18:00:04 <nirik> #startmeeting Fedora Infrastructure Ops Daily Standup Meeting 18:00:04 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Apr 27 18:00:04 2020 UTC. 18:00:04 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 18:00:04 <zodbot> The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:04 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting' 18:00:04 <nirik> #chair cverna mboddu nirik smooge 18:00:04 <nirik> #meetingname fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting 18:00:04 <nirik> #info meeting is 30 minutes MAX. At the end of 30, its stops 18:00:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: cverna mboddu nirik smooge 18:00:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting' 18:00:04 <nirik> #info agenda is at https://board.net/p/fedora-infra-daily 18:00:06 <nirik> #topic Tickets needing review 18:00:07 <nirik> #info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues?status=Open&priority=1 18:00:24 <smooge> is running wires and sort of here 18:00:30 <nirik> .ticket 8864 18:00:31 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8864: Request to become tier 1 mirror - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8864 18:01:05 <nirik> smooge and I and adrianr discussed this a bit. I don't think any of us had objections to this request, but we thought it might be good to document requirements and such. 18:01:35 <nirik> so, lets move to waiting on asignee and low-risk, medium-gain, groomed 18:01:46 <nirik> does someone want to poke the tickets, or shall I? 18:02:52 <nirik> I can... 18:04:14 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.tag.added -- kevin tagged ticket fedora-infrastructure#8864: groomed, low-trouble, and medium-gain https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8864 18:04:15 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.edit -- kevin edited the priority fields of ticket fedora-infrastructure#8864 https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8864 18:04:16 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.comment.added -- kevin commented on ticket fedora-infrastructure#8864: "Request to become tier 1 mirror" https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8864#comment-644573 18:04:28 <nirik> .ticket 8866 18:04:29 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8866: Fedora Users List HYPERKITTY not accepting new thread submissions. - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8866 18:04:35 <nirik> just came in... let me read it 18:04:54 <nirik> ah, right, there's a api alert this morning. 18:05:02 <nirik> I was going to go look at it, but got sidetracked 18:05:37 * nirik tries restarting it 18:06:28 <nirik> In the mean time... any other tickets to discuss or blockers or reviews needed? 18:06:40 <nirik> I can give a short DC move update... 18:06:48 * mboddu is here now 18:07:29 <nirik> As some of you may know, we moved the switchover to the new DC (IAD2) and last shipment from phx2 out several weeks. Was going to be last week in may, and first week in june, now is going to be second week in june and 3rd week in june. 18:07:51 <nirik> Hopefully we will have network access to the new DC this week (in a few days I hope) 18:08:12 <nirik> on RDU2, smooge is out there today cabling up things and working on bringing things back/installing things. 18:09:49 <mboddu> Thanks for the update nirik 18:11:15 <nirik> mailman3 isn't wanting to restart. ;( I might need to reboot the server, it's in a weird state it seems like 18:12:40 <nirik> anyone have anything else? 18:14:51 <nirik> oh, and f32 release is tomorrow. ;) 18:14:53 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.comment.added -- shlomif commented on ticket fedora-infrastructure#8865: "curl timeout on dnf on fedora 32 x64" https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8865#comment-644578 18:15:07 * cverna is here too 18:15:07 * nirik wonders if we have a release announcement and if websites will be ready. 18:15:26 <cverna> I can check on the magazine 18:15:34 <nirik> relrod: any news on websites? (if you are still poking at it in your spare time) 18:15:53 <nirik> do we need to re-add the prerelease redirects for non getfedora sites? 18:16:16 <relrod> nirik: websites are ready to go 18:16:32 <cverna> the magazine article is ready and schedule 18:16:34 <cverna> scheduled* 18:16:51 <mboddu> relrod++ cverna++ 18:17:09 <nirik> relrod: cool. so does that need a push tomorrow morning to go live? 18:17:15 <nirik> cverna: excellent. 18:17:25 <relrod> nirik: and yeah we still need the redirect change. 18:17:25 <relrod> Hopefully this release or next will be the last time we need that 18:17:49 <relrod> nirik: yep. I plan to be around and push things out in the morning. 18:17:49 <nirik> ok, I can do those redirects tomorrow morning. Or... I guess I could just do them tonight. 18:18:31 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.edit -- kevin edited the close_status and status fields of ticket fedora-infrastructure#8866 https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8866 18:18:32 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.comment.added -- kevin commented on ticket fedora-infrastructure#8866: "Fedora Users List HYPERKITTY not accepting new thread submissions." https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8866#comment-644593 18:18:59 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.comment.added -- survient commented on ticket fedora-infrastructure#8864: "Request to become tier 1 mirror" https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8864#comment-644597 18:19:34 <nirik> ok, I guess lets close out... 18:19:37 <nirik> #endmeeting