20:01:52 <nitzmahone> #startmeeting ansible windows working group 20:01:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Aug 28 20:01:52 2018 UTC. 20:01:52 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 20:01:52 <zodbot> The chair is nitzmahone. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:01:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:01:52 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_windows_working_group' 20:02:04 <dag> imjoseangel: we wait for the meeting to start ;-) 20:02:11 <imjoseangel> Thanks! 20:02:16 <nitzmahone> #chair dag jborean93 jhawkesworth_ 20:02:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: dag jborean93 jhawkesworth_ nitzmahone 20:02:53 <dag> imjoseangel: we have an agenda at https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/294 but you can add questions at the end of the meeting too 20:03:11 <imjoseangel> Cool! Good to know :P 20:03:16 <dag> or right away if the chairman allows it :) 20:04:21 <imjoseangel> :) 20:04:54 <nitzmahone> #topic https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/294#issuecomment-416550808 20:05:00 <nitzmahone> (modules ready to merge) 20:05:11 <nitzmahone> IIRC we're still waiting for tests on win_wait_for_process 20:05:50 <dag> nitzmahone: should not be hard to add ourselves using async 20:07:02 <nitzmahone> Yeah, I guess- IIRC I had to remove the watchdog_pid stuff from the initial async result, which would make it a little harder 20:07:03 <dag> if that's deemed acceptable 20:07:04 * nitzmahone looks 20:07:53 <nitzmahone> Oh, looks like I did leave it in 20:08:07 <nitzmahone> Oh, I remember the issue there 20:08:57 <nitzmahone> Windows reuses PIDs pretty aggressively, so checking for the presence of a PID in the test is tricky. The async tests originally used that to determine that the watchdog had exited, but I had to remove those tests because of the PID reuse 20:09:29 <bcoca> do you have a window instance id? 20:09:42 <bcoca> i remember those were the 'safe' way to find your windows proc 20:09:47 <dag> if we do this for testing if a PID disappears, I think it would be ok (if we are certain the PID was created and still running) 20:09:56 <dag> which we are 20:10:01 <nitzmahone> @bcoca nope 20:10:40 * bcoca goes back to hole of ancient and out of date windows kb 20:10:49 <nitzmahone> @dag it's a race though; if the PID gets reused between polls, the test will fail falsely 20:11:25 <nitzmahone> (eg, poll: still running, watchdog exits, new process starts and reuses PID, poll: still running -> forever/timeout) 20:11:36 <dag> nitzmahone: but if we async a process that's run for 2 minutes, and we timeout the win_wait_for_process after 3 minutes, we know exactly what is going on 20:11:38 <nitzmahone> That's why those async tests had to be disabled 20:12:16 * nitzmahone doesn't see how that solves the problem 20:12:26 * jhawkesworth_ trying to think if could bedge by renaming an .exe using a guid or something like than, and then looking for guid-named process 20:12:53 <dag> so basically we can't test waiting for a pid, then, so we are never going to merge the module ? :-) 20:12:55 <nitzmahone> you can't tell the difference between "the module didn't catch the exit properly" and "a PID was reused" 20:13:03 * jborean93 sorry I'm late, here now 20:13:42 <nitzmahone> We're not merging new modules without tests though 20:13:51 <dag> nitzmahone: it wouldn't be reused if the original PID still existed, why would a PID be gone before 10 seconds if it's a "sleep 10" 20:14:05 <dag> no, but I am proposing to write those tests 20:14:16 <dag> even the ones that are impossible to write ;-) 20:14:23 <nitzmahone> (PID 99: sleep 10) -> exits -> (PID 99: something else) 20:14:50 <dag> we know from "elapsed" if it was 10 seconds, or more than 10 seconds 20:14:53 <nitzmahone> If the poll occurs after the PID has been reused, the test will wait forever (or until timeout) and fail 20:15:10 <nitzmahone> You have to leave a lot of slop in there though 20:15:17 <dag> and if timeout is 20 and elapsed > 10 we know it's an error 20:15:23 <dag> correct 20:15:25 <nitzmahone> Ask Jordan- he's been working on fixing stability issues in async tests lately ;) 20:15:37 <dag> it'll not be 100% accurate, but I would expect it to be stable enough 20:15:53 <dag> but again, if it's impossible to test, should we not merge ? 20:15:56 <nitzmahone> dag: oh- you're saying to go back and check the async_result 20:16:00 <dag> because I can comment those tests out 20:16:23 <bcoca> seems wait_for_pid is not viable on windows, unless we can use another id that is 20:16:24 <jhawkesworth_> it'll probably work fine until next windows update installs a new .net version and you loose a cpu while ngen recompiles everything. grr 20:16:26 <nitzmahone> unless I missed something, there are no tests 20:16:31 <dag> nitzmahone: yes, and also win_wait_for_process result 20:16:52 <jborean93> the async tests seem to work fine but I haven't run the async stuff in the win_wait_for tests in a while so they may still be buggy 20:17:01 <dag> (22:14:05) dag: no, but I am proposing to write those tests 20:17:04 <jborean93> probably time to revisit them as we've changed the async process slightly in 2.7 20:17:08 <nitzmahone> Yeah OK, now I get what you mean- that should work for the test, though the module itself could still suffer from that in both the "present" and "absent" cases 20:17:15 <dag> (I feel like we ended up in some endless loop ;-)) 20:17:37 <jborean93> the PIDs were reused :) 20:17:46 <nitzmahone> :D 20:17:47 <jhawkesworth_> please provide closing brackets 20:18:00 <dag> so, are we okay to merge the module with the notion that I write the tests ASAP (including the impossible tests, but commented out when they fail) 20:18:18 <jborean93> yep that's ok with me 20:18:34 <dag> ok :-) 20:18:34 <nitzmahone> I guess- probably also needs a note that "PIDs are reused aggressively on Windows, so YMMV" 20:19:00 <dag> I will be happy to run into that wall this night 20:19:02 <bcoca> no way to get a diff unique identifier that does not have that problem? 20:19:09 <dag> or prove everybody wrong ! 20:19:12 <dag> :p 20:19:16 <nitzmahone> I haven't had time to look carefully at the RDP config modules, but at a glance looks OK 20:19:24 <jborean93> there's no tests IIRC 20:19:32 <jborean93> but that may be hard to do for some 20:20:02 <jhawkesworth_> controversially I wonder if the RDP stuff would be better in roles 20:20:09 <jhawkesworth_> on galaxy 20:20:38 <nitzmahone> Looks like the RDP stuff has some tests 20:20:48 * jborean93 stands corrected 20:22:16 * nitzmahone will try to look that one over and merge for 2.7 if it's good to go 20:22:25 <nitzmahone> #action nitzmahone to review https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/43406 for 2.7 20:22:57 <nitzmahone> At a glance anyway, they look like pretty decent modules over the RDP settings PS provider 20:23:23 * dag noticed jhawkesworth_ drank the galaxy Kool-Aid ;-) 20:23:55 <jhawkesworth_> :-) 20:24:07 <nitzmahone> #topic open floor 20:24:11 <nitzmahone> mind the gap 20:24:34 <jborean93> I'm planning on spending today to review all the PRs and go over the issues for low hanging fruit 20:24:52 <dag> the win_nssm cleanup looks very interesting 20:25:03 <dag> I think he fixed more issues than he listed in that PR 20:25:05 <jborean93> I saw a PR was raised but I haven't looked at it yet 20:26:36 <nitzmahone> Anything else for today? 20:26:40 <imjoseangel> Hey 20:26:51 <imjoseangel> I would like to ask about https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/24098 20:27:18 <imjoseangel> Just interested in adding that functionality or even create a new module 20:27:34 <imjoseangel> If nobody is working on that 20:27:40 <imjoseangel> If nobody is working on it 20:27:55 <jborean93> imjoseangel: not that I'm aware of, feel free to add that feature 20:27:58 <nitzmahone> @jborean93 I can't remember, is that stuff reasonably accessible? 20:28:11 <jborean93> it's been a while but IIRC WMI exposed it 20:28:35 <nitzmahone> Then yeah, go for it- probably same module 20:28:49 <jborean93> imjoseangel: One thing we would ask for is tests to cover the new features, feel free to reach out if you need help there 20:29:32 <imjoseangel> Yep, same as I did with vmware_guest_move.py I will check some already done and will contact if I have questions 20:29:43 <imjoseangel> Thank you! 20:30:01 <jhawkesworth_> thanks for working on this, it would a nice feature to have 20:30:05 <dag> imjoseangel: usually we don't have meetings here, except tuesdays at this time ;-) 20:30:08 <nitzmahone> Yeah, should be pretty easy to test- just get the PID of the test service and kill it with a couple of different recovery modes 20:30:11 <jborean93> looks like you can use https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/winsvc/ns-winsvc-_query_service_configa in Win32_Service 20:31:07 <imjoseangel> Cool! @dag, yep I realize about the time :P Thanks! 20:31:20 <jborean93> Once that's done I think the only remaining part left for win_service is a security descriptor control :) 20:31:39 * nitzmahone shudders 20:31:57 * dag doesn't even know what that is, but thinks of SELinux 20:31:59 <dag> instead 20:32:12 <jborean93> access control 20:32:23 <nitzmahone> let random non-admin manage service 20:32:23 <jborean93> contains the DACL, SACL, Owner and Group of an object 20:34:09 <nitzmahone> #action imjoseangel to investigate adding recovery controls to win_service 20:34:15 <nitzmahone> Anything else for today? 20:34:32 <dag> anything for Ansible v2.7 release ? 20:34:58 <jborean93> I'm good, unfortunately didn't achieve as much as I wanted for 2.7 but that's the way it goes 20:35:23 <nitzmahone> Community freeze is EoD Thursday, immediately followed by 2.7.0 Beta 1 20:35:43 <nitzmahone> (and branching of stable-2.7, so let the backports begin) 20:36:12 <jhawkesworth_> cool. Can't keep up, not yet rolloed out 2.6! 20:36:59 <jhawkesworth_> Hoping I can be more help during 2.8. light at end of the tunnol of current project 20:37:13 <nitzmahone> 👍 20:37:19 <jhawkesworth_> (hoping its not light on the front of the train) :-) 20:37:28 <imjoseangel> :P 20:37:29 <nitzmahone> heh 20:37:43 <nitzmahone> OK, well, if nothing else, ending meeting in 5... 20:37:48 <nitzmahone> 4.. 20:37:51 <nitzmahone> 3.. 20:37:53 <jhawkesworth_> cheers 20:37:54 <nitzmahone> 2.. 20:37:56 <nitzmahone> 1.. 20:37:57 <jborean93> thanks 20:38:00 <imjoseangel> Bye! 20:38:00 <nitzmahone> Thanks all! 20:38:03 <nitzmahone> #endmeeting