16:00:11 <akasurde> #startmeeting Ansible VMware Working Group Meeting 16:00:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 6 16:00:11 2017 UTC. The chair is akasurde. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_vmware_working_group_meeting' 16:00:18 <akasurde> Hi Everyone, 16:00:41 <pdellaert> o/ 16:00:48 <pdellaert> hello 16:01:00 <akasurde> #chair pdellaert 16:01:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde pdellaert 16:01:00 <dav1x> #chair dav1x 16:01:13 <akasurde> #chair dav1x 16:01:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde dav1x pdellaert 16:01:19 <dav1x> thx akasurde 16:01:23 <akasurde> np 16:01:34 <akasurde> garbled, are you around ? 16:02:41 <jtanner> hi, i'm on a bluejeans meeting so will be bouncing back n forth 16:02:54 <akasurde> #chair jtanner 16:02:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde dav1x jtanner pdellaert 16:03:01 <akasurde> jtanner, sure no problem 16:03:27 <akasurde> Do we have any specific thing to discuss or we can go over pending PRs ? 16:04:17 <pdellaert> I don't have anything (except a PR) 16:04:26 <akasurde> same here 16:04:43 <jtanner> would like to focus on any PRs that fix vm/folder finding, if possible 16:05:47 <akasurde> pdellaert, I went through your code of dvs portgroup 16:05:52 <akasurde> lgtm 16:06:02 <pdellaert> thanks 16:06:15 <akasurde> jtanner, yes, next week onwards that will be my main focus areas 16:06:42 <pdellaert> can you add that to the PR? I'd like to see it move forward :) (i require some shipit's) 16:06:54 <akasurde> yup added already 16:06:58 <pdellaert> thanks! 16:08:30 <akasurde> pdellaert, any thoughts on fixing VM finding method ? 16:09:11 <pdellaert> Haven't looked at the issue yet, sorry , we don't have a PR, right? Just an issue? 16:09:36 <akasurde> yes there are no PR yet. 16:09:42 <jtanner> there's at least a few open issues related to it 16:10:05 <jtanner> vmware_walk.py is the initial way to gather test data 16:10:29 <jtanner> i think that a lot of people don't understand how findbyinventorypath works under the covers for various scenarios 16:10:33 <jtanner> including myself 16:10:45 <akasurde> yes, I have recommended some of people to use vmware_walk 16:13:59 <akasurde> I was supposed to mail vmware guys but was busy in last week 16:14:05 <akasurde> I will do it this week 16:14:25 <jtanner> no rush 16:14:43 <jtanner> i've been too busy refactoring ansibot 16:14:53 <jtanner> hopefully done with that soon 16:15:24 <akasurde> yup, we need solid plan to fix it 16:17:02 <pdellaert> Do we clearly understand what is going wrong and how it should work? What we expect from the user to enter as path, etc? 16:18:31 <akasurde> I think people are confused in relative and absolute path 16:18:48 <akasurde> plus wheather to add Datacenter is path or not 16:21:46 <jtanner> the bulk of the issues arise from datacenters nested under folders 16:22:22 <jtanner> and various patches that were made to getvm which assume /datacenter/vm is the only prefix that exists 16:23:05 <jtanner> whereas it could be /folder/datacenter/vm or /folder/folder/folder/datacenter/vm 16:24:27 <akasurde> jtanner, I saw somewhere datacenter.vmFolder, do these satisfy later case '/folder/folder/datacenter/vm 16:24:29 <akasurde> ' 16:25:02 <jtanner> datacenter.vmFolder is usally "vm" 16:28:22 <sivel> for the purposes of the ova/ova module I am writing, I ask the person to give the datacenter name, and determine the folder from that 16:28:22 <akasurde> there is another problem, people have vms under resourcepool as well 16:28:39 <akasurde> #chair sivel 16:28:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde dav1x jtanner pdellaert sivel 16:28:40 <sivel> it might be worthwhile looking through my PR for how I implemented 16:28:52 <sivel> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/30309 16:28:59 <akasurde> sivel, OK 16:29:03 * akasurde looking 16:29:15 <sivel> it looks up resource pools too 16:29:48 <sivel> but is somewhat more specific to ImportApp, so not sure how directly it relates to how this module operates 16:30:09 <jtanner> your find_object_by_name function doesn't account for multiple objects with the same name. 16:30:28 <sivel> it doesn't and raises an error I believe in the end depending on what is being looked up 16:30:42 <sivel> but I took that coe mostly from what already existed 16:30:52 <sivel> code* 16:31:04 <sivel> just did some de-duping 16:41:07 <pdellaert> i have to run, sorry 16:41:18 <akasurde> no issue 16:41:40 <pdellaert> akasurde: as you are already looking at the find vm thing, i think it is best you come with a proposal? 16:41:59 <pdellaert> If you don't feel you have time, we can try and see who can help? 16:42:01 <jtanner> he and I can work on it together next week 16:42:09 <akasurde> Yes sure 16:42:12 <pdellaert> (willing to, but time is a big issues right now :s) 16:42:14 <jtanner> once he's onboard with the core team 16:42:17 <pdellaert> ah, even better :) 16:42:23 <pdellaert> congrats 16:42:26 <jtanner> i have infra for him to recreate various scenarios on 16:42:28 <akasurde> pdellaert, thanks 16:42:48 <jtanner> we'll be doing lots of vmware_walk'in, i'm sure 16:42:54 <pdellaert> :) 16:43:53 <pdellaert> jtanner: if you have time, can you check https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/32298, no rush 16:43:56 <akasurde> yes sure 16:44:23 <jtanner> i don't even know where to begin to test vlan stuff 16:44:41 <pdellaert> this is not really about vlan stuff, it is just dvs portgroup configuration stuff 16:45:01 <pdellaert> i've ran all test cases on a 6.5 setup, and against the vcsim, all looks good 16:45:22 <jtanner> added a shipit 16:45:39 <pdellaert> thanks! 16:46:08 <jtanner> i think the bot should automerge it ... 16:46:13 <jtanner> will have to wait n see 16:46:28 <jtanner> oh, it touches more than 1 file so it wont 16:46:55 <jtanner> merged 16:47:53 <pdellaert> great, thanks jtanner ! 16:48:10 <pdellaert> on to my next PR (which will come, at some point, hopefully :p) 16:48:30 <dag> o/ 16:48:36 <pdellaert> now, really running, sorry :s 16:48:53 <pdellaert> not before a final wayve to dag, o/ 16:49:06 <dag> pdellaert: We have iCal files to help you with timezones :) 16:49:10 <dag> bye ! 16:49:40 <akasurde> #chair dag 16:49:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde dag dav1x jtanner pdellaert sivel 16:49:41 <pdellaert> yeah, think i got them, but timezones are a pain if everybody is changing out of DST and your region doesn't care about it :) 16:49:50 <pdellaert> see ya, thanks! 17:05:28 <akasurde> I will close meeting as there is nothing else to discuss. 17:05:38 <akasurde> Thanks everyone to join in. 17:05:41 <akasurde> #endmeeting