13:01:30 <mvollmer> #startmeeting meeting 13:01:31 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jun 20 13:01:30 2016 UTC. The chair is mvollmer. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:01:31 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:01:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'meeting' 13:01:35 <dperpeet> .hello dperpeet 13:01:36 <zodbot> dperpeet: dperpeet 'None' <dperpeet@redhat.com> 13:01:37 <mvollmer> .hello mvo 13:01:40 <zodbot> mvollmer: mvo 'Marius Vollmer' <marius.vollmer@gmail.com> 13:01:43 <stefw> .hello stefw 13:01:46 <zodbot> stefw: stefw 'Stef Walter' <stefw@redhat.com> 13:01:59 <larsu> .hello larsu 13:02:00 <zodbot> larsu: larsu 'Lars Uebernickel' <lars@uebernic.de> 13:02:12 <harish__> .hello harish__ 13:02:13 <zodbot> harish__: Sorry, but you don't exist 13:02:55 <petervo> i'm back as well 13:03:16 <harish__> oh! 13:03:36 <stefw> :) 13:03:40 <stefw> that's strange 13:03:52 <harish__> i dont get it. any idea why? 13:04:02 <dperpeet> harish__, you need to register a nick with the server 13:04:07 <stefw> nope, but the fedora bots can be annoying 13:04:20 <harish__> freenode my nick is harish__ 13:04:54 <dperpeet> then think nothing more of it, we believe you exist 13:04:56 <mvollmer> it's .hello fedora-account-id 13:05:11 <mvollmer> queue at thecoffee machine, sorry 13:05:19 <mvollmer> #topic agenda 13:05:43 <mvollmer> * teaming 13:05:51 <harish__> thanks mvollmer 13:05:55 <harish__> * gsoc 13:06:10 <dperpeet> * network bond default settings 13:06:17 <mvollmer> harish__, I don't know why we do the .hello thing, tbh 13:06:38 <harish__> hehe :D 13:06:57 <larsu> because we've always done it this way! 13:07:21 <mvollmer> :-D 13:07:24 <dperpeet> yes, traditions must be preserved 13:08:11 <mvollmer> okay, ready? 13:08:47 <mvollmer> #topic teaming 13:09:04 <mvollmer> I was trying to get more feedback about how people actually use teaming 13:09:26 <mvollmer> and there is actually a bond configuration wizard kind of thing 13:09:43 <mvollmer> constructed from real feedback 13:09:51 <mvollmer> so I will look at that closely 13:10:22 <mvollmer> but it's clear to me already that we can't get away with zero widgets 13:10:53 <dperpeet> that's ok, as long as users don't have to paste or write json code 13:11:13 <mvollmer> one insight is that people actually need to make nested teams to implement their requirements... 13:11:50 <mvollmer> like, load balance over these four ports, and fall back to these other three ports when all of the other four fail 13:12:28 <mvollmer> you need one team for each group of ports to do the balancing, and one team to do the fallover, iiuc 13:12:49 <mvollmer> so, yeah, endless fun... :-) 13:13:22 <dperpeet> the use cases in the e-mail discussion were interesting 13:14:25 <mvollmer> eot from me 13:14:31 <mvollmer> no real code for this yet 13:15:13 <mvollmer> should we do the bonding now? 13:15:17 <mvollmer> seems to fit 13:15:27 <mvollmer> #topic network bond default settings 13:16:22 <dperpeet> sure 13:16:46 <dperpeet> do we know yet if bonds will be replaced by teaming in cockpit? 13:17:28 <dperpeet> right now bonding seems to default to round-robin, and someone filed a bug stating that "dynamic link aggregation" or "active backup" would be safer 13:17:30 <dperpeet> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1348066 13:17:48 <dperpeet> I would be happy to pick the dynamic aggregation 13:18:12 <dperpeet> mvollmer, was there any reason to pick round robin? 13:18:39 <mvollmer> dperpeet, if so, not a good one 13:18:50 <mvollmer> i think I copied the UI from GNOME, basically 13:19:24 <dperpeet> ok 13:19:41 <dperpeet> the reasoning sounds sane, so I would just change it without digging deeper 13:19:42 <mvollmer> heh, the reported sits opposite of me here... 13:19:46 <mvollmer> *reporter 13:19:54 <mvollmer> yes 13:20:11 <dperpeet> eot then :) 13:20:47 <mvollmer> #topic gsoc 13:21:11 <harish__> dperpeet like u have commented in https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/pull/4503 13:21:25 <harish__> I will create an integration test to check that it shows unknown when timestamp is not available. 13:21:47 <harish__> rest of the correction work i finished now. 13:21:52 <dperpeet> great 13:22:06 <harish__> do i need to rebase and push now? 13:22:14 <dperpeet> that would probably help 13:22:25 <harish__> because of tests? 13:22:40 <dperpeet> just ping someone to start them again after the rebase 13:22:54 <dperpeet> how's the other work progressing, creating timers? 13:22:59 <harish__> okay i will do now 13:23:07 <harish__> wrk done so far in timer playground app : https://medium.com/@harishanand95/gsoc-week-4-timer-playground-app-6b6f77ca1003#.bunzje33q 13:23:25 <harish__> are we going to have timer playground app as part of cockpit? 13:24:03 <harish__> I think we can have it directly as part of systemd, bcoz playground app code has redundant code from systemd/init.js 13:24:58 <harish__> The extra addition needed to include in systemd is service.html will need createtimer modal (from timer.html) and init.js will have timer.js code 13:25:17 <dperpeet> yes, it will go into the systemd package 13:25:18 <petervo> right, it should be port of the systemd package when it gets merged 13:25:27 <petervo> part* 13:25:33 <dperpeet> the playground is a good place to try it out 13:25:45 <harish__> yea now that i have all functions 13:25:51 <harish__> it just integrating it 13:25:57 <dperpeet> I suggest opening a WIP pull request 13:26:05 <dperpeet> and let andreasn play with it a bit 13:26:09 <harish__> i tried that on systemd files it worked 13:26:23 <harish__> WIP work in progress? 13:26:50 <harish__> okay i will do that. 13:26:56 <harish__> dperpeet ,petervo any particular suggestion u have for me to improve as mid-evaluations are up 13:27:32 <dperpeet> I think we will cover that part outside of the meeting, harish__ 13:27:43 <dperpeet> yes, WIP is short-hand for work in progress 13:27:56 <harish__> oh sure fine 13:28:01 <harish__> eot 13:28:10 <dperpeet> as a convention in our project we add that to the title 13:28:18 <dperpeet> so we know that it isn't ready yet for a detailed review 13:28:24 <dperpeet> just a high-level one 13:28:43 <dperpeet> good progress! 13:28:51 <harish__> okay sure, 13:28:57 <harish__> thanks :D 13:29:21 <dperpeet> mvollmer, eot 13:29:31 <mvollmer> okay! 13:30:12 <mvollmer> #topic any other biz 13:32:23 <mvollmer> alright! 13:32:28 <mvollmer> thanks everyone! 13:32:31 <mvollmer> #endmeeting