16:30:31 <nitzmahone> #startmeeting Windows Working Group 16:30:31 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Mar 17 16:30:31 2017 UTC. The chair is nitzmahone. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:30:31 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:30:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'windows_working_group' 16:31:11 <daBONDi> hi 16:31:21 <daBONDi> i could make it but i'm still @ work :D 16:31:24 <nitzmahone> #info agenda https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/153 16:31:44 <nitzmahone> daBONDi: sneaky bugger ;) 16:32:54 <daBONDi> @nitzmahon will try my best not to get catched :D 16:32:56 * gundalow waves 16:33:25 <nitzmahone> #chair gundalow 16:33:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: gundalow nitzmahone 16:33:42 <gundalow> Just idling, feel free to ping if there is anything 16:33:53 <gundalow> Good work on getting this running :) 16:34:37 <gundalow> #info 2.3 RC1 is releases, please test it :) https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ansible-devel/V2ESSQqLnS0 16:34:44 <gundalow> that's all I had :) 16:34:45 <nitzmahone> https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/153#issuecomment-283631500 has been merged 16:34:58 <daBONDi> @gundalow running on it currently in production :-) 16:35:04 <gundalow> daBONDi: woot 16:35:59 * daBONDi Living on the bleeding edge, and get constantly cut in half 16:36:25 <nitzmahone> daBONDi: that's gutsy- any new issues yet? 16:36:33 <nitzmahone> (and how's the performance?) 16:36:53 <daBONDi> currently not, i run devel before so no new changes on winrm performance :D 16:37:30 <daBONDi> found only 1 bug, but need to search for it before i will whine an issue :-) since change to pipelinemode win_reboot fail 16:37:57 <nitzmahone> I've only got one more "known" rabbit to pull out on performance (reusing WinRM shell between tasks, another ~15-20% boost) 16:38:05 <nitzmahone> That'll probably be 2.4 16:38:07 <daBONDi> yeah that would be awesome 16:38:19 <daBONDi> makes quite a bumb with my cascade roles and playbooks 16:38:31 <nitzmahone> Hrm, interesting- we're using win_reboot in CI now, so I'd be surprised 16:38:51 <daBONDi> prbly its on my fault somewhere :D 16:39:00 * nitzmahone fingers crossed ;) 16:39:26 <daBONDi> the stuff to get alle 5 ps outputs would be awesome 16:40:00 <daBONDi> searched for a problem 5 days long with a psdsc plugin, and if i could catch the outputs easiler i would found it faster :D 16:40:12 <nitzmahone> Yeah, I'm actually going to be playing with a prototype of that soon to help debug some PS code that I can only run under WinRM (eg, not under a debugger) 16:40:27 <nitzmahone> It'd be released with 2.4 at the earliest though 16:40:43 <nitzmahone> Are you using trond's win_dsc stuff? 16:40:56 <daBONDi> yeah nearly 70% of my usage is on win_dsc5 16:41:16 <nitzmahone> Cool- when we get further into 2.4 planning I may want to pick your brain about how that's been going. 16:41:34 <nitzmahone> Gotta decide what our "official" DSC story wil be 16:41:44 <nitzmahone> sup dag 16:41:49 <daBONDi> need to make some commits to his module but got some bugfixes for him 16:41:49 <nitzmahone> #chair dag 16:41:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: dag gundalow nitzmahone 16:42:01 * mattclay waves 16:42:08 * daBONDi waves 16:42:08 <nitzmahone> #chair mattclat 16:42:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: dag gundalow mattclat nitzmahone 16:42:16 <nitzmahone> #chair mattclay 16:42:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: dag gundalow mattclat mattclay nitzmahone 16:43:24 <nitzmahone> dag: anything burning you want to discuss? We can pluck a couple things off the old backlog 16:44:32 <nitzmahone> #topic 2.3 status 16:44:54 <nitzmahone> RC1 has shipped, and there will definitely be an RC2, probably mid-late next week 16:45:04 <bcoca> https://github.com/bcoca/ansible/tree/doc2args <= @privateip, based on your 'compiler' but for 'runtime' 16:45:23 <nitzmahone> bcoca: wrong channel? 16:45:24 <bcoca> MT, wrong channel 16:45:35 * bcoca is really suffering w/o coffeee 16:46:12 <nitzmahone> I've got 2 remaining "known issues" on RC1 that should hopefully be squared for RC2 (environment keyword issues, become breaks under ntlm/kerb) 16:46:59 <nitzmahone> Will definitely have tests to catch the first, and will try to get some tests in for the second, but tests can dribble in anytime 16:47:28 <daBONDi> You got Issue Numbers for the 2 ? 16:48:56 <nitzmahone> Remaining bugfix merging for 2.3.0 is in "conservative" mode, so the wider ranging the change, the less likely it is to get merged. 16:49:03 <nitzmahone> daBONDi: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aopen%20label%3AP2%20label%3Awindows 16:49:17 <nitzmahone> P2 is usually considered a release-blocking issue 16:50:19 <nitzmahone> #topic open floor 16:50:43 <daBONDi> #22218 i think that would not be possible withtout killing the Winrm Connection and Reconnect 16:50:47 <daBONDi> because of the Kerberos Ticket 16:51:18 <daBONDi> and then you got a problem with other hosts and a differnet kerberos ticket 16:51:49 <nitzmahone> Nah, this is "fancier" than that- we open a new logon session under the existing WinRM session 16:52:15 <nitzmahone> I think it's getting hung up on the WinRM job object when we're using NTLM/kerb 16:53:02 <nitzmahone> I'm hoping I can adapt the same technique I use to make async work, but I'm flying blind because none of the auditing I've enabled shows me which object it's getting Access is Denied from when I call CreateProcessWithLogonW 16:53:04 <daBONDi> think UAC blocks you on 16:53:16 <nitzmahone> Fails the same with with or without. 16:53:26 <nitzmahone> And it works on the same user with CredSSP or Basic auth 16:53:50 <daBONDi> that are different auth mechanism 16:53:51 <nitzmahone> Pretty sure it's just an overly restrictive ACL on an inherited handle 16:54:28 <nitzmahone> But this is an underlying system call to CreateProcessWithLogonW- it shouldn't matter how I auth'd initially. 16:54:45 <daBONDi> you using local accounts or Domain accounts ? 16:54:56 <nitzmahone> Same behavior either way 16:55:28 <daBONDi> so the "LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy" is disabled, mhh 16:55:55 <daBONDi> will try to make a PoC on weekend maybe i find something :-) a other set of eyes works wonders :-) 16:56:24 <nitzmahone> Yeah, it's not a matter of missing admin privs- I have everything I need, but CreateProcessWithLogonW internally calls a number of other Win32 APIs, one of which is saying "nuh-uh" 16:57:14 <nitzmahone> I'm about 80% sure I know a way to fix it, but I have to write a bunch more p/invoke defs and convert some stuff from using .NET Process class to naked Win32 APIs like async does. 16:57:49 <nitzmahone> Anyway- last chance for other topics- going once... 16:58:13 <mattclay> win_chocolatey test failures 16:58:43 <nitzmahone> That's another one I think we'll have to run an internal endpoint to make reliable. 16:58:57 <nitzmahone> (NuGet server) 16:59:02 <mattclay> It's been failing installing sysinternals with "Error installing sysinternals" 16:59:33 <mattclay> I haven't done that before, how much work is involved? 16:59:38 <nitzmahone> I've been hitting that a lot locally as well- I think there are some bad state assumptions in those tests as well 17:00:16 <nitzmahone> It's been a long time for me too, but I think there's an option similar to repomd where you can just use a static file HTTP server 17:01:13 <nitzmahone> It'd probably be good if we used a smaller package for that process too, like procmon or procexp. 17:01:14 <daBONDi> i think you can have local feeds if you the test runs in a windows vm 17:01:44 <nitzmahone> Yeah, we'd have to override the endpoints, but that's easy. 17:02:17 <nitzmahone> mattclay: something to put on the list... 17:02:28 <nitzmahone> For now, leaving the failing tests disabled is ok IMO 17:02:33 <mattclay> OK 17:03:13 <daBONDi> i have 1 question 17:03:27 <nitzmahone> mattclay: Getting the local choco endpoint setup would be a good thing, and once that's there, we can reenable, but I think you've got higher priority stuff right now IIRC 17:03:33 <nitzmahone> daBONDi: shot 17:03:34 <nitzmahone> shoot 17:03:47 <daBONDi> when i test an PR and it is ok what should i respond to him as non main dev 17:04:25 <nitzmahone> mattclay: do you remember what the bot likes for that? was it "works_for_me" or what? 17:04:39 <mattclay> I'd have to look it up. 17:05:05 <mattclay> https://github.com/ansible/ansibullbot/blob/master/ISSUE_HELP.md 17:05:48 <daBONDi> @mattclay THX 17:05:52 <daBONDi> so i can help a bit :-) 17:06:21 <daBONDi> will look @ #22730 this weekend, prbly something my fault :-) was my commit 17:06:28 <nitzmahone> Actually it doesn't look like the bot is counting those yet, but I'll definitely see them, so just "tested: works for me" or whatever is fine 17:06:46 <nitzmahone> thanks! 17:07:19 <nitzmahone> ok, wrapping up in 5... 17:07:34 <nitzmahone> 4.. 17:07:43 <nitzmahone> 3.. 17:07:45 <nitzmahone> 2.. 17:07:48 <nitzmahone> 1.. 17:08:07 <nitzmahone> OK, next meeting is Mon/Tue in 2 weeks- thanks all! 17:08:14 <nitzmahone> #endmeeting