15:08:14 <bcoca> #startmeeting ansible core irc meeting 15:08:14 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Apr 5 15:08:14 2018 UTC. The chair is bcoca. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:08:14 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:08:14 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_irc_meeting' 15:08:47 <bcoca> #topic https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/38285 15:09:00 <bcoca> #chair Sieben_ 15:09:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: Sieben_ bcoca 15:09:25 <Sieben_> Hello everybody 15:09:31 <bcoca> hi 15:09:35 <Sieben_> I got the scaleway_compute module working 15:09:49 <Sieben_> so it can create, start, reboot, stop and destroy instances 15:10:02 <Sieben_> I've added a playbook to test it 15:10:23 <bcoca> i imagine that requires credentials 15:10:39 <Sieben_> Debug messages are enabled to help reviewers understand how it works. I'm all up for converting them to regular log messages 15:10:45 <Sieben_> Yes indeed 15:10:50 <Sieben_> but maxamillion got them 15:11:04 <Sieben_> If more are needed just ping me 15:11:07 <bcoca> ah, now i remember the previous discussion 15:11:37 <bcoca> what did you want to discuss now? 15:11:58 <Sieben_> I would like to collect as much feedback as possible on the code. I would like to know what are the next steps to perform before having it merged 15:12:21 <Sieben_> I would like to know if there is design issues, api issues, comments... 15:12:22 <bcoca> mostly it is getting eyes on it 15:12:31 <bcoca> have you read the checklist? 15:13:00 <Sieben_> Yes 15:13:43 <bcoca> k, if followed that normally takes care of most issues, just need reviwers at this point? 15:13:49 <bcoca> @maxamillion ? 15:14:06 <Sieben_> Yes 15:14:22 <maxamillion> I'm on it, I already told Sieben_ I'd review today 15:14:35 <bcoca> #chair maxamillion 15:14:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: Sieben_ bcoca maxamillion 15:14:52 <maxamillion> .hello2 15:14:53 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 15:15:06 <Pilou> I guess one question will be "how to print some debug messages ?" 15:15:14 <Pilou> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/38285/files#diff-4259e225b60891dd12355d4205e44926R216 15:15:32 <bcoca> AnsibleModule has a 'warning' method 15:15:37 <bcoca> and a log one 15:15:57 <bcoca> ^ my reading of that, it IS using the module.warn 15:16:01 <maxamillion> +1 15:16:09 <maxamillion> that was my understanding as well 15:17:14 <resmo> hi 15:17:36 <bcoca> #chair Pilou resmo 15:17:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pilou Sieben_ bcoca maxamillion resmo 15:17:42 <maxamillion> there's a debug method in the AnsibleModule class as well 15:17:44 <sdoran> There's also the `debug()` method 15:17:46 <maxamillion> fwiw 15:17:49 <alikins> ie, do not print debug messages to stdout (and ideally not stderr either) 15:17:50 <maxamillion> sdoran: +1 15:17:51 <bcoca> and .. there is a debug method 15:17:57 <sdoran> Triple jinx! 15:18:00 <maxamillion> SO MUCH JINX 15:18:39 <bcoca> any other items on this issue? 15:19:24 <bcoca> Sieben_: looks like you are still working on some parts, you might want to prefix subject with [WIP] so bot labels correctly 15:20:14 <Sieben_> bcoca, done 15:20:16 <maxamillion> +1 15:21:10 <bcoca> if nothing else on this, i'll open the floor 15:22:04 <bcoca> #topic open floor 15:22:37 <agaffney> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/22648 <-- it's been a week, and there's been no use cases presented that don't work (as opposed to not working exactly as someone wants) 15:23:30 <bcoca> im for merging it, i think it is a good balance between keeping it explicit and reducing the number or repetitions 15:24:01 <bcoca> i do like the variation you made on alikins' prototypes also 15:25:07 <bcoca> ^ anyone else want to vote? 15:25:20 <bcoca> +1 from me 15:25:28 * sdoran giving it one last look 15:25:43 <agaffney> +1 from me ;) 15:25:57 <sdoran> No conflict of interest there ;) 15:26:15 <agaffney> if you can vote for yourself for political office, why not this? :) 15:26:18 <bcoca> agaffney: i assume +1 from author 15:26:38 * bcoca has voted -1 for his own PRs on occasion 15:27:31 <sdoran> +1 15:28:14 <alikins> I would lean towards -1 despite that I like the idea and the implementation. I'm weary of introduction a new mechanism for defining/setting var values without some docs/specs on how it should work 15:28:36 <bcoca> alikins: but +1 for the feature? 15:29:01 <bcoca> im pretty sure that we can get docs after, just not worth writing if we are not going to accept the feature 15:29:07 <privateip> does it work with roles? 15:29:28 <alikins> bcoca: I'm not sure I understand the distinction 'for the feature' ? 15:29:34 <bcoca> privateip: it will affect roles 15:29:39 <agaffney> privateip: I haven't explicitly tested that, but it should. it generally works the same way that 'environment' does 15:29:41 <bcoca> alikins: the code itself w/o docs 15:30:02 <alikins> then no, not really 15:30:20 <privateip> so it would be nice to know for sure if there are any issues with roles ... other than that im +1 15:30:50 <agaffney> privateip: what exactly do you mean by that? defaults set at the play level will apply to tasks in roles, and it can be used within roles via 'block' 15:30:54 <bcoca> privateip: its part of base, which means it is settable/applies to play/roles/blocks/tasks 15:31:34 <sdoran> That was my understanding as well. Which is also nice because you can define defaults for those various scopes. 15:31:38 <privateip> im just saying it should be tested with roles instead of assuming it will work 15:32:00 <sdoran> Though someone will inevitably ask for a true global setting... 15:32:01 <bcoca> any issues would be the same as for any current keyword that does the same, i.e environment, no_log, ignore_errors, etc 15:32:12 <bcoca> privateip: fair enough 15:32:25 <agaffney> privateip: you can always submit a follow-up PR to add roles to the integration tests :) 15:32:28 <bcoca> sdoran: a config default, but i would shy aways from that 15:32:29 <alikins> needs at least unit tests and examples and docs 15:32:59 <agaffney> alikins: it has integration tests. unit tests are probably unnecessary 15:33:06 <bcoca> alikins: has integration tests, and i agree some unit tests would be nice, example is in ticket, but i would not hold merging any feature to be doc/test complete or we would never add anything 15:33:32 <maxamillion> sorry ... multitasking badly, looking at agaffney's PR 15:33:36 <sdoran> bcoca: Agreed. I don't want to get in the business of supporting globally changing module defaults. 15:34:05 <bcoca> that is why 'this' version fo the solution keeps things explicit enough to not break 'play auditability' 15:35:52 <bcoca> so +4 , +1 (conditioned on adding tests for roles), -1 (conditioned on lack of docs) 15:35:59 <bcoca> anyone else? 15:36:00 <abadger1999> +1 15:36:04 <bcoca> +5 15:36:07 <alikins> that changes code in the middle of a 250 line method that is described as 'The primary workhorse of the executor system'. seems worthy of unit tests 15:36:08 * abadger1999 not really here, sorry 15:36:59 <agaffney> frankly, I have no idea how to add unit tests for this, but feel free to make suggestions, and I can do a follow-up PR to add them 15:37:18 <agaffney> but I'd think the combination of existing unit tests around the task executor code and the new integration tests would be sufficient 15:37:44 <bcoca> im fine with docs and more tests being follow up 15:38:01 <bcoca> we can always 'revert' before release if we feel it is not well enough covered 15:38:09 <maxamillion> +1 - but I would like to see some docs on this (more tests would be nice, but there's a good baseline there so I'm good with it) 15:39:23 <bcoca> k, seems the 'yays' have it, will 'close' in 1 min unless more arguments/votes come in 15:39:26 <agaffney> I can do a followup with docs. those are just a PITA to "test", since I can't reasonably build the entire set of docs locally to see how it looks 15:40:07 <bcoca> agaffney: take care of the 'substance' , since it is rst it will display in github/pr, we can take care of style later 15:40:15 <bcoca> ^ our docs guy will also review them 15:41:31 <bcoca> ok, merging, agaffney i'll expect follow up PR, alikins can you help him with unit tests for this? 15:42:00 <alikins> does 'module_defaults' keyword break on older ansibles? 15:42:01 <bcoca> iirc we do have some unit tests for task_executor._execute, 15:42:15 <bcoca> alikins: any new keyword will, has to be in porting guide 15:42:27 <bcoca> well, any new .. except loop, which was hidden 15:42:37 <agaffney> alikins: if by "break", you mean complain that it's not a valid play attribute, yes, probably 15:43:22 <bcoca> alikins: do you propose a change in policy regarding new keywords? 15:46:05 <bcoca> k, if nothing else, closing topic, merging PR 15:46:25 <bcoca> #task agaffney followup additional doc, tests and examples 15:46:29 <alikins> not sure what would be best for old ansible to do (not that we can change it now...). exiting seems harsh but alternatively would be to let playbooks run with the wrong/different task args 15:47:07 <bcoca> alikins: before 2.x we just 'ignored' invalid keywords, but that was a problem with mispelling 'beocme' vs 'become' 15:47:26 <bcoca> in 2.0 we started validating the keywords, we've added a few since then .. and yes, its a fatal error 15:47:34 <nitzmahone> Yeah, we def don't want to return to 1.x behavior there 15:48:14 <nitzmahone> I could see warnings being added to actively-maintained versions for new keywords we know are coming 15:48:18 <bcoca> we COULD have a 'convert bad keyword to warning' switch .. but im unsure that is better than 'this is not valid keyword for this ansible' and have people upgrade versions or fix play to match their version 15:49:03 <bcoca> nitzmahone: a more customized error? 'invalid keyword, x is new in 2.6'? 15:49:15 <bcoca> but 'this is 2.4' 15:49:16 <nitzmahone> Something like that 15:49:18 <alikins> so what happens now if I run a module_defaults playbook against say 2.4 ansible-playbook? 15:49:18 <dw> alikins: python's __future__ mechanism kinda relates to this.. semantics that are due to become default must be explicitly declared for a few versions before they finally become default. any older version aware of the mechanism can complain gracefully if a feature is unrecognized. not sure it's useful here, but it is related 15:49:22 * alikins tries 15:49:30 <nitzmahone> Whether warning or error I'm not sure 15:49:38 <nitzmahone> *bang* 15:49:43 <bcoca> alikins: same thing that happens in a 2.0 when using loop_control, fatal error 15:49:49 <nitzmahone> Should be invalid task arg or something 15:49:53 <nitzmahone> yeah 15:50:08 <nitzmahone> DS doesn't know what to do with it so kablooie 15:50:17 <alikins> 'ERROR! 'module_defaults' is not a valid attribute for a Play' - but that is the kind of thing the docs/description/tests should mention 15:50:27 <sivel> All new keywords we add blow up, and I think it shoudl blow up 15:50:36 <sivel> if used in an older ver without that keyword 15:51:01 * nitzmahone leans toward error as well, though specific error messages in actively maintained versions would be OK w/ me 15:51:23 <nitzmahone> Ultimately we won't be able to run the content as the author intended, so it should be an error 15:51:28 <bcoca> im ok with adding more specific error messages to 'maintained versions' but that would still be a change in how we've handled until now 15:51:35 <nitzmahone> yep 15:51:46 <bcoca> i think its an error either way, 'ignoring' is bad 15:52:02 <bcoca> making the error more helpf ul to user ++++++++++++++++++ 15:52:15 <maxamillion> +1 15:53:05 <bcoca> #topic add feature/process to older 'maintained' versions to inform user that invalid keyword is avialable in newer/upgraded version 15:53:14 <bcoca> ^ who wants to implement? 15:53:31 * nitzmahone ducks 15:53:34 * bcoca hides 15:53:52 <nitzmahone> resmo++ for best quit timing ever 15:54:00 * sdoran hides under table 15:54:13 <bcoca> agaffney: fyi, https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/docs/docsite/keyword_desc.yml <= you migh twant to add entry here 15:55:07 <bcoca> alikins: want to create a 'feature idea' issue and hope someone has time/incentive to create this? 15:56:54 <agaffney> bcoca: any hint on where in the docs to add info about module_defaults? 15:58:05 <bcoca> http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks.html ... not sure which specific subsection is best 15:58:25 <bcoca> advanced playbook features? 15:58:36 <sdoran> Was just about to say that. 15:59:04 * bcoca really wants to remove 'best practices' as title 15:59:24 <sdoran> "One way to do it" 15:59:30 <agaffney> I'm creating a stub branch for now with the keyword_desc.yml entry and a placeholder in the docs 15:59:32 <bcoca> 'our suggestsion' 15:59:36 <bcoca> agaffney: thnx 15:59:46 <bcoca> ok, if nothing else, closing meeting in 1 min 16:00:28 <alikins> I dont think there is much use in warning about future keywords. maybe if it could be done super generically and generally... 16:00:50 <bcoca> alikins: the hard part is distinguishing between a typo and a 'future keyeword' 16:01:04 <bcoca> ^ not on purpose .. mispelled keyword naturally ... 16:01:16 <alikins> I mean, if we know about it before hand it wouldn't hurt (much) 16:01:22 <nitzmahone> Probably a new subclass of FieldAttribute or something that has a "future_warning" kwarg or something 16:01:24 <bcoca> alikins: agreed 16:01:52 <bcoca> yes, as long as we know that 'in next version' we are adding it ... my issue is that .. plans change and we RARELY do such things 16:01:54 <nitzmahone> We'd be able to cover most things with that- just add the FieldAttribute in the right place(s) as we would in the real implementation, but no functionality 16:02:21 <nitzmahone> I'm thinking more like "once it's landed and we're sure it's shipping" to add to maintenance releases, not preemptively 16:02:24 <bcoca> but im fine if someone wants to implement the facility 16:02:33 <bcoca> +1 to the fieldattribute type=future 16:02:35 * nitzmahone doesn't care enough to do it ATM ;) 16:02:53 <agaffney> it seems overkill to go back and modify old versions to note features that only exist in newer versions 16:03:14 <sivel> yeah, I agree. An old version shouldn't be aware of the future 16:03:16 <bcoca> its more work, but i do agree its nicer to the user 16:03:23 <sivel> I disagree 16:03:37 <bcoca> sivel: you would feel ansible is taunting you to upgrade? 16:03:43 <nitzmahone> Ideally if it's galaxy content or something it'd have the minimum version of Ansible specified/enforced in metadata 16:03:54 <nitzmahone> "do not taunt Happy Fun Ansible" 16:04:08 <alikins> nitzmahone: I could see that, maybe if there was an enumerated list of keywords/syntax that could be easily added to without special casing in playbook loaders 16:04:20 <bcoca> nitzmahone: we could build that into the 'detector' .. if feature A or B in tasks.yml ... min=2.4 16:04:57 <bcoca> at this point sounds more like a feature for the 'package definition' on galaxy 16:05:20 <bcoca> im going to punt to someone making a proposal, not really anything to vote on here right now 16:05:26 <bcoca> #endmeeting