15:00:55 <bcoca> #startmeeting ansible core public irc meeting 15:00:55 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 21 15:00:55 2018 UTC. 15:00:55 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:55 <zodbot> The chair is bcoca. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:55 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_public_irc_meeting' 15:01:56 <bcoca> #chair ryansb jtyr shertel 15:01:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcoca jtyr ryansb shertel 15:02:08 * shertel waves 15:02:08 * ryansb waves 15:02:10 <sac> o/ 15:02:10 <bcoca> #topic defined/undefined conditional behaviour 15:02:14 <bcoca> #chair sac 15:02:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcoca jtyr ryansb sac shertel 15:02:32 <sivel> .hello2 15:02:33 <zodbot> sivel: sivel 'Matt Martz' <matt@sivel.net> 15:05:23 <bcoca> so, sevearl issues, #1 seems myvar: '{{undefvar}}' then 'when: myvar is defined' fails as myvar is attempted to be tempalted (since it appears defined) but then we get undefined error on it's value so the conditional ends in error 15:05:42 <maxamillion> .hello2 15:05:43 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 15:05:49 <bcoca> is myvar supposed to be 'undefined' at this point? (i think most of us agree it should, but it really is not internally) 15:06:42 <bcoca> i think jinaj2 is doing the wrong thing here and it is a bug 15:07:19 <agaffney> it seems like a matter of semantics. technically, 'myvar' is defined, just with a value that will not properly template 15:07:45 <jtyr> myvar is defined by an empty string 15:07:48 <bcoca> it is semantics, clearly 15:07:52 <agaffney> on the surface, it seems like jinja2 is doing the right thing 15:08:03 <bcoca> jtyr: it is not, it is defined by a 'template' which itself errors on undefined 15:08:25 <jtyr> I se 15:08:26 <jtyr> e 15:08:39 <sivel> jinja2 has an Undefined class, and any undefined var is represented by that class 15:08:45 <sivel> So you have defined it as an undefined var 15:08:52 <bcoca> so jinja2 detects this as 'defined' but then tries to template it and hits undefined error, which is not captured by 'is defined' 'is not undefined' 15:09:05 <sivel> one problem is we don't know that it will always be such, because of lazy eval. 15:09:10 <bcoca> not really, myvar=Undefined <=would be jinja2 way 15:09:19 <sivel> In python that would have been a NameError early 15:09:25 <bcoca> sivel: exactly, but this is during an evaluation 15:09:29 <sivel> yep 15:09:41 <sivel> because of that, I think the only sane thing is to treat it as undefined 15:09:48 <agaffney> perhaps what we really want is a 'will_template_cleanly' test, but that also seems like a bad solution 15:10:26 <bcoca> it gets tricky when myvar={ 'k1': 'defined', 'k2': '{{ undefinedvar}}' } 15:10:39 <agaffney> but ansible could also override the 'defined' test to checked for defined-ness *and* try to template the value 15:10:42 <bcoca> ^ cause now the myvar will give same error, but only one of its 'contained' is undefined 15:10:47 <agaffney> but then that deviates from expected jinja2 behavior 15:11:07 <bcoca> agaffney: i was thinking of 'sttrict/deep/_defined/_undefined' 15:11:14 <bcoca> to use in parallel with jinja2 15:11:35 <bcoca> cause overriding 'defined/undefined' would fix this, but as you say, depart from expected jinja2 beahviour 15:11:41 <agaffney> that seems reasonable...a "parallel" test to defined/undefined that has the additional semantics we want here 15:11:45 <bcoca> #chair agaffney akasurde 15:11:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: agaffney akasurde bcoca jtyr ryansb sac shertel 15:12:16 * akasurde waves 15:13:15 * jtyr waves back 15:16:36 <bcoca> def test_undefined(value): 15:16:37 <bcoca> """Like :func:`defined` but the other way round.""" 15:16:39 <bcoca> return isinstance(value, Undefined) 15:17:06 <bcoca> ^ this is actual jinja2 code, which does an object test, the problem is that then it tries to template the var itself, since it is not an 'undefined' and finds the undefined value 15:17:58 <shertel> having a strict_defined/undefined test seems reasonable 15:20:16 <bcoca> just unsure how to do those, since tests dont have access to templating engine 15:20:24 <bcoca> nor other vars 15:20:47 <bcoca> can it be we are overdoing templating on conditional checks? 15:20:51 * bcoca needs to reread that code 15:20:57 <sivel> Maybe it means a change in how we template to begin with 15:21:05 <sivel> a special case of `Undefined` 15:21:14 <bcoca> we special case Undefined many ways 15:21:44 <sivel> Well, i was referring to a subclass that still meant undefined, but tracked the original template, so that we could still do lazy eval later 15:21:53 <sivel> but if all lazy evals failed, it would still be undefined in the end 15:23:00 <bcoca> the problem is doing that pre conditional eval since that is first time we are evaling the vars in this case 15:26:38 <sivel> I was meaning that the moment that we parse `myvar: '{{undefvar}}'`, when we eval that, if it fails, we make myvar=TrackedUndefined 15:26:41 <sivel> or something like that 15:26:51 <bcoca> so looking at code ... i keep thinking this is a jinaj2 issue, conditional handling tries to 'guess' if it was undefined/defined error with regexes that jinja2 doesnt handle the way we want 15:26:58 <sivel> but would require a fair number of changes to support that 15:27:38 <bcoca> @sivel the issue is that many vars are undefined initially, i.e host: {{ inventory_hostname}}.fqdn 15:27:56 <bcoca> those would be false positives when hitting the conditional 15:28:12 <bcoca> and that would also requore we have all vars and tempalting engine built into yaml parser 15:28:32 <bcoca> even register: myvar <=- any use of myvar will be undefined at that point, though we clearly will have it at runtime 15:29:17 <agaffney> doing var evaluation at parse time seems like a terrible idea for many reasons 15:29:48 <sivel> we do it already 15:30:08 <agaffney> in what context? 15:30:12 <bcoca> not really, we let yaml evaluate, which means those vars point at 'strings' .. which happen to be templates 15:30:28 <bcoca> so yes, they get evaluated, but for diff meaning of the word 15:30:44 <sivel> sorry, not parse time of the YAML, but once we parse the actual ds, post_validate does templating of all of the FieldAttributes 15:31:14 <bcoca> no, it does not deep validate vars 15:31:26 <bcoca> specifically for the reason they might not be available 15:31:51 <sivel> yes, I'll stop my discussion, like I said it would require a lot of changes to how we do things. 15:31:53 <sivel> just an idea 15:32:49 <bcoca> understood, but i see it causing more problems than its sovles, enforcing strict definition times 15:33:27 <sivel> it was more, default all variables to undefined, but track the original template, so that it could be evaluated later, potentially being replaced by the real value 15:33:40 <bcoca> not that i have a good solution, i would like the alternate tests, but i dont see easy way to implement 15:33:41 <sivel> undefined until otherwise defined 15:34:05 <bcoca> sivel: but then all vars with template would be undefined at test time 15:34:23 <bcoca> unless we also tokenize/parse the test before hand and test each var 15:34:30 <bcoca> by templating it 15:34:55 <bcoca> which we can still do w/o preemptive 'undefined' marking 15:35:02 <bcoca> its just costly/error prone 15:35:52 <sivel> alright, well I think as mentioned elsewhere, we aren't going to come to an answer today 15:36:45 <bcoca> well, we have open issues, we need to respond something, even if it is just documenting 'undefined/defined' only work on true undefined vars, not dependencies 15:37:15 <agaffney> documenting it at least seems like a good first step solution, even though that's really a jinja thing 15:38:09 <shertel> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/23675 and https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/27268 are two of the issues 15:44:34 <shertel> I can add to my queue to document the current behavior if that’s what we want to do for now and revisit this later. We could move on to jtyr’s. 15:45:54 <bcoca> possibly, looking at parser .. current 'handling' is very optimistic and only handles some cases via regex matching .... leaves out many making it more inconsistent not less ... 15:46:03 <bcoca> tempted to remove it and go back to pure jinja2 handling 15:47:49 <shertel> are you looking at the regex and handling in conditional? 15:48:55 <bcoca> yep 15:49:06 <bcoca> also at the jinaj2 ast tree ... but that scares me 15:49:31 <bcoca> we can make the regexes better .. but almost imposisble to handle all cases 15:49:56 <bcoca> (hostvars\[.+\]|[\w_]+) <= there are many other ways to ref a var indirectly 15:50:26 <bcoca> vars[] hostvars[' '] lookup('vars' ... {{ {{varname}} }} 15:56:10 <bcoca> sorry, many fixes i see now in 'conditional.py' that are tangetial to this 15:56:25 <bcoca> part of me just wants to delete all this 'capture' and just expose the 'plain jinaj2 way' 15:58:34 * abadger1999 notes that the hour is mostly gone and we've only discussed one topic. 15:58:48 <bcoca> its big topic 15:58:50 <abadger1999> Perhaps we should move on and try to get to one of jtyr's issues. 15:58:53 <bcoca> but eyah, think at impass 15:59:10 <bcoca> #topic revoke args deprecation 15:59:41 <bcoca> as i posted in tickets, no_log was not part of why we deprecated this, so not sure why it is used as argument to undeprecate 15:59:45 <abadger1999> jimi|ansible, sivel: Was there some progress on either an alternative to this or addressing the security concerns? 16:00:12 <abadger1999> I know we talked at length about it but I don't remember the outcome. 16:00:33 <bcoca> i think we agreed to not remove yet, until we could figure out a solution 16:00:41 <abadger1999> Or was it the thing that (agaffney?) added to make default params? 16:00:42 <bcoca> module_defaults seems to have taken part of the use case 16:00:51 <sivel> The only outcome I specifically remember, was instructing people to use default and omit 16:00:52 <abadger1999> <nod> Yeah. 16:01:02 <bcoca> kidnof, its not the full cases for args: '{{mydict}}' 16:01:15 <abadger1999> jtyr: ^ What use cases does module_defaults address and what does it still leave out? 16:01:21 <jtyr> hu 16:01:25 <jtyr> I'm here 16:01:50 <jtyr> what's the question about? 16:01:56 <abadger1999> jtyr: Have you seen the new module_defaults keyword? 16:02:14 <jtyr> nop, what's that? 16:02:31 <jtyr> is there some doc? 16:02:47 <abadger1999> agaffney: ? 16:03:06 <bcoca> there is, need to find it 16:03:16 <abadger1999> ./docsite/rst/user_guide/playbooks_module_defaults.rst: 16:03:26 * abadger1999 finds the url that corresponds to that 16:03:32 <jtyr> https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/user_guide/playbooks_module_defaults.html 16:03:44 <abadger1999> cool 16:04:11 <sivel> btw, I haven't found a case where I couldn't use default+omit to implement use of `args: '{{ mydict }}'` 16:04:59 <jtyr> hm ... let me think about it ... see it for the first time now ... 16:05:28 <abadger1999> K. I'll post the url for that in your PR so that other people who might be following it can think about it as well. 16:05:36 <bcoca> sivel: agreed, even module_defaults is not needed, but some people just want the convinience and not use omit 16:06:00 <bcoca> #topic https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/41288 16:06:50 <bcoca> lgtm, seems its just waiting for docs person to review 16:07:02 <bcoca> sadly we are lacking resources there 16:08:03 <jtyr> can I use module_defaults on the module level (without any previously defined module_defaults) to define the module args as dict? ... I see the example with "file: {}" to reset any previously defined defaults ... but can I use it to define new once? 16:08:37 <bcoca> if you could, it would be a bug that would requrie same solution as args: 16:09:16 <jtyr> bcoca: this is what I was afraid of you will answer ;o) 16:09:17 <bcoca> so if no comments on doc PR, going to next issue 16:09:33 <bcoca> #topic https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/39589 16:10:48 <bcoca> jtyr: what is issue here? 16:11:03 <jtyr> just long pending PR ... 16:11:17 <jtyr> I have implemented all your comments ... waiting for review/merge ... 16:11:42 <jtyr> oh ... that's the next one actually 16:11:50 <jtyr> this one is waiting for review 16:12:20 <bcoca> i'll put it on my list, ... i was hoping to have mount2 by now 16:12:48 <bcoca> #topic https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/32856 16:13:23 <bcoca> jtyr: are you going to reformat metadata on every module? just futile as we rewrite it in automated fashion 16:13:23 <jtyr> this one the one where I have implemented your comments and waiting for review 16:13:47 <jtyr> well, you should fix your formatting then ;oP 16:13:48 <bcoca> he, this is already on my list .. but long list ... 16:13:54 <bcoca> jtyr: not mine 16:14:42 <jtyr> please move it on the top of your list ... ;o) 16:15:00 <bcoca> there are several hundred issues with that request ... 16:15:12 <maxamillion> jtyr: also, please note that I think your PR qualifies for a changelog entry as per https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ansible-devel/uYuIADYa5vs 16:15:18 <maxamillion> jtyr: thanks! :D 16:15:45 <bcoca> maxamillion: that is going to be very irksome for people having had PRs open for soo long 16:16:04 <abadger1999> bcoca: it's necessary before merge. 16:16:16 <jtyr> I can add changelog note if that's the only missing bit ... ;o) 16:16:16 <bcoca> since when? 16:16:32 <bcoca> now all PRs require changelog? 16:16:33 <abadger1999> the merger can do it if the submitter does not, though. 16:16:48 <abadger1999> bcoca: yes... I sent an email a few weeks ago. 16:17:06 <abadger1999> mattclay, nitzmahone, and I have been discussing how to get a CI test for it. 16:17:16 <bcoca> i must have missed it, cause ive been merging plenty of them w/o it, and i've seen others do same 16:17:29 <abadger1999> bcoca: bad bcoca! ;-) 16:17:30 <bcoca> i know you guys were discussing about requriing it, but thoguht it was only for stable 16:17:35 <abadger1999> yeah, that's why I want a test. 16:17:41 <bcoca> im not alone, tons of merges w/o one in last week alone 16:17:58 <abadger1999> The other day, I looked in history and only 1 of the last ten merges that needed a changelog had one. 16:18:04 <abadger1999> So I know you're not alone. 16:18:13 <abadger1999> But that's why we need a test to stop them from being merged. 16:18:28 <bcoca> we just ogt a merge now w/o one ... 16:18:36 <abadger1999> I don't doubt it. 16:19:09 <bcoca> last 10 to devel or just last 10? cause i most of what i did yesterday was against stable 16:19:11 <abadger1999> It's hard for people to review for "thing that's missing". Much easier for people to review "is this thing that is added satisfactory" 16:19:26 <abadger1999> bcoca: last 10 to devel... I think it was 2 days ago. 16:19:29 <bcoca> also, it seem sthe rule is not that well known 16:19:53 * bcoca is looking for email 16:19:59 <abadger1999> I announced it in ansible-devel list, #ansible-devel channel and #core_internal on slack. 16:20:04 <maxamillion> bcoca: yeah, I know but I'm trying to be consistent 16:20:15 <abadger1999> anyhow... this is a tangent to jtyr's PR... 16:20:49 <bcoca> #topic https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/247#issuecomment-398553610 16:20:49 <maxamillion> bcoca: I linked the email :) 16:20:50 <jtyr> it would be nice automate it to certain extend ... lie identify if module options are changing and then require record in the changelog ... 16:21:06 <maxamillion> jtyr: +1 16:22:01 <bcoca> cannot find it in ansible-devel ... did i delete? 16:22:30 <bcoca> @caphrim007_ ^ want to discuss? 16:22:43 <caphrim007_> bcoca: oh is it that time? 16:22:57 <caphrim007_> i guess i'm on pacific time. my bad 16:23:00 <abadger1999> How many files is the ipaddress backport? 16:23:02 <bcoca> vendoring ipaddress.py 16:23:04 <caphrim007_> 1 16:23:06 <abadger1999> Is it python-26 compatible? 16:23:51 <caphrim007_> abadger1999: yes 16:23:54 <caphrim007_> https://github.com/phihag/ipaddress/ 16:23:55 <abadger1999> Cool. 16:24:03 <caphrim007_> Python 3.3+'s ipaddress for Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2. 16:24:07 <caphrim007_> sys the repo 16:24:09 <caphrim007_> says* 16:24:19 <bcoca> well, we dont suppor 3.0-4 16:24:22 <abadger1999> I begin to feel like we need a directory in module_utils for the backports/vendored things 16:24:31 <bcoca> but 2.6/2.7 would benefit 16:24:37 <abadger1999> But otherwise I'm fine with it. 16:24:44 <bcoca> not opposed either 16:24:54 <caphrim007_> are you two ok with my other notes about it? 16:25:01 <caphrim007_> specifically the future removal of it? 16:25:01 <abadger1999> Where are those at? 16:25:07 <caphrim007_> one sec 16:25:19 <bcoca> link in ntopic 16:25:20 <caphrim007_> https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/247#issuecomment-398553610 16:25:30 * abadger1999 reads 16:25:52 <bcoca> unsure about it not being in network/common 16:26:02 <abadger1999> oh... one other question maybe... is this the same as the ipaddress backport on pypi or different? 16:26:10 <bcoca> i would put it there and if you need f5 speciric, import/override from there 16:26:29 <caphrim007_> i think its one of the backports? 16:26:42 <caphrim007_> i included it as f5 specific only because i heard noone else asking for it 16:26:45 <abadger1999> caphrim007_: Yeah, not okay with the removal cases. 16:26:58 <jtyr> bcoca: I feel very unsatisfied with the outcome of this meeting regarding my PRs ... basically no progress was made in any of the 4 PRs I brought up ... :o( 16:27:33 <caphrim007_> abadger1999: i'm not opposed to changing the removal stuff. again, i only included it there because i was thinking f5 specific for this case 16:27:49 <bcoca> jtyr: not sure what i can do, they are all stuck for a reason, that reason has not changed 16:27:51 <caphrim007_> if it's put in a general area and never removed, then eventually i'll transition my stuff to what comes in py3 16:27:54 <jtyr> bcoca: the doc PR (41288) is very simple and requires 30 secs to review ... 16:28:07 <bcoca> jtyr: so do my other 300 things our of 1000 16:28:24 <bcoca> i could be reviewing instead of doing this meeting, i have limited time 16:28:35 <bcoca> also, we are on another topic 16:28:57 <abadger1999> caphrim007_: <nod> Yeah, I think that's probably fine. 16:29:07 <jtyr> bcoca: args thing the same ... it should be removed in 2.6 which is just around the corner and the topic wasn;t discussed properly ... just pointing on another solution which is no suitable as a replacement for args + dict ... 16:29:11 <bcoca> caphrim007: i asked peopel from netowrking to weigh in, as i believe they woudl also benefit/care about ipaddress 16:29:22 <caphrim007> bcoca: ok 16:29:30 <maxamillion> abadger1999: +1 to directory specific to backports and vendored stuff 16:29:58 <maxamillion> (sorry, reading backscroll) 16:30:21 <abadger1999> caphrim007: We'd probably end up using this in other places (I believe there's a filter plugin or lookup plugin that also uses ipaddress... and there might be some bespoke ipv6 validation code somewhere that could be replaced by this as well) 16:30:34 <caphrim007> what about Qalthos' mention in the networking meeting the other day about BSD licenses for mod utils? is that a default requirement with case-by-case overrides (cases determined in this meeting)? 16:30:49 <abadger1999> jtyr: For args..... I need a use case. 16:31:05 <bcoca> a use case not covered by other methods 16:31:05 <abadger1999> docs I can see what acozine's blocker with reviewing it is. 16:31:18 <jtyr> abadger1999: it's all described in the PR ... 16:31:22 <abadger1999> but docs is not the core team so I can't jump things up her priority list. 16:31:48 <abadger1999> jtyr: I do not see one. 16:32:02 <abadger1999> From my best guess as to use cases, module_defaults seems suitable. 16:32:13 <jtyr> abadger1999: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/41295 16:32:23 <abadger1999> Yes, that's the pr I read. 16:32:31 <abadger1999> And I don't see the use case. 16:32:40 <bcoca> usage example and use case are diff things 16:33:05 <jtyr> module_defaults is not a solutions ... it's for another purpose ... 16:33:19 <abadger1999> caphrim007: Correct. We have determined in the past that PSF is okay for vendored stuff because the compatibility is about the same as for BSD. 16:33:34 <caphrim007> abadger1999: ok thanks for clarifying 16:33:40 <acozine1> what's the PR I'm not reviewing? 16:33:51 <jtyr> if I could use module_defaults: "{{ mydict }}" on the module level without prev definition of module_defaults ... that would work ... 16:33:52 <acozine1> I was on PTO last week, so things got a bit behind 16:34:00 <abadger1999> jtyr: which I underatand hat you think is true... but I need you to give a use case so I can see how it doesn't work for that use case. 16:34:10 <abadger1999> acozine1: no worries. 16:34:27 <abadger1999> acozine1: jtyr was wondering what needed to be done for https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/41288 16:34:52 <bcoca> its was in your queue already 16:35:07 <jtyr> abadger1999: I want to use it for a single task in whole role ... that's not how module_defaults is intended to be used ... 16:35:49 <bcoca> can we discuss 1 topic at time, this is getting all jumbled 16:35:59 <bcoca> please, lets finish with @caphrim007 issue then i'll open floor 16:36:06 <jtyr> ok 16:36:37 <bcoca> @caphrim007 to sumarize if i didnt miss anything: a) license is ok b) location, we need feedback from neworking but leaning to common/ c) would vendor whole thing, not partial 16:36:43 <bcoca> ^ abadger1999 did i miss anything? 16:37:11 <caphrim007> bcoca: i concur with your summarizing 16:37:17 <abadger1999> bcoca: (b) actually... we shold decide that here/now. 16:37:45 <abadger1999> because this will be used outsie of networking 16:37:46 <bcoca> i feel like we need networking input as they are also affected 16:38:04 <abadger1999> sivel: Do you think we should have a compat directory inside of module_utils/common? 16:38:16 <bcoca> so you want common area 16:38:21 <abadger1999> module_utils/common/compat/ipaddress.py ? 16:38:27 <abadger1999> Yep. 16:38:34 <bcoca> s/common/ just have /compat/ ? 16:38:40 <abadger1999> Right now we tend to throw our backports just into module_utils. 16:38:45 <abadger1999> Yeah we could do that too. 16:38:52 <abadger1999> module_utils/compat/ipaddress.py 16:39:01 <bcoca> othewise people wre not going to see it , subdirs are easily missed 16:39:12 <abadger1999> Or... 16:39:13 <bcoca> +1 16:39:18 <abadger1999> we might want to call it bundled 16:39:21 <abadger1999> Or vendored 16:39:24 <abadger1999> instead of compat. 16:39:42 <bcoca> bikeshed away in name, i jsut think putting it in common hides it too much 16:40:00 <abadger1999> That actually might be better for distributions which want to unbundle stuff. 16:40:02 <bcoca> but im fine with it in common also, would not oppose, just advising it to be top level 16:40:07 <abadger1999> <nod> 16:40:32 <bcoca> so b) must go into compat/ (provisional name) for now, not waiting on networking input 16:40:36 <sivel> I think module_utils/compat is what I would chose 16:40:44 <sivel> sorry for late response, I got distracted fixing a bug 16:41:15 <abadger1999> sivel: k. If we bundle something else that's not part of python, would we put that in compat as well or have a second hierarchy? 16:41:16 <bcoca> we can have another meeting to bikeshed on name, but i think now we have enough to close the topic, once PR is open name of subdir bikeshed can be done on ticket 16:41:31 <sivel> abadger1999: it is bundled in more recent versions of python isn't it? 16:41:35 <bcoca> so im going to close topic and open floor 16:41:42 <bcoca> #topic open floor 16:41:52 <jtyr> so 16:41:53 <caphrim007> sivel: yes, this is a backport of the 3.x module in python 16:42:03 <jtyr> args + dict vs module_defaults 16:42:09 <abadger1999> (six would technically be that sort of module, for instance... although six could go in compat due to it's subject matter) 16:42:55 <sivel> I think compat is the right place. That is where we have selectors2 (ansible/compat) 16:43:15 <abadger1999> caphrim007: Go forward with your stuff, sivel and I have until 2.7 freeze to decide whether to move it or not. 16:43:22 <sivel> since it's a backport/compat available in newer py versions 16:43:26 <bcoca> so if no one is proposing topics and just doing side discussions i'll close meeting 16:43:36 <caphrim007> abadger1999: ok 16:43:37 <abadger1999> bcoca: jtyr is proposing more discussion on args 16:43:45 <bcoca> ok, so lets stay on that 16:43:50 <bcoca> #topic rehash args dict 16:43:51 <jtyr> thanks 16:43:52 <abadger1999> jtyr: do you have a use case? 16:44:01 * bcoca starts loop 16:44:15 <jtyr> it's described in the PR but I can type it here again 16:44:56 <bcoca> jtyr: dont know how to ask again, a use case, not a usage example 16:45:04 <bcoca> a use case that is NOT met by existing facilities 16:45:19 <bcoca> syntax convinience is a consideration, but not a use case 16:46:21 <jtyr> I want the user of my role is able to add module options without me having to define variables for them ... simply some modules (e.g. yum_repository) has tens of options and such task would be very long and would need a lot of variables to paramtrize and I would have to keep that list of options in sync with all changes of the module ... which is a bit pain ... 16:47:30 <jtyr> does that qualify like a reasonable use case? 16:47:43 <bcoca> it sounds like a convinience method to me 16:47:53 <bcoca> but i'll let others answer that 16:48:17 <abadger1999> Wouldn't that look like this: 16:48:34 <abadger1999> module_defaults: 16:48:36 <abadger1999> yumrepository: 16:48:37 <abadger1999> param1: foo 16:48:39 <abadger1999> roles: 16:48:40 <abadger1999> - yum_repo_role 16:48:42 <abadger1999> ? 16:49:22 <jtyr> what if I use more roles in that play and I want to pass specific parameters only to one of the roles? 16:49:33 <bcoca> then set defaults for the role 16:50:31 <maxamillion> note: 10 minutes until Ansible Testing Working Group meeting (which I think uses this channel) 16:50:55 <jtyr> bcoca: that makes the playbook unnecessarily bulky by defining module_defaults on per role ... 16:51:16 <bcoca> how is that diff than adding args per role? 16:51:25 <jtyr> bcoca: what's the problem with args + dict if it respects no_log option setting? 16:51:40 <jtyr> why to remove something what works and is safe? 16:52:39 <bcoca> you've discussed that with jimi|ansible too many times for me to even want to restate those 16:52:42 <jtyr> bcoca: the difference is that you don't have to add args per role ... which makes the playbook clean ... all logic is in the role ... this is how it should be ... 16:53:05 <bcoca> unsure what you mean, you want args per role but dont add them? 16:53:56 <jtyr> bcoca: the deprecation of args + dict was made because it wasn't safe ... now it seems to be safe (it respects no_log) so why to keep the deprecation there? 16:53:58 <abadger1999> The user has to set the args somewhere outside of the task. 16:54:07 <abadger1999> no_log is not the safety problem. 16:54:08 <bcoca> it was always safe refering no_log 16:54:18 <bcoca> no_log was NOT the reason, i've told you many times 16:54:35 <bcoca> no_log was the reason for params, DIFF ISSUE 16:54:57 <jtyr> I see .. I thought that args suffered by the same issue ... 16:55:06 <abadger1999> according to jimi|ansible it is about taking input from an untrusted host and blindly passing it to a command to be executed. 16:55:10 <bcoca> i posted to the ticket and told you many times tha tis not the case 16:55:17 <jtyr> so what's the security risk mentined in the deprecation message? 16:55:39 <bcoca> mostly has to do with facts 16:55:49 <bcoca> we've discussed this before .. many times 16:56:56 <jtyr> well ... what's the difference if I could achieve the same thing in other way ... like with module_defaults ... 16:57:26 <bcoca> and again, if `if module_args: '{{mydict}}' ` is allowed, it suffers same security issue and would be removed 16:57:33 * bcoca needs to check that 16:57:37 <jtyr> if the user uses this feature then he probably knows why he is using it 16:57:53 <bcoca> sadly, security CVEs always consider the user not knowing 16:58:08 <bcoca> and its too easy to blunder into this 16:59:17 <bcoca> both james and i have gone over this with you several times, not sure how to express it in a way that sticks 16:59:45 <jtyr> we discussed it over params before ... not over args 17:00:16 <bcoca> abadger1999 and i discussed params, after that you found args and james and i discussed that with you, you keep conflating both issues, they are separate 17:00:18 <jtyr> I was told that args will be rediscussed 17:00:33 <bcoca> yes, once facts are always namespaced 17:00:45 <bcoca> right now there is a toggle, but it will be slow transition 17:00:59 <bcoca> once they are namespaced ONLY things are much safer to glob that way 17:01:39 <agaffney> is the core meeting still going on after 2 hours? 17:01:54 <abadger1999> Yes but we should stop 17:01:54 <bcoca> at this point i dont see it relevant to the logs, we just keep rehashing 17:01:58 <bcoca> #endmeeting