20:00:00 <nitzmahone> #startmeeting Ansible Windows Working Group 20:00:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Apr 30 20:00:00 2019 UTC. 20:00:00 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 20:00:00 <zodbot> The chair is nitzmahone. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_windows_working_group' 20:00:18 <nitzmahone> right on the dot- I should win a prize 20:00:27 <jhawkesworth> hey 20:00:33 <nitzmahone> #chair jborean93 jhawkesworth 20:00:33 <zodbot> Current chairs: jborean93 jhawkesworth nitzmahone 20:00:35 <ShachafGoldstein> hi 20:00:37 <nitzmahone> Sup Jon! 20:00:46 * jhawkesworth grants nitzmahone magical on-time award 20:00:58 <jborean93> hey 20:01:02 <jhawkesworth> hey back from some away-from-screen time 20:01:33 <jhawkesworth> how's it goin'? 20:01:47 <jborean93> not too bad, how about yourself 20:02:16 <nitzmahone> (we'll give it another minute or so before diving in) 20:02:28 <jhawkesworth> yeah good to have a break, more energy for everything now 20:03:06 <nitzmahone> Hey Jon, I'm bringing the family to the UK for a few weeks in August- I'll buy you a beer or something if you're around 20:03:46 <jhawkesworth> that would be awesome, a few family commitments in August but would be great to catch up 20:04:02 <jhawkesworth> I don't think I'm going to make to 'fest this year 20:04:19 <nitzmahone> We'll chat more when it gets closer 20:04:28 <nitzmahone> OK, let's get to it 20:04:30 <jhawkesworth> great 20:04:39 <nitzmahone> #topic https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/420#issuecomment-487778153 20:05:23 <jhawkesworth> looks like a good thing to land early on in dev cycle 20:05:39 <jborean93> I've put some feedback on the original PR that is still relevant to changes in here 20:05:49 <jborean93> Don't particularly want to review it again for the same things 20:05:53 <Shachaf92> Ill check them out 20:06:16 <Shachaf92> the original got messed up with too many irrelevent changes 20:06:40 <jhawkesworth> other than a trailing ; I didn't spot anything out of place 20:06:54 <jborean93> be extra careful with the WMI to CIM cmdlet changes. There's some slight behaviour differences that could bite us 20:07:12 <Shachaf92> this PR actually passes all integ tests 20:07:22 <nitzmahone> Doesn't mean it's not breaking stuff 20:07:27 <Shachaf92> and im very familiar with the changes so all should be good 20:07:40 <nitzmahone> Test coverage is all over the place, so that's not always the best indicator ;) 20:07:43 <Shachaf92> yeah but im still happy about that 20:07:56 <nitzmahone> In general we're OK with this sort of thing when it's noninvasive and fixing rules we want to enforce, but we should probably talk about more invasive things like what it sounds like you're proposing for the future... 20:08:30 <jhawkesworth> hmm, wondering why the ci failed... 20:08:33 <Shachaf92> yeah, i don't mind moving to other stuff if it's not really something you want to solve atm 20:08:34 * jhawkesworth goes to look 20:08:53 * bcoca removes random_fail() function from CI 20:09:10 <Shachaf92> the last ci failed on a network miss in one test, checked it before but i don't know how to make ot run without a push 20:09:25 <jborean93> you can just close and reopen a PR to rerun the tests 20:09:34 <jborean93> otherwise you can push an empty commit, just a bit more work 20:09:35 <Shachaf92> great 20:10:01 <Shachaf92> yeah i just spen 10 minutes understanding how to squash all my commits to make it pretty 20:10:02 <bcoca> jborean93: he, i find the latter 'less work' 20:10:35 <jborean93> keep in mind, we can't get rid of all the ignored rules in modules. Some are there for a reason 20:10:41 <Shachaf92> btw, do you know the ssl binding section never really got implemented in the website module? 20:10:45 <jborean93> but trimming down that list is nice 20:11:00 <Shachaf92> or should i bring that up later 20:11:00 <nitzmahone> Yeah, let's get this one to a merge-able state, then if you want to talk about others in the future, we're open to it (esp removing ignores on rules in old code), just need to balance loss of "blame" and potential instabliity from non-formatting changes 20:11:29 <Shachaf92> k, the rest of the rules are a lot more problematic 20:11:36 <jborean93> there's a few TODO stuff in there, usually they are just placeholders for future work 20:12:09 <Shachaf92> i see 20:12:34 <Shachaf92> anything else in this one you want me to look 20:12:44 <Shachaf92> change* 20:14:24 <jborean93> go through the issues list and see what takes your fancy/think you can do 20:14:34 <nitzmahone> Probably just go with the review comments- so long as everything's addressed... 20:14:41 <nitzmahone> OK, next thing: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/53362 20:14:45 <nitzmahone> #topic https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/53362 20:14:50 * jborean93 sorry, thought you were asking about in general 20:15:04 <Shachaf92> both :) 20:15:18 <nitzmahone> Jon- I'm fine with merging that stuff for 2.9 now, just remember, you break it, you bought it ;) 20:15:21 <jborean93> If CI is green, you've attempted to contact the module author and had no reply then I would personally merge 20:15:27 * bcoca sees xml and hides 20:15:32 * jborean93 but I'm not going to touch win_xml 20:15:52 * bcoca makes space in anti-xml bunker for jborean93 20:15:55 <jhawkesworth> yeah well I've got form for hanging around this project 20:16:11 <jhawkesworth> so if it borks, I'll fix it 20:16:22 <jborean93> sounds like we have a new win_xml maintainer :) 20:16:37 * nitzmahone makes note to buy Jon two beers now 20:16:41 <jhawkesworth> 1 maintainer, 2 users by the sound of things 20:16:45 <Shachaf92> why is win_xml so frightening? 20:16:50 <jborean93> because XML 20:17:08 <jborean93> lots of use cases, difference of ideas on interfaces 20:17:15 <nitzmahone> Making idempotent changes to text is painful, making them to XML is worse 20:17:19 <jborean93> can't please everyone 20:17:24 <Shachaf92> yeah 20:17:33 <jhawkesworth> yeah its all horrible 20:17:50 <nitzmahone> There are absolutely use cases where it makes sense, but I personally try to avoid/workaround them wherever possible with templating instead 20:19:01 * nitzmahone hovers finger over merge button 20:19:08 <jhawkesworth> for me turned out to be the best way to make sure that devs haven't left debug level logging on in production systems 20:19:32 <jhawkesworth> object now.. or moan at me later :-) 20:19:47 <jborean93> I choose the latter :) 20:19:52 * nitzmahone ships it 20:20:09 <jhawkesworth> yay 20:20:25 <nitzmahone> #topic open floor 20:20:30 <nitzmahone> (mind the gap) 20:20:47 <jhawkesworth> I'm out of the loop is 2.8 release still on course? 20:20:56 <nitzmahone> Yep, RC2 this week I think 20:21:26 <Shachaf92> can you help me understand what really needs work / important for you guys? 20:21:31 <jhawkesworth> neat. Need it for azure project 20:22:14 <jhawkesworth> dag made a list on the wiki a little while back of good suggestions. 20:22:16 <nitzmahone> Shachaf92: validation of reported issues is huge 20:22:32 <nitzmahone> proposed fixes on confirmed ones even better :) 20:22:51 <Shachaf92> k 20:22:53 <nitzmahone> The bot's pretty good about tagging Windows-specific issues 20:23:06 <Shachaf92> yeah i saw, but there are a mess of stuff 20:23:07 <jhawkesworth> feature parity with linux equivalent modules is good too, where possible 20:23:08 <nitzmahone> so you can just search for `label:windows` 20:23:35 <Shachaf92> about the parity, what exactly do you mean? 20:23:46 <Shachaf92> same vars? output? 20:24:05 <zoredache> just getting the same functionality in some cases? 20:24:07 <nitzmahone> If there's a Linux equivalent module, we *try* in most cases to ensure the behavior/module UI match 20:24:30 <jhawkesworth> some of the win_<module_name> don't do quite the same things as the <module_name> modules do 20:24:32 <nitzmahone> Sometimes that doesn't make sense, or the POSIX module does something in a brain-dead way, so we'll deviate in those cases 20:24:34 <Shachaf92> the list is of ones you know aren't? 20:24:35 <bcoca> command/win_command 20:24:44 <bcoca> but no systemd/win_systemd 20:25:10 * jhawkesworth wants a bunker to hide from win_systemd in! 20:25:24 <jhawkesworth> let me dig out the list on the wiki 20:25:45 <bcoca> he, systemd hate lives across OS platforms ... 20:25:50 * nitzmahone hasn't dug through the wiki in awhile: https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/Windows 20:26:17 <jhawkesworth> doh yeah its all linked off https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/Windows 20:26:51 <jhawkesworth> so https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/Windows:-progress-tracker#feature-parity-with-python-modules for example 20:27:28 <nitzmahone> I'm pretty sure I'll have return value deprecation in for 2.9- working on it actively right now and I think I've solved the issues that were blocking it last time... That'll probably open up a bunch more "we should clean up return values" cases... 20:27:48 <jborean93> will be nice 20:27:53 <nitzmahone> There's also the renaming of non-facts `_facts` modules 20:28:34 <nitzmahone> (should be on deck for 2.9, though not sure if we've completely nailed down the process yet) 20:29:38 * nitzmahone suspects we may have untested corner cases for deprecated Windows modules 20:29:59 <nitzmahone> Anything else to discuss today? 20:30:08 <jborean93> I'm good 20:30:11 <jhawkesworth> nothing from me 20:30:21 <nitzmahone> #info Red Hat Summit is next week, jborean93 and I will be there, but not sure if we should cancel this meeting 20:30:40 <nitzmahone> (might be best since I know my schedule is still up in the air) 20:30:55 <jhawkesworth> sounds like a plan. Hope you have a good Summit 20:31:25 <nitzmahone> Unless somebody else *really* wants to run this, we'll probably just cancel for next week 20:31:47 <nitzmahone> OK, well, until next time- thanks all for the discussion! 20:31:49 <jborean93> probably for the best 20:31:52 <jhawkesworth> I vote just cancel. We can chat on channel or via PRs if anything does come up 20:31:55 <Shachaf92> enjoy 20:31:59 <jhawkesworth> cheers 20:32:02 <nitzmahone> #agreed cancel WWG meeting for next week 20:32:05 <nitzmahone> #endmeeting