20:00:03 <nitzmahone> #startmeeting Ansible Windows Working Group 20:00:04 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue May 14 20:00:03 2019 UTC. 20:00:04 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 20:00:04 <zodbot> The chair is nitzmahone. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:04 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_windows_working_group' 20:00:11 <nitzmahone> #chair jborean93 20:00:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: jborean93 nitzmahone 20:00:12 <jhawkesworth> hey 20:00:26 <nitzmahone> #chair jhawkesworth 20:00:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: jborean93 jhawkesworth nitzmahone 20:00:30 <nitzmahone> howdy 20:00:31 <jborean93> hey 20:00:39 <Shachaf92> יקט 20:00:41 <Shachaf92> hey 20:01:44 * jborean93 gives 1 more minute before starting 20:04:25 <jborean93> alrighty let's get started 20:04:36 <jborean93> #topic https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/420#issuecomment-490255070 20:04:40 <jborean93> there are a few links in here 20:05:45 <jhawkesworth> shall we go top to bottom, start with https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/56196 ? 20:06:27 <jborean93> I needed to test it out and see how it handles become + no become but I've got no problems with adding that there 20:07:11 <jborean93> I actually have a WIP that tests out sharing the web code between modules that adds this https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/54759 but happy to introduce it in the modules first as 54759 isn't ready for prime time yet 20:07:26 <jhawkesworth> would it make sense to also have default network credentials ? 20:08:02 <nitzmahone> How does it handle cases where we don't have plaintext creds? (eg NTLM) 20:08:27 <jborean93> nitzmahone: probably does nothing (anon) but that's part of the become + no become testing 20:09:07 <Shachaf92> according to documentation before this change it was basiclly always false 20:09:30 <Shachaf92> so that part is clear 20:10:25 <nitzmahone> But yeah, I'm also +1 for adding this as a switch, just want to make sure it'll work in most cases 20:10:49 <nitzmahone> (+ document when it won't) 20:11:12 <jborean93> yep, the docs currently say ntlm will work but I would be surprised if it does 20:11:18 <jhawkesworth> yep anything to avoid 'it doesn't work' bug reports 20:11:22 <jborean93> So I'm find with the changes just needs some doc changes 20:11:36 <nitzmahone> yeah, I'm suspicious about NTLM-over-WinRM 20:11:59 <nitzmahone> I suspect they're saying you can auth *to* NTLM endpoints 20:12:06 <jhawkesworth> I have next to no experience of ntlm-over-winrm 20:12:13 <nitzmahone> It's ... fun 20:12:29 <Shachaf92> What docs should be changed? 20:12:38 <jborean93> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/56196/files#diff-3f43d632d5cb72d688e114f52d2c6b87R154 20:12:46 <nitzmahone> just the docs for that option once we know for sure where it won't work 20:13:00 <jborean93> Expand to include become, test kerb, ntlm, credssp to see if they actually work 20:13:32 <jborean93> Maybe even an explicit entry to say basic, and/or others won't work unless become is used 20:13:47 <Shachaf92> i see 20:13:58 <Shachaf92> ill try to set up an environment to test it all 20:14:05 <Shachaf92> might take me some time 20:14:18 <jborean93> we've got some time fore 2.9 is feature freeze :) 20:14:35 <Shachaf92> k 20:15:09 <jborean93> ok now https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/56279 20:15:31 <Shachaf92> btw i have not seen any defaultnetworkcredentials stuff regarding System.Net.WebReques 20:15:47 <nitzmahone> nooo, 56279 is not gonna fly 20:16:13 <jborean93> yea, I can't remember what but there was an issue with using this before 20:16:23 <jborean93> sounds like nitzmahone remembers 20:16:26 <jhawkesworth> how come? 20:16:51 <nitzmahone> You're not guaranteed to have DNS, it can resolve to lots of different things, reverse DNS isn't always there, tons of problems with that 20:16:53 <jhawkesworth> does System.Net.Dns do odd stuff on machines with networking not fully set up or something 20:16:59 <nitzmahone> That too 20:17:23 <Shachaf92> the static method should not be impacted by network settings 20:17:29 <nitzmahone> IIRC we've actually reverted that same change in the past because it cause so many problems, but I could be thinking of another job 20:17:35 <Shachaf92> you seen that failures yourself? 20:17:42 <nitzmahone> It can return SocketException, it certainly can 20:18:15 <nitzmahone> Yes, I've personally been burned by that method several times 20:18:34 <Shachaf92> interesting 20:18:47 <jhawkesworth> hmm, wondering if `hostname` does the right thing? 20:18:56 <nitzmahone> On a domain-joined machine, it generally works fine, but for cloud stuff, early provisioning, there be dragons 20:19:30 <jhawkesworth> (as in .exe) .. but hate calling .exes if at all possible to avoid 20:19:30 <clcaldwell> hostname returns the netbios name, aswell 20:19:47 <clcaldwell> same 15 char limitation 20:19:49 <Shachaf92> actually i saw hostname command returns the full name 20:20:09 <Shachaf92> we can always get it from the registry 20:20:12 <jhawkesworth> bug report comes from aws usage as well 20:21:27 <clcaldwell> nvm, Shachaf92 is right, i was confusing it with a different one 20:22:10 <Shachaf92> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName 20:22:23 <nitzmahone> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/sysinfoapi/nf-sysinfoapi-getcomputernameexw 20:23:18 <jborean93> `GetComputerNameExW` seems to be the best option. We can also add a specific fact for netbios name in case people want that as well 20:23:24 <nitzmahone> I think there's a local ADSI object as well 20:24:11 <jhawkesworth> makes sense to have full and netbios name facts 20:25:41 <Shachaf92> so i should change it to have both and use GetComputerNameExW? 20:25:48 * jborean93 what a cf with all these hostnames 20:26:15 <clcaldwell> If you are using 'getcomputernameexw', you still have to decide if you want ansible to pick the netbios or non-netbios computername as the 'hostname' 20:26:31 <jborean93> I think so, just reading through the types to see how we want to map it 20:26:36 <Shachaf92> it makes sense to have the hostname be the full one and just add netbios one 20:26:55 <nitzmahone> In most sane cases they'd be the same, but agree we should probably have both, and the default should be the full one, with netbios available under a diff key 20:27:03 <jhawkesworth> longest version becomes 'hostname' 20:27:09 <nitzmahone> yep 20:27:25 <Shachaf92> wait, why not get them from WMI? 20:27:28 <clcaldwell> I disagree, I would actually think the netbios one makes more sense for windows. See; https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/55283#issuecomment-486789375 20:27:37 <jborean93> we should also probably look at `ansible_fqdn`, I know there are a few reports around that not being correct 20:27:56 <nitzmahone> Yeah, IIRC it's constructed from the truncated value 20:28:46 * nitzmahone wonders how things like NTLM/CredSSP auth are affected by non-compliant hostnames 20:29:09 <clcaldwell> Although, it is definitely not sane for a sysadmin to allow his windows computer's name to differ from NetBIOS name 20:29:25 <jborean93> people like to be different :) 20:29:30 <Shachaf92> why not get the facts from Win32_ComputerSystem and caption is netbios and DNSHOSTNAME is full 20:30:47 <nitzmahone> That works too- I was pretty sure the full values were available on one of those, but couldn't find it offhand 20:30:59 <nitzmahone> Oh 20:31:09 <nitzmahone> The Caption-based values are bad 20:31:26 <Shachaf92> sec ill get the better property 20:31:27 <nitzmahone> IIRC they don't work across all the Windows versions we support 20:31:47 <jborean93> if it works I would prefer WMI over PInvoke 20:31:51 <nitzmahone> ditto 20:32:00 <Shachaf92> the computersystem props go way back from xp / 2003 onward 20:32:04 <jhawkesworth> for sure 20:32:10 <clcaldwell> + 1 for WMI over PInvoke 20:32:38 <Shachaf92> k, computersystem has a property of name which is NB 20:32:49 <Shachaf92> and another DNSHOSTNAME for full 20:32:49 <nitzmahone> Yeah, we just have to make sure they behave the same. The explicit ones are generally fine so long as they're documented back to 2008 et al, but the implicit stuff like "Caption" often changes between releases 20:33:11 <jborean93> ok, so sounds like try out `Win32_ComputerSystem` to get hostname source. Set `ansible_hostname` to use the DNS name, and add `ansible_netbios_name` to use the netbios name? 20:33:22 <jborean93> + make sure it is consistent across out supported OS versions 20:33:23 <nitzmahone> WFM 20:33:34 <jhawkesworth> yes, that's what I'd like 20:33:39 <nitzmahone> (and ensure FQDN is built off DNS as well) 20:33:57 <Shachaf92> k 20:34:01 <nitzmahone> noice- thanks 20:34:36 <jhawkesworth> yeah thanks for tackling. sorry it turned out to be 'a can of worms' 20:34:38 <clcaldwell> Are you sure you want to set the default hostname to the non-NetBIOS name? That is almost guaranteed to cause problems if someone is using long computernames and AD 20:35:06 <Shachaf92> well it is the correct way to use them... 20:35:08 <nitzmahone> It's going to break something either way 20:35:19 <clcaldwell> @Nitzamahone yeah, probably :) 20:35:24 <nitzmahone> I'd rather the Netbios be the explicitly-opted-in one 20:35:26 <jborean93> and considering netbios is the special one I would prefer that be it's own fact 20:35:30 <nitzmahone> yep 20:35:31 <jhawkesworth> all my hostnames are exactly 15 characters 20:35:54 <jborean93> ok moving on https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/55862 20:36:46 <jborean93> I would need to go through them to make sure everything is good 20:37:18 <jborean93> there's a few `| Out-Null` which is better to be `$null = ...` or `> $null` 20:37:59 <jhawkesworth> I don't really have anything new to add 20:38:10 <jborean93> I still see some `$log_path = $null` before you set the var which I don't see any reason why that needs to be done 20:38:11 <nitzmahone> (microperf, but yeah, if the PR is cleaning stuff up, it shouldn't add new things we know are bad) 20:39:34 <Shachaf92> It is a best practice to always assign your vars in scripts before assigning from functions, if you all have such strong feelings about the null ill remove it 20:39:49 <jborean93> where is this best practice, I've never heard of it? 20:39:49 <Shachaf92> :( 20:40:12 <jborean93> and I'm sure there are hundreds, if not thousands of locations where we are doing just that 20:40:16 <Shachaf92> Ever tried runnign a script sevreal times in a session and got a lot of problems? 20:40:39 <Shachaf92> dirty vars are a big issue in scripts 20:40:46 <Shachaf92> in all languages 20:40:48 <jborean93> sounds more like a scoping problem 20:40:51 <nitzmahone> These aren't run that way though, and it adds a lot of noise 20:41:01 <Shachaf92> k ill remove it 20:41:13 <nitzmahone> (PS not being the most terse language out there to begin with ;) ) 20:41:39 <Shachaf92> im old school sometimes, hence my ; you mentioned in the past 20:42:07 <Shachaf92> what about the WMI comment? 20:42:16 <jborean93> which one? 20:42:33 <nitzmahone> conversion to Get-CimInstance + explicit method invoke 20:42:45 <jborean93> in win_domain_membership 20:42:49 <Shachaf92> dagwieers commented on the lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_domain_membership.ps1 20:42:52 <Shachaf92> yeah 20:43:34 <jborean93> eh, as long as it works. I would test it manually as we don't actually run any good CI tests on that module 20:43:42 <Shachaf92> i tested it 20:43:54 <Shachaf92> it didn't work at first :) 20:44:11 <Shachaf92> now it does 20:44:36 <Shachaf92> should i really seperate the two .reboot_required = $awf.RestartNeeded lines from this PR? maybe just add a changelog line about it? 20:44:37 <jborean93> I probably do agree with dagwieers around some stuff. The addition of return values (win_domain.ps1) shoudl be in separate PRs 20:44:40 <jhawkesworth> as long as it behaves the same on s2008 and later windows versions. 20:45:01 <jhawkesworth> I see dag's point about keeping the functional stuff in a separate PR. I know it feels like overkill but if any of the functional stuff winds up having to be reverted, you don't have to loose all the other non functional changes. 20:45:09 <clcaldwell> Not sure if it matters, but changing from WMI to CIM will break it on W2K8 unless you have explicitely installed PoSH 5 20:45:09 <jborean93> yep 20:45:21 <jborean93> CIM stuff was added in v3 20:45:26 <jborean93> which is a requirement for Ansible 20:45:44 <clcaldwell> :ThumbsUp: 20:45:58 <jhawkesworth> i forget is it 2008 or 2008r2 is lowest supported? 20:46:02 <nitzmahone> 2008 20:46:03 <jborean93> 2008 20:46:05 <nitzmahone> :( 20:46:11 * jborean93 although not for much longer :) 20:46:37 * jhawkesworth looking forward to 2020 : goodbye ps3 and python 2.x 20:46:39 <jborean93> anyway, will need to do another review on that one but unless there's any more questions lets move on 20:46:52 * nitzmahone prepares to dance on their graves 20:47:06 <nitzmahone> Although we can't ditch Python 2.7 until RHEL7 dies :( 20:47:09 <Shachaf92> not sure what to do then with the wmi 20:47:28 <jborean93> I'm fine with having it changed in that PR as long as you've tested it works 20:47:28 <Shachaf92> keep it? 20:47:34 <Shachaf92> k 20:48:00 <Shachaf92> can we negotiate on adding the reboot req change to the changelog instead of a new PR? 20:48:03 <jborean93> in regards to the last comment in that post around old PRs 20:48:09 <jhawkesworth> are we onto old prs? 20:48:16 <jborean93> we've mostly left them as they are 20:48:16 <jhawkesworth> ah yes we are... 20:48:43 <jhawkesworth> the bot takes care of unanswered user questions over time 20:48:50 <Shachaf92> ok 20:48:51 <jhawkesworth> do you have specific examples. 20:48:53 <jhawkesworth> ? 20:49:05 <Shachaf92> not atm 20:49:07 <jhawkesworth> things like feature requests just kinda hang around 20:49:13 <Shachaf92> maybe ill list some next meeting 20:49:33 <jhawkesworth> occassionaly I chase up old ones 20:49:58 <jhawkesworth> cool. would be good to clear out some ancient things. 20:51:27 <jborean93> sounds good 20:51:35 <jborean93> #topic https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/420#issuecomment-492061525 20:52:21 <jhawkesworth> this is https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/55109 ? 20:52:30 <jborean93> doesn't look like kvprasoon is here (unless they have a different IRC handle) 20:52:30 <jborean93> yep 20:53:04 <jhawkesworth> possibly anti social hour for kvprassoon 20:53:05 <jborean93> barring the doc error around `required: yes` not being in the right place the code looks ok to me 20:53:22 <Shachaf92> there is waht jhawkesworth wrote 20:53:23 <jhawkesworth> wasn't sure if it was itentional not checking the Grouping param 20:53:32 <Shachaf92> he is correct it looks like it is missing from that array 20:53:49 <jhawkesworth> just don't know if it makes sense to check it 20:54:00 <Shachaf92> i think so 20:54:05 <jborean93> ah I see what you mean 20:54:15 <Shachaf92> since two rules can differ only in group 20:54:46 <jborean93> well win_firewall_rule fails when it finds 2 rules that match on the name. There are a few things about that module that are problematic 20:54:49 <jhawkesworth> looks nice to have otherwise 20:55:06 <jborean93> well in the absence of the author t here's not much else to talk about. The 2 comments still stand 20:55:14 <jhawkesworth> agreed 20:55:25 <jborean93> #topic https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/420#issuecomment-492345381 20:55:48 <jborean93> Shachaf92: is the link wrong or am I missing something? 20:55:59 <Shachaf92> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/56124 20:56:03 <jhawkesworth> I guess one to parameterise in the tests when its fixed. Not really a windows issue, just some tests using the buckets 20:56:13 <jborean93> ah I see 20:56:26 <jhawkesworth> or did I misunderstand? 20:56:33 <Shachaf92> not familier with aws much but should we handle it now? 20:56:37 <jborean93> doesn't look like we actually need to change anything 20:56:41 <Shachaf92> it says it will stop working in september 20:56:47 <jborean93> it's only for newer buckets 20:57:11 <jborean93> as per mattclay's comment https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/56124#issuecomment-492365629 20:57:25 <Shachaf92> yeah just saw it 20:57:38 <jhawkesworth> I guess it will kill CI if/when they turn off the old style names, so will get fixed pronto then :-) 20:57:40 <Shachaf92> but if the new way works for the old, shouldn't we change it to work the same? 20:58:00 <Shachaf92> should i look into a PR for this? 20:58:20 <jborean93> if it works I don't see why not. I'm not saying we don't change it, just that there's no real reason to right now. E.g. there are bigger fish to fry 20:58:44 <Shachaf92> well, when one of my small fishes fry ill move to the big ones 20:58:52 <Shachaf92> so i don't mind working on that one too 20:58:58 <jborean93> fine with me 21:00:33 <jborean93> #topic open floor 21:00:55 <clcaldwell> Not really in the scope of this meeting, but if someone gets a chance, can you look at this PR and help me figure out why the CI tests are failing? It doesn't appear that any of the code I've added is what is causing it to fail, but of course it probably is. Thanks! https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/56061 21:01:00 <jhawkesworth> nothing new from me. Hope 2.8.0 is coming in to land smoothly 21:01:44 <Shachaf92> i wondered why there is win_get_url and seperate win_uri if in teh dotnet classes behind they are derived from one another? 21:02:35 <jhawkesworth> clcaldwell - looks like its objecting to a trailing \ : 21:02:36 <jhawkesworth> win_pester-RiNDrV / /root/.ansible/test/tmp/win_pester-Kh6rVc-ÅÑŚÌβŁÈ/test/integration/targets/win_pester/tasks/test.yml:46 / [windows-2008] windows: win_pester : Run Pester test(s) located in a folder. Folder path end with '\' path={{test_win_pester_path}}\ 21:03:02 <Shachaf92> the stacktrace lookslike an infinite recurse 21:03:21 <jborean93> we set the nested depth to 99 21:03:21 <nitzmahone> yeah, whatever's attempting to be serialized there is either way too big or has a cycle 21:03:23 <clcaldwell> Ah, interesting. Thanks! 21:03:46 <clcaldwell> I guess it is me :p 21:03:51 <jhawkesworth> Shachaf92: its historic I suppose. win_get_url and win_uri echo the linux equivalents get_url and uri which have over time got a lot more features and also got a lot more like each other 21:04:00 <jborean93> Shachaf92: win_get_url is designed to download files, win_uri is designed to invoke HTTP methods on an endpoint 21:04:44 <Shachaf92> ok 21:05:30 <jhawkesworth> first few versions of win_get_url didn't even use the .net client classes - and didn't work too well either :-) 21:05:46 <jborean93> those were the days 21:05:59 <Shachaf92> maybe should consider joingin them using a utils module to cut the duplicate maintenance 21:06:10 <jborean93> that's what that PR I mentioned at the start did 21:06:23 <Shachaf92> which one? 21:06:26 <jborean93> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/54759 21:06:35 <clcaldwell> For win_uri and wing_get_url , it might be helpful to modify the synopsis to point to the other module with a note on the difference 21:06:39 <Shachaf92> oh 21:06:45 <jborean93> although there are some things I want to change hence why it is a WIP 21:06:53 <Shachaf92> cool 21:07:34 <jborean93> clcaldwell: devel now has seealso https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/modules/win_get_url_module.html 21:07:47 <jborean93> when 2.8 is officially released that will become latest 21:08:30 <Shachaf92> ansible_fqdn and domain should we change to use WMI also? 21:08:33 <jhawkesworth> clcaldwell see https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/39587 for jborean93's analysis of difference between get_url and win_get_url 21:08:34 <clcaldwell> :ThumbsUp: 21:08:35 <Shachaf92> in setup 21:08:52 <nitzmahone> Shachaf92: Yeah, probably so 21:09:03 <Shachaf92> k 21:09:20 <jborean93> IIRC there's an issue around that so once you have it fixed you can close that 21:09:24 <jhawkesworth> yeah lets be consistent. win_hostname module too, although I think you said you had a separate PR for that 21:10:17 <jborean93> yep 21:10:29 <Shachaf92> yeah win_hsotname will be seperate 21:10:37 <jborean93> there will be an interesting question around how we can support changing each individual hostname as well 21:11:02 <nitzmahone> yeah, perhaps a separate netbios_name or something on win_hostname might be warranted 21:11:19 <nitzmahone> or just say "don't do that" ;) 21:11:27 <Shachaf92> +1 to that 21:11:35 <jborean93> anywho we are overtime, anything else pressing before we close the meeting? 21:11:40 <Shachaf92> we shouldn't always support wrong dids 21:11:41 <clcaldwell> For hostname, can we set some sort of imformational message if we notice the length will make the name longer than NetBIOS? 21:11:43 <Shachaf92> deeds? 21:11:44 <jhawkesworth> yeah one for the windows guide... :-) 21:11:59 <nitzmahone> clcaldwell: yeah, that'd be a good case for a runtime warning 21:14:16 <nitzmahone> if no other topics, closing in 5.. 21:14:21 <nitzmahone> 4.. 21:14:26 <nitzmahone> 3.. 21:14:30 <nitzmahone> 2.. 21:14:33 <nitzmahone> 1.. 21:14:38 <nitzmahone> Thanks all- until next week! 21:14:45 <jhawkesworth> cheers all 21:14:46 <nitzmahone> #endmeeting