14:01:37 <andreasn> #startmeeting Cockpit Weekly Meeting 2016-11-14 14:01:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 14 14:01:37 2016 UTC. The chair is andreasn. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:01:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'cockpit_weekly_meeting_2016-11-14' 14:01:43 <andreasn> .hello andreasn 14:01:44 <dperpeet> .hello dperpeet 14:01:45 <zodbot> andreasn: andreasn 'Andreas Nilsson' <anilsson@redhat.com> 14:01:48 <zodbot> dperpeet: dperpeet 'None' <dperpeet@redhat.com> 14:02:12 <larsu> .hello larsu 14:02:12 <zodbot> larsu: larsu 'Lars Karlitski' <lars@karlitski.net> 14:02:51 <andreasn> #topic Agenda 14:03:13 <dperpeet> * Outreachy 14:03:20 <dperpeet> * testing priorities 14:04:16 <andreasn> sounds good 14:04:19 <andreasn> #topic Outreachy 14:05:04 * stefw notes another topic: Debian packages 14:05:20 <dperpeet> We had several Outreachy applicants this round 14:05:27 <dperpeet> https://outreachy.gnome.org/ 14:05:43 <dperpeet> Where we proposed topics as part of Fedora 14:05:59 <andreasn> stefw: lets take that one last 14:06:06 <dperpeet> we had several good submissions, but in the end Outreachy accepted one candidate for our project: bhakti 14:06:14 <dperpeet> so, welcome bhakti 14:06:21 <bhakti> Thank You :) 14:06:24 <dperpeet> do you want to say what you'll be working on? 14:07:55 <bhakti> Yes. So,the current version of Cockpit doesn't have a User interface for Firewall hence I will be working on the design aspects of the Firewall. My first task is to shortlist the requirements and then start research about similar open source projects. 14:08:18 <dperpeet> great, I think this will be good for Cockpit 14:08:53 <dperpeet> for reference, the work will be UX focused 14:09:04 <dperpeet> but I think you also wanted to contribute code, right? 14:09:41 <bhakti> I can try my hand at contributing code too. 14:10:11 <bhakti> But I am not confident about my coding skills as much hence will need to learn a lot. 14:10:53 <dperpeet> bhakti, thanks, I'm sure it will be fine 14:11:06 <dperpeet> this is an opportunity to learn :) 14:11:19 <dperpeet> andreasn will of course be the main UX contact 14:11:24 <andreasn> yup 14:11:52 <andreasn> all right. Next topic? 14:11:52 <dperpeet> great, I'm looking forward to this 14:11:55 <dperpeet> yup 14:11:57 <andreasn> me too! 14:11:58 <bhakti> Awesome :) 14:12:02 <bhakti> Me too!! 14:12:20 <andreasn> #topic testing priorities 14:12:34 <dperpeet> today was another day with a lot of new pull requests (thanks stefw ) 14:13:02 <dperpeet> and one thing I have noticed is that when we open a lot of pull requests with similar priorities, they all end up half-tested 14:13:19 <dperpeet> since one pull request will be tested, but then a newer one opens and that is tested 14:13:21 <dperpeet> et cetera 14:13:41 <dperpeet> today we tweaked the priority calculation on the testers somewhat 14:14:04 <dperpeet> so when pull requests have the same priority, the older one is tested first 14:14:20 <dperpeet> this is based purely on the pull request number, not the github "last_updated" info 14:14:33 <stefw> makes sense 14:14:45 <dperpeet> in practice, that means priority pull requests will be worked on FIFO 14:14:49 <dperpeet> not LIFO 14:15:03 <dperpeet> if something is tagged with needswork, blocked, it will still be lower 14:15:36 <dperpeet> numerically we have been using integral priorities, whereas the effect of the pull request id is < 1 14:15:51 <dperpeet> I think this will reflect better what we want to do, but let's keep an eye on it 14:15:53 <dperpeet> thanks :) 14:17:16 <andreasn> ok, next up 14:17:25 <andreasn> #topic Debian Packages 14:18:02 <stefw> We're nearly ready to start packaging in our custom repo for Debian Jessie 14:18:12 <andreasn> nice! 14:18:20 <stefw> I think the pull request for changes to Cockpit and testing could go in today 14:18:39 <stefw> and then i would make changes to our continuous delivery scripts to build cockpit and the debian repo appropriately for both unstable and jessie 14:19:37 <stefw> So that means cockpit 124 would actually be installable on Debian Jessie 14:19:40 <stefw> and also actually work 14:19:48 <stefw> https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/pull/5324 14:19:51 <stefw> that's it on that topic 14:20:38 <andreasn> thanks! 14:20:48 <andreasn> I guess that was it! 14:20:53 <andreasn> #endmeeting