17:01:25 <mattclay> #startmeeting Ansible Testing Working Group 17:01:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar 1 17:01:25 2018 UTC. The chair is mattclay. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:01:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_testing_working_group' 17:02:10 <mattclay> #info Agenda: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/248 17:02:21 <sivel> .hello2 17:02:22 <zodbot> sivel: sivel 'Matt Martz' <matt@sivel.net> 17:02:27 <mattclay> #chair sivel 17:02:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: mattclay sivel 17:02:28 * Pilou waves 17:02:32 <mattclay> #chair Pilou 17:02:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pilou mattclay sivel 17:05:02 <mattclay> #info Most of the code-smell sanity tests in ansible-test have been converted to Python scripts. They have been updated to accept a file list as input and provide output in a standard format. 17:05:54 <mattclay> The only item on the Agenda today is https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/36468 17:06:17 <mattclay> #topic VCR for unit testing (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/36468) 17:06:28 <mattclay> I haven't reviewed the PR yet. 17:06:38 <mattclay> Has anyone else had time to look at it? 17:09:17 <sivel> I just took a quick look. I'm not a huge fan of using vcr. And from the looks of it, it seems overkill for the tests that are there 17:09:27 <sivel> there are 2 fixtures 17:09:40 <sivel> as part of the cassette 17:11:23 <mattclay> One thing I don't like about this approach is that the dependencies are in requirements instead of those being mocked. 17:11:51 <sivel> iirc we already have other tests using `responses` which is meant to mock requests 17:13:31 <sivel> also, since it is net new tests, we should prefer pytest 17:13:51 <mattclay> Yes, definitely. 17:18:55 <mattclay> I think the other issue here, at least with these modules specifically, is there isn't really any module code in the ansible repo. 17:19:17 <mattclay> The modules just call into the avi module utils, which then pass everything through to ansible specific code within the avi sdk. 17:19:44 <mattclay> So the modules are basically very thin wrappers around the sdk with documentation and metadata. 17:20:23 <mattclay> So even unit testing these at all seems like it's not really accomplishing much. 17:22:17 <sivel> Sounds like *maybe* unit testing the module_utils would be better 17:22:27 <sivel> to make sure they interact correctly with the sdk 17:22:35 <sivel> as opposed to testing that via a module 17:24:49 <mattclay> Yeah, after looking at it more, I think regular unit tests are all that is needed. Even then there isn't much to do there. The import tests alone are giving us like over 70% code coverage. 17:25:14 <mattclay> What is really needed is integration tests. 17:26:13 <mattclay> Using VCR just shows that someone was able to run the tests and capture the test session. Replaying it later doesn't give us much. 17:28:02 <mattclay> Specifically for the AVI modules, I don't think VCR is the correct approach for testing. VCR might be appropriate for other testing, but I'd need to see it in use first. 17:29:53 <mattclay> I'll comment on the PR after the meeting. 17:29:57 <mattclay> sivel: Any other thoughts? 17:30:29 <sivel> no, I think that really covers it 17:30:35 <sivel> as is that PR isn't useful 17:30:36 <mattclay> #topic Open Floor 17:30:42 <mattclay> Does anyone have anything else they'd like to discuss? 17:30:54 <sivel> Pilou: ? 17:31:15 <Pilou> i have one test PR for supervisorctl module 17:31:26 <Pilou> #36033 17:34:24 <sivel> sendProcessStdin.sh seems a little weird to me. Couldn't that just be a python file? instead of python code in a heredoc 17:36:08 <Pilou> the bash script allows to handle python2 and python3 17:36:29 <mattclay> Pilou: I think the python3 testing may need some work. When python2 is installed that will cause the module to run on python2 instead of python3. 17:36:58 <sivel> yeah, was just about to mention the tasks that explicitly are checking for python2 17:37:29 <mattclay> Pilou: You'd need to make sure that after python2 is installed the python symlink is restored. Anything expecting python to be python2 would need to be updated to point specifically at python2. 17:37:50 <sivel> how does the shell script do anything to support py2/py3 that couldn't just be done via python? 17:38:30 <mattclay> Pilou: I might be able to handle that in ansible-test though, by using python2 or python3 explicitly as the interpreter instead of using the python symlink. 17:40:17 <Pilou> mattclay: the symling is restored: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/36033/files#diff-32e09c1dcbb65e8d992de4cb5e02df97R13 17:41:00 <mattclay> Pilou: Yes, at the end of the test. Which means the module is tested under python2 instead of python3 during the test, which defeats the purpose of trying to test it on python3. 17:41:01 <Pilou> uninstall*.yml is included in an 'always' block 17:42:49 <Pilou> supervisorctl python module isn't compatible with python 3 17:42:56 <mattclay> I had the same issue with the hg tests -- in fact there are still a few issues with that test. I may be able to fix it easier by making some changes to ansible-test. 17:43:12 <mattclay> Pilou: Ah, in that case, then just skip the tests when python3 is installed. 17:44:24 <mattclay> Converting our python3 test system into a python2 system just to run the tests doesn't do anything useful since the module itself requires python2. 17:44:47 <mattclay> So just add 'skip/python3' to the aliases file. 17:45:56 <Pilou> a simpler way indeed :) 17:52:21 <mattclay> OK, anything else? 17:56:58 <mattclay> #endmeeting