17:00:31 <mattclay> #startmeeting Ansible Testing Working Group 17:00:31 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar 28 17:00:31 2019 UTC. 17:00:31 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 17:00:31 <zodbot> The chair is mattclay. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:31 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_testing_working_group' 17:01:06 <mattclay> #chair gundalow pabelanger 17:01:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: gundalow mattclay pabelanger 17:01:09 <mattclay> #info Agenda: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/248 17:01:22 <mattclay> There is nothing new on the agenda for today. 17:01:27 <mattclay> #topic Open Floor 17:01:52 <mattclay> gundalow pabelanger: Do you have any updates you'd like to provide, or topics to discuss? 17:02:12 <pabelanger> I didn't have anything on the agenda, but maybe I should add something for zuul for the foreseeable future 17:02:28 <pabelanger> The main news, is https://dashboard.zuul.ansible.com is a thing 17:02:59 <pabelanger> moving forward, that is going to be the public facing dashboard for ansible projects running zuul jobs 17:03:34 <pabelanger> in the near future, I also imagine https://zuul.ansible.com to include important user information 17:04:03 <pabelanger> The next steps, with help of mattclay yesterday, is to start the process to migrate ansible-network jobs into zuul.ansible.com 17:04:33 <pabelanger> Realistically, I am expecting that to take a week, and likely schedule an outage once we are in good shape 17:05:10 <pabelanger> 2 new repos that users will use are: https://github.com/ansible/project-config (config-project) and https://github.com/ansible/ansible-zuul-jobs 17:05:32 <pabelanger> again, readme files will be expanded and documentation start to be created as we import jobs 17:05:59 <pabelanger> Right now, we only have an ubuntu-bionic image in nodepool, next steps are to bring fedora-29 and centos-7 online (hopefully today) 17:06:34 <pabelanger> mattclay: one item for you, which I sent an email about, was to see if you could add https://github.com/apps/ansible-zuul to the ansible org, for the 2 new repos above. 17:06:43 <pabelanger> this is how github communicated with zuul.ansible.com 17:06:49 <mattclay> pabelanger: Yeah, I can take care of that this morning. 17:07:01 <pabelanger> great, thank you 17:08:01 <pabelanger> that's bascially an overview for now, if things good well with testing, we'll move along pretty fast. After ansible-network is migrated, we need to have discussions with aws / ansible-runner teams, we won't migrate until they are ready for it 17:08:28 <mattclay> pabelanger: You mean awx, right? 17:08:35 <pabelanger> Gah 17:08:38 <pabelanger> yes, sorry awx 17:08:43 <mattclay> They're close on the keyboard. ;) 17:08:50 <pabelanger> they are 17:09:06 <pabelanger> that is all I had for right now, as always happy to answer questions / comments if people have them 17:11:07 <mattclay> Does anyone else have anything? If not, I'll end the meeting in 2 minutes. 17:11:22 <cyberpear> is zuul intended to replace shippable? 17:11:59 <pabelanger> cyberpear: no, shippable will still be run on ansible/ansible. We don't have plans right now to change any of that 17:12:18 <cyberpear> thanks, just curious 17:12:26 <pabelanger> cyberpear: this is more to move existing projects from current zuul hosted in rdo-cloud (internal to redhat) to a public openstack cloud. Mostly to get more stable infra 17:12:46 <pabelanger> that is currently, ansible-network, awx / ansible-runner teams 17:12:51 <cyberpear> I see, then giant +1 from me 17:13:29 <pabelanger> after 2018/05/01, what we are aiming for live date, we can then start discussions on the processes for onboarding more 17:16:37 <pabelanger> sorry, 2019/05/01 17:16:42 <pabelanger> that is all I had 17:20:41 <mattclay> OK, thanks for coming everyone. 17:20:44 <mattclay> #endmeeting