19:02:02 <bcoca> #startmeeting ansible core irc public meeting 19:02:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Feb 26 19:02:02 2019 UTC. 19:02:02 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 19:02:02 <zodbot> The chair is bcoca. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:02:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:02:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_irc_public_meeting' 19:02:29 <bcoca> # topic https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/50035 19:02:42 <bcoca> dag still wants this, i'm -0, need quorum to go either way 19:03:41 * bcoca wishes for crickets ... 19:03:48 * larsks chirp chirp 19:03:56 * shertel waves 19:03:59 <sdoran> o/ 19:04:21 <bcoca> ^ anyone have feedback on topic? do i just call vote? 19:04:25 <felixfontein> I like the proposal 19:04:26 <larsks> Seems reasonable. I see lots of people trip up on this. 19:04:27 <raktajino> I like it. I've gotten burned by this a lot of times. 19:04:29 * alongchamps is here 19:05:26 <bcoca> i mainly think most cases have been fixed already, strict_str fixes the one case this adds and we all agree that 'indirect variable that is octal' is not solvable 19:05:41 <bcoca> so -0 cause it will break playbooks for the 2 people that use octal correctly 19:05:46 <bcoca> vote 19:05:59 <felixfontein> it will first warn them, and only break in 2.12, right? 19:06:33 <bcoca> ah, didnt realize he added that , so 0 19:07:08 <cyberpear> I've taken to using symbolic modes more often these days, though I do use the 0755 representation when not using a symbolic mode. 19:07:20 <felixfontein> at least he wrote: "https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/50035" 19:07:22 <felixfontein> oops 19:07:26 <felixfontein> "This implements a deprecation warning if a string was not provided, but by Ansible v2.12 we will only accept string values for type `mode`." 19:07:53 <cyberpear> Seems reasonable to remove the octal functionality, though, as likely lots of folks step on it. 19:08:57 <bcoca> so no one in core cares enough, dag is +1 and community seems in favor, motion passes 19:09:06 <sivel> I'm lurking from my phone 19:09:21 <bcoca> #topic https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/52506 19:09:23 * dag is here now too 19:09:33 <bcoca> dag: too late, mode type passed already 19:09:44 <felixfontein> lol 19:10:01 <bcoca> jamescassell? 19:10:06 <maxamillion> bcoca: sorry, got distracted ... I'm +1 to dag's change 19:10:27 <dag> thanks everyone :-) 19:10:27 <bcoca> tis done, on TLS standarization 19:10:42 * dag will rebase that thing now 19:10:59 * bcoca will find new things to review 19:11:13 <felixfontein> I like the tls proposal 19:11:19 <raktajino> love the TLS standardization proposal, what happens to modules that use the 87000 different parameters? Do they get aliases, deprecation warnings, some mixture of these? something else? 19:11:22 <cyberpear> semi-related, but the core module_utils.urls might not currently support a ca_cert option: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52990#issuecomment-467505434 19:11:32 <bcoca> aliases are fine with me 19:11:36 <cyberpear> I'd say aliases for sure 19:11:46 <cyberpear> similar to what we did for ansible_user and friends 19:11:47 <sivel> I’m +1 19:11:55 <shertel> +1 to aliases 19:12:03 * dag still needs to implement the alias-deprecation facility, but that's unrelated to this one really ;-) 19:12:12 <maxamillion> +1 to TLS standardization 19:12:16 <felixfontein> alias, and slowly deprecate the old names, maybe? 19:12:28 <bcoca> i'll leave that to followup 19:12:44 <bcoca> #topic https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/19084 19:13:01 <sdoran> +1 to TLS standardization with aliases for existing terms 19:13:11 <felixfontein> dag: good idea! currently it's kind of annoying that you have to make it two distinct options and add special code to make sure one overwrites the other and one gets warnings 19:13:26 <sivel> bcoca: did you add this one? 19084? 19:13:34 <cyberpear> I added that one 19:13:35 <bcoca> no 19:13:50 <cyberpear> I'd like a way to pass a dynamic set of vars to a role 19:13:53 <bcoca> i already commented in ticket long ago, still dont see the point 19:13:53 <sivel> in theory it’s a good idea. In practice, it’s not so easy 19:13:58 <bcoca> this is for tasks 19:14:05 <sivel> Ive made 3 attempts and nothing really worked 19:14:34 <bcoca> if you specificaly want for roles, it could be an include/import_role parameter, but i fail to see much value over having them in vars: 19:14:48 <bcoca> it just adds another point of confusion for precedence 19:15:15 <sivel> bcoca: we already declined adding another Param to include/import_role 19:15:42 <cyberpear> seems that the current issue is that each way of passing params or vars to a role is evaluated at "compile" time 19:15:44 <cyberpear> not runtime 19:16:11 <bcoca> imports are compile, includes are runtime 19:16:24 <cyberpear> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/19084#issuecomment-464830345 19:16:39 <cyberpear> that's what I expected, but I couldn't get the dynamic vars passed with include_role 19:17:44 <bcoca> that is not a question of vars being dynamic but improper use of vars: keyword 19:17:56 <bcoca> it does not allow for a template, it only allows for a dictionary 19:18:05 <bcoca> actual dictionary, a var that is a dictionary won't work 19:18:12 <cyberpear> is there a better way to accomplish passing a dynamic set of vars? 19:18:25 <cyberpear> i.e., sometimes I want to pass 3 vars; other times I want to pass 8. 19:18:25 <bcoca> might work in apply: though 19:18:33 <cyberpear> apply didn't work either 19:18:42 <bcoca> cyberpear: you are aware roles always have access to all vars 19:19:03 <cyberpear> (as per the issuecomment above where I tried it) 19:19:05 <bcoca> used a list, unsure if that gets templated before/after before assigned to the 'hidden block' 19:19:27 <bcoca> you tried apply: vars: - "{{myvars}}" , ditch the - 19:19:35 <bcoca> vars is a dict, not a list 19:19:48 <cyberpear> (yes, I'm aware all vars are available) 19:20:13 <cyberpear> I'll try w/o the list, but it got the exact same error with each of the items I tried 19:21:20 <jimi|ansible> i thought vars could be specified as a list too, and they're just turned into a dict 19:21:59 <jimi|ansible> cyberpear: you could put the templated vars under another var in the dict (ie. somevar), then use the vars as somevar.orig_key1 19:22:55 <cyberpear> that would require me to customize each of my roles to support that, and external roles I'm using 19:23:02 <bcoca> i thought hat only applied to play 19:23:12 <jimi|ansible> bcoca: could be i'm mixing that up 19:23:26 <jimi|ansible> i thought it was the same mechanism though 19:23:32 <jimi|ansible> since it's an attribute in base.py 19:23:37 <bcoca> vars_prompt i think is what you are thinking of 19:23:54 <shertel> a duplicate issue makes note of that workaround https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/52187 19:24:02 <bcoca> you coudl have simple (dict form) or complex (list of dicts) 19:24:22 <jimi|ansible> yes a list of dicts is the alternative 19:25:24 <cyberpear> removed the list and got the identical "ERROR! Vars in a Block must be specified as a dictionary, or a list of dictionaries" 19:25:48 <cyberpear> this was with the templated vars dict passed to "apply: vars" 19:26:44 <bcoca> wasn't sure that would work, since it probably is just passing them to the block and THEN templating 19:28:25 <bcoca> in any case -1 from me, i don't think we really need this and 'allow for metaprograming in ansible' is a clear deterrent for me 19:28:41 <cyberpear> Seems like expected functionality given the dynamic nature of include_*. 19:29:00 <cyberpear> bcoca: can you elaborate on 'allow for metaprograming in ansible'? 19:29:10 <bcoca> that was comment on PR 19:29:42 <cyberpear> ok 19:29:53 <sivel> Ive mentioned this before, but my recommendation is to make roles capable of working inside and out of loops, so that you can do `vars: {item: “{{ foo }}”}` 19:30:04 <bcoca> `+1 this feature is a must if we want real meta-programming in ansible.` 19:30:27 <sivel> that will make it more flexible, and still acccepts an arbitrary data structure effectively 19:30:41 <bcoca> ^ agree with that 19:31:15 <cyberpear> Would be nice if it were widespread but it requires re-designing each role to support it. 19:31:52 <sivel> After my attempts and understanding that making a role also loopable, I am -1 on trying this further 19:32:08 <bcoca> maybe, i still don't really get the need, i really dont see it, i might be missing something 19:32:10 <cyberpear> I haven't noticed any roles that support that, but perhaps I haven't been looking... 19:32:42 <sivel> many roles don’t do things well 19:32:49 <cyberpear> is it possible to set a default loop_var in a role? 19:32:49 <bcoca> if you reallly loop on roles, vars: would not be the way to pass the elements, you would assing form 'items' 19:33:01 <bcoca> use loop control on the include 19:33:24 <cyberpear> I meant within the role so someone calling the role doesn't need to set loop_control 19:33:45 <bcoca> block 19:34:01 <cyberpear> ok 19:34:09 <cyberpear> I'll try to get a better list of use cases and bring it up sometime later if no better solution emerges. 19:34:14 <bcoca> k 19:34:26 <bcoca> #topic https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/52967 19:35:05 <bcoca> 0 from me, i really dont care either way, easy enough to add ANSIBLE_ one and deprecate via the plugin configs 19:35:06 <cyberpear> When I saw actionable and skippy were deprecated, I noticed that the suggested env var to do the same thing didn't start w/ ANSIBLE_ 19:35:21 <bcoca> i think its first non ANSIBLE_ MPD introduced 19:35:28 <cyberpear> I've got a 'reset-env' script that clears out all ANSIBLE_* vars 19:35:35 <cyberpear> woudn't have caught this one 19:35:56 <bcoca> there are other places we accept 'non ANSIBLE_' vars, mostly have to do with specific cloud vars 19:36:39 <bcoca> VAULT_AUTH_METHOD 19:36:43 <bcoca> ^ hashi vault lookup 19:36:46 <bcoca> many examples 19:36:47 <cyberpear> I'm familiar with the OS_* vars, but those are out of ansible scope, IMO. (i.e., I set them and I can use openstack... commands) 19:37:13 <felixfontein> how about module-specific env vars? 19:37:14 <raktajino> i'd agree that vars consumed by eg cloud services and hashicorp vault would be out of ansible scope. I like the namespaced ansible-specific envvars. 19:37:45 <raktajino> felixfontein: got an example? 19:38:47 <felixfontein> the docker_* modules use DOCKER_* env variables 19:39:01 <bcoca> ^ many examples, almost every cloud module 19:39:23 <raktajino> i haven't done any work with docker at all, so bear with me... those are consumed directly by docker stuff, yeah? I'd think those would fall into the "not within ansible scope" category 19:39:30 <agaffney> felixfontein: those are for use by the libraries that the modules use, not directly by ansible. you also don't need them set on the controller 19:39:48 <felixfontein> raktajino: no, they are parsed by the ansible code only 19:39:48 <bcoca> lookups and callbacks have plenty of those 19:39:57 <felixfontein> agaffney: not true for the DOCKER_* env vars 19:40:07 <bcoca> agaffney: in some cases we parse them to do precedence, then pass value to lib 19:40:08 <felixfontein> (except for docker_stack, which calls the docker CLI directly) 19:42:39 <felixfontein> in case of the docker env vars, these are parsed by ansible and the values are passed on to docker-py. docker-py is not using any of these variables (it can be told to use env variables, but we're not doing that) 19:42:41 <cyberpear> IMO, if ansible is defining a var, it should start w/ ANSIBLE_, but if it's leveraging someone else's var, the name of that var is beyond the scoep 19:43:10 <bcoca> fine with me 19:43:10 <felixfontein> (which is not really optimal, since for example some docker TLS related env variables are interpreted differently by ansible, docker-py and docker cli.) 19:43:14 <nitzmahone> yeah, much less chance of unintentional collision 19:43:23 <sdoran> Changing that variable name is fine provided we keep the existing one working. 19:43:35 <bcoca> sdoran: easy to do and even show deprecation 19:43:40 <sdoran> cyberpear: +1 19:43:43 <bcoca> config api allows for it 19:43:47 <sdoran> Sweet. :) 19:44:10 <bcoca> +0 .. mostly cause its not a priority imho, but fine if someone puts the time in 19:44:18 <bcoca> anyone against? 19:44:26 <sivel> Nope 19:44:26 <sdoran> Nope. PRs welcome. 19:44:35 <bcoca> motion passes! 19:44:49 <bcoca> #topic https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52518 19:45:08 <nitzmahone> DOITDOITDOITDOIT 19:45:39 <bcoca> i really dont care about those facts .. but im also working on a 'proxy deprecated' variable , that will actually notify on use 19:45:48 <bcoca> i would wait for that before we start deprecating returned facts 19:46:11 <nitzmahone> yeah, several of us have that on the pile ;) 19:46:36 <bcoca> nitzmahone: i've reversed teh approach, proxy the 'value' instead of having top proxy inspector 19:46:39 <nitzmahone> It's pretty straightforward except for the Python types that can't be emulated (eg int) 19:46:50 <nitzmahone> bcoca: that's what mine does too 19:47:04 <bcoca> ah, have not seen yours .. also stuck at int 19:47:06 <nitzmahone> just basically a Jinja "tripwire" 19:47:13 <bcoca> ... great minds ... 19:47:25 <bcoca> str/rpr 'deprecation call' 19:47:45 <felixfontein> hmm, I would still like to announce that they are deprecated ASAP 19:48:04 <felixfontein> though having a feature which warns about them being used would be great! 19:48:07 <bcoca> -0 .. dont care enough to strongly opose, not sure anyone uses those facts 19:48:12 <nitzmahone> no problem with that, just can't actually show runtime warnings (or really start the clock for removal) until the capability exists 19:48:25 <felixfontein> the facts returned by docker_container have been renamed in the past 19:48:30 <bcoca> PR puts clock at 2.12 19:48:45 <felixfontein> I hope nobody really uses them... 19:48:46 <bcoca> felixfontein: docer_container was rewritten 19:49:03 <sdoran> +1: non-facts modules should not be returning ansible_facts 19:49:08 <felixfontein> bcoca: you mean the old docker module? 19:49:28 <felixfontein> bcoca: during the lifetime of docker_container, the return facts was renamed when the docker connection plugin was added (according to the docs) 19:49:58 <bcoca> you probably know recent history better than i 19:50:19 <bcoca> if i had been aware, i would have objected 19:50:21 <felixfontein> that part of the history I only know from the docs :) 19:50:32 <bcoca> he 19:50:38 <sivel> I am +1 on having docker modules not return ansible_facts, it's evil 19:50:53 <bcoca> i stopped using docker a while back, mostly lxc/lxd and vbox now, so i lost interest in the modules 19:50:55 <felixfontein> I've been using the module for a long time, but I never used the facts (or even knew they were being returned) 19:51:09 <bcoca> why remove then? 19:51:53 <felixfontein> because I don't think facts should be returned for something which is not host specific 19:51:55 <sivel> I use docker_container quite a bit, and iirc if you register you have to use whatever.ansible_facts.foo 19:51:58 <bcoca> felixfontein: also, look at INJECT setting , set to 'off' avoids most of the problem sstated in PR 19:52:30 <felixfontein> sivel: that's true, except that now (in devel) you can also use whatever.docker_container directly (without ansible_facts inbetween) 19:52:41 <felixfontein> I've added that recently, so people can stop using that ansible_facts inbetween 19:53:06 <sivel> they should have never return ansible_facts to begin with, so I'm still +1 on some form of removal 19:53:17 <sivel> about 7 minutes remaining here 19:53:18 <felixfontein> bcoca: do users know about this? 19:54:33 <bcoca> its documented, i have not gone door to door to tell everyone 19:55:03 <raktajino> can we add "send bcoca door to door to tell users about new features" to the next core meeting agenda :V 19:55:04 <felixfontein> can it also be disabled on a per-task level? 19:55:16 <bcoca> no, its global 19:55:46 <bcoca> raktajino: that passed 2 yrs ago, still worki.ng on the clone vats to make it so 19:56:01 <raktajino> i'll send some interns 19:56:24 <bcoca> good, teh first borns in my basement need help to manage the microbrewery 19:57:02 <bcoca> k, anyone really against this change? 19:57:07 <bcoca> is there a docker WG? 19:57:15 <bcoca> is felixfontein THE docker WG? 19:57:31 <felixfontein> feels like most if it, sometimes... 19:57:44 <bcoca> k, i count this as 'motion passes' 19:57:49 <felixfontein> ok, thanks! 19:58:00 <felixfontein> and please implement that "warning when variable used" feature ;) 19:58:01 <bcoca> with that and with 2mins left, going to end it now, carry over rest of items to next meeting 19:58:08 <bcoca> felixfontein: we are working on it 19:58:12 <bcoca> #endmeeting