16:01:01 <akasurde> #startmeeting Ansible VMware Working Group Meeting 16:01:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Sep 11 16:01:01 2017 UTC. The chair is akasurde. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_vmware_working_group_meeting' 16:01:37 <dahr-vmware> Hello everyone. 16:01:38 <akasurde> #chair dahr-vmware 16:01:38 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde dahr-vmware 16:01:42 <akasurde> Hi dahr-vmware 16:01:55 <dericcrago> hi 16:02:01 <enrh> Hello 16:02:20 <akasurde> #chair dericcrago 16:02:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde dahr-vmware dericcrago 16:02:26 <akasurde> #chair enrh 16:02:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde dahr-vmware dericcrago enrh 16:02:32 <akasurde> Hello everyone 16:03:31 <akasurde> #link https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/233 16:03:32 <dahr-vmware> It's been a while since I've been able to join. I'm on an engagement in Toronto for the next few weeks...sorry about that. 16:03:48 <akasurde> np 16:04:31 <akasurde> We will wait for sometime for other people to join 16:06:11 <akasurde> #topic General Discussion 16:08:04 <akasurde> Does anyone has any topic discuss ? 16:09:52 <enrh> Perhaps we could talk about the future of creating/managing VMs without vCenter assumed 16:09:54 <akasurde> dahr-vmware, We have been struggling to get "magic" method to find VM in given infra, 16:10:30 <akasurde> enrh, yes thats a good point 16:11:47 <akasurde> dahr-vmware, do you have any pointers or documentation for this ? 16:12:52 <akasurde> if anyone has any pointer to this, then it is most welcomed 16:12:55 <dahr-vmware> akasurde, understood. From a vCenter perspective, it is difficult to find the VM by the human-readable name. I did some work last year with this. 16:13:11 <dahr-vmware> I'm trying to remember exactly what I did. 16:14:00 <akasurde> we have findbyuuid, findbyname and other but none of them works flawlessly 16:14:30 <dahr-vmware> There's another ID in vCenter (vm-xxxx) you can find and then gather the rest of a meta-data using that ID. Can you send me an email with your need and I will research? dahr@vmware.com 16:14:31 <dericcrago> if you can require enough inputs I like using FindByInventoryPath 16:15:30 <akasurde> dahr-vmware, sure 16:15:45 <dericcrago> you can also use FindByInventoryPath to get the datacenter, relative to the vcenter, then the vm relative to the datacenter, etc 16:16:04 <akasurde> dericcrago, needs extra input like datacenter and folder which makes it error prone 16:16:08 <dahr-vmware> In fact, any questions you guys have, just email them to me and I'll research if I do not know off-hand. 16:16:16 <akasurde> FindbyInventoryPath 16:16:45 <akasurde> dahr-vmware, Cool 16:17:13 <akasurde> dahr-vmware, I will certainely need VMware Peoples help for development 16:17:24 <dericcrago> error prone in that it needs to be exactly right or it won't work, but that's the kind of "error prone" that I like 16:17:32 <dahr-vmware> I had a customer last year that was using vSphere replication with Site Recovery Manager. Given a VM, they wanted to know what recovery plan it was in. I had to perform a series of call to get the info. 16:17:37 <dericcrago> helps keep me from accidently destroying the other VM by the same name ;) 16:17:45 <dahr-vmware> I just can't remember what I did. I've slept since then. 16:17:51 <dahr-vmware> Memory dump..... 16:18:11 <akasurde> dericcrago, agreed. 16:18:22 <akasurde> dericcrago, hehehe 16:19:07 <akasurde> dahr-vmware, no problem we can always discuss here once you remember :) 16:19:30 <dahr-vmware> Just be sure to send to me so I don't lose visibility. 16:19:44 <dahr-vmware> And that goes with any issues you have. 16:19:57 <akasurde> FindByUUid is best method but people prefer name and folder combination more 16:20:14 <akasurde> dahr-vmware, sure 16:20:31 <dahr-vmware> I think the last time I was tracking, you guys were having a tough time getting a test environment up. Full disclosure, we have the same problem. 16:21:17 <akasurde> yes correct. We have govcsim but it has its own limitations 16:21:21 <dahr-vmware> Some have purchased home labs which is too expensive. We have virtual labs setup but they're slow. If you guys need a lab setup, let me know and I can ask about licensing. 16:21:22 <dericcrago> yeah, that was actually going to be my question for you dahr-vmware, what's your setup look like / could we offload some testing to your env? 16:22:11 <dahr-vmware> What I meant to say is that if you guys want to set up a local lab, I can help with the licensing. For us, we use "vpods" which are nested ESXi hosts in a cloud env. 16:22:26 * bcoca keeps hearing 'darth-vmware' in his head 16:22:34 <akasurde> #chair bcoca 16:22:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde bcoca dahr-vmware dericcrago enrh 16:22:41 <dahr-vmware> Ha! 16:22:46 <akasurde> hehehe 16:22:53 <dahr-vmware> I like it! That's the first time I've heard that! 16:23:34 <dahr-vmware> At least you know how to pronounce. Most just say, "d-aire". 16:23:50 <akasurde> dahr-vmware, I will discuss with jtanner and few other members and mail you about that 16:23:56 <dahr-vmware> Or, "Arrrrrr, matey!" 16:24:38 <dahr-vmware> akasurde, no worries, let me know. It's not easy for us either unless one is willing to spend $ on a home lab. 16:24:51 <dahr-vmware> ...which I am not. 16:25:11 <dahr-vmware> but it is a discussion on our side. 16:25:26 <dahr-vmware> There's just no easy solution. 16:25:27 <akasurde> dahr-vmware, what do you use for testing 16:25:39 <akasurde> I mean VMware testing teams 16:25:52 <enrh> What kind of hardware do we need for testing? More curious about quantity 16:26:17 <dahr-vmware> So, I've been working with our "OneCloud" team to setup a "dedicated" nested env for us to dev Chaperone. 16:26:50 <dahr-vmware> It's not ideal but it's better than using a shared env. 16:27:15 <dahr-vmware> There are quite a few companies that manuf home labs. 16:28:02 <enrh> There are plenty of small/cheap computers that will run ESXi. I have 8 hosts on various hardware platforms at home, and 10 hosts on more standard hardware at work 16:28:25 <dahr-vmware> But, since you guys are enterprise, more/better hardware is probably desired. We're starting to see a demand for our vSAN product so be sure that your hardware supports it. 16:28:28 <enrh> Stuff that isn't in the WCL runs fine, like old laptops and whatnot. 16:29:25 <enrh> There is a place in town that sells $150 Optiplex PCs I bet will run ESXi 16:29:48 <dahr-vmware> In fact, I had a recent customer who wanted vSphere 6.5U1 with vCenter HA and vSAN in three datacenters with a 4-node management customer, 4-node Edge customer and 7-node compute cluster. 16:29:52 <enrh> Also I have 4 with SSDs that I'm not doing anything with 16:30:08 <enrh> dahr-vmware: A lab like that is never going to happen 16:30:31 <enrh> Anything we get will stop working and no one will fix it because the initial novelty has worn off 16:31:10 <dahr-vmware> Oh, I agree. If we didn't have OneCloud, we'd be "screwed". 16:31:37 <enrh> If we can get a OneCloud env then that would be option A 16:31:41 <dahr-vmware> If you guys really want to partner with us, I can see if it's even remotely possible to get you guys tenancy in our OneCloud env. 16:31:57 <dahr-vmware> But no promises. 16:32:00 <enrh> Option B is a build 4 ESXi hosts out of the spare Dell OptiPlex PCs I have. 16:32:23 <enrh> However I don't have a Windblows license for the vCenter 16:32:33 <dericcrago> vcsa all the way 16:32:34 <akasurde> dahr-vmware, We are in for that 16:32:57 <dericcrago> windows vcenter is going away anyway enrh 16:33:01 <enrh> dericcrago: Oh right 16:34:28 <dahr-vmware> Okay, so for me to even run this up the flagpole, there needs to be benefit for VMware (and of course, you guys). I just need a proposal to put forward on our side. Any ideas? 16:35:05 <akasurde> yes, for both Ansible and VMware is win-win position 16:35:28 <dahr-vmware> Oh, I agree, I just need to convince the "suits" up-top. 16:35:39 <akasurde> :) 16:35:44 <enrh> One benefit is that people who use Ansible will be able to do more with VMware. 16:35:49 <akasurde> I am sure you can do that 16:36:16 <enrh> This could help with adoption, or if someone is deciding between VMware and Hyper-V or something like that. 16:36:46 <akasurde> enrh, Correct and same with Other Configuration management and Ansible 16:37:53 <dahr-vmware> Here's the deal, we're using Ansible more and more to deploy our products. I get it, and I think VMware gets it. If you guys don't mind, put together a proposal of the goals you guys want to achieve with us. Yes, be selfish, but propose what it could benefit us as well. I run it up the chain and see what happens. 16:38:02 <enrh> Finally the immediate value I see is that Ansible is only getting more popular, and VMware having good support may give way to other opportunities and talking points with the customer. 16:38:52 <akasurde> #action Akasurde Discuss jctanner and other Ansible Core team members about dahr-vmware's proposal 16:39:36 <dahr-vmware> I have been asked how Ansible will help with NSX day-2 operations. I've never thought about that but there's obviously some serious interest. Since our OperStack offering is the responsibility of NetSec, we have their ears. 16:39:46 <akasurde> dahr-vmware, current roadmap is to stablize existing modules 16:40:14 <dahr-vmware> Okay, can you send me something "official"? 16:40:16 <akasurde> NSX is also priority down the line 16:40:16 <enrh> dahr-vmware: If one's infrastructure is 100% deployed and amanged by Ansible, reaction time is next to nothing 16:40:28 <enrh> Yeah 16:40:41 <akasurde> dahr-vmware, Ok 16:40:58 <dahr-vmware> From what I can see, Ansible is the goto for us.. 16:41:18 <dahr-vmware> I don't mind running point on our side, I just need support from you guys. 16:42:22 <akasurde> Definitely 16:42:59 <dahr-vmware> We have a product called "vRealize Container Management" that is 100% deployed with Ansible. I've seen a demo and said, "Hey, that's Ansible, we use that for VIO (OpenStack) deployment!" So, we get it over here. 16:43:31 <akasurde> Cool 16:44:20 <dahr-vmware> I just need to push on our end. A few weeks ago, we noticed that you guys were having issues with finding an env to test. I may be able to help. 16:45:16 <dahr-vmware> Send me over something quasi "official" and I'll push. 16:45:49 <akasurde> Sure 16:46:55 <dahr-vmware> You guys are Red Hat, no? 16:47:15 <akasurde> I am in Red Hat but work for other team 16:47:32 <akasurde> jctanner and bcoca are in core Ansible Team 16:47:54 <dahr-vmware> Okay. But the whole thing is under Red Hat? 16:48:00 <akasurde> yepp 16:48:48 <dahr-vmware> Cool. I'll see what I can do. 16:49:48 <akasurde> Thanks thats what we need right now 16:49:59 <akasurde> to stablise and test existing ansible modules 16:51:05 <dahr-vmware> I'll get started while you guys put something together. 16:51:40 <akasurde> Sure. 16:51:51 <akasurde> #topic open floor 16:53:38 <akasurde> If we do not have anything, we can close the meeting for today 16:54:18 <dahr-vmware> Thanks, everyone. I'll do everything I can. 16:54:46 <akasurde> dahr-vmware, Thanks to you as well 16:55:52 <akasurde> Thanks for everyone to join, see you next week 16:56:04 <akasurde> #closemeeting 16:56:49 <akasurde> #endmeeting