20:03:02 <jonmasters> #startmeeting 20:03:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 11 20:03:02 2012 UTC. The chair is jonmasters. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:03:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:06:27 * maxam is in 20:06:32 <ctyler> #topics Updates 20:06:45 <jonmasters> thanks Chris 20:07:01 <ctyler> jonmasters: need to #chair a few folks so we can share the load 20:08:13 <jonmasters> #char ctyler pbrobinson 20:08:23 <ctyler> s/char/chair/ 20:08:31 <jonmasters> #chair ctyler pbrobinson jonmasters bconoboy dgilmore 20:08:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: bconoboy ctyler dgilmore jonmasters pbrobinson 20:08:35 <jonmasters> oops :) 20:08:36 <ctyler> #topic Updates 20:09:03 <ctyler> #halp 20:09:51 * ctyler is being ignored by zodbot :-( 20:11:19 <maxam> #help 20:12:40 <jonmasters> #topic Updates 20:13:01 <jonmasters> Topic: currently discussing build failures, in particular 3.3 kernel 20:14:29 <pbrobinson> #topic Updates 20:14:36 * pbrobinson is to 20:17:22 <jonmasters> pbrobinson: you've got mail 20:18:22 * ctyler dropped off, rejoined 20:29:10 <jonmasters> #idea LLVM could do with some eyeballs 20:36:41 <dgilmore> statistics: {'older': 317, 'local_only': 4, 'remote_only': 676, 'same': 10425, 'newer': 76, 'total_missing_builds': 735} 20:37:34 <bconoboy> dgilmore: is that f17? 20:38:15 <vogelnest> should all fedora 17 packages be signed? I often encounter unsigned packages. is this okay? did anybody else see this? 20:40:14 <dgilmore> bconoboy: yes 20:55:55 <smooge> vogelnest, wjat packages have you found to be unsigned. 20:56:12 <smooge> oops sorry didn't see meeting was still runing. 21:15:42 <jonmasters> #agreed To make 18 for PA we need hardware by the end of June 21:16:05 <jonmasters> #agreed cut-off for 19 is hardware by Oct. 1ish. 21:18:51 <jonmasters> #topic Any other business 21:57:31 <jonmasters> #endmeeting