15:00:11 <thaumos> #startmeeting Ansible Community Meeting 15:00:12 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Sep 14 15:00:11 2017 UTC. The chair is thaumos. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:12 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_community_meeting' 15:02:38 * mikedlr waves greetings. 15:02:49 <thaumos> #chair mikedlr 15:02:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: mikedlr thaumos 15:02:54 <thaumos> hello 15:03:16 <thaumos> I was about to queue up "All By Myself" by Eric Carmen 15:04:08 * gundalow hides at the back 15:04:33 * thaumos sets gundalow down up front in chair 15:04:35 <thaumos> #chair gundalow 15:04:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: gundalow mikedlr thaumos 15:04:50 <thaumos> tell us all your problems @gundalow 15:05:33 <thaumos> well... do either of you have anything to bring up today? 15:05:36 <gundalow> Limited to a work context? 15:05:46 <thaumos> I mean... we're open here 15:05:54 * mikedlr is impressed by Gundalow's happy life. 15:06:18 * gundalow is trying to finish documentation for 2.4 15:07:03 <mikedlr> I can discuss a bit about forums for getting people interested in playing with ansible deployment of AWS lambdas and stuff like that. Any suggestions? 15:07:20 <mikedlr> sort of community outreach from the AWS working group. 15:07:32 <thaumos> have you joined the ansible-aws working group/> 15:07:36 <gundalow> #info 2.4.0RC3 is out PLEASE TEST IT 15:07:37 <mikedlr> gundalow already got one furum in london. 15:07:49 <mikedlr> thaumos: I proposed the AWS WG ;-) 15:08:06 <thaumos> ;-) 15:08:11 <thaumos> it was a shameless plug 15:08:17 * resmo waves 15:08:21 <thaumos> for notes and all that 15:08:23 <thaumos> #chair resmo 15:08:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: gundalow mikedlr resmo thaumos 15:08:47 <mikedlr> it is very excellent and all people with a slight interest in AWS should come and join us and test and fix modules ! 15:08:53 <thaumos> ^ that! 15:09:07 <thaumos> I will see if there is a way to have us promote it on the Twitters 15:09:22 <thaumos> can you DM me with details? 15:09:34 <thaumos> and I will see what I can have happen 15:10:32 <mikedlr> sure; I have some slides / talk but I should rework them so they are suitable for an audience that doesn't know ansible. 15:10:39 <thaumos> 👍 15:10:43 <mikedlr> e.g. explain why we use ansible. 15:11:00 <mikedlr> https://slogme.wordpress.com/2017/08/15/notes-for-ansible-aws-talk-2017-08-28/ 15:12:02 <thaumos> cool, let's coordinate offline 15:12:48 <mikedlr> okay ; that's all from me. 15:13:28 <thaumos> Please please please all, test rc3 15:13:46 <thaumos> resmo, got anything to bring to the group today? 15:14:50 <ryansb> mikedlr: I can shoot you my slides for the serverless+ansible talk if you'd like to crib some 15:15:20 <mikedlr> ryansb: definitely ; yes please. 15:19:20 <thaumos> ok well i am going to end the meeting 15:19:34 <thaumos> thx everyone! 15:19:41 <thaumos> #endmeeting