20:00:08 <nitzmahone> #startmeeting Ansible Windows Working Group 20:00:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 23 20:00:08 2018 UTC. 20:00:08 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 20:00:08 <zodbot> The chair is nitzmahone. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_windows_working_group' 20:00:22 <nitzmahone> #chair dag jborean93 20:00:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: dag jborean93 nitzmahone 20:00:46 <jborean93> o/ 20:01:22 * nitzmahone consults agenda 20:01:53 <nitzmahone> Looks like chopraaa is not around today 20:03:04 <nitzmahone> Do we want to go over any of the lists today? 20:03:49 <jborean93> _looks at the agenda_ 20:03:57 * jborean93 sigh not Slack 20:05:12 <jborean93> Looks like the main 2 are dag's last comments on there 20:05:15 <nitzmahone> yep 20:05:26 <dag> o/ 20:06:02 <dag> right, just to see what we want to do with those things 20:06:23 <dag> if anything :-) 20:06:33 <jborean93> Looks like the progress stuff can be updated, I've been trying to get my ducks in a row but hoping to line up the file/IO stuff once everything is in place 20:06:58 <dag> jborean93: I updated it as best as possible 20:07:26 <jborean93> I'll quickly update the stuff that I plan on touching either in 2.7 or 2.8 20:07:38 <dag> I wonder if we should open tickets for each of the known disparities etc. 20:07:48 * nitzmahone hangs head in shame for not having tests on win_diskimage 20:08:35 <dag> nitzmahone: I think we have come a long way, what's left over is less important 20:09:04 <dag> maybe we should focus on what remains important, open tickets for "nice to have" and get rid of the progress tracker ? 20:09:23 <jborean93> probably the key ones I think we should be sad about is the ACL stuff, considering how important security should be 20:09:35 <jborean93> but I've been holding off on that for the reasons above 20:10:41 <dag> lack of idempotency typically is a bug, lack of diff support is a feature, missing integration tests are feature requests too, feature disparity is also feature request 20:11:05 <dag> I wonder if we can make easy fixes out of the missing integration tests ? 20:11:12 <jborean93> I personally would say lack of tests is a bbug can be gone either way 20:11:16 <nitzmahone> yeah 20:11:26 <jborean93> some tests will be hard, ala the win_domain_* ones 20:11:49 <dag> jborean93: correct, but we could at least call them and implement error tests 20:12:32 <jborean93> was there anything in the win_uri vs uri feature parity, I thought we got most of the differences? 20:12:33 <nitzmahone> Could even implement real tests that just skip if the right vars aren't set 20:12:54 <jborean93> that's what I did for win_domain_group 20:12:57 <dag> jborean93: it would be best to write down the known disparities 20:13:20 <dag> nitzmahone: indeed 20:14:39 <nitzmahone> Most of those are good for "I need an easy task to finish out the afternoon"... I'll put the domain modules and disk_image on my pile to do 20:16:11 <nitzmahone> Ooh, Google Keep seems to have added hierarchy to todo lists at some point 20:17:32 <jborean93> nice 20:17:54 <dag> yup 20:17:59 <nitzmahone> I have to duck out in a minute to take my wife back to the shop to pick up her car... 20:18:05 <dag> for some time now, but only one evel deep 20:18:19 * nitzmahone never noticed, just tripped over it moving something around 20:19:44 <jborean93> I'm ok with having github issues for the items on that list 20:23:52 <jborean93> anything else you wanted to talk about on the progress tracker? 20:24:59 <dag> not really 20:25:53 <jborean93> the next one is about the roadmap, that's really on nitzmahone and I. Probably more myself as nitzmahone is working on core stuff and less Windows this release 20:25:53 <dag> what about the read_timeout patches ? I disabled it by default 20:26:22 <jborean93> I need to go into pypsrp and add the feature dict + change some other small things 20:31:22 <jborean93> dag: looks like there's a sanity issue on https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/47404. Also now we have a psrp only test location are you able to add a win_command or win_shell test that has unicode characters to that 20:35:05 <dag> I'll check 20:37:52 <dag> hmm, what exactly do you mean with "only test location" ? 20:38:11 <jborean93> the tests in connection_psrp/tests.yml will only run with the psrp connection plugin 20:38:23 <jborean93> the rest are currently winrm 20:39:00 <jborean93> in the future that will probably be mixed but for now psrp only has minimal tests 20:39:21 <dag> sure, but I did add a unicode test 20:39:30 <dag> not sure what you want me to add next 20:39:45 <dag> you mean adding integration tests for win_command and win_shell ? 20:39:47 <dag> using unicode ? 20:40:14 <jborean93> yes, so just a `- win_shell: Write-Output ....` 20:40:23 <dag> ok, will do 20:40:32 <jborean93> you wrote a test for the module_util, this ensures that psrp will get the unicode characters end to end 20:40:42 <dag> both with connection: winrm and connection:psrp ? 20:41:06 <dag> or do we plan to run it with both connections ? 20:41:18 <dag> (from the framework) 20:42:25 <jborean93> we already have the unicode tests in win_shell and win_connection integration tests, this is just a further sanity check for connection_psrp until we get a proper way to test both winrm and psrp at the same time 20:42:44 <jborean93> So just add a new task to https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/test/integration/targets/connection_psrp/tests.yml 20:46:28 <dag> Ah, I added tasks to win_command and win_shell targets 20:46:33 <dag> just updated the PR 20:46:42 <dag> bet that's not what you meant :-) 20:47:25 <jborean93> we already have that there 20:47:38 <jborean93> that will not test these changes with psrp which is where this issue occurred 20:48:05 <dag> I've got "connection: psrp" in there 20:48:31 <jborean93> there's a typo but that won't work all the time as you might have to ignore SSL errors, or change the auth and so on 20:48:44 <dag> ok 20:48:47 <dag> saw the typo 20:49:27 <jborean93> please just add it to connection_psrp, we can deal with duplicated tests once we start including psrp as part of the test matrix 20:49:54 <dag> done 20:50:45 <jborean93> thanks, just 2 extra comments 20:52:33 <dag> done 20:52:57 <jborean93> thank you, just waiting for the green light 20:53:10 <jborean93> well if there's nothing else for the meeting will bring it to a close 20:55:49 <jborean93> #endmeeting