15:00:59 <thaumos> #startmeeting ansible core meeting 15:00:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 15 15:00:59 2017 UTC. The chair is thaumos. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_meeting' 15:01:08 <thaumos> #chair thaumos ryansb 15:01:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: ryansb thaumos 15:01:16 <thaumos> missed by a min... 15:01:18 <thaumos> sorry folks 15:01:58 * shertel is silent but deadly 15:02:26 <thaumos> #chair shertel 15:02:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: ryansb shertel thaumos 15:03:07 <alikins> blorf 15:03:31 <ryansb> alikins: gesundheit 15:05:12 * gundalow waves 15:05:13 <thaumos> #chair alikins 15:05:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: alikins ryansb shertel thaumos 15:05:19 <thaumos> #chair gundalow 15:05:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: alikins gundalow ryansb shertel thaumos 15:05:27 <thaumos> #topic Open Floor 15:06:55 <jtanner> Kinda here but not really 15:06:57 <thaumos> Looking forward to seeing some people at the contributor summit next week! 15:07:02 <thaumos> #chair jtanner 15:07:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: alikins gundalow jtanner ryansb shertel thaumos 15:07:08 <thaumos> it's all good. 15:09:46 <thaumos> welp 15:10:00 <ryansb> looks like the whole meeting is silent but deadly 15:10:03 <thaumos> lol 15:10:14 <itdependsnetwork> hold on 15:10:21 <gundalow> itdependsnetwork: hey dude 15:10:24 <thaumos> #chair @itdependsnetwork 15:10:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: @itdependsnetwork alikins gundalow jtanner ryansb shertel thaumos 15:10:32 <gundalow> #chair itdependsnetwork 15:10:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: @itdependsnetwork alikins gundalow itdependsnetwork jtanner ryansb shertel thaumos 15:10:34 <thaumos> @itdependsnetwork, I mentioned you on the issue 15:10:37 <gundalow> #unchair @itdependsnetwork 15:10:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: alikins gundalow itdependsnetwork jtanner ryansb shertel thaumos 15:10:45 <thaumos> thanks gundalow 15:10:50 <itdependsnetwork> can we look at: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/20717 15:10:59 <thaumos> I am going to review that PR. 15:11:00 <samdoran> Here here 15:11:07 <thaumos> #chair samdoran 15:11:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: alikins gundalow itdependsnetwork jtanner ryansb samdoran shertel thaumos 15:11:16 <ryansb> Anyway, I'd say the big item would be to add stuff to https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-summit-june-2017 15:11:21 <gundalow> YES :) 15:11:23 <ryansb> if that's not on the agenda already 15:11:24 <gundalow> thanks ryansb 15:11:51 <itdependsnetwork> sorry if I jumped in line. thought you were saying silent so let's close the meeting :) 15:11:52 <ryansb> itdependsnetwork: what would you like to cover RE: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/20717 15:11:59 <ryansb> no worries :) 15:12:07 <gundalow> correction: Updates go onto the sub pages of https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-summit-june-2017-agenda 15:12:11 <thaumos> Oh no not at all, itdependsnetwork 15:12:22 <ryansb> I was just rummaging around for the agenda link 15:12:37 <thaumos> I assume you just want to have the PR merged, amiright? 15:12:39 <itdependsnetwork> @bcoca indicated that there was not consensus and didn't seem like it would be added any time soon 15:12:44 <itdependsnetwork> lol, yes 15:12:54 <thaumos> I'm going to review it from a product perspective. 15:13:17 <thaumos> we'll have an answer by next week. 15:13:36 <thaumos> #topic ansible/ansible#20717 15:13:41 <cben> hi 15:13:55 <ryansb> #action thaumos get consensus on https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/20717 15:14:05 <thaumos> #link https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/20717 15:14:09 <thaumos> thanks ryansb 15:14:11 <itdependsnetwork> thanks! 15:14:22 <thaumos> #topic Open floor 15:14:26 <thaumos> #chair cben 15:14:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: alikins cben gundalow itdependsnetwork jtanner ryansb samdoran shertel thaumos 15:14:39 <ryansb> #link corrected Summit Etherpad https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-summit-june-2017-agenda 15:15:15 <cben> I'm here about https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/25106 15:15:52 <cben> we have ~5 modules for ManageIQ we want to contribute, this is the first simplest one. 15:16:31 <thaumos> #topic ansible/ansible#25106 15:16:41 <thaumos> #link https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/25106 15:17:16 <bcoca> gpl 15:17:27 <bcoca> handle import error 15:17:32 <bcoca> see ec2/boto 15:17:46 <bcoca> missign docs 15:17:58 <thaumos> isn't it gpl? 15:18:14 <bcoca> ah, nvmd .. was looking at module_utils ... 15:18:18 <thaumos> heh 15:18:47 <bcoca> well, import error is still and issue 15:18:58 <cben> which docs are missing? RETURN? 15:19:08 <bcoca> cben: nvmd, no coffee today 15:19:21 <bcoca> just import error is an issue from what i said above 15:20:07 <cben> cool 15:21:04 <shertel> the return docs are empty though? 15:21:13 <bcoca> cben: on 'e' you might want to use to_native to avoid encoding issues, also yo have an 'exception' key to put tracebacks in (optionally) 15:21:24 <bcoca> shertel: that is fine if return is only common fields 15:21:37 <shertel> Ah, okay 15:21:58 <bcoca> those are already documented .. and people tend to document them differently .... 15:22:06 <bcoca> i've seen 7 diff descriptions of msg 15:22:34 <shertel> ha 15:22:49 <samdoran> Only seven? ;) 15:23:10 <gundalow> in one file 15:23:11 <bcoca> i stopped reading at one point 15:23:36 <cben> tracebacks (that we catch) normally represent server errors (it's a module that talks to a REST API) 15:23:55 <bcoca> understsood, that is why i said 'optionally' 15:24:20 <cben> so I wonder if they're useful. If we have an unexpected crash we don't catch, user will see tb, right? 15:24:26 <bcoca> was letting you know of the facitliy, it does not display to user by defautl, it only shows with -vvv (though it is always logged) 15:24:43 <cben> thanks, I'll think of it. 15:24:46 <bcoca> if logged is enabled 15:25:42 <thaumos> feel free to poke at us more in #ansible-devel @cben 15:25:54 <thaumos> #action cben/team to handle import error 15:26:12 <thaumos> #topic Open Floor 15:27:36 <gundalow> thaumos: Do we want to cancel all IRC meetings next week? 15:27:47 <thaumos> Yep 15:27:49 <gundalow> I think I'll kill Network & Testing Working Group 15:28:01 <thaumos> I already added in a comment before today's meeting 15:28:07 <gundalow> #info NO IRC MEETINGS w/c 19th June 15:28:08 <gundalow> cool 15:28:48 <thaumos> anything else to talk about folks? 15:29:20 <bcoca> im 4 mounts away from having all class mounts 15:30:06 <thaumos> 🙌 15:30:29 <thaumos> Alrighty! Looking forward to seeing some of you in person next week! If not, be sure to attend remotely! 15:30:33 <thaumos> #endmeeting