15:02:52 <bcoca> #startmeeting ansible core irc public meeting 15:02:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 25 15:02:52 2018 UTC. 15:02:52 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:02:52 <zodbot> The chair is bcoca. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:02:52 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_irc_public_meeting' 15:03:19 <bcoca> #topic https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/38269 15:03:25 <bcoca> @alikins_ weren't you reviewing that one? 15:03:39 <devyani7> .hello devyani7 15:03:41 <zodbot> devyani7: devyani7 'Devyani Kota' <devyanikota@gmail.com> 15:04:28 <mikedlr> Hi. 15:06:14 <bcoca> hmm , no signs of life, a bug has 1/2 the team sick, i think @alikins_ might be down for the count 15:06:20 * bcoca really wants a nap 15:06:40 <cyberpear_> :( sorry to hear that 15:06:52 <devyani7> bcoca, thanks. I'll ping alikins on the PR itself. 15:06:54 <bcoca> we'll surivive .. most of us anyways ... 15:07:13 <bcoca> devyani7: thnx, want to know where he is at before we continue 15:07:17 <bcoca> #topic open floor 15:07:32 <cyberpear_> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/44800 15:07:49 <bcoca> $ 15:07:54 <bcoca> #topic https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/44800 15:08:26 <bcoca> @abadger1999 seems like you were last one to have questions on this one? 15:08:36 <cyberpear_> it's got one shipit and one question 15:09:17 <sdoran> Is the desire for it to default to providing facts on all projects? 15:09:19 <bcoca> need another from openstack guys 15:09:34 <sdoran> That seems like a change in behavior along with the new feature. 15:09:35 <bcoca> sdoran: default is 'no' 15:10:08 <sdoran> Default for bools is no? I always forget and have to check. 15:10:28 <bcoca> false 15:10:29 <bcoca> none 15:10:34 <bcoca> all defaults are None 15:10:41 <bcoca> i added comment 15:10:44 <sdoran> Ok. 15:11:20 <sdoran> Then as long as `cloud.list_servers()` is ok with `None`, that should be ok (as you put in the comment) 15:12:03 <bcoca> ^ no clue on the OS api side, but it is ok on the arg_spec 15:15:23 <bcoca> k, sdoran leaving merge up to you 15:15:27 <bcoca> #open floor 15:15:34 <jdelaros11> bcoca, question about PR 47462 that you merged a few mins ago: for community-supported code in module_utils, continue coming here? Ansibot will not merge even with 2 shipits. I thought there was a PR to change that. 15:15:34 <bcoca> #topic open floor 15:15:41 * bcoca really needs a nap 15:15:52 <bcoca> jdelaros11: no, ping us in #ansible-devel or ML 15:16:12 <jdelaros11> Got it, thanks 15:16:24 <bcoca> its normally much faster/easier, this should be last resort 15:17:39 <bcoca> k, if nothing new closing in 1 min 15:19:13 <bcoca> #endmeeting