14:05:51 <andreasn_> #startmeeting Cockpit 14:05:51 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 26 14:05:51 2015 UTC. The chair is andreasn_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:05:51 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:06:05 <jscotka> stefw, I only want to inform about testing progress, using avocado. I've discussed it with andreasn_ ans mvollmer, nothing else 14:06:21 <andreasn_> #chair andreasn petervo jscotka FireDrunk 14:06:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: FireDrunk andreasn andreasn_ jscotka petervo 14:06:34 <andreasn_> anyone else? 14:07:18 <andreasn_> all right 14:07:20 <andreasn_> #topic Agenda 14:07:34 <andreasn_> * Testing progress 14:07:54 <andreasn_> * multi-select container 14:08:25 <andreasn_> anything else? 14:09:34 <FireDrunk> Has there been any progress regarding the Ubuntu Repo? 14:10:04 <andreasn_> no idea, we can take it on the Open Floor item 14:10:10 <FireDrunk> Haven't seen any updates on the mailing list, but i was a bit busy, so it might have slipped my inbox. 14:10:18 <andreasn_> #topic testing progress 14:10:27 <andreasn_> ok, jscotka, your topci 14:10:29 <andreasn_> topic 14:10:31 <jscotka> yes 14:10:53 <jscotka> So, I've done some progress. 14:11:14 <jscotka> avocado with some patch works as expected 14:11:27 <andreasn_> nice 14:11:41 <jscotka> output is linked in https://trello.com/c/3kNZ2Qw7/91-rework-integration-tests-for-ci-and-qe 14:11:51 <jscotka> there is tar.gz archive 14:12:22 <jscotka> inside ./html/results.html is nice what avocado did. 14:13:04 <jscotka> nowadays avocado have still no repaired all bugs, but are filled, and all should be ready until devconf. 14:13:35 <andreasn_> cool 14:13:45 <andreasn_> great to hear! 14:13:45 <jscotka> and then I've created compilation test (as initial part of testing) So we can call it new test for cockpit. (It is written in bash) 14:14:58 <jscotka> andreasn_, stefw Could you please look at avocado reports and in case you would like to have some another info, you could directly file the issue to avocado, or to say me and I'll do that 14:15:08 <andreasn_> jscotka: sure 14:15:25 <andreasn_> I think stefw is a better fit for that than me 14:15:26 <jscotka> andreasn_, cool 14:15:40 <jscotka> more eyes more bugs :-) 14:16:07 <jscotka> It is everything from my side for testing update progress 14:16:16 <andreasn_> #action stefw needs to look at avocado reports 14:16:24 <andreasn_> thanks! 14:16:29 <jscotka> Do anyone have any quetiuons? 14:17:30 <andreasn_> seems not. Lets jump to the next item 14:17:32 <FireDrunk> Is there a description to setup a test environment? 14:17:43 <FireDrunk> (For these specific tests?) 14:18:20 <jscotka> FireDrunk, yes 14:18:31 <petervo> once it's ready to commit to master we'll need to rework this page 14:18:32 <petervo> https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/blob/master/test/README 14:18:52 <jscotka> FireDrunk, here https://github.com/jscotka/cockpit/blob/new_test_structure/test/tests/setup.sh 14:19:19 <andreasn_> petervo: yeah, perhaps that should be part of the pull request 14:19:53 <FireDrunk> Looks good! 14:19:54 <jscotka> FireDrunk, But as I said, there are still some troubles in avocado what causes that it is not working well, need some patching of code of avocado, but hope that It will be ready in avocado until DevConf 14:21:20 <jscotka> petervo, Yes, sure. Now it is ready for playing 14:22:07 <petervo> ok, next topic? 14:22:16 <andreasn_> yep 14:22:20 <andreasn_> #topic multi-select container 14:22:21 <jscotka> petervo, and probably for some time there will be exist both ways, until all test will be rewritten 14:22:29 <jscotka> yep :-) 14:22:32 <andreasn_> https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/issues/1517 14:23:02 <petervo> do you prefer disabled buttons to just doing both? 14:23:04 <andreasn_> so there exists a design for this, and I think petervo have some code ready 14:23:22 <andreasn_> petervo: disabled buttons for running containers? 14:23:27 <petervo> yes 14:23:51 <andreasn_> yeah, I think that's best. It would be consistent with the controls in the container page itself 14:24:02 <petervo> ok 14:24:22 <andreasn_> did you have a branch for your code that I can refer to in the issue tracker? 14:24:36 <andreasn_> (I saw it I think, but then lost it) 14:24:55 <petervo> https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/pull/1724 14:25:12 <petervo> or 14:25:12 <petervo> https://github.com/petervo/cockpit/tree/docker-actions 14:25:29 <andreasn_> thanks! 14:25:46 <andreasn_> I linked to the merge request 14:26:33 <andreasn_> I can check it out and test it once you have the disabled buttons for running containers in 14:26:46 <andreasn_> thanks for hacking on this one! 14:27:10 <andreasn_> the docker container story will be much better after your and dominiks additions 14:27:51 <andreasn_> #info https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/issues/1517 14:28:24 <andreasn_> #action andreasn to test the pull request once petervo's polish fixes are in 14:28:33 <andreasn_> all right, on to open floor? 14:28:42 <petervo> yep 14:28:58 <andreasn_> #topic Open Floor 14:29:09 <andreasn_> FireDrunk: you had a question about Ubuntu I think 14:29:24 <FireDrunk> Yeah, there were some rumors regarding an ubuntu repo. 14:30:00 <FireDrunk> I've been testing Fedora 21 with Cockpit, but moved to Ubuntu, because for some other software i needed Java 7, but F21 has Java 8 by default. 14:30:13 <FireDrunk> also, i'm using WebVirtManager, which is more likely to work on Ubuntu. 14:30:28 <andreasn_> I haven't heard of any ppa's myself 14:30:52 <andreasn_> but if there is one, we should add it to http://cockpit-project.org/running.html 14:30:57 <FireDrunk> I'm not that familiar with PPA 14:31:15 <FireDrunk> 's, but i can try to compile Cockpit on ubuntu, and see if that yields any good results. 14:31:27 <andreasn_> Personal Package Archive (I think), it's basically just a repo 14:31:43 <andreasn_> FireDrunk: that would be excellent 14:31:48 <FireDrunk> I know about PPA's, but not much about Compiling Cockpit from source. 14:32:02 <FireDrunk> i mean, i know how PPA' s work, but never tried hosting one :) 14:32:10 <andreasn_> #info FireDrunk to try and compile Cockpit on Ubuntu and see how that work 14:32:23 <jscotka> FireDrunk, I have one test what is doing compilation&installation of cockpit https://github.com/jscotka/cockpit/blob/new_test_structure/test/tests/inittest.sh 14:32:39 <FireDrunk> But itÅ› YUM based :) 14:33:11 <andreasn_> FireDrunk: please send a mail to the cockpit-devel mailing list with any reports on success or failures 14:33:12 <jscotka> FireDrunk, It would be nice to add debian* like section, so add there some code for that 14:33:37 <FireDrunk> Isn't there a platform-agnostic test suite that would make this easier for us? 14:33:50 <FireDrunk> i think the guys from SUSE had some auto-packing toolkit? 14:34:27 <andreasn_> https://susestudio.com/ ? 14:34:29 <jscotka> FireDrunk, This in only one test what should be platform specific, I hope that nothing else should operate with felease specific commands 14:34:31 <FireDrunk> Jenkins? 14:35:28 <jscotka> FireDrunk, So this test could cover part for debianish and fedorish distros to solve dependency issues for variaous distros 14:36:15 <FireDrunk> Well, i don't know for sure, i've searched for a few of these applications (had a use-case which was work related), but never deeply investigated it. 14:36:33 <FireDrunk> i know there are a few open sourece auto build/compile solutions, but i don know if there is automatic dependancy testing 14:37:26 <jscotka> we discussed with stefw and andreasn_ about http://openbuildservice.org/ If that is solution for you. 14:37:29 <jscotka> FireDrunk, ^\ 14:38:06 <FireDrunk> That' s the one i meant :) 14:38:18 <FireDrunk> I don't know if thats a solution, just a suggestion. 14:40:09 <jscotka> FireDrunk, Will see. It would be nice to test it, if it works well, I have no experiences with that. So in case you would like, it would be perfect to check this possibility 14:40:50 <FireDrunk> Sure, but i first need to get CockPit working on ubuntu. If that works decently, i can start trying to compile it from source. 14:41:12 <FireDrunk> if that turns out to be easy (especially regarding dependancies), then i can try to get some auto compilation working. 14:41:29 <FireDrunk> but that' s a lot of work, so don't expect results in a few days ;) 14:41:54 <andreasn_> hope it works out! 14:42:01 <jscotka> FireDrunk, propably most important part is to install dependencies, otherwise I thing that compilation should be without problem 14:42:40 <FireDrunk> I have plenty of resources (4 cluster nodes with 16GB of ram), and a main server with 32GB of ram, so if you want me to do a specific setup with multiple test servers, it's manageable... 14:44:04 <andreasn_> anything else before we wrap it up? 14:44:29 <FireDrunk> 1 14:44:35 <petervo> Permission UI, is that ready to go andreasn? 14:44:52 <andreasn_> petervo: what was the issue for that now again? 14:44:53 <FireDrunk> Has there been any talk about libvirt or basic KVM support? 14:44:56 <petervo> or is there more design work needed? 14:45:05 <petervo> https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/issues/1702 14:45:51 <andreasn_> from what I could see from the screenshot it looked good 14:46:00 <petervo> ok 14:46:15 <andreasn_> the only thing I would change would be to be more specific of what user it is that doesn't have the priviledges 14:46:17 <FireDrunk> Is it a good idea if you picked another color for a button thats disabled for authentication reasons? 14:46:18 <andreasn_> https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/issues/1702#issuecomment-71017460 14:46:38 <FireDrunk> so Enabled / Disabled / Disabled ( For auth reasons) 14:47:15 <andreasn_> FireDrunk: I think just disabling them for now should be ok, but it might be worth filing a separate issue about making it more clear 14:47:50 <FireDrunk> Ok, seems fine to me :) 14:48:00 <andreasn_> and the hover state is fairly clear about why it's disabled 14:49:05 <jscotka> andreasn_, Just dumb question :-) How it finds that user does not have enought privilegies? 14:49:08 <andreasn_> petervo: do you have a branch up with this already, or only local? 14:49:16 <petervo> local only 14:49:31 <andreasn_> jscotka: it says in a popup https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/795070/5854661/7b04048c-a230-11e4-99a0-04a23c136923.png 14:49:38 <petervo> the it's got polkit stuff i need to remove 14:49:58 <andreasn_> petervo: all right. Let me know as soon you have something I can play around with 14:50:46 <jscotka> andreasn_, No I think how it find that user have no privilegies? Via NetworkManager? or via some user policy (like user have to be in wheel? ) 14:51:26 <andreasn_> via polkit I think, but petervo would know the more technical details 14:51:40 <petervo> the goal is polkit 14:51:49 <petervo> right now it's root or whell 14:51:52 <petervo> wheel* 14:52:02 <andreasn_> some more details here https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/pull/1645 14:53:21 <jscotka> andreasn_, ah, I think that users could have rights to manage interface, it is somehow solved via USERS in ifcfg files, who can manage which interace, or comething like that. 14:53:57 <FireDrunk> So Cockpit itself, never does anything with custom rights? 14:54:07 <FireDrunk> it only uses 'external' sources? 14:54:56 <jscotka> it is not so important to be in wheel in case of network interfaces, propably it coudl somehow ask NM if it is possible to deal with Network Interface, I dont think if it is viable, but I hope so 14:56:29 <petervo> that's what polkit is for 14:56:41 <petervo> but we aren't there yet 14:56:49 <jscotka> ah, cool 14:57:16 <petervo> and yes cockpit relies rights the user already has 14:57:28 <petervo> it doesn't grant anything itself 14:58:31 <jscotka> petervo, nevermind. Thanks for answers, I didn't know how it works now. 15:00:16 <andreasn_> all right, we're almost at the one hour mark 15:00:24 <andreasn_> thanks everyone for attending! 15:00:28 <andreasn_> #endmeeting