14:02:29 <andreasn> #startmeeting Weekly Cockpit meeting 2017-03-20 14:02:29 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 20 14:02:29 2017 UTC. The chair is andreasn. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:02:29 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:02:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_cockpit_meeting_2017-03-20' 14:02:33 <andreasn> .hello 14:02:33 <zodbot> andreasn: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 14:02:42 <andreasn> .hello andreasn 14:02:43 <zodbot> andreasn: andreasn 'Andreas Nilsson' <anilsson@redhat.com> 14:02:46 <stefw> .hello stefw 14:02:47 <zodbot> stefw: stefw 'Stef Walter' <stefw@redhat.com> 14:03:06 <garrett> .hello garrett 14:03:07 <zodbot> garrett: garrett 'Garrett LeSage' <garrett@lesage.us> 14:03:26 <github> [cockpit] petervo pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vyFNP 14:03:26 <github> cockpit/master eaabf6c Stef Walter: common: Change 'dropping message' message to debug note... 14:03:33 <github> [cockpit] petervo closed pull request #6156: common: Change 'dropping message' message to debug note (master...dropping-message-no-message) https://git.io/vyF4m 14:04:22 <andreasn> #topic Agenda 14:05:13 <stefw> * Staging the verify container as a way to simply run the tests 14:05:27 <github> [cockpit] cockpituous opened pull request #6159: Image refresh for rhel-7 (master...refresh-rhel-7-2017-03-20) https://git.io/vyFNQ 14:07:41 <andreasn> I guess that's all 14:07:54 <andreasn> #topic Staging the verify container as a way to simply run the tests 14:09:22 <andreasn> stefw: ? 14:09:29 <stefw> oh hey 14:09:55 <stefw> i'd like to change the test stuff around so that cockpit/infra-verify is the one stop entry point for running the verify tests (or any integration tests) locally on a machine 14:10:07 <stefw> The goal: 14:10:11 <stefw> 1. Have a git checkout 14:10:18 <stefw> 2. sudo docker run cockpit/infra-verify 14:10:22 <stefw> and have the tests build and start 14:10:32 <stefw> obviously the current use cases of the cockpit/infra-verify containter should still work 14:10:35 <stefw> but are we okay with that model? 14:10:52 <stefw> 3. sudo docker run cockpit/infra-verify [testsuite] 14:10:56 <stefw> to run an additional test suite? 14:11:02 <dperpeet> I am, but we need to think about how each case is invoked 14:11:05 <stefw> or specific test suite 14:11:26 <petervo> stefw, so all the current ways of running it would go away? 14:11:29 <stefw> nope 14:11:32 <petervo> or is this in addition to? 14:11:34 <petervo> oh ok 14:11:37 <stefw> the github-task stuff would be invoked with either an alternate --entrypoint 14:11:41 <stefw> or perhaps a command line flag 14:11:57 <stefw> which would be seamlessly included in the cockpit-verify.service file 14:12:10 <stefw> i could even add that part first 14:12:19 <stefw> so as to deploy to all the verify machines, before we do any breaking change 14:12:28 <github> [cockpit] petervo pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vyFA9 14:12:28 <github> cockpit/master 7963b66 Stef Walter: ws: Send Negotiate auth header unless we know GSSAPI is unavailable... 14:12:28 <github> cockpit/master e897ec8 Stef Walter: test: Check that the kerberos login sends back a valid cookie... 14:12:28 <github> cockpit/master 2406c52 Stef Walter: ws: Clear the environment in cockpit-session more regularly... 14:12:29 <stefw> or perhaps we could have a new name/tag for the container? 14:12:32 <stefw> the goal here is 14:12:39 <stefw> 1. Make it easy for people to get started with the tests 14:13:06 <stefw> 2. Work towards a simple way to stage our tests in other test runners 14:13:09 <stefw> i forgot --privileged 14:13:14 <dperpeet> I think it would be good 14:13:18 <stefw> which is obviously part of the 'docker run' invocation above 14:13:21 <stefw> as is likely '-i' 14:13:25 <stefw> to produce output 14:14:51 <petervo> yeah i'm on board 14:15:16 <stefw> ok, hopefully some pull requests soon :) 14:15:24 <stefw> there's quite a few issues 14:15:43 <stefw> in order to make it work ... so the pull requests will a bit disconnected 14:15:52 <stefw> i hope outlining the goal here is clear enough, and I can refer back to it 14:18:34 <stefw> i guess that's the end of that topic 14:19:10 <andreasn> cool 14:19:14 <andreasn> #topic Open Floor 14:20:53 <andreasn> seems nothing 14:20:57 <andreasn> short meeting today. 14:21:01 <andreasn> #endmeeting