15:00:01 <thaumos> #startmeeting Ansible Core Meeting 15:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 25 15:00:01 2017 UTC. The chair is thaumos. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_meeting' 15:00:05 <thaumos> #chair thaumos 15:00:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: thaumos 15:00:40 <sivel> howdy 15:00:46 <thaumos> #chair sivel 15:00:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: sivel thaumos 15:00:50 <thaumos> hello 15:01:05 * gundalow waves 15:01:11 <thaumos> #chair gundalow 15:01:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: gundalow sivel thaumos 15:01:29 * thaumos waves back 15:02:16 <jtanner> hey 15:02:31 * jtanner was signing up for openshift stuff and forgot to look at this screen 15:02:45 <thaumos> #chair jtanner 15:02:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: gundalow jtanner sivel thaumos 15:02:54 * akasurde waves 15:02:59 <thaumos> #chair akasurde 15:02:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde gundalow jtanner sivel thaumos 15:03:00 <akasurde> hi All 15:03:57 <thaumos> I'll give two more minutes before we start 15:05:45 <thaumos> #topic Feedback asked for ansible/ansible#24822 15:06:08 <thaumos> #link https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/24822 15:06:32 <thaumos> @akasurde is there any specific feedback you are looking for? 15:07:08 <akasurde> yes, As per my testing this is working as per requirements in bug. Looking for feedback from Core team 15:07:14 <gundalow> akasurde: Maybe an example showing you can use this to *only* install security updates 15:07:38 <jtanner> i wonder how we can test this 15:07:39 <akasurde> thaumos, once this is merge I start working on --cve and --advisories 15:08:07 <akasurde> jtanner, if there is security update for package we can specify --security update <pkg_name> 15:08:12 <akasurde> gundalow, Sure 15:08:31 <jtanner> akasurde: i meant within the integration tetss 15:08:46 <akasurde> jtanner, ohk 15:08:53 * akasurde thinking 15:09:03 <thaumos> could it be tested by spinning up a centos 7 system and just calling the module. I think it's somewhat safe to assume an image may not have all security updates applied 15:09:23 <jtanner> depends on the dockerfile and last build time 15:09:25 <thaumos> in integration testing, I am sure the same applies as well. 15:09:30 * thaumos nods 15:10:11 <jtanner> i suppose we don't have to have a test right now, but i can see this being one of those "ZOMG, YOU MUST FIX IT NOW!" features 15:10:11 <gundalow> I wonder if you'd need to downgrade a package, not sure if that's possible with yum 15:10:53 <thaumos> so before this gets merged, I think we should require integration tests updated to test this as well. 15:10:56 <akasurde> gundalow, yes that can be done. 15:11:08 <jtanner> https://access.redhat.com/solutions/29617 15:11:13 <jtanner> yum downgrade foo 15:11:32 <thaumos> @akasurde, can you test this, and think about how to do this in integration tests? 15:11:47 <jtanner> so maybe an integration test that rolls back a specific package first and then checks for security update? 15:11:50 <akasurde> jtanner, I am not sure if we can unroll security update 15:11:57 <akasurde> jtanner, but I will try 15:11:59 <jtanner> really? hrmm 15:12:02 <akasurde> thaumos, Yes sure 15:12:22 <akasurde> jtanner, I will try this today and will let you know 15:12:29 <thaumos> #action akasurde to test rolling back specific pkg using yum module and then security parameter 15:12:38 <gundalow> +1 15:12:40 <akasurde> thaumos, cool 15:12:47 <gundalow> (back in 5) 15:12:50 <thaumos> #action akasurde to investigate how to implement security parameter in integration test for yum module 15:12:51 <jtanner> akasurde: i'd offer more advice, but i'm not sure what packages usually fall under "security" besides kernel/glibc 15:13:08 <jtanner> ssh? 15:13:26 <akasurde> jtanner, A lot of them, samba, nfs etc. 15:13:39 <jtanner> so samba is probably not installed in our test containers 15:13:53 <akasurde> jtanner, even product like FreeIPA gets security patches 15:13:56 <jtanner> you could install n-2 version and then use your feature to upgrade it 15:14:32 <jtanner> just a thought 15:14:48 <akasurde> jtanner, Yes sure 15:15:06 <thaumos> anything else, if not let's move on 15:15:11 <akasurde> anything else. Once this is done I will start with cve and advisories 15:15:16 <jtanner> +1 on feature from me 15:15:47 <thaumos> +1 from me too 15:15:52 <thaumos> okay, moving on 15:16:00 <thaumos> #topic ansible/ansible#24867 15:16:15 <thaumos> #link https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/24867 15:16:32 <thaumos> @bcoca, are you lurking? 15:16:34 <jtanner> dag-: ? 15:16:41 <thaumos> ^^ 15:17:02 <bcoca> no 15:17:16 <sivel> Looks like a vote was asked for 15:17:20 <sivel> -1 for me 15:17:48 <bcoca> im +1, this should not break anything and ensures uniform returns 15:18:00 <jtanner> there's not enough explanation in PR for me to make judgement 15:18:39 <sivel> I am a -1 as that is a lot of changes to keep current behavior, and fix a small number of issues. I'm more in favor of just making the changes where needed, instead of everywhere 15:18:54 <bcoca> well, he mixes several issues 'rc' return and failure handling , 'failed' and 'changed' always being present .. so PR is a bit overloaded 15:19:21 <bcoca> sivel: agreed, so my +1 is for changed/failed always present, -1 on PR as it does too much 15:19:33 <jtanner> so ... win_chocolatey should get it's own targeted fix first? 15:19:42 <jhawkesworth> hi. I've not seen this 'non-zero return code is actually success' with chocolatey but have seen talk of it when installing packages - sometimes you get something like 3010 which means 'installed, but you need to reboot'. 15:19:47 <thaumos> #chair jhawkesworth 15:19:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde gundalow jhawkesworth jtanner sivel thaumos 15:19:54 <thaumos> #chair bcoca 15:19:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde bcoca gundalow jhawkesworth jtanner sivel thaumos 15:20:19 <bcoca> windows does not have the POSIX requirement of rc codes being 0 for success 15:20:35 <alikins> I've ran into some of the same issues that 24867 is aiming for, albeit usually while debugging/troubleshooting obtuse module failures 15:20:38 <jhawkesworth> windows also has lot of crappy installers 15:20:43 <thaumos> #chair alikins 15:20:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde alikins bcoca gundalow jhawkesworth jtanner sivel thaumos 15:20:50 <thaumos> windows is crappy 15:21:01 <bcoca> +1 15:21:24 <thaumos> I think it is fair to ask to be specific on making a fix for what the issue is opened for. 15:21:38 <bcoca> i would make it 2 or 3 issues 15:21:47 * thaumos nods 15:21:53 <bcoca> 1) changed/failed presense 2) rc issue on win_ 3) rc elsewhere 15:22:19 <sivel> bcoca: agreed 15:22:27 <sivel> he tends to overload PRs a lot 15:22:28 <jtanner> there's some code reformatting in the PR too 15:22:48 <gundalow> I'd like to see explicit testing for the functionality as well 15:24:08 <thaumos> for the changed/failed presence functionality, @gundalow? 15:24:52 <jtanner> i'm starting to think we should just take it 15:25:21 <bcoca> a lot of the tests (he corrcts them) look for 'failed' being missing as success .. incorrectly so 15:25:34 <jtanner> yeah 15:25:42 <jtanner> +1 to merge ... might as well 15:28:06 <thaumos> if we do merge, should we still have follow up for 2 & 3 mentioned by bcoca? 15:28:57 <bcoca> its all in there 15:29:00 <gundalow> thaumos: yup 15:29:01 <bcoca> that is the problem 15:29:10 <bcoca> too many things 15:30:23 <thaumos> ah, okay... I should have looked at files changed. 15:30:29 <thaumos> I was stuck on the issue name 15:30:59 <thaumos> I think we should be specific per issue. It will be easier to track to a single commit 15:31:21 <bcoca> ^ that is where sivel and i are at 15:31:46 * thaumos nods 15:32:29 <thaumos> ok 15:32:57 <thaumos> bcoca, can you update the ticket? 15:33:20 <thaumos> ask dag to make two follow up issues for win_* and one for everything else. 15:34:05 <thaumos> It's totally fair to ask to not overload issues. It's easy enough to amend a commit and create pr's individually 15:35:47 <thaumos> or I can 15:36:41 <thaumos> #action thaumos to update #24687 asking dag to make this pr for only changed/failed presence. 15:36:56 <gundalow> Thanks thaumos 15:37:12 <thaumos> #action thaumos to also ask dag to create individual prs for rc issue on win_* and everything else. 15:37:32 <thaumos> #topic ansible/ansible#24871 15:37:45 <thaumos> #link https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/24871 15:38:21 <sivel> In an answer to the comment left by bcoca on this issue, I think it should either 15:38:35 <sivel> 1) handled specially in individual modules 15:39:02 <akasurde> sivel +1 15:39:03 <sivel> 2) We add another param to the argspec that indicates whether the supplied value must not be None 15:39:20 <sivel> which is still specified at the individual module level 15:39:41 <sivel> But not sure it is worth the effort right now to add the additional argspec option 15:39:43 <akasurde> Yes I like combination of both, Let module decide what to do 15:43:06 <thaumos> @sivel, that being said is there something akasurde could do quickly in the meantime to solve the one issue, and then we have something on a 2.5 milestone to cover the rest? 15:43:29 <sivel> I believe that PR already handles it with #1 15:43:30 <thaumos> or with guidance, is something akasurde could do for 2.4? 15:44:03 <thaumos> right, and are we fine with that with a contingency that akasurde will follow up with doing it the right/preferred way 15:44:49 <sivel> I think if we were to discuss #2, that should be a larger discussion here. Currently handling it as a 1 off is fine imo 15:45:11 * thaumos nods 15:45:14 <sivel> which I think is what bcoca likely added it to the agenda for 15:45:17 <akasurde> same here 15:45:18 <thaumos> yep 15:45:25 <sivel> but doesn't look like we are getting that discussion today :) 15:45:27 <thaumos> I figured he did, but he's afk 15:45:30 <thaumos> exactly 15:45:48 <thaumos> so that being said, can we get +1's to merge this, and revisit this again? 15:45:54 <sivel> I am +1 15:46:07 <gundalow> +1 to merge PR as it stands 15:46:18 <thaumos> jtanner, thoughts? 15:46:45 <jtanner> 24817? 15:46:52 <jtanner> 24871 15:46:52 <sivel> yes 15:47:06 <sivel> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/24871 15:48:07 <jtanner> if people need to set null/blank vals for sysctl, i guess we need this 15:48:19 <thaumos> k 15:48:34 <jtanner> another thing we should probably have a test for 15:48:56 <jtanner> i would open a new bug with "sysctl null/blank vals missing tests" and assign to akasurde 15:49:02 <thaumos> Who'd like to do the merge action for the PR? 15:49:02 <jtanner> after this one is merged 15:49:15 <thaumos> +1 to test issue suggestion 15:49:25 <jtanner> it's done 15:49:31 <thaumos> 👍 15:49:47 <sivel> I'm however unsure exactly why we are passing None, but hey, who am I to judge :) 15:49:59 <thaumos> #action jtanner merged pr 15:50:11 <sivel> what was the original intention? these are lifes great questions 15:50:21 <thaumos> #action akasurde to pr/issue "sysctl null/blank vals missing tests" 15:50:32 <akasurde> jtanner, Do you know any example where people will set any blank or null vaule to kernel param 15:50:49 <thaumos> #action thaumos to revisit greater discussion of argspec None type for all modules. 15:51:05 <akasurde> jtanner, thanks for merge 15:51:37 <jtanner> akasurde: i would try to copy what is in the initial bug report 15:52:21 <akasurde> jtanner, Ok 15:52:26 <jtanner> akasurde: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/25035 15:52:39 <akasurde> jtanner, I am on it :) 15:52:43 <jtanner> thanks 15:53:06 <thaumos> #topic Open Floor 15:53:28 <thaumos> Anything else people want to bring up in the last few minutes? 15:53:43 <gundalow> #topic Module argspec validation 15:54:33 <gundalow> sivel: validate-modules has the ability to ensure that DOCUMENTATION matches argspec. I know it's slow to run across all modules as once, though for PRs that touch modules, do you thik it may be useful to run in CI? 15:55:17 <sivel> probably. however it would could limit it to the specific module that would be best I think 15:55:21 <gundalow> ack 15:55:27 <gundalow> cool, I'll have a look at that 15:55:31 <gundalow> #topic Open Floor 15:55:37 <sivel> Also, I haven't really played with that functionality in a while. Let me know if you run into any issues 15:56:36 <jtanner> ansible's 3nd(?) SIG [after networking and windows] is now vmware ... join #ansible-vmware if you want to get SOAPy 15:57:04 <akasurde> jtanner, +1 SOAPy hehe 15:57:07 <jtanner> s/3nd/3rd 15:57:49 <thaumos> are you washing your mouth with that soap? 15:58:13 <jtanner> something like that 15:58:18 <akasurde> Laugh a lot 15:58:19 <thaumos> lol 15:58:23 <thaumos> alright 15:58:30 <thaumos> thanks for the discussion today folks! 15:58:35 <thaumos> #endmeeting