14:02:55 <andreasn1> #startmeeting Cockpit IRC meeting 14:02:55 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 30 14:02:55 2017 UTC. The chair is andreasn1. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:02:55 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:02:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'cockpit_irc_meeting' 14:03:02 <andreasn1> .hello andreasn 14:03:03 <zodbot> andreasn1: andreasn 'Andreas Nilsson' <anilsson@redhat.com> 14:04:12 <andreasn1> #topic agenda 14:04:12 <larsu> .hello larsu 14:04:13 <zodbot> larsu: larsu 'Lars Karlitski' <lars@karlitski.net> 14:04:18 <mvollmer> .hello mvo 14:04:19 <zodbot> mvollmer: mvo 'Marius Vollmer' <marius.vollmer@gmail.com> 14:04:22 <sgallagh> .hello sgallagh 14:04:25 <zodbot> sgallagh: sgallagh 'Stephen Gallagher' <sgallagh@redhat.com> 14:04:34 <mvollmer> * storage reactification 14:07:15 <andreasn1> any other items? 14:07:27 <andreasn1> #topic Storage reactification 14:08:47 <mvollmer> right 14:09:02 <mvollmer> so I feel this huge urge to rewrite more of "Storage" in react 14:09:16 <mvollmer> next up would be the overview page 14:09:31 <mvollmer> and then the dialogs 14:09:56 <mvollmer> what do y'all think? 14:10:58 <mvollmer> I am not sure whether that would immediately unlock some cool new features 14:11:10 <mvollmer> but I think it's unavoidable by now 14:11:16 <andreasn1> what's the motivation for the rewrite? 14:11:32 <mvollmer> right now it's a mixture of react and mustache 14:11:52 <mvollmer> and the mustache parts also use bootstrapy controls 14:12:06 <petervo> i think it's probably needed for the main pages and VDO integration 14:12:11 <mvollmer> the initial motivation was to fix the tooltip 14:12:28 <petervo> but how big of a deal do you think it is to leave the dialogs as is? 14:12:48 <mvollmer> not a big deal 14:13:09 <mvollmer> the dialogs are not so brutal to rewrite as it looks 14:13:22 <mvollmer> there is only one template, e.g. 14:14:14 <petervo> well it's utu i guess, i just wouldn't want to spend too much time on just a rewrite 14:14:33 <mvollmer> certainly 14:14:44 <mvollmer> i think the details rewrite went well 14:14:57 <petervo> yes 14:15:12 <mvollmer> overview is pretty straightforward, too 14:15:28 <mvollmer> dialogs can wait 14:16:04 <mvollmer> otoh, I think I'll leave NetworkManager well alone 14:17:54 <mvollmer> okay, there is one more thing to fix with the details rewrite (job spinners) 14:18:08 <mvollmer> and I'll carefully look at rewriting the overview 14:18:38 <mvollmer> andreasn1, and maybe to try to answer your question better: 14:18:54 <mvollmer> there are a number of new things lined up for storage 14:19:09 <mvollmer> and doing them in React is just 'better' 14:19:19 <andreasn1> makes sense 14:19:38 <mvollmer> easier for other people than me, also 14:20:23 <mvollmer> eot? 14:20:29 <petervo> i think so 14:20:59 <andreasn1> all right 14:21:02 <andreasn1> was that our only topic? 14:21:13 <mvollmer> I have one more 14:21:27 <andreasn1> shoot 14:21:31 <mvollmer> #topic VDO 14:21:46 <mvollmer> There is this now: https://github.com/dm-vdo/kvdo 14:22:21 <petervo> cool 14:22:47 <petervo> nice to see it on github 14:22:50 <mvollmer> yeah 14:23:34 <mvollmer> biggest issues I can see right now are: Cockpit doesn't pass "-K" to mkfs.xfs, and udev proprties of vdo devices are mostly empty 14:23:56 <mvollmer> I should qualify that 14:24:13 <mvollmer> partitions are not recognized by udisks 14:24:23 <mvollmer> and the backing device has no FS_USAGE set 14:24:27 <mvollmer> all ficable, of course 14:24:47 <petervo> who needs to fix? 14:24:54 <petervo> udisk? or vdo? 14:25:01 <mvollmer> device mapper udev rule people 14:25:16 <mvollmer> and vdo for setting FS_USAGE 14:25:25 <petervo> ok 14:25:26 <mvollmer> I guess now we know where to file issues! 14:25:49 <mvollmer> I'll do that 14:26:01 <andreasn1> 🤩 14:26:23 <mvollmer> probabl blkid needs to learn about vdo 14:27:03 <mvollmer> okay, done! 14:27:08 <andreasn1> excellent 14:27:15 <andreasn1> all right, I guess that was all 14:27:18 <andreasn1> #endmeeting