19:59:59 <nitzmahone> #startmeeting Ansible Windows Working Group 19:59:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jul 26 19:59:59 2022 UTC. 19:59:59 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 19:59:59 <zodbot> The chair is nitzmahone. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 19:59:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:59:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_windows_working_group' 20:00:02 <nitzmahone> bah 20:00:07 <nitzmahone> #chair jborean93 20:00:07 <zodbot> Current chairs: jborean93 nitzmahone 20:00:12 <jborean93> yo 20:00:13 <nitzmahone> #info agenda https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/644 20:00:33 <nitzmahone> #topic open floor 20:00:56 <jborean93> I've got nothing interesting, been busy working on some non-windows stuff recently 20:01:42 <briantist> hello 20:01:47 <nitzmahone> hey hey 20:02:10 <briantist> thanks again to you both for getting the docs stuff over the line 🎉 20:02:18 <nitzmahone> you did the hard part :D 20:02:32 <jborean93> yea wasn't really that much on our parts 20:03:06 <briantist> cheers 20:03:38 <briantist> either of you going to ansible fest this year? 20:04:19 <nitzmahone> Not sure yet- even though we're back in person this year, I didn't submit a talk since the stuff I've been working on isn't ready to go public yet... 20:04:57 <nitzmahone> This'd be the first one I've missed since 2015 if I don't go, but we're not sure how many folks they're going to send that aren't giving talks 20:04:58 <jborean93> I won't be, might drop in on the virtual stream if the time works but I doubt it will 20:05:27 <jborean93> I believe there were a lot of talks submitted as well, not just within the org 20:05:46 <briantist> right, it's quite difficult on your part whether virtual or traveling 20:06:22 <nitzmahone> I assume they're doing a hybrid contrib summit in conjunction with fest this year too, but I haven't heard for sure 20:06:45 <briantist> yeah they are doing hybrid for that, but I'm going, pretty excited, I think it's the first in person one since I've really joined the community 20:07:27 <briantist> I'm still kind of tepid on traveling generally, but I really want to go to this event, may take a train to avoid flying 20:07:31 <nitzmahone> Nice- I assume I'll know in the next few weeks if I'm going, definitely need to catch up in person if I end up going 20:07:53 <nitzmahone> Can't remember where you're based... 20:07:57 <briantist> yeah for sure! 20:07:59 <briantist> I'm in NYC 20:08:17 <nitzmahone> Ah, so not a terrible train ride to Chicago then, what like ~10h? 20:08:54 <briantist> more like 20-28 I think depending on which route lol.. but it'll be an experience getting a room on a train 20:08:58 <nitzmahone> oof 20:09:02 <briantist> we'll see, haven't booked it yet 20:09:26 <jborean93> how long would it take to just drive? 20:09:43 <nitzmahone> I'll definitely be wearing my N95 the whole time if I end up going- avoided COVID this long (TMK anyway) 20:10:18 <briantist> probably less honestly, the trains here are s l o w, but I'm not a big fan of driving, the train is all time I can relax basically 20:10:25 <nitzmahone> Heh, I could nearly drive there from Portland in 28h :D 20:11:12 <jborean93> fair enough 20:11:27 <nitzmahone> Looks like ~13h drive from NYC 20:11:37 <jborean93> I'm sure you will have a good time there, Ansiblefest is always fun catching up with people and seeing others you only knew through a keyboard 20:11:40 <briantist> ah just beat me, yeah 13-14h 20:12:37 <jborean93> I'll check the kayak time for me 20:12:42 <briantist> lol 20:13:11 <nitzmahone> I'd have to do some serious speeding through NE and WY to make it in 28h- used to drive back and forth to school in Indiana and got a nice "driving award" from the Nebraska state patrol for my extreme efficiency 20:13:20 <briantist> google does seem to have a sense of humor with cross-continental walking directions at least, I do recall some sets giving the instruction to "walk into the sea" or some such 20:13:49 <briantist> haha driving award 20:14:24 <briantist> "it's just a paper certificate now but I might get the metal bracelets after I go see the contest judge" 20:14:30 <nitzmahone> lol 20:15:04 <nitzmahone> She was kind and wrote it for 94 in a 75, but I was doing, well, a lot better than that before she clocked me :D 20:15:33 * jborean93 crazy 20:15:54 <briantist> yikes, I got a bad ticket like that once, and it basically was the inspiration for me to stop doing that altogether 20:16:10 <briantist> just cruise control at the speed limit, stay right, let me people pass, and not think about it 20:16:21 <jborean93> I feel like we would loose our license going that fast 20:16:35 <jborean93> even just 5 km/h over and it's a hefty fine 20:16:46 <nitzmahone> Heh, I wrote a letter to the judge and they dismissed the whole thing for my taking a $20 "correspondence driver training course" 20:16:54 <briantist> I'm happy to live in a city now where I don't need a car at all 20:17:22 <jborean93> Yea I can't say I like driving anymore, trying to ride more on my bike now. But that's hard in a city with hills 20:17:40 <nitzmahone> I usually keep it to ~10mph over on the freeway these days, but occasionally still make sure that third digit on the speed display is working ;) 20:17:54 <briantist> true, NYC is fairly flat 20:19:23 <nitzmahone> Sounds like nothing else on fire for the Ansible stuff, so I'll close out the meeting 20:19:26 <nitzmahone> #endmeeting