15:01:05 <thaumos> #startmeeting ansible core 15:01:05 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 18 15:01:05 2018 UTC. The chair is thaumos. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:05 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core' 15:01:32 <funzo> o/ 15:01:38 <maxamillion> .hello2 15:01:39 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 15:01:39 <thaumos> #chair funzo 15:01:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: funzo thaumos 15:01:47 <akasurde> 0/ 15:01:48 <thaumos> #chair maxamillion 15:01:48 <zodbot> Current chairs: funzo maxamillion thaumos 15:01:50 <thaumos> #chair akasurde 15:01:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde funzo maxamillion thaumos 15:02:00 <mkrizek> o/ 15:02:07 <sivel> Hello 15:02:21 <ryansb> hu folks 15:02:23 <ryansb> *hi 15:02:24 <thaumos> #chair mkrizek sivel ryansb 15:02:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde funzo maxamillion mkrizek ryansb sivel thaumos 15:02:50 <jtanner> Morning 15:03:16 <thaumos> #chair jtanner 15:03:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde funzo jtanner maxamillion mkrizek ryansb sivel thaumos 15:04:23 * gundalow waves 15:04:30 <thaumos> #chair gundalow 15:04:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde funzo gundalow jtanner maxamillion mkrizek ryansb sivel thaumos 15:04:37 <thaumos> #topic Open Floor 15:04:45 <Pilou> hi 15:05:47 <gundalow> #chair Pilou 15:05:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pilou akasurde funzo gundalow jtanner maxamillion mkrizek ryansb sivel thaumos 15:06:00 <ryansb> if nobody has an item: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/35014 is a new PR for the GCP module generator 15:06:20 <thaumos> #topic GCP Module Generator PR 15:06:29 <gundalow> #topic GCP: DNS Managed Zones #35014 15:06:39 <gundalow> thaumos: oh, sorry :P 15:06:43 <thaumos> it's all good. 15:06:46 <thaumos> I'll step back 15:06:51 <gundalow> #link https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/35014 15:07:10 <gundalow> ryansb: whatcha need? 15:07:13 <ryansb> The short story: GCP, to keep up with pace of services and things, is building code generators for various targets 15:07:19 * thaumos leaves 15:07:38 <ryansb> I've reviewed a handwritten module, which is the basis for their templated one (in this PR) 15:08:30 * shertel waves 15:08:32 <ryansb> and what we need now is: 15:09:23 <ryansb> - other people's feedback on the resulting modules 15:09:52 <ryansb> - confirmation that the generator and methods for getting community changes (docs, etc) into the generator are adequate 15:10:06 <ryansb> - review on the non-generated things (the module_utils in that PR) 15:10:48 <sivel> ryansb: for starters, the PR is failing CI 15:13:00 <ryansb> - the code-gen is also open source, https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/magic-modules 15:14:31 <maxamillion> I think as long as the code for the generated modules provide enough information in the comments of their code so that someone knows where to go to find the generator code and how to contribute to fix those (either us or someone else in the community), it's ultimately fine ... what's the plan for when they want to re-rev the auto-generated modules? another PR that someone sanity checks and 15:14:37 <maxamillion> merges? 15:14:54 <sivel> How do we properly document that generated modules likely shouldn't get direct PRs, but should happen in some other repo? 15:14:59 <maxamillion> +1 for code gen being open source, if it wasn't I think I'd have an issue with it 15:15:14 <maxamillion> sivel: +1 - that's a good question 15:15:40 <jtanner> we have rejected generated modules in the past 15:15:51 <maxamillion> should we add a new field for ANSIBLE_METADATA that marks it as auto-generated? 15:15:56 <maxamillion> jtanner: oh? 15:15:58 <gundalow> We have also accepted aut generated modules 15:16:08 <ryansb> yeah - so one feedback thing I have is that they include links to the source templates in the generated output 15:16:08 <gundalow> network/avi/* 15:16:34 <ryansb> so it'd be a github link right to the source 15:16:43 <ryansb> docs are hand-generated 15:17:29 <ryansb> a bot-tag isn't a bad idea 15:17:29 <sivel> We just need to make sure it's well socialized, otherwise we could run into other problems 15:17:31 <jtanner> i feel like there needs to be a new bot workflow to autoclose issues and PRs for these sorts of modules and direct them upstream 15:17:41 <sivel> bot tagging and commenting would def help 15:17:52 <sivel> without it, I am a -1 15:18:26 <sivel> it would be too hard for every person to know what is the right thing to do 15:18:37 <jtanner> for any person 15:18:38 <sivel> maybe also an addition to ANSIBLE_METADATA? 15:18:42 <ryansb> so that would become a module metadata field? or something in BOTMETA 15:18:55 <ryansb> I think ANSIBLE_METADATA would be the best home 15:19:01 <sivel> I'd prefer ANSIBLE_METADATA I think 15:19:07 <jtanner> it also needs something to point them at the right place (which is not ansible/ansible) 15:19:26 <mikedlr> bot is okay; but the bot should give a comment that you can reopen if you disagree and should not then close issues that are re-opened. 15:19:29 <jtanner> BOTMETA could easily be extended 15:19:57 <jtanner> upstream: <url>, autoclose: true/false 15:20:05 <mikedlr> in the case that upstream is being unresponsive we it's important to recognise that early and take over. 15:20:22 <jtanner> i think it's unrealistic to expect us to "take over" anything 15:20:55 <jtanner> if it turns into bitrot, autoclose could be turned off ... but nobody currently monitors for bitrot 15:20:56 <sivel> maybe, remove the plugin 15:21:05 <mikedlr> "take over" can have differnt meanings, but if there's a module which upstream has decided they don't care about any more for commercial reasons 15:21:33 <mikedlr> and which has a severe / security bug then a) it needs to be fixed and b) gradually expired. 15:22:05 <mikedlr> provided that the auto-generated code is also reviewed and fine then this is no worse than a maintainer disappearing. 15:22:19 <ryansb> Yeah, the second case (upstream no longer does stuff) is easy 15:22:25 <sivel> Based on teh discussion, I feel like we might need a proposal for ANSIBLE_METADATA addition, and how to handle PRs/issues, where and how to point a user 15:22:43 <ryansb> but the severe bug *we* must fix is something we have to be clear on since this would be a community module 15:23:01 <ryansb> e.g. we don't expect core to drop everything and fix security bugs in honeybadger 15:23:27 <jtanner> here's a question ... 15:23:34 <gundalow> If the upstream generator dies then people can just manually to ansible/ansible 15:23:35 <jtanner> 1) we update the linters for some new policy 15:23:42 <jtanner> 2) we find an issue in these modules 15:23:46 <jtanner> 3) core team does what? 15:23:57 <ryansb> probably sets ignore.txt 15:24:17 <mikedlr> I think that depends; A (I'm not sure I want to imagine how) remotely exploitable, wormable bug in released software I would expect to be fixed at any cost (including module removal) 15:24:18 <ryansb> or, if it's something we really want fixed, submit a PR to the generator 15:24:33 <gundalow> For the for AVI modules I've just manually updated the auto generated module and @notified the owner that they need to update their generator 15:25:03 * gundalow doesn't have cycles to go work out how some generator works and fix it there 15:25:04 <jtanner> in that case, does it even matter that it's autogenerated? 15:25:10 <gundalow> jtanner: don't think so 15:25:58 <ryansb> oh, so we manually fix and then they update the generator. If they were to make a PR with a change (that didn't incorporate the manual update) the PR diff would show they missed it, so could go back and change the generator to produce fixed output 15:26:03 <ryansb> that's easier 15:26:10 <gundalow> ryansb: bingo 15:26:14 <sivel> potentially creates more work if we do that, and the "maintainer" doesn't notice, and pushes a newly generated module over top of the changes 15:26:21 * jtanner wonders if the proliferation of auto-generated modules means we need to take another look at why people need modules in the first place. 15:26:30 <sivel> I'd be -1 on just changing the generated module and hoping things work out 15:27:18 <sivel> the chances of losing that change are higher, and like I mention, it will create more work to ensure when we accept a later PR that it is "doing the right thing" 15:27:29 <maxamillion> it might make sense to also have something that will cause the generated sphinx-doc docs to have some kind of "visual marker" at the top of the page so that users know the module is auto generated and know not to file issue tickets to github.com/ansible/ansible for it 15:27:54 <gundalow> maxamillion: nice idea, that's easy enough to add 15:27:55 <jtanner> i think we can move forward by "pretending" they aren't autogenerated, and have no responsibility for working upstream on them. the maintainers will be responsible for guiding their contributors and bug filers and can manage the workflow via bot commands 15:27:58 <maxamillion> probably want to have the "where does this module's code actually live" URL be a part of the addition to ANSIBLE_METADATA and/or DOCUMENTATION 15:28:09 <maxamillion> gundalow: similar thing for ansible-doc 15:28:22 <jtanner> otherwise, i'm gonna say these modules should go to galaxy instead 15:28:57 <mikedlr> I have previously been involved in rpm development. I believe that if RPM had been more open to automatically generated modules we 15:28:58 <mikedlr> would have less of a horrible situation with every dynamic language coming up with it's own set of packaging and distribution tools. 15:29:22 <jtanner> python-rpmfluff? 15:30:10 <mikedlr> A default of ignoring the fact things are generated but a set of ways to work well with the people doing auto-generation will help. 15:30:18 <jtanner> rpm and system packaging is a whole can of worms 15:30:40 <ryansb> so ignore the generator, other than clear markings in code+docs+ansible-doc output 15:30:51 <sivel> I'm +1 under the following conditions. 1) We have the bot and ANSIBLE_METADATA dictate auto closing issues or PRs for these modules. 2) 100% ignoring that they are auto generated (no exceptions), no pointing people elsewhere, just forgetting where they came from 15:31:01 <mikedlr> jtanner: briefly maintained makerpm for making rpms from perl modules ; proved it could work; proved both communities weren't so keen. 15:31:25 <sivel> currently I'm -1 on any middle ground 15:31:29 <mikedlr> +1 on ryansb - clear markings and references are the most important. 15:32:21 <jtanner> mikedlr: i think most people hate writing specs (i know i do), which is why i use(d) python-rpmfluff and fpm. In this case with modules, I think the story is a little different because the complication is more about who gets the finger pointed at when the module doesn't work 15:32:37 <ryansb> sivel: so option 2 would mean we merge manual changes and such, and expect the upstream to work those into the generator 15:33:05 <jtanner> yes, that's how i interpret #2 also 15:33:08 <sivel> ryansb: yes, with absolutely 0 guarantee that they are notified about the change 15:33:23 <ryansb> well, they'd be the maintainer 15:33:24 <sivel> it's completely their responsibility to keep up to date 15:33:24 <shertel> so we wouldn't want autoclosed issues/PRs, right? 15:33:29 <ryansb> so would be @ ed on PRs 15:33:38 <ryansb> but yeah, no other special stuff 15:33:39 <maxamillion> sivel: what do you mean by "forgetting where they came from"? 15:33:41 <sivel> ryansb: sure, but we auto @ them now and they ignore 15:33:47 <jtanner> #1 would have autoclose workflow #2 would pretend there is no upstream 15:33:59 <jtanner> shertel: ^ 15:34:01 <sivel> maxamillion: pretending we didn't ever know they came from another repo or were generated 15:34:16 <mikedlr> how about allowing them to configure a bot message for bugs which allows them to _advise_ people about how to report bugs to the generator. 15:34:20 <sivel> we just treat them like any other module 15:34:22 <shertel> +1 to 2 15:34:50 <mikedlr> but doesn't stop the manual process in any way; 15:37:19 <maxamillion> mikedlr: yeah, I like that ... have some field in BOTMETA that would allow the bot to auto-close the issue with an update of "this module is autogenerated from $OVER_HERE, please report issues there" or whatever 15:38:23 <sivel> maxamillion: yes, I think that is my option #1 (which I believe requires a new proposal) 15:38:51 <sivel> Do we want to take some form of vote here? 15:38:56 <sivel> Looks like we have stagnated a bit 15:38:59 <mikedlr> maxamillion: independent of the autoclose - (above proposed as a flag) - "this module is maintainted by http://autogeneratedmods.com/bugtracker - please also report this bug upstream to them; when fixed please close this bug too" 15:39:14 <maxamillion> sivel: ah ok 15:39:20 <sivel> I'll reiterate my options 15:39:24 <maxamillion> sivel: thank you 15:39:26 <sivel> 1) We have the bot and ANSIBLE_METADATA dictate auto closing issues or PRs for these modules. (requires a proposal) 15:39:42 <sivel> 2) 100% ignoring that they are auto generated (no exceptions), no pointing people elsewhere, just forgetting where they came from, treated like any other module 15:40:07 <mikedlr> so for responsive maintainers we could autoclose; for unresponsive we can just give the link and when they largely fail to respond for a time we can just say "please fix here and report upstream" 15:40:52 <sivel> I don't think I want to get fancy, and have conditional actions 15:41:00 <sivel> I'd prefer one stance on how we handle them 15:41:12 <ryansb> for all autogens, or just for the GCP autogens? 15:41:13 <gundalow> I think #2 should be OK as ansibot will still @mention people. and if an auto generated PR comes along we will notice the change in the PR diff 15:41:31 <ryansb> e.g. would this retroactively apply to AVI 15:41:40 <sivel> based on work involved and such, I am going with +1 for #2 15:41:42 <gundalow> Though I like the banner in the top of the module py to point them to the right place 15:42:01 <gundalow> ryansb: good question #2 is what we are already doing for network/avi 15:42:22 <sivel> but honestly I feel like we aren't getting enough movement, and I feel we've lost some participants 15:42:51 <gundalow> sivel: yup, wonder if we should park it 15:43:08 <shertel> ryansb is this supposed to make it for 2.5? 15:43:49 <ryansb> would be nice but they aren't critically hosed if it doesn't (as evidenced by showing up so late in the cycle) 15:43:56 <sivel> Module freeze is 7 February 2018, so I think we should be ok, to pick this back up next meeting 15:44:11 <ryansb> alright, I'll remind us on the Tuesday meeting 15:44:14 <shertel> sivel this has module_utils 15:44:19 <sivel> Community Module Freeze that is 15:44:43 <shertel> we don't merge features to module_utils after the 22nd, right? 15:44:47 <sivel> shertel: I'm not sure how others see that, but module_utils for community modules, should be handled the same as modules 15:44:59 <sivel> gundalow: ^ ? 15:45:26 <gundalow> I *think* since that module_utils a) only effects these modules b) these modules are new, then Comunity Freeze applies to the whole PR. So they have till 7th Feb to get it merged 15:45:27 <shertel> Ok, probably fine for this. For module_utils that are used by community and core modules, that's an unclear line. 15:45:35 <ryansb> idk, for new mod_utils I'd say it probably counts as ok until Feb 7 15:45:41 <ryansb> since no GCP stuff is core 15:46:33 <maxamillion> need to step afk 15:47:10 <gundalow> #info #35014 has till the "community" freeze as a) None of GCP is support: core b) module_util changes are only to new in 2.5 modules, therefore no risk of breaking anything else 15:47:22 <gundalow> #info OPTION 1) We have the bot and ANSIBLE_METADATA dictate auto closing issues or PRs for these modules. (requires a proposal) 15:47:32 <gundalow> #info OPTION 2) 100% ignoring that they are auto generated (no exceptions), no pointing people elsewhere, just forgetting where they came from, treated like any other module 15:47:55 <gundalow> #info Remember to consider how this applies to existing auto generated modules, such as network/avi 15:48:16 <gundalow> I think we can move on 15:48:22 <ryansb> thanks everyone 15:48:31 <gundalow> #topic Open Floor 15:48:32 * ryansb has no other topics 15:48:34 <gundalow> Anyone got anything else? 15:49:02 <akasurde> gundalow I was thinking about a label which can identify if issues has PR or not ? 15:49:07 <sivel> I added a topic for next week, I have things to do right now, so I'll defer 15:49:19 <sivel> akasurde: I was thinking the same thing yesterday 15:49:28 <sivel> I use a has_pr issue in my personal projects 15:49:32 <akasurde> sivel, Cool 15:50:08 <sivel> As it is, for issues which I am working, I assign to myself, but that only extends so far 15:50:14 <sivel> a label would be useful 15:50:29 <gundalow> Lets revisit that on Tuesday 15:50:33 <gundalow> Anyone got anything else? 15:50:43 <sivel> akasurde: can you add to the agenda? 15:50:49 <akasurde> Yes sure 15:50:55 <akasurde> thanks 15:51:05 <gundalow> akasurde: Thanks 15:55:47 <sivel> Ok, let's close it out I suppose 15:56:35 <ryansb> +1 15:57:08 <sivel> ryansb: Please add your topic to the agenda for next week, and I recommend we hit it first 15:57:18 <sivel> while we have the most people present 15:57:28 <ryansb> noted 15:59:52 <gundalow> OK, thanks for your time everyone 15:59:54 <gundalow> #endmeeting