15:00:21 <sdoran> #startmeeting Ansible Core Public IRC Meeting 15:00:21 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Dec 3 15:00:21 2020 UTC. 15:00:21 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:21 <zodbot> The chair is sdoran. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:21 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_public_irc_meeting' 15:00:56 <mkrizek> \o 15:01:18 <sdoran> #chair mkrizek 15:01:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: mkrizek sdoran 15:01:23 <felixfontein> hi! 15:01:29 <sdoran> #chair felixfontein 15:01:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: felixfontein mkrizek sdoran 15:02:17 <felixfontein> how's the AZP migration going? 15:03:19 <felixfontein> I saw that some PRs already have AZP results (like https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/72831) 15:03:38 <sdoran> It's done. Just ironing out a few things here and there. 15:03:44 <felixfontein> and others (older ones) are waiting for "CI" to run (next to shippable results which are already there) 15:03:58 <felixfontein> cool :) 15:04:20 <sdoran> #info Ansible Core CI has moved to Azure Pipelines. New commits need to be pushed to PR branches in order to trigger a CI run on the new platform. 15:04:29 <felixfontein> I guess next step will be collection shippable -> AZP transition? 15:04:40 <sdoran> Yup. Let me know when you're ready. :) 15:04:43 <felixfontein> does closing+reopening also works? 15:05:00 <sdoran> That's a good point. I'm not sure. 15:05:02 <sdoran> Let me try. 15:05:47 <felixfontein> I think gundalow suggested to start with community.crypto, at least on the community side 15:05:51 <sdoran> Looks like that works too. Sweet. 15:06:00 <felixfontein> that's nicer than pushing empty commits :) 15:06:04 <sdoran> #info Closing/reopening a PR will also trigger a CI run in AZP. 15:06:33 <sdoran> Agreed. 15:06:42 <mkrizek> I believe just commenting `/azp run` works too 15:07:01 <sdoran> I think the problem with that is it won't clear the Shippable status. 15:07:14 <felixfontein> mkrizek: I'm now trying that too 15:07:17 <sdoran> Which is fine if the Shippable run passed. But if the Shippable run failed, it'll block merging. 15:07:29 <felixfontein> mkrizek: 'Commenter does not have sufficient privileges for PR 72697 in repo ansible/ansible' 15:07:58 <mkrizek> ah, that makes sense 15:08:16 <mkrizek> then nevermind :) 15:08:46 <felixfontein> #info People with commit rights can also add a comment with `/azp run` 15:09:11 <felixfontein> that will be useful in collections (assuming it works there as well) 15:09:31 <felixfontein> sdoran: is shippable disabled, and that's why it won't run again? 15:09:32 <sdoran> mkrizek: Are there any other AZP bot commands folks should know about? 15:09:41 <sdoran> felixfontein: Correct. We disable Shippable. 15:09:44 <sdoran> *d 15:10:17 <felixfontein> cool! 15:10:24 <mkrizek> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/repos/github?view=azure-devops&tabs=yaml#comment-triggers 15:10:33 <mkrizek> these are from AZP 15:10:37 <sdoran> mkrizek: Do `/rebuild` and `/rebuild_failed` still work in AZP? 15:10:42 <sdoran> Oh neat. I did not know that. 15:11:20 <felixfontein> depends on whether the bot code has been adjusted, I think 15:11:25 <mkrizek> `/rebuild`, `/rebuild_failed` and `/rebuild_merge` *should* work the same as with shippable, if not please ping me :) 15:11:34 <sdoran> 👍 15:12:15 <sdoran> #info Azure Pipelines has some comment triggers. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/repos/github?view=azure-devops&tabs=yaml#comment-triggers 15:12:21 <felixfontein> mkrizek: I'll try `/rebuild` :) 15:12:38 <felixfontein> if you want to know how the `/azp help` output looks: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/72697#issuecomment-738066290 15:15:25 <sdoran> I should have made that a topic. :) 15:15:34 <sdoran> Anyway, we have one item on the agenda today. 15:16:43 <sdoran> #topic BaseFileCache. Related to https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/57646. 15:17:04 <sdoran> Is briantist around? 15:21:00 <sdoran> Anyone have any thoughts on this? 15:21:05 <sdoran> Here is the comment from briantist: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/570#issuecomment-732417395 15:21:53 <briantist> hi 15:22:18 <felixfontein> mkrizek: looks like `/rebuild` does not help for triggering AZP if it hasn't run before, though I guess that's probably expected? https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/72625#issuecomment-738067823 15:22:38 <mkrizek> yes, the run needs to exist 15:22:56 <briantist> sdoran: I'm here, is this the core meeting? I thought it was a few hours later, maybe I got the time wrong 15:23:08 <sdoran> Yup, this is the meeting. 15:23:23 <felixfontein> briantist: the times on Tuesday are different than on Thursday 15:23:45 <briantist> ah got it, that's where I messed up 15:24:54 <briantist> In the last meeting someone linked to this older PR, so the discussion there is probably relevant too: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/57646 15:25:08 <sdoran> I was reading through that. 15:25:36 <sdoran> Looks like that PR just stalled after a few ideas were discussed. 15:26:00 <sdoran> We got a PR yesterday (which we'll go over in triage later today) fixing the keys error, it seems. https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/72789 15:26:20 <Shrews> sdoran: i think we were waiting for shertel or bcoca to return to comment on the cache stuff 15:26:39 <Shrews> iirc 15:26:41 <sdoran> Seems like it. is Sloane out today? I know Brian is. 15:26:49 <sdoran> They know the cache code best. 15:27:15 <gundalow> (lag) Yes, community.crypto first collection repo for AZP (cc felixfontein sdoran) 15:27:55 <Shrews> i'm not sure when either return 15:28:10 <briantist> if they're both still out for this meeting it probably makes sense to punt the issue again til next(++) time I suppose? 15:28:56 <sdoran> briantist: I think it'd be fine it you wanted to open a PR taking into account the feedback and suggestions in #57646 since it seems that PR has stalled. 15:29:05 <felixfontein> gundalow: sdoran: I'm looking forward to it :) I won't have time today though to help 15:31:00 <briantist> I might, but I wanted to better understand the comments there. The original author was going to do the same thing I proposed, but it seems they preferred a different change in a different place, and I don't fully understand the reason. I may just have to read it more closely, we'll see. If I do, I'll just link the PR in the agenda item too? 15:32:15 <gundalow> felixfontein: I think it's on my plate to more to AZP, so you are safe :) 15:33:01 <shertel> I'm here today. I was just looking at the caching PR. 15:33:17 <sdoran> #chair shertel 15:33:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: felixfontein mkrizek sdoran shertel 15:33:26 <shertel> I'm going to open a new PR to address the last requested changes 15:33:45 <shertel> the class that the PR modifies also impacts the FactCache, which isn't affected by that bug 15:33:53 <sdoran> Hey shertel! Welcome back. 15:33:56 <shertel> thanks! 15:36:30 <sdoran> shertel: So does briantist need to open a PR? Seems like you plan to take care of it. 15:38:09 <briantist> so if I understand it correctly, the reason the warning happens spuriously is because I happen to be using it for inventory caching (not fact caching)? And the fix is more like this gist you posted in the original PR? https://gist.github.com/s-hertel/50f72d8f521378225a3cdc0b42644509 15:39:38 <shertel> briantist: Yes. If you want to take a stab at it, that was what I had in mind. The vars manager handles the fact cache KeyErrors appropriately, but inventory doesn't 15:40:47 <sdoran> briantist: Is there anything more you'd like to discuss? 15:41:02 <shertel> the CachePluginAdjudicator gives inventory plugins a uniform way to access file-backed and database-backed caches, so it would be the right place to fix this 15:41:13 <briantist> I see thanks shertel. If you were going to put in a PR anyway, then by all means! if you do would you mind @ mentioning me? I just want to follow along! If you're not able to I'll give it a try eventually (starting to get a bit of a backlog myself 😛) 15:41:35 <sdoran> For the purpose of this meeting, I think we're in agreement with where/how this should be fixed. 15:41:56 <briantist> in any case nothing else from me sdoran , thanks for the ping I would have missed this otherwise :) 15:41:58 <shertel> If you want to take a stab at it, I'd also be happy to review. But yes, otherwise, I'll open a PR in a bit, today and @ you 15:42:01 <sdoran> Further discussion can happen in #ansible-devel if you have specific questions, briantist. 15:42:15 <sdoran> Sure thing. 15:42:20 <sdoran> #topic open floor 15:42:42 <briantist> that sounds great shertel , I definitely won't have a chance to put one in that soon. Thank you! 15:42:55 <shertel> +1 15:45:27 <sdoran> I'll go ahead and end the meeting in five minutes if there are no further topics to discuss. 15:46:50 <sdoran> #info A big thanks to mkrizek, mattclay, and relrod for working so hard on the transition to Azure Pipelines and making it go smoothly. 15:48:27 <mkrizek> #info ... and a big thanks to sdoran for the same too ;-) 15:48:40 <sdoran> 😊 15:51:19 <sdoran> Thank you everyone for attending. 15:51:20 <sdoran> #endmeeting