15:17:15 <gundalow> #startmeeting ansible core public irc meeting 15:17:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Nov 1 15:17:15 2018 UTC. 15:17:15 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:17:15 <zodbot> The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:17:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:17:15 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_public_irc_meeting' 15:17:15 <sdoran> I'm just wondering if it needs a warning or something. Will it break playbooks that currently don't use an FQDN that are Walrus? 15:17:21 <gundalow> chair bcoca 15:17:30 <gundalow> #topic https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/46745 15:17:46 <gundalow> bcoca: leading space confused the bot 15:17:47 <bcoca> gundalow: why are you restarting meeting? 15:17:54 <gundalow> bcoca: because it never started 15:18:04 <bcoca> ah, didnt see that 15:18:15 <gundalow> Only noticed as the bot didn't respond 15:18:20 <gundalow> anyways, carry on :) 15:18:34 * bcoca should 'unignore bot' 15:18:59 <Pilou> sdoran: I guess it will break these playbooks 15:19:07 <bcoca> Pilou: my only concern, wont this break existing playbooks for walrus users? 15:19:16 <bcoca> he, jinx 15:20:40 <Pilou> yeah but the current code prevents to use other providers 15:22:22 <bcoca> is there a way to generalize it so it is provider neutral? 15:22:38 <bcoca> or at least use a mapping? walrus: walrusendpoint, default: aws, etc? 15:23:42 <Pilou> is there a way to detect that an endpoint is a walrus one ? 15:24:38 <bcoca> isn't that the whole point of is_walrus function? 15:24:55 <shertel> I don't think this will break walrus unless walrus actually doesn't work as a drop-in (which it claims to be). Are there any walrus users around? Aws_s3 has already made the change Pilou is proposing. 15:24:58 <bcoca> it just does by exclusion `return not o.hostname.endswith('amazonaws.com')` it should be 'inclusion' instead 15:25:22 <gundalow> #chair bcoca nitzmahone sdoran maxamillion 15:25:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcoca gundalow maxamillion nitzmahone sdoran 15:25:43 * bcoca quickly reads about walrus 15:26:02 <bcoca> ok, so its not an 'alternative' service, its more like eucalyptus a 'self hosted' aws? 15:26:27 <shertel> yep, along the lines of fakes3 or minio 15:26:48 <Pilou> bcoca: yes 15:27:05 <maxamillion> TIL about walrus, flakes3, and minio 15:27:07 <shertel> I also think that check in s3_bucket was just a copy-pasta from the aws_s3 module 15:27:32 <bcoca> k, so is_walrus is really incorrect function 15:27:54 <shertel> yeah, that's my opinion 15:28:11 <shertel> unnecessarily restrictive 15:28:56 <bcoca> endpoint=s3_url|walrus ... this is something boto3 handles, how does that work for other providers? 15:30:37 <shertel> endpoint can be used to specify any replacement service 15:31:47 <bcoca> why not expose that to user vs trying to 'divine it' with things like is_walrus function? 15:31:54 <bcoca> or should we just force all to use a fqdn? 15:32:17 <bcoca> endpoint_type=walrus|etc default aws? 15:32:23 <shertel> the module still may not work with an arbitrary service; e.g. replacement might not allow setting ACLs or other things and will probably raise their own exceptions (minio does that, for example) 15:33:26 <shertel> I'm not sure what you mean bcoca. Would the module then have to create the endpoint? I think all AWS modules allow a custom endpoint. 15:33:54 <bcoca> but not explicitly, from what i gather it is due to fqdn usage 15:34:21 <bcoca> which might be fine, i just dont know how users normally have this in their plays 15:35:17 <bcoca> at this point i agree that is_walrus is totally wrong, the PR seems fine, im just asking if we need to add anything else to make it easier for users 15:35:49 <bcoca> also i have no clue what boto3 does with endpoint=<not s3_url> 15:36:14 <bcoca> does it 'know' the capabilities of each service type? does it 'not do acl' if minio? 15:36:45 <bcoca> endpoint=auto option with ability to specify any choice boto3 understands? 15:36:57 <shertel> It doesn't know the services limitations. It's under the boto3 hood, we just pass in the kwargs. All AWS modules take ec2_url (or the environment var) 15:37:23 <bcoca> endpoint=s3_url <- in this case 15:38:06 <shertel> It connects as expected 15:38:14 <bcoca> i would make specific note in changelog/porting guide on this, fine with merging PR as is, just food for thought on how to handle endpoint= in general for aws modules 15:39:56 <bcoca> s3_url seems to be the parameter for this, but it confuses me that is_walrus was ever added or seen as 'needed' 15:40:14 <shertel> Pretty sure it was a copy-pasta. 15:40:21 <bcoca> he 15:40:43 <bcoca> k, vote time then 15:40:44 <sdoran> +1 to merge 15:40:45 <bcoca> +1 15:40:45 <shertel> When s3 was ported to boto3, it was unclear if the function was still relevant, 15:40:55 <shertel> (I left it because I was afraid) 15:41:00 <sdoran> The changelog has good info 15:41:12 <sdoran> Would be nice to have a porting guide entry, though. 15:41:12 <bcoca> sdoran: wont make it into general release 15:41:48 <Pilou> ok, I will update porting guide then 15:41:49 <bcoca> maxamillion: can you make note to add this to 2.8.0 changelog? i think its important enough 15:41:57 <bcoca> Pilou: can be in follow up 15:42:09 <bcoca> if no one opses im adding rebuild_merge 15:42:57 <sdoran> bcoca: I thought the changelog entries were aggregated and put into a document. 15:43:09 <maxamillion> bcoca: catching up on backscroll ... just a sec 15:43:19 <bcoca> sdoran: bugfixes are for minor releases, but not major 15:43:28 <bcoca> at least currently 15:43:47 <sdoran> Good to know. 15:45:48 <bcoca> #topic https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/46746 15:45:59 <bcoca> this is bigger change, but looks a lot more straight forward 15:46:09 <maxamillion> bcoca: so am I writing a changelog or just making sure the PR has one? 15:46:28 <bcoca> maxamillion: adding note about this Pr in changelog once it is generated 15:46:42 <bcoca> unless im wrong about generation and its already included 15:46:46 <Pilou> for this one the change should not impact existing playbooks 15:46:57 <maxamillion> bcoca: yeah, I don't follow ... sorry, I feel like I'm lacking context 15:48:28 <bcoca> maxamillion: script that generates changelog for .0 releases doesnt currently include bugfix fragments, we only do that for .x where x> 0 15:48:35 <bcoca> z.y.x 15:48:55 <bcoca> z.y.0 gets changelog file generated when stable branch is created 15:48:55 <maxamillion> oh 15:49:07 <maxamillion> TIL 15:51:31 <maxamillion> alright 15:52:18 <bcoca> #topic open floor 15:57:51 <abadger1999> I think it does include bugfix fragments. 15:58:28 <abadger1999> We (RMs) need to talk about a changelog category that doesn't get included in the .0 15:58:35 <abadger1999> I don't think we have that right now. 15:58:57 <bcoca> ah, i sit corrected, last time i saw it discussed it didnt, but i know you guys were considering requireing fragments for all Prs, not just backports 15:59:45 <maxamillion> abadger1999: +1 - we can chat off-meeting about it, I just want to make sure I don't lose site of it 15:59:49 * maxamillion adds to his TODO list 16:00:35 <bcoca> ah, 2.7.0 changelog does seem to include all fragments, but <=2.6 dont, so that has changed 16:01:10 <maxamillion> woo! progress :) 16:01:31 <bcoca> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/stable-2.7/changelogs/CHANGELOG-v2.7.rst#id3 16:05:17 <maxamillion> it's so pretty 16:05:31 <maxamillion> I'm a sucker for good docs and a good changelog 16:06:03 <maxamillion> which is why the new world of phone apps "Update: bug fixes" changelog entries raise my blood pressure 16:06:15 <maxamillion> buuuuuuut none of this is relevant for the meeting, I'm just rambling ... srry 16:06:17 <bcoca> #endmeeting