13:01:03 <andreasn1> #startmeeting Weekly Cockpit meeting 2016-07-25 13:01:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jul 25 13:01:03 2016 UTC. The chair is andreasn1. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:01:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:01:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_cockpit_meeting_2016-07-25' 13:01:08 <andreasn1> #topic agenda 13:01:30 <harish> .hello harishanand 13:01:31 <zodbot> harish: harishanand 'Harish Anand' <harishanand95@gmail.com> 13:01:37 <andreasn1> .hello andreasn 13:01:38 <zodbot> andreasn1: andreasn 'Andreas Nilsson' <anilsson@redhat.com> 13:01:44 <harish> * timers 13:02:10 <dperpeet> * test lib / phantom functions 13:02:35 <andreasn1> * atomic scan 13:04:26 <andreasn1> all rigt. 13:04:31 <andreasn1> #topic timers 13:04:52 <harish> dperpeet andreasn i have corrected the issues u have pointed out 13:04:58 <harish> https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/pull/4645 13:05:01 <dperpeet> nice, I haven't had time to look yet 13:05:06 <harish> basically simplified repeat options in timer code 13:05:18 <harish> avoided switches 13:05:23 <andreasn1> it's shaping up really well 13:05:29 <harish> thanks dperpeet for pointing it out 13:05:38 <harish> i missed that 13:05:42 <harish> mistakes 13:06:07 <harish> words like 1st, 2nd, 3rd et cetera for dropdowns would they need to be given in _() ? 13:06:15 <harish> I could have those under _() because its rendered from mustache 13:07:21 <dperpeet> I think andreas commented that it would be better to just have the numerals 13:07:25 <dperpeet> i.e. 1,2,3,... 13:07:29 <dperpeet> I think that's widely accepted 13:07:43 <harish> oh thats was our decision 13:07:50 <dperpeet> makes translations a lot easier 13:08:00 <harish> okay then we can have it like that 13:08:13 <harish> what about Monday tuesday et cetera 13:08:14 <andreasn1> I wasn't super firm in my decision, so I said that if 1,2,3 is easier, I'm good with having it like that 13:08:53 <andreasn1> so lets go with that 13:09:36 <dperpeet> day of the week needs to be translated 13:09:43 <dperpeet> so in html with the translatable attribute 13:09:46 <dperpeet> and _() in js 13:09:56 <harish> Monday tuesday are part of dropdowns, they too are inside mustache. I could have those under _().? 13:10:12 <dperpeet> I think if the mustache script is part of the html, then translatable 13:10:50 <harish> dperpeet do i need to give translatable=yes inside mustache script 13:11:17 <dperpeet> if it's in the html file, then yes 13:11:39 <harish> okay. 13:11:42 <dperpeet> if you want to make sure, then populate via js 13:11:45 <dperpeet> and use _() 13:12:06 <dperpeet> try to be consistent with other mustache code on that page 13:12:09 <dperpeet> and you'll be fine 13:12:09 <harish> i thought of doing that for days of the week 13:12:21 <harish> I have added transalable=yes for other english terms inside services.html. 13:12:58 <harish> dperpeet I haven't written the blog yet, i thought of writing it after completing tests for timer. 13:13:03 <harish> sorry about that. 13:13:16 <dperpeet> I think you have enough to write a blog post now, right? 13:13:21 <dperpeet> tests probably deserve their own 13:13:40 <harish> yes they are probably related to code changes 13:14:14 <harish> I will have it done this week, also the tests. 13:14:40 <harish> also andreasn suggested on changing "last trigger" to "last run" in timers page. 13:14:46 <harish> should that be part of this pr? 13:15:14 <andreasn1> nah, that can be separate 13:15:19 <andreasn1> different part of the UI 13:15:26 <andreasn1> just complicates things 13:15:34 <dperpeet> I agree with andreasn1 13:15:36 <harish> okay! i thought they all relate to same timers 13:15:53 <harish> rest i think is good 13:16:39 <andreasn1> all right, that's all for timers? 13:16:50 <harish> yes andreasn1 13:17:04 <andreasn1> #topic test lib / phantom functions 13:18:14 <dperpeet> I was looking at some test stuff 13:18:36 <dperpeet> and sometimes we use :contains in our css selectors in the integration tests 13:19:00 <dperpeet> e.g. to wait for a "Register" button, we use "button.btn-primary:contains(Register)" 13:19:08 <dperpeet> this needs jquery to work 13:19:24 <dperpeet> we never noticed since pretty much all of our pages used jquery 13:19:30 <dperpeet> until we started porting to react 13:19:55 <dperpeet> after discussing possible workarounds with andreas, I decided to patch some of the js code we inject during testing 13:20:12 <dperpeet> namely https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/blob/master/test/common/phantom-lib.js#L15 13:20:40 <dperpeet> I think it's worth supporting a simple version of :contains here 13:20:52 <dperpeet> where :contains() is the last part of the selector and for plain text only 13:21:05 <andreasn1> I feel I'm not the best judge on these kinds of things, so others probably have stronger opinions on this than me :) 13:21:17 <dperpeet> so nothing like "div:contains(foo) a" 13:21:56 <dperpeet> the problem is that if we use our wait_present and wait_in_text checks separately in the tests, we can get race conditions 13:22:08 <dperpeet> this way we have a javascript selector that checks both conditions at the same time 13:22:49 <dperpeet> as a side benefit, the code will throw a readable error if :contains is used in a way we don't support 13:23:28 <dperpeet> and it only affects the code injected during testing, not the tests or the actual codebase 13:23:47 <dperpeet> so most devs won't have to worry about this at all 13:24:11 <dperpeet> should I post this a standalone pr? 13:24:20 <dperpeet> for better discussion 13:24:26 <andreasn1> yeah, might be best 13:24:29 <dperpeet> ok 13:24:31 <dperpeet> will do! 13:24:33 <dperpeet> end of topic 13:25:53 <andreasn1> #topic atomic scan 13:26:00 <andreasn1> achakrab: ^ 13:26:22 <achakrab> okay 13:26:30 <achakrab> so i've continued work on the POC for now 13:26:41 <andreasn1> so I asked around for user cases, and the feedback was a bit sparse, but I think I have enought to put together personas now 13:26:45 <andreasn1> and workflows 13:26:47 <andreasn1> so I'll work on that next 13:26:50 <achakrab> okay sure 13:27:07 <achakrab> once you get that through, we can have a handoff then? 13:27:30 <andreasn1> yeah, if you and dan finds those all right I'll do mockups 13:27:30 <achakrab> who should i speak with about the design? 13:27:35 <andreasn1> that would be me 13:27:41 <achakrab> okay cool 13:28:03 <andreasn1> how are things on the coding side of things? 13:28:07 <achakrab> so you'll come up with cases and the design and once you're done, then we can probably schedule a meeting with me, you and dwalsh? 13:28:43 <andreasn1> sure, sounds good 13:29:57 <andreasn1> how are things going with the prototype? 13:31:55 <andreasn1> achakrab: ? 13:35:24 <andreasn1> open floor next I gues 13:35:26 <andreasn1> s 13:35:30 <andreasn1> #topic Open Floor 13:38:59 <andreasn1> not much 13:39:06 <andreasn1> sounds like a wrap. Thanks everyone! 13:39:25 <andreasn1> #endmeeting