16:00:35 <akasurde> #startmeeting Ansible VMware Working Group Meeting 16:00:35 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Sep 25 16:00:35 2017 UTC. The chair is akasurde. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:35 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:35 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_vmware_working_group_meeting' 16:00:36 <zodbot> akasurde: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress. 16:00:39 <zodbot> akasurde: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress. 16:00:42 <zodbot> akasurde: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress. 16:03:40 <akasurde> is everyone around ? 16:04:55 <dag> o/ 16:04:58 <dag> sorry 16:05:38 <akasurde> #chair dag 16:05:38 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde dag 16:05:44 <akasurde> dag, hi 16:06:13 <dag> if it's only the two of us, we can do what we like ;-) 16:06:27 <akasurde> yes sure 16:07:39 <akasurde> dag, what are you upto ? 16:07:39 <dag> We could look at organizing the Sprint 16:07:54 <dag> but I noticed the surge of open issues since they were migrated from core/extras 16:08:03 <akasurde> yes 16:08:53 <dag> So I would draw a line somewhere, ask for feedback from everything that was migrated, and in 2 weeks close them if there was no feedback 16:09:37 <dag> especially for the modules we know have had a lot of changes since 16:09:38 <akasurde> sounds like a plan 16:13:24 <dag> For the sprint, I noticed that the list I made is no longer valid 16:13:33 <dag> so I will have to redo it 16:18:35 <akasurde> where can I see the list ? 16:22:25 <dag> In the wiki 16:22:30 <dag> https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/VMware%3A-sprints 16:23:09 <dag> if you click the link you'll see some are already closed, and the numbers don't match up anymore 16:23:35 <dag> normally once we have defined the scope (in advance) I link each of the issues on that Wiki-page (including the OP) 16:23:52 <akasurde> ok sure 16:24:12 <dag> and we usually add a comment for each ticket informing the OP that we are going to process the issue during the Sprint, and welcome him to join the Sprint 16:24:31 <dag> during the Sprint we always start with the issues from people joining the Sprint 16:24:44 <dag> before we move the other issues 16:24:56 <akasurde> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/24213 Can you close this ? 16:25:29 <dag> Done 16:25:41 <akasurde> Thanks. one down 16:28:46 <dag> :-) 16:38:19 <akasurde> dag, I will end meeting as I need will be away for sometime, is it ok ? 16:39:54 <akasurde> #endmeeting