19:02:24 <jillr> #startmeeting ansible core irc public meeting 19:02:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 22 19:02:24 2019 UTC. 19:02:24 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 19:02:24 <zodbot> The chair is jillr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:02:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:02:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_irc_public_meeting' 19:02:29 <sdoran> o/ 19:02:41 <jillr> there's nothing on the agenda so 19:02:42 <jillr> #topic open floor 19:03:26 * sdoran dances 19:03:52 <jillr> reminder that folks can submit topics via the monthly meeting agenda issue, which will always be pinned in the community repo 19:03:55 <jillr> #link https://github.com/ansible/community/issues 19:04:55 * nitzmahone lurks 19:05:08 <jillr> let's hang out til 10min after the hour to give folks a chance to trickle in and add topics 19:06:58 <sdoran> 👍 19:07:24 * nitzmahone stuffing last night's leftover chicken ragu with fennel in face 19:07:26 <felixfontein> quiet today :) 19:07:59 <jillr> it's been kind of quiet all month I think 19:08:13 <jillr> hopefully not the calm before the storm ;) 19:08:15 <sdoran> Speak for yourself. 😜 19:08:25 <jillr> heh, well with meeting topics I mean 19:08:38 <felixfontein> hehe :) I think that happens after every stable-2.x branching... 19:08:52 <sdoran> The "calm" before release. 19:09:10 <nitzmahone> rc5 upstream should be tomorrow BTW 19:09:11 * jillr looks at aws PR backlog... yeah I dunno what you mean with that :) 19:11:01 <jillr> ok I think that's going to do it for today, thanks y'all 19:11:04 <jillr> #endmeeting