19:00:29 <smooge> #startmeeting Fedora Infrastructure Ops Daily Standup Meeting 19:00:29 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Feb 10 19:00:29 2020 UTC. 19:00:29 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 19:00:29 <zodbot> The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:29 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting' 19:00:29 <smooge> #chair cverna mboddu nirik relrod smooge 19:00:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: cverna mboddu nirik relrod smooge 19:00:29 <smooge> #info meeting is 30 minutes MAX. At the end of 30, its stops 19:00:29 <smooge> #info agenda is at https://board.net/p/fedora-infra-daily 19:00:30 <smooge> #topic Tickets needing review 19:00:31 <smooge> #info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues?status=Open&priority=1 19:00:50 <smooge> nirik, thanks.. my computer clock must be off a bit.. 19:01:02 <nirik> .ticket 8630 19:01:03 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8630: New Group 'nu-radio' in copr - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8630 19:01:14 <nirik> should just do this one, will only take a sec. 19:01:15 <cverna> good morning, afternoon or evening :-) 19:01:24 <cverna> +1 19:02:49 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.edit -- kevin edited the close_status and status fields of ticket fedora-infrastructure#8630 https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8630 19:02:50 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.comment.added -- kevin commented on ticket fedora-infrastructure#8630: "New Group 'nu-radio' in copr" https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8630#comment-625411 19:02:53 <nirik> for copr groups it's just a tracking group. 19:03:01 <nirik> hey cverna 19:03:10 <nirik> .ticket 8635 19:03:11 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8635: Request: OKD Working Group fedocal - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8635 19:03:16 <cverna> nirik: o/ 19:03:42 <cverna> can I create FAS group ? if so I would like to do this ticket ^^ 19:03:47 <nirik> I don't think you can make users owners of calendars. it has to be a group... 19:04:06 <nirik> which one? 8635? 19:04:10 <cverna> yes 19:05:00 <nirik> sure. To make a calendar you need to be in the admin group, which I am not sure what it is. ;) 19:05:10 <cverna> we could create a FAS group OKD working group and add the 2 users then 19:05:33 <nirik> ADMIN_GROUP='sysadmin-calendar' 19:05:46 <nirik> so, need to add you to sysadmin-calendar. 19:05:52 <cverna> we have so many groups :P 19:05:55 <nirik> and yeah, we could do that for the group. 19:05:59 <nirik> yeah. ;( 19:06:45 <smooge> I will add him to group 19:06:58 <cverna> so the actions would be create an OKD FAS group, add the 2 members to it, then create a new calendar with that group as admin ? 19:07:06 <cverna> smooge: thanks 19:07:26 <smooge> or kevin can and I will sponsor 19:07:50 <nirik> yeah, admin and editor. 19:07:58 <nirik> yes, I added you to sysadmin-calendar already. ;) 19:08:11 <nirik> .ticket 8636 19:08:12 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8636: Could we please have the "LastModified" extension enabled on the wiki? - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8636 19:09:14 <nirik> I think we should ask them to find someone to package it and get it in fedora 19:09:17 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.edit -- cverna edited the priority fields of ticket fedora-infrastructure#8635 https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8635 19:09:18 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.comment.added -- cverna commented on ticket fedora-infrastructure#8635: "Request: OKD Working Group fedocal" https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8635#comment-625414 19:09:24 <nirik> if it's packaged it's pretty easy to add. 19:10:04 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.comment.edited -- cverna edited a comment on ticket fedora-infrastructure#8635: "Request: OKD Working Group fedocal" https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8635#comment-625414 19:10:37 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.edit -- kevin edited the close_status and status fields of ticket fedora-infrastructure#8636 https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8636 19:10:42 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.comment.added -- kevin commented on ticket fedora-infrastructure#8636: "Could we please have the "LastModified" extension enabled on the wiki?" https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8636#comment-625416 19:10:49 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.edit -- kevin edited the close_status and status fields of ticket fedora-infrastructure#8403 https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8403 19:10:50 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.comment.added -- kevin commented on ticket fedora-infrastructure#8403: "AWS access for Fedora CI SIG (taiga epic #64)" https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8403#comment-625418 19:11:07 <nirik> ok, thats all the needs review ones. 19:11:14 <nirik> Any others folks want to talk about? 19:11:49 <cverna> no I have been busy trying to look at the OSBS one in staging but without much luck so far 19:12:06 <cverna> #8621 19:12:08 <nirik> I filed 8634 for me this week... 19:12:12 <nirik> .ticket 8634 19:12:13 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8634: virthost03 reinstall and uEFI/Secureboot/encrypted testing - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8634 19:12:15 <nirik> .ticket 8621 19:12:16 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8621: XML parser error when building two flatpak containers - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8621 19:13:14 <nirik> I see we have a fair number of CI ones... I wonder if we could try and find time with brian and vipul to cross train and add some more folks with access to try and fix the simple 'restart thing' type tickets. 19:13:29 <cverna> nirik: how is the cloud retirement going on ? do we have many instances that can be just shut down ? 19:13:48 <nirik> I shut down a bunch last week. 19:13:59 <cverna> nirik: +1 for CI 19:14:26 <nirik> we have left all the maintainer-test ones, a few misc ones like telgram-irc and a few where people are figuring out of they need them or not. 19:14:31 <nirik> oh, and the copr ones. 19:14:31 <siddharthvipul> nirik: totally up for cross training and learning more. If I can help with a little bit on your side, would love that 19:14:46 <smooge> i will be working on a couple of installs this week 19:14:52 <nirik> hey siddharthvipul! didn't expect you here at this hour. ;) 19:15:05 <smooge> nirik, cverna ok to close 8625? 19:15:19 <siddharthvipul> nirik: filing expenses since morning :'( this is not easy 19:15:38 <nirik> yeah, I know your pain... I did that friday. :) 19:15:46 <cverna> smooge: yeah 19:15:50 <siddharthvipul> I had company forex in EUR, spent in CZK, somehow the bank statement shows USD and I have to file in INR 19:16:02 <cverna> lol 19:16:11 <nirik> gotta love the currency fun. 19:16:41 <siddharthvipul> add cost center transfer on top just for the fun (remember we still have oracle rhebs) :P 19:17:02 <smooge> nirik, cverna I do not know what to do with 7351 19:17:05 <siddharthvipul> sorry to get in between of the meeting, please carryon 19:17:06 <nirik> smooge: can we close 815? 19:17:09 <nirik> 8615 rather 19:17:19 <nirik> siddharthvipul: no worries. :) 19:17:29 <nirik> .ticket 7351 19:17:30 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #7351: Missing DS record(s) for getfedora.org - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/7351 19:17:37 <nirik> .ticket 8615 19:17:40 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8615: Retire keys.fedoraproject.org 2020-02-07 - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8615 19:17:52 <nirik> on 7351... that was waiting on legal I thought? 19:17:57 <smooge> nirik, well currently 8615 redirects to apps.fedoraproject.org. I would like to have it go to a Fedora Graveyard page 19:18:22 <smooge> but if apps is good enough to say it is done. I will close it 19:18:39 <nirik> smooge: or... we could just remove it from dns? so it doesn't go anywhere? 19:19:04 <smooge> I figure people have keys.fedoraproject.org hard coded and will ping us it is gone 19:19:18 <cverna> FAS still points to it too 19:19:27 <cverna> for a few more weeks or months 19:19:37 <nirik> yeah, but if they have iit in gpg config... it will just not work, which it already doesn't 19:19:41 <smooge> as in 'Fedora Project DNS is broken because I can't get gpg' 19:20:22 <smooge> sending it to graveyard.fedoraproject.org which we put every eol project on might cut down those tickets 19:20:23 <cverna> I think the current redirect to apps.fp.o is probably fine, but I like the idea of a Fedora Graveyard :) 19:20:45 <nirik> well, it's not just 80/443 tho 19:20:46 <cverna> smooge: do you want to create a ticket to create that page ? 19:21:03 <nirik> gpg uses hkps:// whatever port that is I am sure we are dropping to the proxies 19:21:11 <smooge> nirik, I know about the gpg parts but the complaints I get pinged on are the 80/443 page 19:21:36 <nirik> well, if we are goig to do that, why not a wiki page like fedorahosted? 19:21:50 <smooge> I was trying to do that on Friday like that 19:22:01 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Fedorahosted-retirement 19:22:29 <nirik> it's a redirect rule I think. 19:22:32 <smooge> I figured one page we send stuff to so I can send boot/keys/asterisk/etc to would be ok 19:22:47 <smooge> but I can do the other also 19:23:07 <cverna> I think a wiki page is cool indeed, we can have a graveyard wiki page that list all the things we are killing 19:23:12 <nirik> wiki pages are easy... I definitely don't want to try and make static pages with wizzbang generator, etc for these. 19:24:24 <nirik> so yeah, redirect keys to a wiki page and we can cllose it after that? 19:24:34 <cverna> we could have https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/graveyard 19:24:40 <cverna> +1 19:24:46 <nirik> whats the status on 7351 smooge ? 19:24:52 <nirik> +1 to graveyards. ;) 19:25:30 <smooge> the status is that I have tried to get this changed about 3 times. 19:26:04 <cverna> .ticket 7351 19:26:05 <zodbot> cverna: Issue #7351: Missing DS record(s) for getfedora.org - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/7351 19:26:34 <smooge> I normally have to go ping legal who then say that I am authorized to make this request with the upstream register. Then I talk to the register a couple of times about the change 19:26:38 <smooge> then I come back in 6 months 19:26:48 <cverna> :( 19:26:58 <nirik> yeah, it's been around forever. 19:27:08 <nirik> I sure wish we had a real accountable process. 19:27:12 <smooge> I am at CAN NOT/WILL NOT FIX 19:27:13 <cverna> what is the impact of just leaving it as it is ? 19:27:23 <nirik> no dnssec for that domain 19:27:42 <nirik> which would be nice so people getting images could be confident they were legit. 19:28:06 <nirik> but I guess we have lived without it this long. ;( 19:28:09 <cverna> ok, I wonder how many people actually care about it 19:28:19 <smooge> the ones in the ticket :) 19:28:26 <cverna> +1 for closing can not fix 19:28:58 <nirik> if we could use a registar that was sane and let us set this from a web interface we would have been done years ago 19:30:04 <cverna> we can put that in the ticket as a reason why we won't fix it 19:30:05 <cverna> :) 19:30:16 <nirik> ok, makes me sad, but ok 19:30:40 <cverna> nirik: it can still be reopen one day :P 19:30:52 <nirik> sure 19:31:00 <smooge> I have pinged the registar one more time. If I don't get an answer this week.. I am closing CANT FIX. 19:31:21 <nirik> so they just never answer? 19:32:04 <nirik> can you cc the legal contact on it perhaps? 19:32:15 <nirik> ok, we are over... any others today? 19:32:25 <smooge> in August I got the following: These names are on the Fedora nameservers, so you can sign the zones yourself and send us the DS records. In some cases, we require DNSKey records, but this is only for a few TLDs. Specifically for .orgs, the DS records are all we need. 19:32:33 <smooge> and I have been ccing legal on every one 19:32:46 <cverna> nothing else for me, thanks all :) 19:32:47 <nirik> yes, we need them to add the DS records 19:32:47 <smooge> I then sent the DS records and then have been pinging them on it 19:32:54 <nirik> ok. 19:33:10 <smooge> I will forward you the email and call it 19:33:19 <smooge> #endmeeting