===================================== # #council:fedoraproject.org: council ===================================== Meeting started by @amoloney:fedora.im at 2025-02-04 08:55:56 Meeting summary --------------- * INFO: The Fedora Council is meeting this week in person to work on topics outlined in the wiki https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Council/2025_Hackfest (@amoloney:fedora.im, 08:56:57) * TOPIC: How the Council works (@amoloney:fedora.im, 08:58:06) * INFO: The council are discussing how we are working currently, reflecting on ways we are working well for the project, and ways that we should and need to be better for the project (@amoloney:fedora.im, 08:59:03) * AGREED: The Council will redefine the Elected Representative role to explicitly state that their responsibility of being a voice of the community is a sufficient contribution to their work on the council. They are also welcome to take part in other goals of the project, but being the community voice will be recognised as their main contribution. (@amoloney:fedora.im, 11:04:09) * AGREED: The council recognizes that we need a platform to engage in long-form conversation, and will commit to using discussion.fedoraproject.org going forward (@amoloney:fedora.im, 11:06:55) * AGREED: The council will provide a monthly summary, along with a summary from FESCo, Mindshare and the DEI committees in the form of a monthly newsletter to help build awareness of what each group is working on/has worked on (@amoloney:fedora.im, 12:18:25) * IDEA: The council will propose to FESCo and Mindshare to have a post-release retrospective to help each group understand the perspective of each group on how the release went, the challenges they faced, and try to find ways we can help each other to improve those experiences (@amoloney:fedora.im, 12:26:48) * INFO: The council are breaking for lunch now. We will return at 14:45 local time (or thereabouts!). We will be swapping our agenda topics in the afternoon and will discuss the mindshare committee refocus topic at 14:45 - 15:45, and discuss the DEI Event Policy at 15:45 - 16:45 instead. (@amoloney:fedora.im, 12:36:55) * INFO: Due to timing issues, we will not be able to discuss DEI Event Policy today. This topic will be moved to Thursday 6th and the wiki will be updated to reflect this schedule change (@amoloney:fedora.im, 14:05:24) * TOPIC: Mindshare Committee Refocus (@amoloney:fedora.im, 14:05:37) * INFO: the council will now discuss the proposed changes to mindshare committee with the mindshare rep, Sumantro Mukherjee (@amoloney:fedora.im, 14:06:10) * LINK: https://gitlab.com/fedora/mindshare/home/-/issues/69 (@amoloney:fedora.im, 14:07:12) * AGREED: The Fedora Council would like to see a specific Mindshare budget be allocated from an overall Fedora Budget, so that the committee will be more empowered to support events. This will need more discussion with the wider council members and FCA before we could make a decision on supporting the new proposals for Mindshare. (@amoloney:fedora.im, 15:56:07) * AGREED: The Fedora Council would like to see a specific Mindshare budget be allocated from an overall Fedora Budget, so that the committee will be more empowered to support events. This will need more discussion with the wider council members and FCA before we could make a decision on supporting the new proposals for Mindshare. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 15:56:11) * ACTION: Sumantro Mukherjee will follow up in one month with feedback from Mindshare Committee members to the council on the current proposal to change the committees responsibilities (@amoloney:fedora.im, 15:58:56) Meeting ended at 2025-02-04 16:02:20 Action items ------------ * Sumantro Mukherjee will follow up in one month with feedback from Mindshare Committee members to the council on the current proposal to change the committees responsibilities People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * @amoloney:fedora.im (24) * @jflory7:fedora.im (17) * @meetbot:fedora.im (3) * @discussion2chatbot:fedora.im (1) * @rwright:fedora.im (1)