 18:14:47 <lbalhar> gundalow, thanks you and all around for your help, I'll do my best 18:15:12 <gundalow> :) 18:15:15 <gundalow> #endmeeting