18:00:12 <nirik> #startmeeting Fedora Infrastructure Ops Daily Standup Meeting 18:00:12 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon May 11 18:00:12 2020 UTC. 18:00:12 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 18:00:12 <zodbot> The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:12 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting' 18:00:12 <nirik> #chair cverna mboddu nirik smooge 18:00:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: cverna mboddu nirik smooge 18:00:12 <nirik> #meetingname fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting 18:00:12 <nirik> #info meeting is 30 minutes MAX. At the end of 30, its stops 18:00:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting' 18:00:13 <nirik> #info agenda is at https://board.net/p/fedora-infra-daily 18:00:14 <nirik> #topic Tickets needing review 18:00:15 <nirik> #info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues?status=Open&priority=1 18:00:28 * pingou around if needed 18:00:28 <mboddu> Hola :) 18:00:37 <nirik> .ticket 8901 18:00:38 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8901: update epel-release-latest-8 link - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8901 18:00:46 * mboddu can update tickets 18:00:57 <smooge> ok thanks mboddu 18:01:00 <nirik> I swear we had a script to do this... 18:01:03 <pingou> lol, I was about to offer :) 18:01:08 <smooge> I can take this one. 18:01:18 <nirik> but I do not see it now. 18:01:26 <smooge> I think the script was from seth time frame 18:01:36 <nirik> proposed: waiting on asignee, medium-gain, low-effort, groomed ? acks? 18:01:47 <smooge> ack 18:02:06 <mboddu> smooge: I am assigning it to you as well 18:02:11 <nirik> .ticket 8902 18:02:12 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8902: Request for new FAS group: java-sig - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8902 18:02:29 <nirik> just needs making, and choosing a name... 18:02:36 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.tag.added -- mohanboddu tagged ticket fedora-infrastructure#8901: groomed, low-trouble, and medium-gain https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8901 18:02:37 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.assigned.added -- mohanboddu assigned ticket fedora-infrastructure#8901 to smooge https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8901 18:02:38 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.edit -- mohanboddu edited the priority fields of ticket fedora-infrastructure#8901 https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8901 18:02:40 <nirik> proposed: waiting on asignee, medium-gain, low-effort, groomed ? acks? 18:02:53 <pingou> I'll take this one 18:03:13 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.comment.added -- pingou commented on ticket fedora-infrastructure#8902: "Request for new FAS group: java-sig" https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8902#comment-651557 18:03:14 <nirik> thanks pingou 18:03:25 <nirik> .ticket 8903 18:03:26 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8903: AWS: additional permission requirements for Testing Farm - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8903 18:03:27 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.tag.added -- mohanboddu tagged ticket fedora-infrastructure#8902: groomed, low-trouble, and medium-gain https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8902 18:03:28 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.assigned.added -- mohanboddu assigned ticket fedora-infrastructure#8902 to pingou https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8902 18:03:29 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.edit -- mohanboddu edited the priority fields of ticket fedora-infrastructure#8902 https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8902 18:04:02 <nirik> needs adjusting iam policies... probibly I should schedule time to do this with mobrien[m] and mvadkert... 18:04:11 <nirik> proposed: waiting on asignee, medium-gain, medium-effort, groomed ? acks? 18:04:17 <mboddu> ack 18:04:39 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.tag.added -- mohanboddu tagged ticket fedora-infrastructure#8903: groomed, medium-gain, and medium-trouble https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8903 18:04:40 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.edit -- mohanboddu edited the priority fields of ticket fedora-infrastructure#8903 https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8903 18:04:51 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.tag.removed -- pingou removed the groomed, low-trouble, and medium-gain tags from ticket fedora-infrastructure#8902 https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8902 18:04:52 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.edit -- pingou edited the priority fields of ticket fedora-infrastructure#8902 https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8902 18:04:53 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.comment.added -- pingou commented on ticket fedora-infrastructure#8902: "Request for new FAS group: java-sig" https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8902#comment-651560 18:04:56 <nirik> .ticket 8904 18:04:57 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8904: Please provide copr frontend/keygen backups from 2020-05-08 - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8904 18:05:14 <nirik> another that just needs doing, should be easy enough. 18:05:35 <nirik> proposed: waiting on asignee, medium-gain, low-effort, groomed ? acks? nacks? :) 18:05:42 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.edit -- smooge edited the close_status and status fields of ticket fedora-infrastructure#8901 https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8901 18:05:43 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.tag.removed -- smooge removed the groomed, low-trouble, and medium-gain tags from ticket fedora-infrastructure#8901 https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8901 18:05:44 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.assigned.reset -- smooge reset the assignee of ticket fedora-infrastructure#8901 https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8901 18:05:45 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.edit -- smooge edited the priority fields of ticket fedora-infrastructure#8901 https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8901 18:05:46 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.comment.added -- smooge commented on ticket fedora-infrastructure#8901: "update epel-release-latest-8 link" https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8901#comment-651562 18:05:57 <nirik> I'm happy to walk someone thru this. needs sysadmin-main to access backups, but otherwise should be not too hard. 18:06:02 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.edit -- carlwgeorge edited the content fields of ticket fedora-infrastructure#8901 https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8901 18:06:14 <nirik> .ticket 8905 18:06:15 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8905: Globally ban `elitetorrent1.com` - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8905 18:06:26 <pingou> nirik: something that would be worth putting in the howtos repo ? 18:06:28 <smooge> I guess I can look at this one tomorrow 18:06:32 <pingou> (the backup) 18:06:35 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.tag.added -- mohanboddu tagged ticket fedora-infrastructure#8904: groomed, low-trouble, and medium-gain https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8904 18:06:50 <pingou> actually, the ban someone may be nice to document as well 18:07:08 <nirik> pingou: yes, if it's not already there, let me check 18:07:08 <mboddu> Yeah, ban someone doc is helpful 18:07:22 * cverna waives 18:07:25 <nirik> well, ban incoming email from an entire domain... 18:07:30 * pingou happy to shadow both tickets to help document them afterward 18:07:56 <nirik> I think this will take some reworking of our postfix files. 18:08:03 <nirik> but otherwise is doable 18:08:09 <pingou> which we need to do for rhel8 as well 18:08:16 <nirik> proposed: waiting on asignee, low-gain, low-effort, groomed ? acks? nacks? :) 18:08:29 <linuxmodder> there isn't a playbook for that sort of thing with postfix yet? 18:08:48 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.tag.added -- mohanboddu tagged ticket fedora-infrastructure#8905: groomed, low-gain, and low-trouble https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8905 18:08:57 <linuxmodder> pingou, the backups for rhel 8 you mean? 18:09:00 <nirik> our playbook doesn't have a reject domains setup that I can see off hand. I am sure there's others out there that do. 18:09:08 <pingou> linuxmodder: nope 18:09:50 <nirik> ok, thats the needs review ones. 18:09:55 <nirik> mboddu: any releng ones to discuss? 18:10:12 <mboddu> nirik: Nope, I fixed the new one's already :D 18:10:34 <nirik> stellar 18:10:50 <pingou> do we have an idea of what's going on in stg? 18:10:51 <nirik> any other tickets people want to discuss or blockers or reviews pending? 18:11:02 <nirik> pingou: more context? 18:11:03 <pingou> anything I can help with there? 18:11:15 <pingou> koji in staging doesn't build anything anymore 18:11:17 <nirik> staging builds? 18:11:21 <pingou> https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8896 18:11:23 <pingou> yes 18:11:35 <nirik> ah yeah, I looked briefly, but didn't get to the bottom of it. I can try and look more... 18:12:04 <pingou> could I help? 18:12:27 <nirik> sure, can we schedule a time to look? 18:12:44 * mboddu is happy to shadow that meeting 18:12:46 <nirik> I guess we could try after this? or later in the week anytime my calendar is open 18:12:58 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.comment.added -- decathorpe commented on ticket fedora-infrastructure#8902: "Request for new FAS group: java-sig" https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8902#comment-651570 18:13:02 <nirik> I have a bit of dc move update. 18:13:33 <smooge> ... 18:13:34 <mboddu> Everything done and all are up and running? ;) 18:13:49 <nirik> to just repear what I had for fesco: [08:29:10] <nirik> dc move status: RDU - communishift is still down, hopefully we can get some traction to get the cabling and network changes we need done this week, hard to estimate however. IAD2: we have "found" all the machines that are new/were shipped. We have a number of virthosts installed and we have a few vm's up. This week will be getting external ips sorted out, firewall/nat rules, getting everything 18:13:49 <nirik> re-installed that needs it, and hopefully bringing up a proxy or two and out auth stack (which means an openshift 3.11 cluster). 18:13:51 <cverna> \o/ 18:13:52 <pingou> I'm available now, or later, at your preference :) 18:14:28 <pingou> nirik++ 18:14:28 <zodbot> pingou: Karma for kevin changed to 13 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:14:29 <nirik> so, later this week, hopefully we will be on our real final external ips... and then other folks can get in and start helping out. 18:14:30 <pingou> smooge++ 18:14:41 <pingou> cool! 18:14:51 <mboddu> Awesome work guys 18:14:55 <mboddu> .thank nirik smooge 18:14:55 <zodbot> mboddu thinks nirik smooge is awesome and is happy they are helping! (Please also type nirik smooge++ since that is what gives them a cookie) 18:15:06 <nirik> so I don't know how many cycles everyone has, or how best to hand things, but we can work it out... 18:15:23 <pingou> "release the hound!" 18:15:33 <cverna> Would be cool to try to involve mobrien during the OpenShift cluster deployment 18:15:44 <nirik> yes, definitely. :) 18:15:58 <nirik> I was gonna mail him about availability to help out with the move in general... 18:16:04 <mboddu> pingou: And a shih-tze comes out :) 18:16:19 <cverna> ;) 18:16:20 <nirik> there's going to be a fair amount of rebasing things for rhel7/8 differences. 18:16:35 <nirik> for example, I setup a log01.iad, but rsyslog config needs updating badly. 18:16:46 <nirik> the postfix changes will be needed, etc. 18:17:09 <smooge> postfix is still built around el6 18:17:18 <smooge> same with rsyslog 18:17:24 <cverna> Sounds like it is going to be fun ::) 18:17:49 <nirik> so basically we have this week to try and get the network / firewall /nat stuff working, and then next week and the week after to setup applications/vms... then a week to test things, then it's migration week. :) 18:17:53 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.comment.added -- pingou commented on ticket fedora-infrastructure#8902: "Request for new FAS group: java-sig" https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8902#comment-651571 18:18:07 <pingou> this is probably fine :) 18:18:11 <mobrien[m]> I would be more than happy to help with openshift move and the aws iam ticket 18:18:34 <nirik> mobrien[m]: excellent! 18:18:54 <nirik> perhaps I should schedule a openshift install time too... 18:19:05 <nirik> and we can try it in a tmux 18:19:51 <mobrien[m]> Great. Any evening after 19:30UTC is good with me if that suits your timezone a bit better. 18:21:08 <nirik> mobrien[m]: how about tomorrow 19:30ish? meet here? or we could do thursday anytime after 19? 18:23:12 <mobrien[m]> Tomorrow is good. If you get snowed under tomorrow for some reason then we can have Thursday as a backup 18:23:19 <nirik> oh, thinking of things needing review... I forked supybot-meetbot about 2 years ago... and submitted the patches we are carrying to our repo... but no one reviewed them. ;( Anyone interested? and perhaps looking for any other meetbot patches (openstack had some cool ones) and doing a new release? :) 18:24:02 <nirik> mobrien[m]: sounds great. Anyone else welcome too if you want to see the awe inspiring power of ansible-ansible-openshift-ansible :) 18:24:19 <nirik> https://pagure.io/supybot-meetbot/pull-request/1 https://pagure.io/supybot-meetbot/pull-request/2 https://pagure.io/supybot-meetbot/pull-request/3 18:24:22 <pingou> that sounds both amazing and scary :) 18:24:41 <nirik> Anyhow, anything else from anyone to discuss in our last 5min? 18:25:16 * cverna runs away from ansible-ansible-openshift-ansible 18:25:36 <pingou> cverna: task: catch with cverna 18:25:48 <nirik> it's pretty cool I think. ;) but sometimes hard to debug. 18:27:27 <cverna> Yeah it is very flexible which makes it hard to get around. 18:28:39 <nirik> ok, thanks everyone 18:28:41 <nirik> #endmeeting