16:01:01 <gundalow> #startmeeting Network Meeting 16:01:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 29 16:01:01 2017 UTC. The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'network_meeting' 16:01:20 <gundalow> #chair Pilou rcarrillocruz Qalthos 16:01:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pilou Qalthos gundalow rcarrillocruz 16:01:26 <gundalow> bah 16:01:31 <gundalow> sorry Pilou tabcomplete fail 16:01:42 <st8less> @djustice from NTC here. 16:01:44 <lanyon> hello 16:01:52 <Qalthos> hello 16:01:57 <gundalow> st8less: Welcome 16:02:05 <gundalow> hi lanyon, you from networktocode? 16:02:14 <lanyon> yea aka ebeahan :-) 16:02:47 <gundalow> ah, welcome :) 16:02:58 <gundalow> Peter (privateip) will be joining shortly 16:03:11 <gundalow> will just wait for him, and others to join in 16:03:17 <gundalow> #topic Core Update 16:03:41 <kennc> hi kcelenza here as well :) 16:04:51 <gundalow> z3nbr3w: Hi :) 16:05:17 <gundalow> #info Ansible 2.3 RC2 has been released, RC3 should be out this week 16:05:30 <z3nbr3w> Hello there! I feel bad, as I wanted to start making this a common thing each week 16:05:30 <gundalow> #info Thanks to everyone that's been testing and reporting bugs 16:05:39 <gundalow> #chair privateip 16:05:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pilou Qalthos gundalow privateip rcarrillocruz 16:05:44 <z3nbr3w> But then I schedule late night maintenance for the past two months 16:05:45 * privateip waves 16:05:56 <gundalow> z3nbr3w: no problem at all, Are you from networktocode? 16:06:19 <Qalthos> #unchair Pilou 16:06:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos gundalow privateip rcarrillocruz 16:06:25 <gundalow> Qalthos: Thanks :) 16:06:59 <z3nbr3w> gundalow: I am not 16:07:25 * skg-net waves 16:07:29 <gundalow> z3nbr3w: ah, just wondred. Have you had a chance to play with 2.3 yet? 16:07:32 <gundalow> hi skg-net 16:07:43 <gundalow> I think that's everyone I was expecting 16:07:54 <gundalow> Thans for making the time for this 16:08:08 <gundalow> Ansible 2.3 RC2 has been released, RC3 should be out this week 16:08:16 <z3nbr3w> gundalow: I have not yet but am looking forward to doing more with it 16:09:02 <gundalow> cool 16:09:31 <z3nbr3w> In all honesty, I'm pretty much a fledgling with the nitty-gritty but wanted to start reaching out and gaining experience 16:09:57 <gundalow> All: So thank for all the feedback so far. From what we've seen once your connection issues are sorted everything seems to be working OK, is that a fair summary? 16:11:21 <skg-net> We have an issue with the partial output randomly 16:11:44 <gundalow> skg-net: is that across all dellos versions? 16:11:52 <skg-net> yes.. 16:12:34 <skg-net> Also, when the output is large, it gets split into multiple items. There is seem to be a issue with the header / data length calulation 16:12:46 <gundalow> skg-net: OK, keep us posted, as soon as you've got a PR please ping me directly so I don't miss it 16:13:00 <skg-net> I guess the previous issue is also, related to the header/data length 16:13:11 <gundalow> Do you believe that's a persistent connection manager issue? 16:13:11 <skg-net> sure, will do 16:13:35 <privateip> skg-net: are there issues to track these? I remember discussing last week but dont recall if there were open issues for tracking purposes? 16:14:00 <privateip> if there are open issues already we can flag them so they dont get lost in the shuffle 16:14:13 <kennc> still have ios_banner issue, though I don' think that is netcli related 16:14:28 <skg-net> not yet :( I am collecting some more data to raise the same.. 16:14:29 <gundalow> kennc: Got a link to that one? 16:14:37 <privateip> skg-net: thanks 16:14:52 <gundalow> skg-net: cool, again ping me the links (here or networktocode) and I'll make sure they get tracked correctly 16:14:55 <privateip> even if you can open a summary issue you can also update it 16:14:59 <kennc> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/22216 16:15:03 <privateip> but we should get it opened so it gets flagged 16:15:16 <skg-net> sure will do it by today 16:15:25 <gundalow> Thanks 16:16:06 <privateip> kennc: looks like we are awaiting some response to rcarrillocruz: instrumented code? does that should right? 16:16:39 <gundalow> Also #22216 has Milestone 2.4 16:17:00 <privateip> hmmm we might need to check out rcarrillocruz on status 16:17:02 <kennc> it had a 2.3 :( 16:17:28 <rcarrillocruz> yeah, we bumped it cos it didn't have a response for RC2 16:17:37 <kennc> what? 16:18:02 <gundalow> #action gundalow to ask rcarrillocruz about #22216. Also need a comment regarding which milestone it's tracking 16:18:03 <kennc> I got back within 3 works days.... 16:18:51 <rcarrillocruz> right, but i was asked by calfonso to bump it to milestone 2.4 as the day rc2 was flagged we were waiting on response 16:19:01 <kennc> lol 16:19:13 <gundalow> ok, so to move it forward, what do we need 16:19:14 <rcarrillocruz> it's ok, if you are back to work on it w can change it and mark it for 2.3 if we are on time 16:19:48 <gundalow> the extra detail mentioned in the last comment? 16:19:54 <gundalow> Anything else? 16:19:55 <rcarrillocruz> not sure about the lol 16:20:27 <rcarrillocruz> we were just tracking the p1/p2 intrenally and moved whatever we deedm we didnt have ready for rc2 for 2.4 16:20:48 <kennc> really confused 16:21:23 <gundalow> kennc: We only use milestone 2.3 to indicate what should block the release 16:21:47 <kennc> and if no response in 3 business days, it's deemed not worthy? 16:22:08 <gundalow> I think they may have been some confusion there 16:22:22 <rcarrillocruz> no, this is not because you haven't responded in 3 days 16:22:33 <rcarrillocruz> is because there was no response right before rc2 was flagged 16:22:56 <rcarrillocruz> it's not about what's deemd worthy or not worthy 16:23:09 <rcarrillocruz> it's flagged as a P2, so it's deemed witht the appropiate priority 16:23:17 <rcarrillocruz> just it wasn't on time for our RC schedule 16:23:19 <rcarrillocruz> makes sense now? 16:23:34 <kennc> kinda :) 16:24:08 <rcarrillocruz> not sure what else to say to make it full sense :/ 16:24:27 <kennc> sorry, I understand you 16:24:37 <kennc> The logic doesn't make sense 16:24:47 <kennc> updated ticket 16:25:09 <kennc> but I understand, if those are the rules, then they are the rules 16:26:02 <gundalow> #chair funzo 16:26:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos funzo gundalow privateip rcarrillocruz 16:26:19 <gundalow> kennc: Thanks for the update 16:26:48 <gundalow> ok, so I don't think their is anything else on that 16:26:59 <gundalow> Keep an eye out for email from GitHub 16:27:06 <gundalow> and we will try and work out the issue 16:27:14 <gundalow> which brings me onto 16:27:25 <gundalow> #topic Debugging issues 16:27:55 <gundalow> privateip: There have been some questions regarding Paramiko keys 16:28:07 * gundalow finds the actualquestion 16:28:48 <gundalow> > Seems odd to me that the same playbook works in 2.2 without needing to explicitly set `look_for_keys=False` 16:29:10 <privateip> ahhh thanks for the memory reminder 16:29:38 <privateip> ok so to understand whats going on here i need to chat a bit about the new connection framework 16:29:52 <privateip> please feel free to interject questions as they arise 16:30:38 <privateip> with 2.3 we are transitioning to a new connection framework in order to accomplish two major goals 16:30:58 <privateip> 1) move to a persistent connection over the course of the playbook run; and .. 16:31:15 <privateip> 2) build the cli connection on a more stable base than it currently is (shell.py) 16:31:32 <privateip> in order to accomplish both goals 16:31:46 <st8less> Persistent connections won't help modules that make API calls, right? 16:31:58 <privateip> we built a new connection plugin call network_cli (found in plugins/connection/network_cli.py if interested) 16:32:02 <gundalow> dgarros: FYI we are talking about: Seems odd to me that the same playbook works in 2.2 without needing to explicitly set `look_for_keys=False` 16:32:03 <privateip> st8less: correct 16:32:35 <privateip> network_cli is built on top of the paramiko_ssh connection plugin that has been in Ansible since its inception 16:32:49 <st8less> So cli transport _should_ work much faster than api - potentially? 16:32:54 <privateip> paramiko_ssh handles the underlying SSH connection to the device 16:33:16 <privateip> st8less: in theory that is correct.... i haven't compared the two yet but i believe that to be the case 16:33:42 <privateip> but paramiko_ssh is also the underlying library for many other modules outside of network modules for connecting to linux machines 16:34:02 <kennc> I think @gundalow did some testing pushing a ton of vlans, and has seen speed improvements 16:34:06 <privateip> in paramiko_ssh the defualt is to use ssh keys (look_for_keys=True) as that is the norm since its inception 16:34:24 <privateip> the down side is shell.py defualted to disabling that feature 16:34:42 <privateip> so with 2.3 we added a configure option to achieve the same behavior 16:34:55 <privateip> thats why you need to add look_for_keys=False 16:35:20 <privateip> as some network devices cannot handle transitioning from key based authentication failing and falling back to password authentication 16:35:32 <privateip> many network OSs allow you to configure that 16:35:38 <privateip> IOS comes to mind for instance 16:35:45 <lanyon> ok that last statement is what i was looking for - i didn't understand why you wouldn't offer multiple auth methods 16:36:16 <privateip> in IOS you can configure ssh to fall back to password auth if keys faile 16:36:17 <dgarros> @gundalow, thanks 16:36:56 <privateip> the benefit of the change is that we are now built on a much better base that has been tested extensively for a number of years 16:37:05 <privateip> and get the benefit of persistence 16:37:27 <privateip> the trade off is the config line for look_for_keys either in ansible.cfg or env var (ANSIBLE_PARAMKIKO_LOOK_FOR_KEYS=0) 16:37:34 <lanyon> i would just advise (i'm sure you all are aware) to really make that clear in the 2.3 docs and release announcements. I could see many getting burned if they upgrade without realizing 16:37:41 <dgarros> @privateip, do we get proper facts as well now ? 16:38:44 <privateip> lanyon: good point ... we have a blog post coming out shortly that discusses the changes made in 2.3 around authentication for network modules 16:38:58 <privateip> we can also update the docs to emphasis it 16:39:39 <privateip> dgarros: not yet, still need to put a task to call *_facts 16:39:47 <privateip> but its in the works .... hopefully 2.4 16:39:58 <lanyon> cool. I would just want someone to avoid my headache of downloading 2.3 and trying to run a known working 2.2 playbook and spend a good deal of time scratching their head when it doesn't work :-) 16:40:03 <privateip> im assuming that was the context of your question 16:40:04 <dgarros> Nice, looking forward to it 16:40:11 <dgarros> it was 16:40:40 <privateip> fair enough and thanks for going through the pain and reporting back... i cannot emphasis how much it is appreciated by the dev team here 16:41:19 <lanyon> yes no worries - thank you guys for all the awesome work. I understand from the dev side changes like these can be a pain to get done 16:41:27 <privateip> other questions / comments / concerns about the new connection framework? 16:41:54 <kennc> somewhat related, but not entirely 16:42:06 <privateip> kennc: fire away 16:42:44 <kennc> will there be non-provider support ( think -u, -k, or ansibl_ssh_password) for devices that require enable? 16:43:11 <privateip> yes absolutely 16:43:18 <privateip> it actually works with the 2.3 modules 16:43:35 <privateip> but we wanted to make the transition seamless so we support both methods today 16:43:58 <privateip> its also part as to why we are deprecating the top level auth arguments in favor of provider 16:44:07 <kennc> so what flag can I set for that? 16:44:53 <privateip> no flag necessary ... just dont supply the auth args (either top level or provider) and call ansible-playbook with apporpriate switches 16:45:30 <kennc> what is the switch for enable password? 16:46:14 <privateip> ahh thats one of the drawbacks why we dont "officially" support it yet .... one of the roadmap items is to integrate "enable mode" with the become system in Ansible 16:46:18 <privateip> thats a 2.4 item 16:46:36 <privateip> today is basic auth only (ssh username/password) 16:46:37 <privateip> but 16:47:02 <privateip> you can still use the command line for username/password via -u <user> -k and define authorize: yes in the playbook 16:47:05 <privateip> does that make sense? 16:47:26 <kennc> yes, do I get a giant warning when I do that? 16:47:37 <privateip> nope 16:47:50 <privateip> not saying you couldn't 16:47:56 <privateip> what warning would you expect? 16:48:05 <lanyon> passing in username and password at the command line will not override the look_for_keys setting correct? 16:48:07 <kennc> that it was a top level command 16:48:25 <privateip> lanyon: correct the two are independent 16:48:38 <privateip> kennc: yes you do get a warning that top level args are deprecated 16:48:45 <privateip> that doesn't mean dont use them 16:48:59 <privateip> it means that you should start the process of learning the new way to do things 16:49:01 <kennc> ok, so I can use provider with authorize: yes 16:49:14 <privateip> we wont remove the top level args for a few releases yet and will communicate that 16:49:21 <privateip> kennc: correct 16:49:28 <privateip> provider isn't going anywhere anytime soon 16:49:40 <privateip> so one note of clarification 16:49:46 <kennc> thanks 16:49:51 <privateip> provider *is not* deprecated 16:50:06 <kennc> no way to reuse -K and ansible_sudo_pass for authorize? 16:50:14 <privateip> username, password, transport, authorize, auth_pass are ... but only as top level args ... you can still supply via provider 16:50:51 <kennc> I assume no, just double checking :)( 16:50:55 <kennc> :) 16:51:12 <privateip> in 2.4 "enable mode" will be integrated with become so you would do --become --become-method=enable --ask-become-pass (or -K) 16:51:23 <kennc> got it 16:51:35 <privateip> in a playbook you will also be able to do become: yes 16:51:46 <kennc> @gundalow is this marked for documentation? 16:51:52 <privateip> but still need to prompt with -K for become password if configured 16:52:04 <gundalow> kennc: I've been updated my doc while you guys talk :) 16:52:13 <kennc> danke :) 16:52:57 <gundalow> Bitte 16:53:53 <privateip> unless there are other questions i can answer... back to you gundalow: 16:54:30 <gundalow> Thanks 16:54:37 <st8less> Just so I'm clear - 'provider' has to be defined under each task? 16:55:00 <privateip> yes 16:55:40 <st8less> Any plan to make it where that can be defined globally instead of each task? Or are there drawbacks to that? 16:56:35 <privateip> st8less: yes thats what i was just describing thats coming is full integration with the ansible command line 16:56:49 <st8less> :P Sorry, ok, cool. 16:56:55 <privateip> in 2.3 you can specify username / password combination and 2.4 will bring enable mode 16:57:02 <privateip> no worries .. all good :) 16:57:10 <kennc> also can configure ansible_ssh_user and ansible_ssh_password in all.yml, right? 16:57:28 <privateip> correct 16:57:31 <privateip> ummm 16:58:13 <st8less> Something like that would be preferable to the cli switch. My arg list is already fairly long. 16:58:14 <privateip> ansible_ssh_pass not ansible_ssh_password 16:58:19 <st8less> Cool 16:58:42 <kennc> got it 16:59:09 <gundalow> I'm adding a section to the docs regarding the changes in 2.3, and what is planned for 2.4 (and higher), that should help explain wy we are changing things and what the final result will look like, (e.g. the steps to using `become`), and killing `provider:` 16:59:14 <privateip> st8less: understood ... you can definitely use the ansible_ssh_* vars to do the same in inventory or yaml files 16:59:23 <kennc> @gundalow can you add the equivalencies for -u to ansible_ssh_user and -k for ansible_ssh_pass in documentation :) 16:59:37 <gundalow> kennc: Good idea, will do 16:59:52 <gundalow> #action gundalow < kennc> @gundalow can you add the equivalencies for -u to ansible_ssh_user and -k for ansible_ssh_pass in documentation 17:00:07 <kennc> thanks :) 17:00:17 <gundalow> #action gundalow Document 2.4 (become); 2.? (kill provider) 17:00:23 <privateip> even better yet is to use the same user to run the playbook as used to authenticate to the device and use ssh keys 17:00:32 <privateip> then no need to provide any auth anywhere :) 17:00:57 <gundalow> Show of hands, in Ansible 2.2 who uses 17:01:02 <gundalow> ssh keys 17:01:14 <kennc> -1 17:01:15 <funzo> o/ 17:01:17 <funzo> :) 17:01:30 <st8less> What are those? -1 :) 17:01:35 <lanyon> -1 17:01:36 * privateip sits on his hands 17:01:51 <gundalow> -1 = I don't use ssh keys 17:02:00 <st8less> Where are the *nix admins when we need them? :D 17:02:01 <gundalow> +1 = I do use ssh keys 17:02:10 <privateip> lol 17:02:12 <kennc> @privateip run into file creation issues if per user playbooks 17:02:15 <z3nbr3w> 0 == both? 17:02:29 <privateip> kennc: can you elaborate? 17:03:07 <gundalow> Show of hands: Who uses username: & password: options (either directly or under provider: 17:03:30 <z3nbr3w> +1 17:03:43 <st8less> provider +1 17:03:43 <kennc> ken gather facts, write to file, then pete later runs same playbook, and attempts to write file, but was set with 644 privs for some reason 17:03:51 <kennc> + 1 17:04:25 <privateip> kennc: add a task to the playbook to change the file perms 17:04:27 <st8less> We use nxapi for 90%+ of our tasks. ssh keys don't work there, or we would consider them. 17:04:39 <privateip> to ensure they are group or world read/writeable 17:04:41 <gundalow> st8less: good point wel made 17:04:55 <privateip> st8less: good point 17:05:16 <privateip> in that case you could use certificates 17:05:16 <kennc> after the fact? when it fails half way nothing works in future 17:05:29 <privateip> kennc: block...rescue 17:05:42 <gundalow> skg-net: It's likely that RC3 (Tomorrow) will be the final release candidate for 2.3.0, so it would be really good to get your fix in by then 17:05:54 <kennc> of course I can design around it 17:06:09 <privateip> success = plan for failure :) 17:06:11 <kennc> but adds complexity 17:06:18 <kennc> lol 17:06:30 <skg-net> sure..I will raise a PR for dellos6 today. 17:06:39 <kennc> KISS = success (often) 17:06:51 <skg-net> but I am not sure about the truncation issue, will try to get that in as well 17:07:15 <gundalow> skg-net: Thanks 17:07:27 <skg-net> privateip: can you explain how does the header/data len calculation work? 17:08:34 <skg-net> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/lib/ansible/module_utils/connection.py#L43 17:09:26 <privateip> is that where its failing? 17:10:21 <skg-net> yes.. If I increase the data len to fixed size 3K then everything is working fine.. 17:11:21 <privateip> hmmmm thats really strange ... 17:11:45 <privateip> the header/data is byte packed 17:12:17 <privateip> so the header should always be 8 in every case 17:12:46 * gundalow has to step out, privateip are you OK to continue, and #endmeeting at the end? 17:12:53 <privateip> sure 17:12:59 <gundalow> Thanks 17:13:10 <gundalow> And thanks for everyone with their help & feedback on 2.3 17:13:40 <skg-net> how is the data len calculated? 17:13:52 <privateip> data is everyhing left over 17:14:28 <privateip> basically we skim 1 byte off the top and read everything else as data 17:15:03 <privateip> is it payload size dependent or does it happen every time regardless of payload? 17:15:19 <skg-net> its payload size dependent 17:15:35 <skg-net> that's is consistent 17:15:39 <privateip> i wonder if they underlying socket is fragmenting it 17:16:33 <privateip> that gives me enough detail to go test some stuff out 17:16:37 <skg-net> some times we hit randomly irrespective of payload size, but its 1 in 20 times 17:16:54 <skg-net> okay, we will continue from our end as well.. 17:17:04 <skg-net> will keep you posted 17:17:12 <privateip> great will do the same from my end 17:18:30 <privateip> anyone have any final business today? 17:18:46 <z3nbr3w> I don't but just wanted to thank everyone for letting me be a fly on the wall :) 17:18:59 <privateip> anytime ... happy to have you here 17:19:09 <skg-net> privateip:may be I can try increasing the socket buffer size..can you point me to the code where sockets are created 17:20:54 <privateip> skg-net: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/bin/ansible-connection#L136 17:21:44 <skg-net> privateip:Thanks !! 17:21:48 <privateip> as gundalow said, thank you all for your time, testing and reporting issues on 2.3 17:21:55 <privateip> talk to you next time 17:22:00 <kennc> one sec :) 17:22:06 <z3nbr3w> cheers! 17:22:19 <privateip> kennc: fire away 17:22:39 <kennc> ProxyCommand is there a way to set passwords via variables in the actual ansible_ssh_common_args? 17:23:56 <privateip> kennc: ansible_ssh_common_args: '-o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p -q user@gateway.example.com"' 17:24:06 <privateip> %p = ansible_ssh_pass 17:24:14 <privateip> sorry 17:24:19 <privateip> you want passwords not port 17:24:23 <privateip> fail 17:24:43 <privateip> no i dont believe there is 17:25:09 <privateip> you might ask in ansible-devel just to be sure though 17:25:19 <kennc> can you add an action to document? and provide example there with fake passowords? 17:25:20 <privateip> i might be forgetting something 17:25:51 <kennc> like I would think %h was host 17:26:10 <kennc> but seems like that is defined in gateway.example.com 17:26:20 <privateip> #action document ProxyCommand and password usage 17:26:57 <kennc> think was mentioned in slack, but rough 2.3 release date? 17:27:11 <privateip> 4/12 i believe 17:27:13 <Qalthos> kennc: %h and %p are the destination host and port 17:27:58 <kennc> %h = switch? and @ = bastion host? 17:28:01 <Qalthos> which gets autofilled by ansible as that's been defined elsewhere 17:28:33 <kennc> really lost about autofilled, as long as examples are provided should be good :) 17:28:38 * gundalow returns 17:29:30 <gundalow> #action gundalow ProxyCommand is there a way to set passwords via variables in the actual ansible_ssh_common_args? need example adding to doc 17:30:10 <kennc> I'm done :) 17:30:29 * privateip puts a fork in kennc 17:30:36 <kennc> lol 17:30:46 <privateip> thanks gang 17:30:51 <privateip> talk to you next time 17:31:00 <privateip> #endmeeting