16:00:09 <akasurde> #startmeeting Ansible VMware Working Group Meeting 16:00:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 26 16:00:09 2018 UTC. The chair is akasurde. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_vmware_working_group_meeting' 16:00:15 <akasurde> Hello Everyone 16:04:50 <kaneda-fr> Hi 16:05:25 <blackjack97> Hello 16:05:37 <akasurde> #chair kaneda-fr blackjack97 16:05:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde blackjack97 kaneda-fr 16:05:57 <dericcrago> hi 16:06:01 <kaneda-fr> Not much on my side 16:06:04 <akasurde> #chair dericcrago 16:06:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde blackjack97 dericcrago kaneda-fr 16:06:27 <akasurde> kaneda-fr, did you get chance to review my amended changes in your PR ? 16:06:43 <akasurde> kaneda-fr, if looks good then I will merge it 16:08:47 <akasurde> dericcrago, I am sorry was travelling so could not check your PRs 16:08:55 <akasurde> will do soon in this week 16:09:36 <kaneda-fr> did not have a chance to test it, yet 16:10:47 <akasurde> kaneda-fr, OK np 16:10:50 <dericcrago> no problem akasurde, like I said before, I just want to make sure they're not in a state of waiting on me 16:11:32 <akasurde> dericcrago, OK 16:11:58 <akasurde> #topic open floor 16:12:24 <akasurde> I don't have anything from myside so can take any question or comments 16:12:44 <akasurde> Does anyone has any question / concern / comments ? 16:13:43 <dericcrago> with pycon (and the sprints) coming up, is there anything we want to focus people on (if given the chance)? 16:14:39 <akasurde> Definitely, We need help in debugging / solving issues from community related to VMware modules. 16:14:56 <akasurde> #info https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aopen+label%3Avmware+-label%3Adeprecated+is%3Aissue 16:15:06 <dericcrago> the sprints are May 14–17 so we've still got time 16:15:10 <akasurde> Here is the link for open issues 16:16:38 <akasurde> dericcrago, thanks for taking this initiative 16:16:48 <dericcrago> ok, I'm planning on attending the sprints and working on ansible vmware modules, so if there's any prioritization we want to do between now and then that would be good, or I can just sort that list in inverse chronological order 16:17:46 <akasurde> dericcrago, we need help in vmware_guest stabilization as well as documentation simplification to make it more user friendly 16:18:54 <dericcrago> yeah, documentation feels kind of tricky to me, I struggle with the line between not enough doc and a wall of text that's too much 16:19:15 <dericcrago> especially with a module like vmware_guest that can do a lot 16:22:23 <akasurde> dericcrago, agreed. We are coming up with user scenarios which will example a bit about usages of parameters in modules 16:22:35 <akasurde> #info http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/scenario_guides/guide_vmware.html#introduction 16:22:56 <akasurde> This will be the landing page for example pages / documentation 16:23:14 <akasurde> feel free to update documentation and make it more user friendly 16:24:18 <dericcrago> ok, this is good information, I don't think I've seen the scenario guide before 16:29:14 <akasurde> This will be similar to Azure guide 16:29:18 <akasurde> #info http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/scenario_guides/guide_azure.html#creating-virtual-machines 16:30:05 <akasurde> More of requirements, caveats, limitations, expected output, playbook example with comments 16:32:27 <dericcrago> that azure guide is nice 16:33:33 <akasurde> Yes, we need to make even better than azure 16:33:34 <akasurde> :) 16:36:28 <akasurde> any suggestions on guides ? 16:36:48 <dericcrago> not from me, this is the first time I've really looked at them 16:38:41 <akasurde> OK 16:41:53 <dericcrago> anything else to discuss? 16:47:16 <akasurde> We can close the meeting then if we don't have anything else to discuss 16:50:37 <jtanner> sorry folks, had to get in a quick lunch before afternoon meetings 16:52:23 <akasurde> #chair jtanner 16:52:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde blackjack97 dericcrago jtanner kaneda-fr 16:52:27 <akasurde> jtanner, hi 16:52:32 <jtanner> afternoon 16:52:43 <akasurde> jtanner, do you have anything to discuss 16:52:56 <akasurde> we have 10 minutes remaining 16:52:56 <jtanner> nope, the guides were all i could think of 16:53:40 <akasurde> jtanner, dericcrago suggested good idea about vmware guest modules related modules in upcoming pycon 16:54:32 <jtanner> dericcrago: are you going to run your own sprint or are you going to try to wedge vmware into the ones the rest of the ansible folks are having? 16:55:18 <dericcrago> I'm currently planning to just sit at the ansible table and work on vmware modules 16:55:25 <jtanner> k 16:55:54 <jtanner> i'm not sure how we get that advertised to a larger audience to bring in more folks (if there are any) 16:55:55 <akasurde> you can pull-in more people to work for you, hehehe 16:56:52 <jtanner> dericcrago: i'm going to be at pycon, but i won't be there for the sprints 16:56:59 <dericcrago> I can mention my intentions to whoever is working the ansible booth 16:57:03 <dericcrago> will you be there jtanner? 16:57:16 <jtanner> not for sprints 16:57:32 <jtanner> and i'm going as a civilian this time, so limited booth duty 16:57:47 <jtanner> some of the usual folks will be there though 16:58:05 <sivel> I'll be on booth duty most of the time 16:58:07 <jtanner> and if you want to have some chats, we can definitely talk 16:59:00 <dericcrago> sounds good 16:59:16 <jtanner> sivel: are you staying for sprints? 17:01:19 <dag> akasurde: +1 for a scenario guide ! 17:01:32 <akasurde> #chair dag 17:01:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde blackjack97 dag dericcrago jtanner kaneda-fr 17:01:53 <akasurde> it was jtanner's idea 17:02:07 <akasurde> I am just helping :) 17:02:21 <jtanner> i like to think we all collectively knew it should be done, but had forgotten 17:02:58 <akasurde> Cool 17:03:27 <akasurde> Thanks everyone, I will close today's meeting we can continue talk on this channel though 17:03:31 <akasurde> #endmeeting