20:01:02 <nitzmahone> #startmeeting Windows Working Group 20:01:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Nov 14 20:01:02 2017 UTC. The chair is nitzmahone. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:01:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:01:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'windows_working_group' 20:01:59 <jborean93> Howdy 20:02:22 <nitzmahone> #chair jborean93 20:02:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: jborean93 nitzmahone 20:02:40 <ar7z1> Hi! 20:03:08 <nitzmahone> #chair ar7z1 20:03:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: ar7z1 jborean93 nitzmahone 20:03:20 <nitzmahone> Howdy! 20:04:36 <nitzmahone> #chair dag 20:04:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: ar7z1 dag jborean93 nitzmahone 20:04:57 <nitzmahone> #info agenda: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/195 20:05:45 <nitzmahone> #topic overlapping firewall rules: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/195#issuecomment-342850950 20:06:26 <jborean93> This is a tricky one 20:06:58 * jborean93 reads through the comments again 20:10:14 <jborean93> Haven't read through it all but I would say the best action would be to match rules based on the name and profile. If multiple profiles match then updated all of them 20:10:27 <jborean93> s/multiple profiles/multiple rules/ 20:10:44 <ar7z1> I thought about @dag comments once again and I think we can merge similar rules. But I think we shouldn't do it automatically without explicit option. We can add for example "merge_duplicates : yes" option. 20:11:22 <ar7z1> So we will not break back compatibility :-) 20:11:39 <jborean93> I agree, we shouldn't do something unexpected unless a user tells us to 20:12:47 <ar7z1> And I agree with @jborean93, we should slightly improve current search algorithm. 20:13:46 <ar7z1> It should not be too difficult :-) 20:15:15 <jborean93> Should there also be a filter on allow/deny rules, idealy the display name should be different but that might not be the case all of the time 20:21:58 <ar7z1> May be, but I'm not sure. I think it'll be ok if we modify both of them. And set single value ('allow' or 'deny') for all rules with same name. 20:23:44 <jborean93> Well can a rule have both allow and deny? 20:23:51 <jborean93> I would have thought it would be one or the other 20:23:51 <ar7z1> No 20:23:54 <jborean93> otherwise it's just deny 20:24:06 <ar7z1> Yep, it just deny 20:24:55 <jborean93> Then I would say that should be a part of the filtering if multiple rules are found based on the name and profile 20:25:02 <ar7z1> If there are two rules (one - with 'allow', another - with 'deny') for 80 port and user want to allow connections, he can't do it because of filter by allow/deny 20:25:52 <jborean93> the port could be different? 20:25:59 <jborean93> hmm I see where you are getting at 20:26:33 <ar7z1> in my example - the same 20:27:53 <jborean93> Well I think in the end, if multiple rules are found by name and/or profile, they should all be modified in the one task 20:28:40 <ar7z1> I think it'll be ok 20:30:03 <jhawkesworth_> hey sorry I'm late, catching up 20:31:29 <jborean93> hey jhawkesworth_ 20:31:38 <nitzmahone> #chair jhawkesworth_ 20:31:38 <zodbot> Current chairs: ar7z1 dag jborean93 jhawkesworth_ nitzmahone 20:34:02 <ar7z1> We can add filter by name and profile as first win_firewall_rule improvement. And merging of identical rules as the second. 20:34:22 <ar7z1> What do you think about it? 20:34:26 <jborean93> Yea, I'm still a bit iffy about merging but that sounds like a good plan 20:35:44 <jborean93> I'm concerned that someone would have done something weird and have 2 rules that are very similar but contain some differences in their rules. Merging that based on name and profile may be fine but in some cases it could be bad 20:35:54 <nitzmahone> Yeah, merging will quickly turn into a big mess, I suspect 20:36:16 <nitzmahone> Better thing would be to just add support for optionally filtering by profile 20:36:41 <nitzmahone> Sounds like that's the plan, but I'm not sure I'd go down that second route at all 20:37:20 <jborean93> Yea, +1 to filtering by profiles, -1 to merging 20:37:45 <jborean93> If there is multiple matches with profile I would say update them both 20:38:00 <nitzmahone> Hrm, I dunno 20:38:49 <jborean93> So keep throwing an error? 20:38:50 <ar7z1> "netsh advfirewall firewall" does so 20:39:00 <nitzmahone> which- update both, or error? 20:39:06 <ar7z1> update both 20:39:39 <ar7z1> https://technet.microsoft.com/ru-ru/library/dd734783%28v=ws.10%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396#BKMK_3_show 20:39:47 <nitzmahone> I guess there's at least precedent then, but that still seems more dangerous than requiring that you target exactly one rule (even if it means needing to add more filter caps) 20:40:35 <jborean93> so filter on all values and only add if nothing is found? 20:41:06 <nitzmahone> ... and only edit if exactly one 20:41:35 <jborean93> what about state: absent with multiple 20:41:53 <nitzmahone> Ugh, that's messy too though- feels like the same thing as the ec2 "count_tags" stuff- basically separating selection criteria from "make it look like this" 20:42:51 <nitzmahone> Maybe just a mode flag like `allow_multiple: yes` for those cases, but that feels dangerous too 20:42:59 <nitzmahone> I guess they had to opt in 20:44:16 <ar7z1> So we can try to implement the safest thing: 20:44:16 <ar7z1> 1. Filter by name. If multiple rules found then: 20:44:16 <ar7z1> 2. Filter selected in #1 rules by profile. If multiple rules found then throw old error “Multiple rules found” 20:45:01 <ar7z1> I think this algorithm will resolve @charlesgreen initial problem 20:45:52 <jborean93> I would have thought 20:45:52 <jborean93> 1. find all rules based on all args 20:45:52 <jborean93> 2. error if multiple found unless (allow_multiple: yes) is set 20:45:52 <jborean93> 3. perform action (add/modify/remove) on the 1 rule or muliple if that is allowed 20:46:16 <nitzmahone> I don't think you can use all args though 20:46:22 <jborean93> all set args? 20:46:27 <nitzmahone> Chicken/egg- would prevent modification? 20:46:38 <jborean93> ahh true 20:47:26 <nitzmahone> I really hate separating the selection criteria from the creation criteria- it's just bad UX, but I think we might have to to enable all the different ways this could work 20:47:38 <nitzmahone> s/creation criteria/creation data/ 20:48:58 <jborean93> ok, sounds like ar7z1 is a good bypass for the current issue but there is more to be decided for another PR at some point 20:51:21 <nitzmahone> Moving on, then? 20:52:05 <jborean93> I'm good 20:52:24 <nitzmahone> #topic wiki deletions https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/195#issuecomment-344080845 20:52:34 <nitzmahone> @jhawkesworth_ Works for me 20:52:49 <jhawkesworth_> didn't think it would be a long topic this one. 20:52:53 <jborean93> Yep, I'm cool with deleting it 20:53:06 <jborean93> If I missed anything in the coversion feel free to create a PR 20:53:07 <jhawkesworth_> just wanted to be sure nothing there to keep. 20:53:34 <jhawkesworth_> sure, I'll check again and then prune the wiki pages 20:53:46 <nitzmahone> Cool- thanks! 20:53:52 <nitzmahone> #topic open floor 20:55:09 * jborean93 chirp 20:55:23 <jhawkesworth_> just to update that I've not forgotten about the | Out-Null to >$null stuff but am struggling to prove anything at the moment. As previously discussed too much jitter to prove anything by running integration tests 20:55:47 <jborean93> Might be easier to just run locally where things are at least more consistent 20:55:55 <nitzmahone> Yeah, I definitely think that's a microperf thing in most cases. The module overhead would dwarf most of the time 20:56:06 <nitzmahone> Agreed on local run 20:56:57 <nitzmahone> ok, if nothing else, done in 5... 20:57:03 <nitzmahone> 4.. 20:57:03 <jhawkesworth_> it was certainly hopeless trying to run on laptop vms (esp as phone is router when on the train)! 20:57:10 <nitzmahone> (heh) 20:57:15 <nitzmahone> 3.. 20:57:23 <nitzmahone> 2.. 20:57:28 <nitzmahone> 1.. 20:57:36 <nitzmahone> Thanks all! 20:57:38 <nitzmahone> #endmeeting