16:03:10 <threebean> #startmeeting infra tech debt week 16:03:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 9 16:03:10 2016 UTC. The chair is threebean. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:03:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:03:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infra_tech_debt_week' 16:03:24 <threebean> #topic robot roll call 16:03:38 <threebean> anybody around for the tech debt week sync up meeting? 16:03:43 <smdeep> .hello smdeep 16:03:44 <zodbot> smdeep: smdeep 'Sudeep Mukherjee' <smdeep@gmail.com> 16:03:46 * pingou here 16:03:53 <odin2016> i'm here. 16:04:17 * nirik is sort of here 16:04:18 <linuxmodder> .hello corey84 16:04:19 <zodbot> linuxmodder: corey84 'Corey Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@gmail.com> 16:04:33 * linuxmodder a bit in two mtgs tho so may be delayed 16:04:33 <nirik> I didn't get anything done yesterday related to docs, but I have some higher hopes for today. 16:04:49 <threebean> #topic things to work on 16:05:09 <threebean> nirik: cool. yeah, we got some stuff done yesterday listed on the wiki page already: 16:05:11 <threebean> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Debt/2016/March 16:05:15 <pingou> I was able to make progress on pagure's doc including the needed overview diagram: http://fpaste.org/336153/52791014/raw/ 16:05:38 <pingou> I need to make a simpler one though as quite a few items on this diagram are optional 16:06:03 <threebean> pingou: ah, nice. You might consider making more than one diagram. 16:06:04 <pingou> (milter, web-hook, eventsource for examples) 16:06:11 <threebean> maybe one master one.. and then one that shows only the core components in detail. 16:06:33 <threebean> if people don't know, we're using a CLI tool called 'ditaa' to render those ascii diagrams into pngs 16:06:46 <pingou> and http://asciiflow.com/ to draw them 16:06:50 * threebean nods 16:07:26 * pcreech here 16:07:28 <threebean> I got the fedbadges diagram done - https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedbadges/pull/48 16:07:48 <threebean> I got some feedback from people in IRC and updated it a bit.. but it still needs a review on the PR before I can merge it later today. 16:08:28 <threebean> hm, for next steps. anybody know what they want to work on next? 16:08:33 <pingou> threebean: how did you include the DB item? 16:08:36 <threebean> or, does anybody need help getting pointed in the right direction? 16:08:43 <threebean> pingou: oh you add {s} to the bottom right hand corner. 16:08:43 * linuxmodder will take another look threebean 16:08:55 <pingou> sweet 16:08:56 <threebean> http://ditaa.sourceforge.net/ 16:09:06 <threebean> pingou: ^^ there are lots of things you can do documented there. 16:09:17 <odin2016> i need to revisit the wiki and trac, but ill likely need pointing a biy latet. 16:09:18 <pingou> threebean: in the badge diagram, is there way we could adjust it so that there is only 1 tahrir api block? 16:09:33 <linuxmodder> not sure why but the daigram.txt seems easier to grasp :) 16:09:41 <nb> .hello nb 16:09:43 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nick@bebout.net> 16:10:10 <threebean> odin2016: cool - feel free to ping any of us when you get some spare time. 16:10:20 * nb should probably write some sort of a keyserver sop 16:10:31 <threebean> nb: +1. 16:10:50 <sayan> .hello sayanchowdhury 16:10:50 <zodbot> sayan: sayanchowdhury 'Sayan Chowdhury' <sayan.chowdhury2012@gmail.com> 16:10:51 <threebean> pingou: we can take it up in the ticket, but I could try. 16:11:01 <pingou> threebean: sure 16:11:01 <sayan> sorry for being late 16:11:08 <odin2016> threebean: will do, also if anyone is working on docs and needs a proofreader they can send it to me via list and i can hit that too. 16:11:14 <linuxmodder> for the badges ? why nb 16:11:23 <smdeep> I am up for proofreading too 16:11:29 <nb> linuxmodder, not for badges.......... for keyserver 16:11:32 <nb> keys.fedoraproject.org 16:11:46 <linuxmodder> nb, ah it needs a facelift? 16:12:01 <nb> linuxmodder, no, but i need to document how it is set up 16:12:08 <linuxmodder> keys.fp.o already exists 16:12:10 * nb was thinking of ideas of what I should do for tech debt week 16:12:10 <threebean> smdeep: perhaps you can look over nb's keyserver SOP later. I plan to work on a SOP for FMN today too (it needs to be written from scratch), so I could use an extra set of eyes. 16:12:22 <linuxmodder> ah can help with that if need be nb 16:12:23 <smdeep> Sure 16:12:29 <threebean> linuxmodder: so, a SOP is a 'standard operating procedure' document. they're docs we keep to educate the other admins about how things work and how to fix things. 16:12:39 <threebean> they're all kept here: https://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/infra/docs/ 16:13:04 <linuxmodder> I'm prior military I know what SOP is I just missed the SOP part of his earlier statement :) 16:13:10 <threebean> gotcha, gotcha. 16:13:39 <threebean> sayan: did you get a chance to work on the bugyou diagrams yet? 16:15:29 <threebean> we can sync up later on it, too. we're at 16:15 UTC now, so, if there's nothing else I'll close out the meeting in a minute. 16:16:27 <threebean> ok. thanks for coming, all! 16:16:30 <threebean> #endmeeting