15:58:52 <roshi> #startmeeting F21-blocker-review 15:58:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 1 15:58:52 2014 UTC. The chair is roshi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:58:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:58:52 <roshi> #meetingname F21-blocker-review 15:58:52 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f21-blocker-review' 15:58:53 <roshi> #topic Roll Call 15:59:11 <roshi> who's around for some review funtimes? 16:01:45 <roshi> adamw: tflink danofsatx-work satellit_e pwhalen ? 16:01:50 <roshi> anybody? 16:01:53 <adamw> ahoyhoy 16:02:05 * adamw dons waders, prepares for 'fun' 16:02:06 * nirik is lurking, ping if I am needed. 16:02:16 * pwhalen is here 16:02:31 * tflink can be here but is trying to fix some stuff ATM 16:03:22 <roshi> well, that's enough to go forward - hopefully more show up though :) 16:03:43 <roshi> .moar boilerplate 16:03:43 <zodbot> roshi: (moar <an alias, 2 arguments>) -- Alias for "echo here $2, have some more $1". 16:03:49 <roshi> .moar boilerplate meeting 16:03:49 <zodbot> here meeting, have some more boilerplate 16:03:54 <roshi> #topic Introduction 16:03:54 <roshi> Why are we here? 16:03:54 <roshi> #info Our purpose in this meeting is to review proposed blocker and nice-to-have bugs and decide whether to accept them, and to monitor the progress of fixing existing accepted blocker and nice-to-have bugs. 16:03:58 <roshi> #info We'll be following the process outlined at: 16:04:01 <roshi> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:SOP_Blocker_Bug_Meeting 16:04:03 <roshi> #info The bugs up for review today are available at: 16:04:06 <roshi> #link http://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/current 16:04:08 <roshi> #info The criteria for release blocking bugs can be found at: 16:04:11 <roshi> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Alpha_Release_Criteria 16:04:14 <roshi> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Beta_Release_Criteria 16:04:17 <roshi> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Final_Release_Criteria 16:04:20 <roshi> alright, we've got 19 blockers for today 16:04:26 <roshi> #chair adamw pwhalen tflink 16:04:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw pwhalen roshi tflink 16:04:45 <roshi> volunteer to secretialize? 16:05:03 <adamw> sure 16:05:11 <roshi> and someone to take over the meeting in 2.5 hours - I have an appt I'll have to leave for 16:05:25 <adamw> i guess we could just wind up at that point? 16:05:29 <adamw> well, let's see where we are 16:05:38 <roshi> works for me 16:05:45 <roshi> alright, first blocker 16:05:45 <roshi> #topic (1074358) all initramfs in existing /boot are updated and broken on install 16:05:49 <roshi> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1074358 16:05:51 <roshi> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, NEW 16:06:41 <roshi> +1 blocker in theory, knowing there's no criteria *yet* 16:07:35 <adamw> so reading through this again, i'm curious whether the old kernels boot with the new distribution 16:07:47 <adamw> i'm not sure if we really support sharing /boot with another release of fedora in this way 16:08:03 <adamw> i think i'd like to get an anaconda dev's opinion before +1ing this 16:08:34 <roshi> should there be a warning or something before it breaks existing installs though? 16:09:28 * danofsatx-work is here, but konversation is borked 16:09:41 <roshi> .moar irssi danofsatx-work 16:09:41 <zodbot> here danofsatx-work, have some more irssi 16:10:16 <roshi> can we get an anaconda dev in here to pontificate on it? 16:10:46 <danofsatx> lets try kvirc 16:11:28 <roshi> danofsatx: we're looking at .bug 1074358 16:13:11 <adamw> roshi: well, it only breaks existing install if you share /boot with one 16:13:16 <adamw> and i'm not really sure we intend to allow that 16:13:23 <adamw> <dlehman> my opinion? we shouldn't allow use of preexisting /boot filesystem 16:13:30 <adamw> (though i suspect that might make people kick) 16:13:59 <roshi> I can see arguments either way 16:14:10 <roshi> I'm curious why it's worked in the past 16:14:32 <roshi> but that's more academic and less important 16:14:36 <adamw> well, i think it's to do with whether we change things in grub or not 16:14:50 <adamw> there's some kind of change with the s/linux/linux16/ stuff going on there, i don't understand what that is exactly 16:15:10 <roshi> I guess I'm more +/- 1 at this point 16:15:15 <roshi> feels like an edge case 16:15:41 * roshi only ever reuses /home 16:16:38 <adamw> <dlehman> adamw: https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/anaconda.git/tree/pyanaconda/packaging/__init__.py?h=f21-branch#n345 16:16:38 <adamw> <adamw> dlehman: so, it's going to Do Stuff for all kernels it finds in /boot, basically? 16:16:38 <adamw> <dlehman> yes 16:16:38 <adamw> * dlehman originally tried to write it to use the contents of rpms we installed, but live 16:18:20 <adamw> so i'm gonna say a weak -1 to this based on my understanding of the criteria we're currently reviewing 16:18:36 <roshi> with the new info, I agree with the weak -1 16:18:40 <danofsatx> under current criteria, -1. 16:18:47 * danofsatx reviews test@ 16:18:50 <adamw> "The installer must be able to install into free space alongside an 16:18:50 <adamw> > existing GNU/Linux installation, install and configure a bootloader that 16:18:50 <adamw> > will boot both systems, within the limitations of the upstream 16:18:50 <adamw> > bootloader." i don't think this would violate that 16:19:06 <adamw> as this isn't the 'typical' dual boot scenario 16:19:21 <roshi> yeah, because this borks other things 16:19:22 <adamw> when we say 'install into free space', it sort of implies no shared /boot 16:19:27 <roshi> yeah 16:19:29 <pwhalen> right, close.. -1 based on that 16:21:15 <roshi> proposed #agreed - RejectedBlocker - 1074358 - This bug doesn't directly violate any criteria and nothing indicates having a shared /boot is desired functionality. 16:21:36 <adamw> ack 16:21:52 <pwhalen> ack 16:22:01 <danofsatx> ack 16:22:03 <roshi> #agreed - RejectedBlocker - 1074358 - This bug doesn't directly violate any criteria and nothing indicates having a shared /boot is desired functionality. 16:22:20 * roshi writing it counts as an implied 'ack,' IMO 16:22:32 <roshi> #topic (1114786) DeviceError: ('cannot replace active format', 'sda6') 16:22:35 <roshi> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1114786 16:22:38 <roshi> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, NEW 16:25:00 * roshi is reading 16:26:51 <adamw> it's a bit of a mess between livesys, systemd and anaconda in swap partition handling 16:27:05 <roshi> so it seems 16:27:54 <adamw> it's live-specific 16:28:22 * adamw checks he can reproduce 16:28:24 <roshi> I think chris is right though, it shouldn't result in a crash 16:30:48 <adamw> yeah, i i think we can reasonably read c#12 criterion as covering this 16:30:51 <adamw> just want to be sure it's reproducible 16:31:28 <roshi> I can remove all partitions and go forward with no issues 16:31:38 * jreznik is here, mtg conflict again 16:32:13 <adamw> yeah, me too 16:32:18 <pwhalen> +1 blocker if reproducible; ack 16:32:26 <adamw> theory: only happens if the swap is a 'simple' partition 16:32:29 <adamw> doesn't happen if it's part of an lv 16:32:33 * pwhalen quickly grabs lunch 16:33:21 <roshi> ah, yeah 16:33:35 <adamw> `blkid -t TYPE=swap -o device` - the command livesys runs - returns nothing on my test system 16:33:36 * roshi runs a quick install not using lvm 16:34:18 <roshi> my test system returns /dev/vda2 16:35:52 <adamw> roshi: the one you had a successful run on? 16:36:32 <roshi> successful in the sense that anaconda didn't crash when I reused swap and began the installation 16:36:50 * roshi thought the crash presented inside the storage spoke 16:37:21 <adamw> oh, and cmurf was testing on GPT too 16:37:23 <danofsatx> that's the way I read it, too 16:37:41 <adamw> if you need both GPT and a non-LV swap partition to hit this, i'm not sure it's quite worth a blocker 16:37:50 * adamw runs some more tests 16:38:12 <roshi> yeah, if that's the case, I think -1 16:38:52 <danofsatx> why? one of the benfits of GPT was more than 4 partitions, which a lot of users used LVM to get around in the first place on MBR drives. 16:38:56 * roshi installs with simple partitions 16:40:07 <adamw> danofsatx: we're not deciding whether it's a bug, remember. but whether it'sa blocker. 16:40:14 <adamw> the default layout for UEFI installs is still LVM. 16:40:35 <danofsatx> understood, I'm simply pointing out that it may be more common than you think 16:40:38 <adamw> so you'd have to both do a UEFI/GPT install and explicitly pick a layout with a 'normal' swap device, then be trying to do this in custom part on a second install, to hit the bug. 16:41:05 <adamw> and, er, you don't need LVM to avoid the partition limit. 16:41:14 <adamw> you just need extended partitions, which have been a thing since, like, 1990 somehing? 16:42:17 <adamw> anyhow, sidebar 16:42:37 * adamw has an MBR install with a 'regular' swap partition running 16:42:44 <adamw> we do have a simple workaround for the bug, too: boot with noswap 16:43:21 <danofsatx> which someone susceptible to this bug would know how to do. file it as a common bug with workaround, and move on. 16:43:53 <adamw> just want to check if i can hit it with a non-GPT install 16:43:57 <roshi> I installed with standard partitions in a VM 16:44:15 <roshi> then clicked through storage messing with the existing swap and LVM and could get no crash 16:44:28 * roshi could be doing it wrong, but it wfm 16:44:34 <adamw> good enough for me 16:44:46 * pwhalen reads scrollback 16:44:47 <adamw> we can always revisit if cmurf can demonstrate wider impact 16:45:18 <adamw> i might consider final blocker if it's not fixed by then, this might be the kind of thing where a workaround is OK for beta but not final 16:45:31 <roshi> true 16:45:33 <roshi> -1 16:45:55 <danofsatx> -1 16:46:08 <pwhalen> sounds pretty limited, also needs to be a live install+UEFI/GPT+ 16:46:30 <pwhalen> change to -1 16:46:39 <jreznik> -1 Beta 16:47:16 <roshi> proposed #agreed - RejectedBlocker - 1114786 - Couldn't reproduce this bug. Utilizing noswap is an easy workaround for this if it's run into. Document on Common Bugs. Please repropose for final if it can be shown to have a wider impact. 16:47:22 <adamw> ack 16:47:22 <pwhalen> ack 16:47:32 <jreznik> ack 16:47:33 <roshi> #agreed - RejectedBlocker - 1114786 - Couldn't reproduce this bug. Utilizing noswap is an easy workaround for this if it's run into. Document on Common Bugs. Please repropose for final if it can be shown to have a wider impact. 16:47:48 <roshi> sheesh, we're flying! 16:47:55 <roshi> 2 bugs in 49 minutes! 16:47:56 <roshi> #topic (1098735) apper: hawkey backend missing features 16:47:56 <roshi> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1098735 16:47:56 <roshi> #info Proposed Blocker, apper, NEW 16:48:59 <danofsatx> +1 16:52:42 <roshi> which criteria was this filed against? 16:53:14 <roshi> post-install updates, right? 16:53:21 <danofsatx> The installed system must be able to download and install updates with the default graphical package manager in all release-blocking desktops. 16:53:23 <roshi> that's what I'm getting out of it anyways 16:53:33 <danofsatx> apper don't work. 16:53:49 * roshi grumbles at that not being put in the blocker proposal 16:54:02 <roshi> +1 16:54:14 <roshi> I don't use kde, so I had to look up what apper was 16:54:16 <roshi> :p 16:54:27 <adamw> "Installing updates via apper known to crash packagekitd occasionally" is a bit different from 'doesn't work' 16:54:27 * danofsatx didn't write it 16:55:19 <roshi> does apper not work persistently danofsatx? 16:55:36 <roshi> that's what I took this bug as saying, reading all the comments 16:55:39 <danofsatx> hang on a sec.... 16:56:33 <adamw> it seems like it can't do groups. 16:56:35 <adamw> which isn't a criterion. 16:56:58 <adamw> the only explicit criterion we have is that updates have to work. technically speaking we don't actually require graphical package *install* to work. 16:56:59 <roshi> perhaps discuss if that should be a criterion at next QA meeting? 16:57:16 <adamw> for Final we have "All applications that can be launched using the standard graphical mechanism of a release-blocking desktop after a default installation of that desktop must start successfully and withstand a basic functionality test. " 16:57:24 <adamw> which a package installer that can't install packages might be argued to fail 16:57:30 <danofsatx> unfortunately, I haven't been testing it. I've only been monitoring the conversations in #f-kde 16:57:42 <adamw> i know halfway through this bug i said it was a blocker, but i think i had a different understanding of the bug at that time 16:58:16 <adamw> i think i'd be -1 to this specific bug as it's a messy popcorn fest, if there are specific bugs in upgrade, we can consider a bug focused on that particular issue as a blocker, but if it's 'it basically works but you get a crash notification sometimes' i'm not sure that blocks 16:58:27 <jreznik> it's definitely something we want to fix for final, but it's not beta thing -1 16:58:56 <roshi> I lean -1 as the criteria is written, but would be up for a discussion about it at a later time (adding a criteria) 16:59:16 <roshi> would be +1 at final for sure though 16:59:18 * danofsatx didn't see jreznik in the corner 16:59:32 <adamw> i can re-propose for final as part of secretarialization 16:59:41 <roshi> despite the fact I only use the GUI package manager in testing, not irl 16:59:42 <danofsatx> please do 16:59:46 <pwhalen> -1, should be fixed in final 17:00:32 <roshi> proposed #agreed - 1098735 - RejectedBlocker - This doesn't clearly violate any *beta* criteria, but would be considered a blocker for final. 17:00:55 <adamw> s/would/may/ 17:01:01 <adamw> let's not commit to anything :P 17:01:11 * roshi was wondering that 17:01:21 <roshi> proposed #agreed - 1098735 - RejectedBlocker - This doesn't clearly violate any *beta* criteria, but may be considered a blocker for final. 17:02:25 * danofsatx reluctantly acks 17:03:02 * danofsatx also realizes kvirc doesn't do spell checking 17:03:24 <roshi> ack/nack/patch? 17:03:58 <roshi> danofsatx: do you see this as something that blocks on beta, or do you just think it should be fixed? 17:03:59 <adamw> acl 17:04:00 <adamw> ack 17:04:02 <pwhalen> ack 17:04:10 <danofsatx> final blocker 17:04:22 <roshi> #agreed - 1098735 - RejectedBlocker - This doesn't clearly violate any *beta* criteria, but may be considered a blocker for final. 17:04:31 <roshi> I'll be voting +1 at final time 17:04:41 <roshi> I hope it gets fixed beforehand though 17:04:45 <roshi> #topic (1147998) Cloud image does not permit successful reboot 17:04:45 <roshi> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1147998 17:04:45 <roshi> #info Proposed Blocker, cloud-utils, NEW 17:05:03 <roshi> I've already documented this on common-bugs 17:05:27 <roshi> basically, if you use an mbr in your image, growroot overwrites it 17:05:48 <roshi> then you attempt to boot (from previous shutdown or reboot) and it just hangs 17:05:59 <roshi> +1 blocker 17:06:09 <roshi> fixes are being worked on now, aiui 17:06:33 <roshi> adamw: this is that issue ab was running into in #freeipa 17:08:16 <adamw> ah 17:08:19 <adamw> you can only boot it once 17:08:22 <adamw> yeah, sounds like +1 :) 17:10:16 <jreznik> +1, cloud guys really wants this fixed 17:10:22 <roshi> proposed #agreed - 1147998 - AcceptedBlocker - This bug violates the "Shutdown, Reboot, Logout" Beta criteria. 17:10:31 <danofsatx> +1 17:10:33 <danofsatx> ack 17:10:34 <jreznik> ack 17:10:41 <adamw> ack 17:10:46 <roshi> the criteria just says "desktop" but i mailed test@ looking to change the wording to "system" 17:10:51 <jreznik> btw. criteria are written as release blocking desktops... 17:11:00 <roshi> #agreed - 1147998 - AcceptedBlocker - This bug violates the "Shutdown, Reboot, Logout" Beta criteria. 17:11:57 <roshi> or "release blocking products" would fit better 17:12:08 <roshi> anyways, another discussion for another time 17:12:22 <roshi> #topic (1142512) 21 Alpha KDE lives and ARM disk image over size limit 17:12:25 <roshi> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1142512 17:12:27 <roshi> #info Proposed Blocker, distribution, NEW 17:13:53 <pwhalen> for arm, I dont think there is a reason to have a size limit. if we do, most users would be using 8GB media to write images. 17:14:16 <Kevin_Kofler> The KDE image should already be below the size limit now, isn't it? 17:14:36 <adamw> Kevin_Kofler: i didn't check tc1 yet, lemme see 17:14:42 <roshi> pwhalen +1 17:14:50 <roshi> makes no sense for arm 17:15:53 <adamw> beta TC1 x86-32 live is still over 17:15:54 <adamw> 1054867456 17:16:11 <adamw> i think we all agree it makes no sense for arm images now, i just need to check if any test cases / policies need to be amended there 17:16:24 <adamw> beta tC1 x86-64 live is good 17:16:34 <adamw> if you amend target size to 1400000000 everything is fine of course 17:16:58 <Kevin_Kofler> I'll have a look at the situation, we may want to increase the target size anyway. 17:17:20 <Kevin_Kofler> We'll have this sorted out by next Tuesday (next SIG meeting) at the latest. 17:17:42 <roshi> so punt or -1? 17:18:43 <danofsatx> -1 17:18:52 <adamw> ? as it stands, it's clearly +1. 17:19:02 <adamw> (if amended to remove 'ARM' and just refer to the 32-bit live.) 17:19:07 <pwhalen> id say punt 17:19:14 <adamw> there are easy things to do to fix it (take stuff out or adjust the target size) 17:19:27 <adamw> but we have a target size, and we have a beta tc1 image, and the image is bigger than the target size. 17:19:38 <adamw> i don't see how you can logically say anything but +1, the criterion is very clear. 17:19:54 <danofsatx> since when are we logical? 17:19:58 * danofsatx didn't get that memo 17:20:07 <roshi> I was assuming the target size was going to change 17:20:14 <roshi> but yeah, you're right 17:20:27 <roshi> refactor: punt or +1? 17:20:35 <jreznik> punt 17:20:37 <pwhalen> punt 17:20:45 <danofsatx> punt then, if you must 17:20:53 * adamw really doesn't understand why 17:20:56 <adamw> but sure, whatever. 17:21:09 * adamw updated bug for TC1 17:21:10 <roshi> either way we'll be looking at it next week 17:21:26 <pwhalen> almost has the same effect does it? we'll be .. right, as roshi said 17:21:34 <pwhalen> s/does/doesnt/ 17:21:43 <roshi> it's a clear +1, but I was waiting to say +1 since the target size for beta was up in the air (even though there's already one written down) 17:23:37 <roshi> proposed #agreed - 1142512 - Punt - The desired size limit is currently up for discussion. If the limit isn't upped this is a clear blocker, if it is we increased we can revisit next week. 17:23:42 <adamw> sure, the practical difference isn't much 17:23:49 <adamw> +1, whatever (pouts) 17:24:07 <pwhalen> heh 17:24:39 <pwhalen> ack 17:24:45 <danofsatx> ack 17:25:10 <roshi> it really doesn't matter to me - it violates the letter but I'm not sure it's going to stay that way for long 17:25:33 <roshi> #agreed - 1142512 - Punt - The desired size limit is currently up for discussion. If the limit isn't upped this is a clear blocker, if it is we increased we can revisit next week. 17:25:49 <roshi> #topic (1038413) fedup stage2 keymap will always be US again for F20-F21 due to anaconda not writing vconsole.keymap kernel parameter any more (#1035316) 17:25:52 <roshi> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1038413 17:25:55 <roshi> #info Proposed Blocker, fedup, NEW 17:26:07 <danofsatx> ok, I'm out. Have a test in "Hardware and Systems Software", a class I really, really, *reaaaallly* don't need. 17:26:13 <Kevin_Kofler> I'd like to add something about the PK/Hawkey/Apper issue (#1098735): It's right that the bug report is a bit of a mess, but the issue that really matters for us is that installing packages does not work (properly, at least) because Hawkey does not support comps. I've been looking into adding comps support to libhif and PackageKit-hif, but my time is limited, and my unfamiliarity with libhif code and with 17:26:15 <Kevin_Kofler> GObject code in general does not help either. The crashes when updating, I have no idea whether they're even still reproducible. 17:26:40 <danofsatx> + 17:26:47 <roshi> good luck danofsatx :) 17:26:54 <adamw> Kevin_Kofler: so the thing is, we don't actually block beta on graphical package install working (which is maybe odd, but hey) 17:27:13 <adamw> Kevin_Kofler: because the bug covers something that possibly is a blocker under the criteria (but which it doesn't clearly infringe) and something that isn't but possibly shoudl be, the discussion gets confused 17:27:26 <adamw> Kevin_Kofler: it'd be a lot clearer if there were separate bugs for whatever's wrong with updating vs. whatever's wrong with installing 17:27:46 <adamw> danofsatx: gl! 17:27:52 <Kevin_Kofler> danofsatx: Good luck! 17:29:06 <Kevin_Kofler> adamw: The bug report has become a bit of a mess indeed, I'll see if we can make some clones for the different issues and then we can have a discussion on what blocks Beta, what blocks Final and what is just broken. 17:29:13 <adamw> Kevin_Kofler: that'd be great, thanks a lot 17:29:26 <roshi> awesome Kevin_Kofler, thanks :) 17:29:30 <adamw> we can certainly have a discussion about whether we *should* block beta on graphical package install working, it just needs a clear context 17:30:48 <roshi> QA agenda item we've created #2 17:32:31 <roshi> +1 blocker for 1038413 17:32:41 * roshi remembers the discussion for this on F20 fondly 17:33:56 <adamw> wait, we hit a new bug? 17:33:57 <adamw> i missed that. 17:34:09 <adamw> hey, this old friend 17:34:15 <roshi> yep :) 17:36:42 * adamw refreshes memory 17:36:50 <adamw> sorry, also splitting time with fesco meeting 17:37:00 <roshi> np 17:37:24 <adamw> so i'm pretty sure my initial evaluation is right, but it'd be good to explicitly test 17:37:29 <adamw> of course, we'd need the fedup bug fixed for that 17:37:46 <adamw> either +1 or punt, ig uess 17:38:48 <roshi> any other votes? 17:40:59 <adamw> i think they're all dead, jim 17:41:17 <roshi> yeah 17:41:42 <roshi> Scotty, beam up the bodies so we can do a proper burial 17:42:22 <pwhalen> ah yes 17:42:25 <roshi> I'll give it a few minutes before we call it I guess 17:42:27 <pwhalen> sorry.. +1 17:42:43 <roshi> adamw: get back! Zombie! 17:42:46 <adamw> it's a miracle! 17:42:57 <adamw> clearly, we have a difference in interpretation here. 17:43:01 <roshi> ... 17:43:06 <roshi> this is awkward 17:43:07 <adamw> pwhalen: are you feeling more like a) turning water into wine or b) eating brains? 17:43:20 * oddshocks lurking 17:43:30 <pwhalen> c) wine + brains 17:43:32 <roshi> there's another, it's obviously zombies 17:43:41 <adamw> aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh alcoholic zombies 17:43:54 <roshi> adamw: grab your cricket bat and we'll head to the Winchester 17:43:57 <adamw> heh 17:44:19 <roshi> oddshocks: vote on 1038413? 17:46:12 <roshi> hrm, our zombies seem to be narcoleptic 17:46:51 <adamw> how many blockers do we have left? any really significant ones? 17:47:42 <roshi> 13 left 17:47:48 <Kevin_Kofler> IMHO, zes, a US kezboard lazout is verz clearlz a blocker, yombies or not. ;-) 17:47:50 <pwhalen> eek 17:47:56 <roshi> well, 14 counting the one we're voting on 17:48:45 <roshi> well, boot failures, fedup issues, corrupted NTFS volumes 17:53:24 <roshi> .moar cricket-noises meeting 17:53:25 <zodbot> here meeting, have some more cricket-noises 17:56:32 <adamw> why does the number seem to keep going up? 17:56:38 <adamw> i'm sure that's meant to happen the other way around. 17:56:45 <roshi> proposed #agreed - 1038413 - AcceptedBlocker - This bug partially violates the Beta "Upgrade requirements" criteria. 17:56:47 <adamw> i think we have enough +1s for this bug at least 17:56:48 <adamw> ack 17:56:57 <roshi> well, we started with 19 bugs for this meeting 17:57:07 <roshi> 14 when I emailed the announcement iirc 17:59:18 <adamw> zoiks 17:59:31 <pwhalen> ack 17:59:40 <pwhalen> double duty time for me with the arm meeting 18:00:15 <adamw> fesco is winding up so i can be back fulltime 18:00:31 <roshi> that leaves you and me here fulltime adamw 18:00:36 <roshi> unless others are going to join in 18:01:03 <roshi> tflink oddshocks 18:01:06 <roshi> ^^ 18:01:07 <adamw> we should maybe consider changing the meeting day, again, it seems to be coinciding with an awful lot of others 18:01:13 <roshi> yeah 18:01:19 * adamw tries to remember why we moved from fri to wed 18:01:38 <tflink> easier for brno folks to make it since it isn't friday evening for them 18:01:48 <tflink> it worked well until fesco changed to the same time 18:01:50 <roshi> no idea, been wednesday the whole time for me, iirc 18:02:02 <tflink> well, that's one of things 18:02:25 <roshi> what if we moved it up 18:02:28 <tflink> how short are you on people? 18:02:30 <roshi> 1500 UTC or something 18:02:32 <tflink> roshi: ask adam 18:02:37 <roshi> it's me and adamw 18:02:54 <roshi> pwhalen was here, but is now in an arm meeting that's double booked 18:02:59 * tflink shifts gears 18:03:01 <roshi> thoughts adamw ? 18:03:05 <pwhalen> still here-ish 18:03:20 <adamw> sigh, then i'd have three 8am meetings a week 18:03:28 <adamw> it's like you people want me to keep sensible hours or something 18:03:34 <pwhalen> we may not have enough for the arm meeting, two so far 18:03:42 <adamw> DOWN WITH ARM 18:03:50 <pwhalen> I'm down with arm 18:03:51 <roshi> if it was at a different time I would go to the arm meetings :P 18:03:57 <sgallagh> adamw: I have six 7am meetings a week... 18:04:01 <sgallagh> (Yes, *six*) 18:04:06 <roshi> ooof 18:04:22 <roshi> but hey, people have surfaced 18:04:26 <sgallagh> (Well, two of them are double-booked, so it's only four workdays, but still..) 18:04:28 * roshi quickly pastes the next bug 18:04:41 <sgallagh> I'll help, but I'm multi-tasking 18:04:52 <roshi> #topic (1146140) boot fail during upgrade from f20 to f21 on udev 18:04:52 <roshi> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1146140 18:04:52 <roshi> #info Proposed Blocker, fedup-dracut, NEW 18:04:58 <roshi> thanks sgallagh tflink 18:06:47 <roshi> seems a +1 to me 18:07:06 <tflink> not enough data, I think 18:07:16 * tflink is still looking through logs, though 18:08:00 <oddshocks> roshi: sorry, I'd have no idea whether to vote yes or no for something like that :P 18:08:02 <tflink> -1 for now 18:08:10 <tflink> those logs don't seem to be matching 18:08:11 <adamw> eh? what data are you looking for? 18:08:21 <adamw> afaik everyone who's tried a fedup from 20 to 21 hits this 18:08:26 <roshi> if it's reproducible, +1 18:08:39 <tflink> those logs aren't from a f20->f21 run 18:08:56 <adamw> hum, maybe there's a better bug report 18:08:57 <tflink> but if it's reproducable on a sane system, I'd be +1 18:09:02 <adamw> i hit this in a clean 20 to 21 test 18:09:38 <tflink> well, there are no "me too" in the bug, didn't realize it had been reproduced 18:09:48 <roshi> yeah, that's what I was looking for too 18:10:21 <adamw> hold on, let me find the one i was looking for 18:10:26 <roshi> fedup has several issues going on now iirc 18:10:32 <adamw> ah, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1099299 18:10:58 <adamw> yeah, i believe this looks like a dupe of that bug 18:10:59 <tflink> which is also proposed as a blocker for f21 18:11:01 <adamw> same message 18:11:03 <tflink> er, beta 18:11:59 <adamw> close it as a dupe of 1099299. 18:12:07 <tflink> WFM 18:12:11 <sgallagh> Ack 18:12:13 <roshi> wfm 18:13:09 <roshi> proposed #agreed - 1146140 - Dupe - Close as a duplicate of 1099299. 18:13:24 <tflink> ack 18:13:38 <adamw> ack 18:13:47 <roshi> #agreed - 1146140 - Dupe - Close as a duplicate of 1099299. 18:13:54 <roshi> I have to leave for an appt 18:13:57 <sgallagh> ack 18:14:10 <roshi> someone want to take over or call it? 18:14:47 <tflink> if you leave, do we have enough people to continue? 18:15:17 <roshi> you, sgallagh adamw and pwhalen - but I think everyone also has other stuff they could/should be working on atm 18:15:36 <tflink> I can take over if we continue 18:15:39 <roshi> there's 12 left, not going to make it through them all anyway 18:17:04 <tflink> adamw, sgallagh, pwhalen: thoughts? 18:17:36 <adamw> maybe can it for today and try again tomorrow or fri or mon? 18:17:55 <roshi> works for me 18:18:04 <roshi> I'll send out an announcement when I get back 18:18:28 <roshi> all agreed? 18:18:32 <sgallagh> Yeah, I'm dealing with rolekit stuff right now 18:18:37 <sgallagh> 14 days to beta.... 18:18:47 <tflink> when is freeze, btw? 18:18:51 <tflink> is it tuesday? 18:19:26 <roshi> well, I'm going to endmeeting then 18:19:41 <roshi> thanks for coming! 18:19:42 <adamw> tflink: no, two weeks 18:19:44 <adamw> 2014-10-14 18:19:51 <tflink> oh, good 18:20:00 <roshi> #endmeeting