16:20:31 <akasurde> #startmeeting Ansible VMware Working Group Meeting 16:20:31 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jul 1 16:20:31 2019 UTC. 16:20:31 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:20:31 <zodbot> The chair is akasurde. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:20:31 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:20:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_vmware_working_group_meeting' 16:20:43 <akasurde> Hi Everyone 16:21:06 <agowa338> Hi 16:21:32 <akasurde> agowa338, hi 16:21:36 <akasurde> #chair agowa338 16:21:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: agowa338 akasurde 16:21:47 <akasurde> Sorry was in another meeting 16:22:43 <agowa338> No problem, I've added a few PRs of mine to the agenda about one hour ago. Can we go over them? Just want to know if there is something preventing a merge. 16:22:50 <akasurde> Yes sure 16:23:24 <agowa338> vmware dynamic inventory naming collision #55137 https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/55137 16:23:46 <agowa338> ansibot says: waiting_on: maintainer 16:25:31 <akasurde> agowa338, I will take a look into this 16:25:51 <akasurde> added jillr and goneri as reviewer 16:26:50 <agowa338> ok, thanks. The next one is VMware: Folder support on dynamic inventory plugin - alternative implementation https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/55576 16:27:27 <akasurde> Same for this as well 16:28:15 <akasurde> agowa338, one question 16:28:17 <akasurde> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/55576/files#diff-465c9d3752d0d6773e333dfccff40f64R481 16:29:09 <akasurde> Adding more properties to collection of facts makes inventory collection slow 16:29:17 <agowa338> You mean why there is a list of attributes or what the customValue attribute is? 16:29:43 <akasurde> No, I mean to say, overall collection list of properties 16:29:53 <agowa338> not if you do it in here, it is as fast as before, It only slows down if you loop over them one by one. 16:31:16 <akasurde> agowa338, Can we consider something like this - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/53050 16:31:41 <agowa338> yes 16:32:31 <agowa338> it there is no difference in speed, between hard coding the list and having it pulled in from configuration. 16:34:01 <akasurde> Pulling from configurations allows user to specify each property and ignore the one that they don;t require 16:35:11 <akasurde> Let us say, I want just customValues then it makes my collection of inventory fast (relatively) 16:35:13 <agowa338> Should I rebase this pr on top of yours once it is merged? 16:36:10 <akasurde> Yes, you can 16:36:40 <akasurde> I will try to work on #53050 16:37:51 <akasurde> There are few review comments, 16:39:58 <agowa338> Than there is `VMware Tools Connector does not support pipelining` https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/57237 16:40:34 <akasurde> LGTM 16:40:45 <akasurde> agowa338, I will run CI now 16:41:07 <agowa338> ok, thanks ;-) 16:41:08 <akasurde> next, https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/57661 16:41:19 <agowa338> And finally there is: `vmware_tools handle connection issues` https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/57661 16:42:59 <akasurde> I will add reviewer 16:43:41 <agowa338> thanks for taking time ;-) 16:53:18 <akasurde> agowa338, anything else you would like to discuss 16:53:48 <agowa338> no, not at the moment. That was all from my side. 17:13:37 <akasurde> OK., 17:13:59 <akasurde> I will close the meeting now since we dont have anything else to discuss 17:14:03 <akasurde> #endmeeting