16:02:56 <roshi> #startmeeting f26-blocker-review 16:02:56 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon May 1 16:02:56 2017 UTC. The chair is roshi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:02:56 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:02:56 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f26-blocker-review' 16:03:16 <roshi> #meetingname F26-blocker-review 16:03:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f26-blocker-review' 16:03:22 <roshi> #topic Roll Call 16:03:30 <roshi> who's around for some blocker fun time? 16:04:29 <adamw> .hello adamwill 16:04:30 <zodbot> adamw: adamwill 'Adam Williamson' <awilliam@redhat.com> 16:04:59 <roshi> #chair adamw 16:04:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw roshi 16:05:24 <roshi> quite the crowd today 16:06:35 <roshi> so, wait until 1610, and if people don't show we postpone it to next week? 16:07:24 * coremodule is here, late. 16:07:38 <roshi> #chair coremodule 16:07:38 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw coremodule roshi 16:08:13 <roshi> well, we technically have quorum now 16:08:15 * tflink can be around 16:08:34 <tflink> sweet, sweet blocker review 16:08:39 <roshi> there's 11 proposls 16:08:51 <adamw> hum 16:11:54 <roshi> 5 are SELinux issues for Final 16:12:12 * satellit listening 16:12:14 <roshi> and a wide variety of bugs for Beta 16:12:27 <roshi> welcome satellit and Southern_Gentlem 16:12:36 <roshi> well, let's get started 16:13:01 <roshi> #topic Introduction 16:13:01 <roshi> Why are we here? 16:13:01 <roshi> #info Our purpose in this meeting is to review proposed blocker and nice-to-have bugs and decide whether to accept them, and to monitor the progress of fixing existing accepted blocker and nice-to-have bugs. 16:13:05 <roshi> #info We'll be following the process outlined at: 16:13:08 <roshi> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:SOP_Blocker_Bug_Meeting 16:13:10 <roshi> #info The bugs up for review today are available at: 16:13:13 <roshi> #link http://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/current 16:13:15 <roshi> #info The criteria for release blocking bugs can be found at: 16:13:18 <roshi> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Alpha_Release_Criteria 16:13:21 <roshi> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Beta_Release_Criteria 16:13:24 <roshi> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Final_Release_Criteria 16:13:27 <roshi> #topic (1445776) Deployment of FreeIPA of F26 fails with tomcat errors 16:13:30 <roshi> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1445776 16:13:32 <roshi> #info Proposed Blocker, 389-ds-base, POST 16:14:52 <coremodule> Punt for more info as it was only tried once? 16:15:27 * roshi checks to see if this update is still in u-t or a newer update is there 16:16:13 <adamw> it got re-done i believe. 16:16:59 <adamw> i did confirm the initial bug in the initial update: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-7f0a10c808 16:17:47 <adamw> a subsequent update which doesn't break stuff has now gone stable: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-15e2a038b2 16:18:47 <adamw> so i'd say punt and expect this to be closed soon 16:18:56 <roshi> works for me 16:19:15 <coremodule> +1 punt. 16:20:52 <roshi> proposed #agreed - Punt - RHBZ#1445776 - This looks like it's about ready to be closed. We'll revisit next. 16:20:59 <roshi> proposed #agreed - Punt - RHBZ#1445776 - This looks like it's about ready to be closed. We'll revisit next week 16:21:02 <roshi> proposed #agreed - Punt - RHBZ#1445776 - This looks like it's about ready to be closed. We'll revisit next week. 16:21:09 <roshi> bah, can't type 16:21:22 <tflink> +1 ack 16:21:36 <coremodule> ack 16:21:46 <roshi> #agreed - Punt - RHBZ#1445776 - This looks like it's about ready to be closed. We'll revisit next week. 16:21:57 <roshi> #topic (1446432) Minimal install option install full gnome desktop 16:22:00 <roshi> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1446432 16:22:03 <roshi> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, NEW 16:23:11 <tflink> +1 16:23:13 <adamw> seems like a clear blocker under the criteira 16:23:21 <roshi> +1 16:23:24 <satellit> does this occur in everything netinstall? 16:23:35 <roshi> coremodule: you up for secretarializing today? 16:23:37 <adamw> i don't think we've verified that, but i would *expect* it does 16:23:49 <satellit> +1 16:23:50 <coremodule> roshi, Am I ever! Yeah, I'll do it. 16:23:57 <roshi> thanks coremodule :) 16:24:34 <coremodule> No problemo! 16:24:41 <roshi> proposed #agreed - AcceptedBlocker - RHBZ#1446432 - This bug is a clear violation of the following criterion: "When installing with the generic network install image, interactively selecting a package set other than the default must work..." 16:25:16 <tflink> ack 16:25:17 <coremodule> ack 16:25:34 <adamw> ack 16:25:41 <roshi> #agreed - AcceptedBlocker - RHBZ#1446432 - This bug is a clear violation of the following criterion: "When installing with the generic network install image, interactively selecting a package set other than the default must work..." 16:25:45 <roshi> #topic (1440502) hp 8610 Filter failed when trying to print on fedora 26 16:25:48 <roshi> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1440502 16:25:50 <roshi> #info Proposed Blocker, hplip, ON_QA 16:26:28 <Kohane> Hello! Sorry for the delay 16:26:32 <adamw> hi kohane 16:26:32 <Kohane> .fas lailah 16:26:36 <zodbot> Kohane: lailah 'Sylvia Sánchez' <BHKohane@gmail.com> 16:27:44 <roshi> #chair Kohane 16:27:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: Kohane adamw coremodule roshi 16:27:51 <roshi> -1 16:27:58 <roshi> and it seems fixed now anyways 16:28:09 <Kohane> I don't think this is a blocker. 16:28:16 <tflink> -1 16:28:16 <Kohane> -1 16:28:59 <adamw> it seems like it affected more than one HP model, but still probably -1. 16:29:18 <roshi> proposed #agreed - RejectedBlocker - RHBZ#1440502 - This bug doesn't violate any of the release criteria and seems to be resolved now. Rejecting as a blocker. 16:29:49 <tflink> ack 16:29:52 <Kohane> ack 16:30:20 <roshi> #agreed - RejectedBlocker - RHBZ#1440502 - This bug doesn't violate any of the release criteria and seems to be resolved now. Rejecting as a blocker. 16:30:31 <roshi> #topic (1227736) Minimal grub after a kernel update with gnome-software 16:30:34 <roshi> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1227736 16:30:36 <roshi> #info Proposed Blocker, plymouth, NEW 16:31:28 <Kohane> This is the one we reviewed a week ago? 16:32:06 <roshi> we did 16:32:08 <roshi> punted it 16:32:21 <roshi> does anyone have any more information? 16:32:24 * roshi doesn't 16:33:52 <Kohane> Nothing here. 16:35:54 <roshi> punt again I guess 16:36:24 <Kohane> Yes, well... looks like it has a long history 16:36:40 <Kohane> There are messages from Fedora 22/23 and on. 16:36:43 * roshi hasn't had an update fail in thie fashion 16:37:10 <roshi> adamw: tflink, thoughts? 16:37:12 <roshi> coremodule: ? 16:38:47 <tflink> nothing's really changed from the last time it was punted 16:39:32 <roshi> and it doesn't look like it's been seen again either 16:39:52 <Kohane> ok 16:40:48 * tflink doesn't have a better idea than "punt again" 16:41:00 <roshi> me either 16:41:17 <adamw`> d'oh, i got booted 16:41:28 <roshi> welcome back adamw 16:41:37 <adamw> in the split i said: 16:41:42 <coremodule> Agreed, there hasn't been any new info for several weeks now. We can punt for now and hope for an update that fixes? If not, we'll eventually have to reach out to *somebody* regarding new info or a fix... 16:41:46 <adamw> <adamw> ah, well. last week: 16:41:46 <adamw> <adamw> 16:19:17 <adamw> we seem to have been waiting for: "<cmurf> I suggest punting until we hear from plymouth folks." 16:41:46 <adamw> <adamw> which, again, is still not the case. but it's starting to seem like we're going to be punting on this till bleeding doomsday 16:41:46 <adamw> <adamw> so i'll take an action item to poke people with a painful stick 16:43:01 <roshi> #action adamw to poke people regarding RHBZ#1227736 16:43:47 <roshi> proposed #agreed - Punt - RHBZ#1227736 - We're still waiting on information on this bug. Adam will be reaching out to find more information for next weeks review. 16:43:57 <adamw> ack 16:44:17 <adamw> btw, we always used to put the bug number before the action, why'd you change that? 16:44:30 <roshi> I have no idea 16:44:36 <adamw> heh 16:44:38 <roshi> this is how I've been doing it since I got back 16:44:43 <roshi> so I just stuck with it 16:44:58 <roshi> trying to make it harder for someone to go back and use a machine to parse our meeting logs 16:45:18 <tflink> ack 16:45:31 <roshi> #agreed - Punt - RHBZ#1227736 - We're still waiting on information on this bug. Adam will be reaching out to find more information for next weeks review. 16:45:51 * tflink has to go afk for a while, sorry for skipping out 16:46:12 <roshi> np 16:46:19 <roshi> thanks tflink :) 16:46:20 <roshi> #topic (1445302) gi.overrides.BlockDev.LVMError: Process reported exit code 1280: WARNING: Device for PV nIS1Xt-FAIE-7tei-T8yr-lj7e-DZQ2-vpS4iv not found or rejected by a filter. 16:46:24 <roshi> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1445302 16:46:26 <roshi> #info Proposed Blocker, python-blivet, ASSIGNED 16:46:44 <adamw> ooo, a new one. 16:47:33 <roshi> +1 16:47:37 <roshi> seems clear to me 16:47:39 <Kohane> Well, to me this is clearly a blocker 16:47:45 <Kohane> so.. yeah 16:47:49 <Kohane> +1 16:48:24 <adamw> well...it's not quite so clear to me given the error, but i'm ok with +1 while we look into it 16:49:15 <roshi> proposed #agreed - RHBZ#1445302 - AcceptedBlocker - This bug seems to violate the following criterion: "The installer must be able to detect and install to hardware or firmware RAID storage devices." 16:49:23 <adamw> ack 16:49:54 <Kohane> ack 16:49:56 <roshi> #agreed - RHBZ#1445302 - AcceptedBlocker - This bug seems to violate the following criterion: "The installer must be able to detect and install to hardware or firmware RAID storage devices." 16:50:21 <roshi> that's it for Beta proposals 16:50:31 <roshi> moving onto Final (there are 6) 16:50:32 <roshi> #topic (1439282) [e10s] Tabs crash on loading large sites. 16:50:33 <roshi> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1439282 16:50:33 <roshi> #info Proposed Blocker, firefox, NEW 16:51:22 <adamw> so this is one of the ones we asked for feedback on... 16:51:24 <adamw> let's see what we got 16:52:06 <Kohane> Well, I have something to say on this one. 16:52:13 <roshi> go for it Kohane 16:53:08 * satellit I saw this on f25 repeately with multiple tabs on startup of ff have not seen it in f26 16:53:27 <Kohane> I tried and it doesn't really crash in my laptop, but it does gets really heavy. Not only loading a page but it seems to slow down everything else. 16:53:47 <adamw> satellit: i think someone else said the same, though it seems odd as there really shouldn't be much difference 16:53:49 <Kohane> Today I even had to force a log out for this. 16:54:23 <satellit> it asks if I want to restore the tabs (>20) and does so 16:54:30 <Kohane> I'm actually using Chromium right now, because Firefox seems to have some kind of problem with certain websites like Gmail and Facebook. 16:55:20 <adamw> i'm still not seeing any such problems here, fwiw. 16:55:26 * roshi either 16:55:34 <adamw> i've had firefox occasionally crash entirely, but no tab crashes or slow down. 16:55:35 <Kohane> satellit : yes, it asks and restores, but still has this problem. It wasn't like that before. 16:56:08 <roshi> ff has been ff for me - doesn't break 16:56:47 <Kohane> adamw : I had tab crashes on Chrome and Chromium but never Firefox. 16:56:58 * pwhalen has not seen this on arm, twitter loads ok with extra tabs open 16:57:22 <Kohane> I had slow downs and some very serious in the past with Firefox. But this is new to me. It's been years without problems in FF. 16:57:58 <lupinix> i have that slow down issue sometimes too, ff eats 100% (on multiple threads) cpu then. started with some 52.0.x update, fedora 26. have seen this on facebook and youtube at least 16:58:04 <Kohane> Well, I don't open too many tabs. Five or six is maximum TBH 16:58:15 <adamw> i mean, the multi-process tab stuff is clearly a big change, i'm not surprised it's causing some people problems 16:58:38 <adamw> so far this seems too confused to give it a clear +1 though 16:58:50 <adamw> i'm probably -1 unless more specific info indicating a widespread general problem appears 16:59:01 <Kohane> Yes, well, to me is annoying but not really a blocker. 16:59:02 <lupinix> so i have a slow down, but no crashes 16:59:11 <satellit> I have not seen this in latest f26 cinnamon/gnome efi 16:59:18 <Kohane> lupinix : same here 17:01:23 <roshi> I guess I lean -1 17:02:19 <Kohane> -1 17:02:52 <pwhalen> -1 (will keep trying to reproduce while testing arm) 17:04:26 <adamw> it's always tricky with firefox as it can turn out that some popularly used add-on is causing trouble or something 17:04:40 <roshi> proposed #agreed - RHBZ#1439282 - RejectedBlocker - While this bug is serious, it doesn't seem to be wide spread enough to warrant blocker status. 17:05:36 <Kohane> ack 17:06:52 <pwhalen> ack 17:07:22 <roshi> #agreed - RHBZ#1439282 - RejectedBlocker - While this bug is serious, it doesn't seem to be wide spread enough to warrant blocker status. 17:07:25 <roshi> #topic (1442675) SELinux is preventing systemd-localed from 'rename' accesses on the file .#vconsole.confpgMBe1. 17:07:28 <roshi> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1442675 17:07:31 <roshi> #info Proposed Blocker, selinux-policy, NEW 17:07:36 <roshi> next 4 are selinux 17:07:50 <coremodule> +1 17:08:03 <roshi> +1 17:08:07 <Kohane> +1 17:08:34 <roshi> proposed #agreed - RHBZ#1442675 - AcceptedBlocker - This bug is a clear violation of the following criterion: "There must be no SELinux denial notifications or crash notifications on boot of or during installation from a release-blocking live image, or at first login after a default install of a release-blocking desktop." 17:08:56 <pwhalen> +1/ack 17:09:06 <Kohane> ack 17:09:25 <coremodule> ack 17:09:31 <roshi> #agreed - RHBZ#1442675 - AcceptedBlocker - This bug is a clear violation of the following criterion: "There must be no SELinux denial notifications or crash notifications on boot of or during installation from a release-blocking live image, or at first login after a default install of a release-blocking desktop." 17:09:38 <roshi> #topic (1443723) SELinux is preventing systemd-localed from 'create' accesses on the file .#vconsole.conff67jvQ. 17:09:41 <roshi> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1443723 17:09:43 <roshi> #info Proposed Blocker, selinux-policy, NEW 17:10:11 <roshi> +1 17:10:15 <coremodule> +1 17:10:22 <Kohane> +1 17:10:29 <pwhalen> +1 17:11:07 <roshi> proposed #agreed - RHBZ#1443723 - AcceptedBlocker - This bug is a clear violation of the following criterion: "There must be no SELinux denial notifications or crash notifications on boot of or during installation from a release-blocking live image, or at first login after a default install of a release-blocking desktop." 17:11:19 <pwhalen> ack 17:11:31 <coremodule> ack 17:11:38 <adamw> these are probably effectively dupes? doesn't hurt to track 'em separately i guess 17:11:46 <roshi> yeah 17:12:01 <Kohane> ack 17:12:03 <roshi> #agreed - RHBZ#1443723 - AcceptedBlocker - This bug is a clear violation of the following criterion: "There must be no SELinux denial notifications or crash notifications on boot of or during installation from a release-blocking live image, or at first login after a default install of a release-blocking desktop." 17:12:08 <roshi> #topic (1443725) SELinux is preventing systemd-localed from 'write' accesses on the file /etc/.#vconsole.conff67jvQ. 17:12:11 <roshi> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1443725 17:12:14 <roshi> #info Proposed Blocker, selinux-policy, NEW 17:12:40 <roshi> same as above 17:13:47 <adamw> yeah 17:13:51 <roshi> proposed #agreed - RHBZ#1443725 - AcceptedBlocker - This bug is a clear violation of the following criterion: "There must be no SELinux denial notifications or crash notifications on boot of or during installation from a release-blocking live image, or at first login after a default install of a release-blocking desktop." 17:13:53 <adamw> ack 17:13:56 <Kohane> ack 17:14:06 <roshi> #agreed - RHBZ#1443725 - AcceptedBlocker - This bug is a clear violation of the following criterion: "There must be no SELinux denial notifications or crash notifications on boot of or during installation from a release-blocking live image, or at first login after a default install of a release-blocking desktop." 17:14:20 <roshi> #topic (1443726) SELinux is preventing systemd-localed from 'setattr' accesses on the file .#vconsole.conff67jvQ. 17:14:23 <roshi> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1443726 17:14:26 <roshi> #info Proposed Blocker, selinux-policy, NEW 17:14:31 <roshi> and same again 17:14:45 <roshi> proposed #agreed - RHBZ#1443726 - AcceptedBlocker - This bug is a clear violation of the following criterion: "There must be no SELinux denial notifications or crash notifications on boot of or during installation from a release-blocking live image, or at first login after a default install of a release-blocking desktop." 17:15:24 <adamw> yeah, let's do some duping. :P 17:15:25 <adamw> ack 17:15:26 <pwhalen> acks 17:15:49 <roshi> #agreed - RHBZ#1443726 - AcceptedBlocker - This bug is a clear violation of the following criterion: "There must be no SELinux denial notifications or crash notifications on boot of or during installation from a release-blocking live image, or at first login after a default install of a release-blocking desktop." 17:15:50 <Kohane> They all look like the same to me 17:15:56 * pwhalen just added new nomination to blockers 17:16:21 <roshi> damnit pwhalen, you can't be filling up the boat with water when we're trying to bail it out! 17:16:32 <roshi> that's kparals job 17:16:33 <roshi> :p 17:16:35 <adamw> they're slightly different actions 17:16:44 <adamw> but usually when it's five different actions for the same file, it's more or less the same bug 17:17:05 <pwhalen> roshi, apologies 17:17:09 <roshi> :p 17:17:11 * roshi kids 17:17:18 * pwhalen knows 17:17:18 <roshi> #topic (1429711) [abrt] setroubleshoot-server: sighandler(): service.py:647:_message_cb:SystemError: <built-in function isinstance> returned a result with an error set 17:17:22 <roshi> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1429711 17:17:24 <roshi> #info Proposed Blocker, setroubleshoot, NEW 17:18:26 <roshi> punted last week 17:18:30 <roshi> any more info? 17:18:33 <coremodule> Haven't heard anything, but looks like +1 to me. 17:18:53 <adamw> well, the question was if this happens on all boots 17:19:04 <Kohane> roshi: no new info from me 17:19:07 <coremodule> Hmm... 17:19:16 <adamw> i meant to just run an f26 workstation x86_64 install and see if i saw it, but other stuff happened... 17:19:31 <adamw> we are not seeing a lot of dupes of this 17:19:37 <adamw> which i'd expect if it was reproducible 17:20:11 <roshi> yeah 17:23:31 <Kohane> So? What should we do? 17:23:37 <adamw> i think i'm -1 unless we have a clear indication it's happening reproducibly 17:23:56 <roshi> yeah 17:24:05 <roshi> that's probably the best approach 17:24:05 <Kohane> fine for me 17:24:07 <roshi> -1 17:24:26 <Kohane> -1 17:24:57 <roshi> proposed #agreed - RHBZ#1429711 - RejectedBlocker - This bug doesn't seem to reproduce enough to be considered a blocker. If this starts to crop up in a wider set of environments, please repropose. 17:25:06 <coremodule> ack 17:25:12 <Kohane> ack 17:25:30 <adamw> ack 17:25:37 <roshi> #agreed - RHBZ#1429711 - RejectedBlocker - This bug doesn't seem to reproduce enough to be considered a blocker. If this starts to crop up in a wider set of environments, please repropose. 17:25:54 <roshi> and now for the one pwhalen added 17:25:55 <roshi> #topic (1412282) [abrt] blueman: _init(): Manager.py:40:_init:GLib.GError: g-dbus-error-quark: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.bluez: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Failed to activate service 'org.bluez': timed out (service_start_timeout=2500... 17:26:00 <roshi> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1412282 17:26:03 <roshi> #info Proposed Blocker, blueman, NEW 17:26:16 <pwhalen> er, well two then, that one was for final 17:26:23 <Kohane> What is blueman? 17:26:44 <adamw> bluetooth daemon on xfce, right? 17:26:53 <roshi> yep 17:26:55 <pwhalen> roshi, beta one is - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1443415 17:27:02 <Kohane> Ah, okay 17:27:04 <roshi> I think we see blueman stuff every release 17:27:11 <roshi> we'll go back after this pwhalen 17:27:20 <pwhalen> thanks roshi 17:27:34 <roshi> np - thanks for the bugs :) 17:27:39 <roshi> +1 17:27:54 <Kohane> +1 17:28:37 <roshi> proposed #agreed - RHBZ#1412282 - AcceptedBlocker - This bug is a clear violation of the following criterion: "There must be no SELinux denial notifications or crash notifications on boot of or during installation from a release-blocking live image, or at first login after a default install of a release-blocking desktop." 17:28:50 <pwhalen> +1/ack 17:29:09 <adamw> +1/ack 17:29:13 <coremodule> ack 17:29:21 <roshi> #agreed - RHBZ#1412282 - AcceptedBlocker - This bug is a clear violation of the following criterion: "There must be no SELinux denial notifications or crash notifications on boot of or during installation from a release-blocking live image, or at first login after a default install of a release-blocking desktop." 17:30:15 <roshi> #topic (1443415) [dnf] Upgrade f25 to f26 gets stuck in Cleanup 17:30:24 <roshi> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1443415 17:30:49 <roshi> #info Proposed Blocker, dnf, NEW 17:31:33 <roshi> +1 17:31:45 <coremodule> +1 17:31:56 <pwhalen> +1 17:31:57 <Kohane> +1 17:32:07 <roshi> proposed #agreed - RHBZ#1443415 - AcceptedBlocker - This bug is a violation of the following criterion: "... it must be possible to successfully complete a direct upgrade from fully updated installations of the last two stable Fedora releases with that package set installed." 17:32:28 <coremodule> ack 17:32:36 <pwhalen> ack 17:32:40 <Kohane> ack 17:32:57 <roshi> #agreed - RHBZ#1443415 - AcceptedBlocker - This bug is a violation of the following criterion: "... it must be possible to successfully complete a direct upgrade from fully updated installations of the last two stable Fedora releases with that package set installed." 17:33:05 <roshi> #topic Open Floor 17:33:11 <roshi> anyone have anything else? 17:33:19 <Kohane> I have something to comment 17:33:35 <satellit> I had a g-i-s failure in bios boot of Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-26-20170416.n.0.iso 17:33:55 <satellit> in wayand x-gnome worked 17:34:14 * satellit just now 17:34:48 * satellit see #fedora-qa 17:37:03 <roshi> if it reproduces for others, it's probably a blocker 17:37:20 * satellit will retest 17:38:28 <roshi> thanks satellit 17:38:34 * roshi sets the fuse... 17:38:37 <roshi> thanks for coming folks! 17:38:41 <roshi> 3... 17:39:10 <roshi> 2... 17:39:10 <adamw> we know that g-i-s is crashing. 17:39:18 <adamw> it's already a known and accepted blocker. 17:39:29 <satellit> ok 17:39:34 <adamw> thanks roshi 17:39:46 <roshi> np 17:39:48 <pwhalen> thanks roshi! 17:39:57 <Kohane> thanks roshi :D 17:40:01 <roshi> you guys are doing all the work :) 17:40:07 <roshi> I just type the words 17:40:16 <roshi> 1... 17:40:17 <Kohane> haha, that's also a work 17:40:21 <roshi> :D 17:40:28 <roshi> #endmeeting