16:02:53 <jberkus> #startmeeting atomic-community 16:02:53 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 27 16:02:53 2017 UTC. The chair is jberkus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:02:53 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:02:53 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'atomic-community' 16:02:53 <centbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 27 16:02:53 2017 UTC. The chair is jberkus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:02:54 <centbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:03:03 <jberkus> #topic roll call 16:03:05 <ashcrow> .hello smilner 16:03:06 <zodbot> ashcrow: smilner 'None' <smilner@redhat.com> 16:03:09 <dustymabe> .hello2 16:03:09 <jberkus> .hello jberkus 16:03:09 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dustymabe@redhat.com> 16:03:13 <zodbot> jberkus: jberkus 'Josh Berkus' <josh@agliodbs.com> 16:03:20 <jlebon> .hello 16:03:20 <zodbot> jlebon: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 16:03:21 <miabbott> .hello2 16:03:23 <zodbot> miabbott: miabbott 'Micah Abbott' <miabbott@redhat.com> 16:03:30 <jlebon> .hello jlebon 16:03:30 <zodbot> jlebon: jlebon 'None' <jlebon@redhat.com> 16:03:44 <jlebon> well, still an improvement i suppose 16:03:47 <giuseppe> .hello gscrivano 16:03:48 <zodbot> giuseppe: gscrivano 'Giuseppe Scrivano' <gscrivan@redhat.com> 16:03:58 <tsweeney> .hello 16:03:58 <zodbot> tsweeney: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 16:04:22 <tsweeney> .hello tsweeney 16:04:23 <zodbot> tsweeney: Sorry, but you don't exist 16:04:29 <dustymabe> tsweeney: do you have a fedora account? 16:05:16 <maxamillion> .hello2 16:05:17 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 16:05:23 <tsweeney> yeah, but maybe not tsweeney 16:05:35 <jberkus> #chair ashcrow dustymabe jlebon miabbott giuseppe tsweeney maxamillion 16:05:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: ashcrow dustymabe giuseppe jberkus jlebon maxamillion miabbott tsweeney 16:05:35 <centbot> Current chairs: ashcrow dustymabe giuseppe jberkus jlebon maxamillion miabbott tsweeney 16:05:47 <dustymabe> use your fedora account ID 16:06:13 <tsweeney> .hello tomsweeneyredhat 16:06:15 <zodbot> tsweeney: tomsweeneyredhat 'Tom Sweeney' <tsweeney@redhat.com> 16:06:27 <dustymabe> there you go 16:06:28 <tsweeney> There we go, I was lost, but now I'ze found! 16:06:30 <ashcrow> tsweeney: good news, you exist! 16:07:16 <jberkus> #ok 16:07:20 <jberkus> feh 16:07:28 <jberkus> #topic KubeCon plans 16:08:15 <jberkus> so, we've got the demos in the booth, and a few people have talks 16:09:00 <jberkus> maxamillion and I are working the show, who else on this meeting? 16:09:27 <dustymabe> not I 16:10:14 <maxamillion> o/ 16:10:28 <ashcrow> I won't be making it either 16:11:11 <jberkus> does anyone know of additional talks, salons, or events around kubecon which ought to be listed on teh Atomic site? 16:11:40 <dustymabe> openshift commons? 16:11:41 <maxamillion> OpenShift Commons 16:11:44 <tsweeney> I believe dwalsh will be there. 16:11:44 <maxamillion> JINX 16:11:51 * dustymabe mute 16:11:54 <tsweeney> maybe mrunalp 16:11:56 <jbrooks> .fas jasonbrooks 16:11:56 <zodbot> jbrooks: jasonbrooks 'Jason Brooks' <jbrooks@redhat.com> 16:12:06 <maxamillion> yeah, dwalsh is scheduled to be at KubeCon and OpenShift Commons 16:12:24 <jberkus> yah, I put him down for a demo 16:12:44 <jberkus> ok, moving on then ... 16:12:49 <jberkus> #chair jbrooks 16:12:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: ashcrow dustymabe giuseppe jberkus jbrooks jlebon maxamillion miabbott tsweeney 16:12:49 <centbot> Current chairs: ashcrow dustymabe giuseppe jberkus jbrooks jlebon maxamillion miabbott tsweeney 16:12:58 <jberkus> #topic CentOS Atomic Update 16:13:01 <jberkus> jbrooks: ? 16:13:33 <jbrooks> We did our last release on the 14th: https://seven.centos.org/2017/11/centos-atomic-host-7-1710-now-available-for-download/ 16:13:35 <whenry> what day is the Istio mini summit? 16:14:08 <jbrooks> We still don't have updated amis in place, I need to get with KB to see what the hold up is there 16:14:24 <jberkus> whenry: I don't know 16:15:13 <jberkus> jbrooks: ok. can you push a blog post to pa.io? 16:15:28 <jbrooks> jberkus, Yes, I'll do that today 16:15:30 <jberkus> thanks 16:15:40 <davdunc> .hello2 16:15:41 <dwalsh> maxamillion, jberkus yes I will there and will help jberkus where I can. 16:15:41 <zodbot> davdunc: davdunc 'David Duncan' <davdunc@amazon.com> 16:16:40 <jbrooks> We haven't been having our second, India-friendly centos atomic sig meeting every other week 16:16:41 <jberkus> #chair davdunc dwalsh whenry 16:16:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: ashcrow davdunc dustymabe dwalsh giuseppe jberkus jbrooks jlebon maxamillion miabbott tsweeney whenry 16:16:41 <centbot> Current chairs: ashcrow davdunc dustymabe dwalsh giuseppe jberkus jbrooks jlebon maxamillion miabbott tsweeney whenry 16:16:51 <jbrooks> I showed up for it the first few times, but no one else did 16:16:58 <jberkus> jbrooks: oh, not the indians? 16:17:09 <jberkus> jbrooks: I keep remembering the meeting around 9:30pm 16:17:28 <jbrooks> Nope, I pinged them for one of them, and we talked a bit 16:18:04 <jberkus> OK, post-Kubecon let's try to schedule a meeting where we talk about promoting the CentOS CP 16:18:26 <jbrooks> Sounds good 16:18:54 <jberkus> jbrooks: we may want to change the time anyway because we're going to have a person in the UK on the meeting 16:19:05 <jberkus> ok 16:19:06 <jbrooks> Right 16:19:19 <jberkus> #topic developer workflow for new tools 16:19:55 <jberkus> Hey, I put this on the agenda because there's been a lot of cool new tools development under the Atomic name: buildah, CRI-O, skopeo, etc. 16:20:11 <jberkus> my questions is: what's the status of those tools working *together*? 16:20:55 <dustymabe> i.e. a front end that incorporates them all? 16:21:43 <jberkus> or just the ability to build an image with buildah, push it to a public or private repo using skopeo, and then run it under Kube+CRI-O? 16:21:47 <whenry> The backend (containers/*) seesm to work with them all. The front end kpod/krane is waiting on 'run' afaik 16:22:18 <jbrooks> I've been working on a post about crio and origin / kube -- I've been waiting for origin 3.7 to be released, the openshift-ansible scripts in 3.7 have crio as an option 16:22:23 <jbrooks> For kube... 16:22:30 <whenry> I've used buildah with skopeo and private registry. meant to test with public registry over the weekend but too busy , 16:22:40 <jberkus> dwalsh, tsweeney, comments? 16:22:48 <whenry> +1 16:22:56 <jbrooks> I've been working on it, it's kind of obscured by all the mess of our current kube install paths 16:23:02 <tsweeney> jberkus, sorry double teaming the meetings atm. 16:25:14 <tsweeney> buildah, crio, kpod should all play togethr nicely, no singular frontend to speak of, but kpod should do most everything needed for most users. 16:25:46 <jberkus> tsweeney: it would be really nice to do an end-to-end mini-tutorial 16:26:12 <whenry> tsweeney: 1. Does kpod now do 'run'? 2. Is kpod formally renamed krane yet? 16:26:13 <tsweeney> jberkus +1, will add to the list 16:26:28 <jberkus> krane? 16:26:46 <tsweeney> kpod run should run a container, I'm not sure if it's quite there atm. 16:27:08 <whenry> jberkus: there was concern over the kpod name and there was an effort to rename it before it got too popular. the name that legal was looking at was krane. 16:27:20 <tsweeney> Kpod will not be krane, but is being renamed to something that legal is currently working on. 16:27:36 <jberkus> ah, name collision? 16:27:50 <tsweeney> yeah 16:28:17 <jberkus> "podiatrist" 16:28:37 <ashcrow> lol 16:28:46 <miabbott> https://github.com/krane-io/krane probably? 16:29:17 <jberkus> ok, moving on, we'll do 15 min of open floor, and since more people are here now we'll return to Kubecon coordination for the final part of the meeting. 16:29:23 <jberkus> #topic open floor 16:29:57 <whenry> 'tripod' :) builds/moves/runs :-p joke 16:30:03 <ashcrow> :-) 16:30:48 <jberkus> anyone have topics for open floor? 16:30:58 <whenry> also it's a nickname for a deer that roams our neighborhood - you can guess why 16:31:26 <ashcrow> jberkus: nothing here 16:31:47 <whenry> nada - except if anyone knows about the Istio mini-sumit day in austin 16:31:51 <whenry> summit 16:32:44 <tsweeney> no topics here either. 16:32:47 <jberkus> ok 16:33:06 <jberkus> moving back to kubecon then. anyone not involved with kubecon can drop off 16:33:18 <jberkus> #topic kubecon 16:34:13 <jberkus> maxamillion, jbrooks, dwalsh, jzb etc. 16:34:33 <jberkus> so far this is what I have: https://www.pcworld.com/article/2953052/security/most-android-phones-can-be-hacked-with-a-simple-mms-message-or-multimedia-file.html 16:34:40 <jberkus> er, bad C&P 16:34:55 <jberkus> https://gist.github.com/jberkus/1b3e6989cf37a3852c60d2d4318a160e 16:35:27 <jberkus> are there talks on the schedule that I don't know about? for CRI-O or anything else? 16:35:46 <jberkus> also, when does everyone get to Austin 16:35:48 <jberkus> ? 16:36:32 <dwalsh> jberkus, mrunalp has a talk on CRI-O 16:37:15 <dwalsh> I will be arriving in Texas on Friday, although PTO on Friday and Monday and will be in Austin itself on Tuesday, (Monday night actually). 16:37:40 <jberkus> I'll be getting there Monday 16:37:52 <jberkus> I think maxamillion will too. jbrooks ? 16:37:57 <jbrooks> Yep, monday 16:38:20 <jberkus> btw, note the virtualization salon. the reason we'd care about that is that the kubevirt team will be participating 16:40:48 <jberkus> do we want to do a team dinner or anything similar? 16:41:29 <jbrooks> It could get very large 16:42:07 <jberkus> point, and I don't have any budget left for kubecon 16:44:46 <jberkus> ok, well, I already know the demo schedule. all of y'all are on it, so if you haven't checked when/what you're demoing, please see the emails from me 16:46:09 <jberkus> ok, thanks all 16:46:12 <jberkus> #endmeeting