15:09:10 <alikins> #startmeeting Core Team Meeting 2016-12-15 15:09:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Dec 15 15:09:10 2016 UTC. The chair is alikins. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:09:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:09:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'core_team_meeting_2016-12-15' 15:09:19 <nitzmahone> Yo 15:10:52 <alikins> #topic agenda: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/147 15:11:53 <alikins> #topic https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/147#issuecomment-266483246 https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/43 - Allow people to use master as an alias for devel in git 15:12:07 <alikins> That looks like the only new agenda item. 15:12:07 * mattclay waves 15:13:32 * gundalow waves 15:14:42 <bcoca> the only issue i see with that is the initial reasons we had for not issuing a master/ ... so people would not consider it stable 15:14:55 <bcoca> that is why we have stable branches and push primarily against /devel 15:15:07 <bcoca> i persontally dont care either way 15:15:23 <agaffney> people already clone the git repo and pay no attention to the branch name and then complain that things are broken 15:15:25 <ryansb> If it wouldn't change our process, I don't see a benefit 15:15:30 <alikins> Seems reasonable to me. I guess https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/43#issuecomment-267122340 is kind of an issue (if we can do this for the github repo) 15:15:36 <bcoca> people will be confused by this no matter what we do ... also if this is biggest issue we have left in ansible ... i would be joyful 15:15:49 <nitzmahone> Curious how the alias would interact with GH protected branches if we need to lock things down... 15:16:29 <agaffney> I can understand *why* this was requested, but I think it would probably be more trouble than its worth 15:16:50 * nitzmahone would tend to agree 15:16:52 <ryansb> it would just be *more* confusing because then we'd need to keep both in sync etc 15:16:55 <bcoca> if github interactions are not clear, we should defer any decisions until we know 15:17:22 <bcoca> cannot decide w/o knowing full consequences ... its not like im POTUS 15:17:38 <agaffney> needs more twitter rants 15:18:09 <bcoca> agaffney: as author, object or bystander? 15:18:21 * allanice001 votes for master == stable 15:18:25 <alikins> main utility to me is to make random git tools that assume 'master' work by default. Also no master is kind of a unnecessary unexpected behavior without much utility aside being status quo. 15:19:25 <bcoca> im fine if it does not affect current workflow, but we cannot make a decision when we don't know the consequences on the github side, i would defer this to next meeting and have someone investigate the interatcions 15:19:36 <nitzmahone> Master as current stable would likely cause even more problems, since we rarely want direct commits to stable. 15:20:03 <alikins> #info https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/43#issuecomment-267122340 Unclear if github supports the branch alias 15:20:27 <bcoca> so any discussion now is not that useful until we KNOW 15:20:31 <alikins> #info <nitzmahone> Curious how the alias would interact with GH protected branches if we need to lock things down... 15:22:30 <alikins> #action Figure out if this works on github. dag, bcoca, abadger1999 15:23:03 <alikins> I'd say that topic is covered for now. 15:23:26 <alikins> Next topic? 15:26:17 <abadger1999> yep. 15:26:34 <abadger1999> (Lots of merge requests to cover?) 15:27:12 <nitzmahone> I'm doing fale's Windows set this am 15:27:54 <fale> nitzmahone: thanks :) 15:30:57 <alikins> #topic Pull request discussions 15:32:39 <abadger1999> bcoca: wew were wondering if you'd be responsible for this one: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/19027 15:32:58 <abadger1999> launchd module. You started the review in the extras repo. 15:34:55 <abadger1999> Qalthos/gundalow: Are one of you okay to take: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/19046 ? 15:35:22 <bcoca> i had my own version well before that one, i was thinking of merging both (that one does not cover older OS X) 15:37:05 * gundalow looks 15:37:45 <gundalow> set Qalthos as the reviewer 15:37:49 <abadger1999> k 15:38:57 <abadger1999> gundalow: This one is waiting on networking group info: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/19038.. Will you put it back on the radar when it's ready? 15:39:30 <abadger1999> privateip: This one it looks like we're rejecting but need a note from you as to why? https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/19045 15:41:22 <abadger1999> bcoca: <nod> Maybe share your implementation with the reporter and see if they can merge? 15:41:44 <abadger1999> jtanner: Not sure what to do about htis one: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/19049 (vmware_guest) Looks like there's an alternate implementation and the two submitters are trying to hash out which is the right direction. 15:42:09 <bcoca> i did in the original ticket 15:42:10 <abadger1999> jtanner: We might have to make a decision for them to unblock them. 15:42:29 <jtanner> ping davix, have him review 15:43:17 <jtanner> oh, this is a merge conflict ... 15:44:46 <jtanner> meh, i'll let dav1x pick the right one 15:44:48 <abadger1999> bcoca: I think the reporter is saying they merged your changes here: https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/3073#issuecomment-251127070 15:46:43 <abadger1999> nitzmahone: Is this one on your radar as well: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/19070 ? 15:46:58 <bcoca> abadger1999: need to look into that as that comment makes little sense to me 15:47:11 <bcoca> also not having OS X ... makes it hard for me to test his assertions 15:47:27 <nitzmahone> abadger1999: yep 15:47:44 <abadger1999> bcoca: yeah -- at some point we jsut have to accept their code because it doesn't seem wrong and we can't test it. 15:48:07 <mattclay> nitzmahone: Here's another one that just passed tests: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/19147 15:48:34 <bcoca> abadger1999: but it does things that are contrary to what the docs say is right 15:49:08 <abadger1999> bcoca: <nod> Can only point it out and ask. 15:49:43 <bcoca> i did and his answer confuses me 15:50:10 <nitzmahone> mattclay: the PS versions in there match aws AMIs, but not fresh installs (2008+R2 are both PS2 out of the box) 15:51:02 <abadger1999> bcoca: yeah... Maybe ask for integration tests that can run in our macosx CI? 15:51:12 <bcoca> do we have that now? 15:51:17 <mattclay> nitzmahone: Yeah, I was assuming they knew the stock PS versions, my answer was just to address what we use in our CI infra. 15:51:20 <abadger1999> If the tests pass then documentation is wrong 15:51:42 <bcoca> not really, the thing is that it has changed wildly across OS X versions 15:51:58 <bcoca> i just used the part that was common to most 15:52:13 <bcoca> he is using the 'newer' version which has also been reported as faulty/unstable 15:52:42 <abadger1999> mattclay: ^ Is our osx shippable testing able to test launchd/service? 15:52:43 <bcoca> its not an easy one as the underlying tools are a mess 15:53:24 <mattclay> abadger1999: It's just a regular osx VM, so I can't think of a reason why it wouldn't work. 15:53:49 <mattclay> If I need to add more osx versions to CI, I can do that. 15:55:32 <abadger1999> bcoca: <nod> I think if it works on his machine and in our CI that's more testing than if we wrote the code ourselves... If he's responsive to issues then that's better than we can do ourselves (not having OSX to develop on) 15:55:43 <bcoca> the problem is that many Mac users never upgrade, last i looked like 20% of them are using 'unsupported' versions 15:56:26 <allanice001> bcoca: it may be a hardware limitation thing too 15:56:33 <abadger1999> Then we document in the module that it doesn't work with those versions of macOS. 15:56:42 <bcoca> yes, that is part of it, older hardwrae CANNOT upgrade 15:57:41 <abadger1999> we already say that certain modules don't work if python is too old or python library is too old... that it's not supported if your OS version is ancient, etc... 15:57:44 <bcoca> abadger1999: but mine would work with those 15:57:54 <allanice001> abadger1999: perhaps document as “untested / unsupported”? 15:58:10 <bcoca> and not even ancient, its 1-2 versions older the launch system has undergone many changes 15:58:23 <bcoca> current is supposed to be backwards compat, that is why i prefered using the old semantics 15:58:47 <allanice001> also on mac, with homebrew, you can run newer python 15:59:03 <abadger1999> bcoca: Then push yours and let him add onto it with appropriate documentation that feature foo/param bar doesn't work unless macosx is >= $version 16:00:08 <bcoca> allanice001: that was example, im pretty sure we can go back lots farther in os x versions than some linux distros and still have a minmal python we can use 16:00:21 <allanice001> true 16:00:33 <bcoca> abadger1999: that was my plan, as soon as i had time to incorporate some changes from his 16:00:42 <allanice001> i guess it also becomes more complex in Wind0ze 16:00:43 <bcoca> i just have not had the time 16:00:53 * bcoca brings out 100' pole 16:01:08 * allanice001 running latest os on mac, and just getting to grips with ansible codebase 16:01:10 <bcoca> actually, windows has been mostly the same since everyting is NT based 16:01:14 <abadger1999> bcoca: right... but we can't block people doing work on us not having time. 16:01:15 <bcoca> net service 16:01:24 <allanice001> let me know if you need assist with specific testing 16:01:57 <bcoca> allanice001: both modules are out there, if you can check them and see what works/fails it would be great, we had some internal users with OS X but they never had time to test 16:02:09 <bcoca> now we have OS X testing ... i should also test that out 16:02:30 <bcoca> ^ have not touched any of this in a while cause of lack of OS X resources 16:02:54 <mattclay> bcoca: You can use ansible-test to get a short-lived (45 minutes) shell on our osx CI infra, if you need it. You'll just need an access key. 16:03:14 <abadger1999> bcoca: so we need to push it one step farther down the road... If that means pushing your code out and even though you aren't happy with it and letting him modify then we need to do that; if it means accepting his PR and slowly making it support older versions, then we do that. 16:04:42 <allanice001> abadger1999 & bcoca : are you only using travis for CI ? 16:04:51 <bcoca> shippable 16:04:51 <alikins> any conclusions/info/agreed/actions from whatever the osx version discussion is about? 16:05:20 <abadger1999> allanice001: https://app.shippable.com/projects/573f79d02a8192902e20e34b/status/ 16:05:36 <allanice001> #action allanice001 to test modules on OSx 10.12.2 16:05:39 <bcoca> mattclay: i might ping you later, have not had time to look at any of that 16:06:17 <bcoca> abadger1999: fine, if you have the time, feel free to take, im still playing catch up to last week and trying to fix async 16:06:36 <alikins> #info osx launchd pr https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/19027 16:06:37 <bcoca> also, we might have no_log leek to callbacks 16:07:03 <alikins> thats an hour, so calling #endmeeting 16:07:06 <alikins> #endmeeting