19:00:16 <gundalow> #startmeeting Ansible Molecule Working Group 19:00:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 27 19:00:16 2019 UTC. 19:00:16 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 19:00:16 <zodbot> The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:16 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_molecule_working_group' 19:00:18 <gundalow> Who's around? 19:00:28 <themroc> o/ 19:02:32 <themroc> wow my last pr stayed less than 7 hours open before merge ! fantastic ! 19:02:34 <gundalow> fabianvf: decentral1se Pilou zbr You around for Molecule meeting? No issue if not 19:02:43 <gundalow> #chair themroc 19:02:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: gundalow themroc 19:03:10 <fabianvf> I am, just a terrible natural sense of time 19:03:40 <gundalow> fabianvf: import by URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible/community/master/meetings/ical/molecule.ics 19:03:50 <gundalow> #info Agenda https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/427 19:03:56 <gundalow> #chair fabianvf 19:03:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: fabianvf gundalow themroc 19:04:42 <gundalow> #info Travis-CI can now run 10 concurrent jobs, thanks to Red Hat for covering the cost 19:05:34 <gundalow> #info Please shout out on https://github.com/ansible/molecule/issues/1770 if CI still appears slow 19:06:20 <gundalow> #topic Open Floor 19:06:36 <gundalow> themroc: fabianvf Got anything for today? If not we will have a short meeting :) 19:06:40 <themroc> first job with the new setup is still running 19:07:34 <themroc> there was a debate this morning about pushing directly feature branches in upstream 19:07:42 <fabianvf> I'm still working on the verifier PR, 5 minutes at a time when I can find them :P 19:08:16 <themroc> and this causing double builds on travis 19:08:24 <fabianvf> I think I mostly just need to add functional tests and get the CI to like my code formatting 19:08:31 <gundalow> themroc: I'd like people not to do that, I put my reasoning in the issue 19:08:34 <gundalow> fabianvf: ace 19:09:06 <fabianvf> If anyone wants to pull down the branch and try it that would be helpful 19:09:44 <gundalow> fabianvf: I'd say create a `[WIP]` PR, then people have got something to comment on 19:09:54 <themroc> can't promise but i'll probably have more time in the few next weeks 19:10:49 <fabianvf> gundalow: PR has been up for a while now, https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/1714 19:11:24 <themroc> i don't know if we only 3 ppl around there we are enough voices for a prioritise session, i would propose to postpone 19:11:30 <gundalow> fabianvf: ah, yes, sorry, "pull down the branch" confused me 19:12:27 <gundalow> #info review welcome on https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/1714 `Add Ansible verifier` 19:14:13 <gundalow> themroc: fabianvf Got anything else, otherwise I'll #endmeeting 19:14:43 <fabianvf> I'm good 19:14:55 <themroc> i guess you can, i was not very active last week i have no clue really 19:15:11 <gundalow> That's cool 19:15:25 <gundalow> better to have something in the diary and close after 15 minutes, than not get together 19:15:27 <gundalow> Thanks! 19:15:29 <gundalow> #endmeeting