16:01:19 <adamw> #startmeeting F27-blocker-review 16:01:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 21 16:01:19 2017 UTC. The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f27-blocker-review' 16:01:20 <adamw> #meetingname F27-blocker-review 16:01:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f27-blocker-review' 16:01:20 <adamw> #topic Roll Call 16:01:26 * pschindl_ is here 16:01:29 <adamw> morning folks! who's around for blocker review fun? 16:01:41 * satellit listening 16:02:14 * kparal is here 16:04:34 <adamw> the usual suspects, huh 16:05:25 * kparal admits he's suspect 16:07:47 <adamw> welp, four of us is barely a quorum, i guess we can try 16:07:55 <adamw> #chair kparal pschindl_ 16:07:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw kparal pschindl_ 16:08:15 <adamw> #topic Introduction 16:08:15 <adamw> Why are we here? 16:08:15 <adamw> #info Our purpose in this meeting is to review proposed blocker and nice-to-have bugs and decide whether to accept them, and to monitor the progress of fixing existing accepted blocker and nice-to-have bugs. 16:08:16 <adamw> #info We'll be following the process outlined at: 16:08:16 <adamw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:SOP_Blocker_Bug_Meeting 16:08:17 <adamw> #info The bugs up for review today are available at: 16:08:19 <adamw> #link http://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/current 16:08:21 <adamw> #info The criteria for release blocking bugs can be found at: 16:08:25 <adamw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Alpha_Release_Criteria 16:08:27 <adamw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Beta_Release_Criteria 16:08:29 <adamw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Final_Release_Criteria 16:08:31 <adamw> (yes, the Alpha criteria page is still there for now) 16:08:37 <adamw> I guess we should mention that up front: 16:09:00 <adamw> #info For the Fedora 27 cycle there is no Alpha release; the first milestone is Beta. Alpha criteria are all in effect for Beta, until we change the criteria layout on the wiki. 16:09:41 <kparal> should I remove the Alpha milestones from blockerbugs app? 16:09:50 <adamw> #info 8 Proposed Blockers (Beta), 5 Proposed Blockers (Final) 16:09:54 <adamw> kparal: yeah, we should 16:09:59 <kparal> ok, I'll do it 16:10:07 <adamw> #info 3 Accepted Blockers (Beta), 1 Accepted Blocker (Final) 16:10:32 <adamw> anyone willing to secretarialize? 16:11:01 <adamw> mboddu: sgallagh: ping just in case 16:11:24 <kparal> if pschindl_ doesn't sign up I guess I can secretarialize 16:11:30 * roshi is here-ish 16:12:43 <adamw> oh hey roshi 16:13:00 <roshi> o/ 16:14:03 <kparal> me it is, it seems :) 16:14:28 <adamw> sounds like it 16:14:32 <adamw> kparal: have you done it before? 16:14:39 <kparal> sure 16:14:54 <adamw> coolbeans 16:14:59 <adamw> #info kparal will secretarialize 16:15:12 <adamw> #info starting with the proposed Beta blockers 16:15:19 <adamw> #topic (1439411) AttributeError: 'LUKS' object has no attribute 'hasKey' 16:15:19 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1439411 16:15:19 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, MODIFIED 16:15:35 <adamw> we may run across some which should be closed already, i didn't have time to weed them all 16:16:57 <kparal> +1 16:17:06 <kparal> hmm, pushed 3 months ago 16:17:10 <kparal> just close? 16:17:46 <adamw> yeah, and the encrypted install test failed with the most recent rawhide compose 16:17:51 <adamw> lemme see about f27 16:18:13 <adamw> failed on the bootloader install error, but at least got there 16:18:20 <adamw> and worked on the previous compose (there was a grub regression in the most recent one) 16:18:22 <adamw> so, looks fixed. 16:18:29 <adamw> #info current openQA test results indicate this is fixed, we will close it 16:19:07 * kparal closed it 16:19:10 <adamw> #topic (1470552) Kickstarted Fedora 26 installation always uses public repositorys 16:19:10 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1470552 16:19:10 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, MODIFIED 16:19:15 <adamw> kparal: no, i did. you were too slow. :P 16:19:16 <kparal> no I didn't, adamw ninja'd me 16:19:24 <kparal> damn, ninja'd again 16:20:29 <adamw> hum, so we don't need to waste too much time on this one as it's getting fixed, but i'd probably be more final than beta blocker 16:20:37 <adamw> it's the kinda thing that could be documented for a beta 16:20:37 <kparal> so, we still don't have any kickstart criteria basically 16:21:14 <kparal> -1 most probably, no criteria 16:21:30 <kparal> commonbugs 16:21:49 <roshi> -1 16:21:52 * roshi agres 16:21:55 <roshi> agrees, even 16:22:29 <adamw> OK, let's just reject it for beta and then it'll go away and solve itselfd 16:23:13 <pschindl_> -1 16:23:23 <adamw> proposed #agreed RejectedBlocker (Beta) - this doesn't seem like a clear enough violation to block the Beta on. We considered it might be appropriate as a Final blocker, but decided not to make a decision on that as the fix is imminent in any case 16:23:39 <kparal> ack 16:23:48 <adamw> whoops, patch: 16:24:04 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1470552 - RejectedBlocker (Beta) - this doesn't seem like a clear enough violation to block the Beta on. We considered it might be appropriate as a Final blocker, but decided not to make a decision on that as the fix is imminent in any case 16:24:15 <roshi> ack 16:24:45 <adamw> #agreed 1470552 - RejectedBlocker (Beta) - this doesn't seem like a clear enough violation to block the Beta on. We considered it might be appropriate as a Final blocker, but decided not to make a decision on that as the fix is imminent in any case 16:24:53 <adamw> #topic (1477916) Workstation boot.iso is 1.8 GB, seems to be ostree iso 16:24:54 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1477916 16:24:54 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, distribution, NEW 16:25:41 <kparal> I'd say this is either Beta or Final 16:25:47 <adamw> those *ARE* the choices! 16:25:57 <kparal> there is also a choice of rejecting it 16:26:03 <kparal> but I reject that! 16:26:41 <kparal> I guess Beta is more appropriate - images should be what they're supposed to be 16:26:54 <adamw> there's also "It must be possible to install by booting the installation kernel directly (including via PXE) and correctly specifying a remote source for the installer itself." at beta 16:27:01 <adamw> which i think is affected, though i still haven't had time to test 16:27:10 <adamw> (i.e. do you get an ostree install if you do a PXE install from the Workstation tree) 16:27:54 <adamw> neither of the criteria is quite exactly broken by this, though 16:27:58 <kparal> good question 16:28:16 <kparal> yeah, we never actually said 'compose must be correct' in criteria 16:28:30 <adamw> yeah 16:28:35 <kparal> I'd assume it's assumed :) 16:29:15 <adamw> not sure exactly what criterion i'd write to cover this... 16:29:47 <roshi> correct is kinda implied by all the criteria though... 16:29:52 <kparal> I think it should be obvious that if a product image is actually a different product, it's not the quality level we want 16:30:02 * roshi concurs 16:30:02 <adamw> well, when we wrote the PXE criteria, there *weren't* any flavors 16:30:05 <adamw> and there wasn't any ostree 16:30:13 <adamw> so this kinda wasn't...possible 16:30:31 <adamw> i mean, i guess there could always have been some funky bug that caused the PXE installer to install Ubuntu instead or something, but it seemed unlikely.. 16:30:44 <adamw> there was just one stage2. so, i mean, either that worked or you got nothing. 16:30:58 <adamw> ahhh, simpler times. 16:31:32 <adamw> thoughts? should we punt on this to test the impact, and possibly tweak the criterion? or what? 16:31:43 <kparal> accept as Beta 16:31:51 <adamw> as a violation of which criterion? 16:31:55 <roshi> looks like a time to tweak the criterion 16:32:09 <adamw> note, my whole thing about PXE Install giving you ostree is only a *theory* so far 16:32:15 <roshi> because it's obviously wrong, but we never annotated that this is a way it can be wrong 16:32:16 <kparal> I'd say it's a pre-requisite to any criterion 16:32:34 <adamw> the impacts we know about for sure are: boot.iso isn't what it used to be, and installing using the workstation stage2 eats more bandwidth and RAM than it should 16:33:08 <adamw> note that boot.iso isn't really that important any more, it's not talked about or linked to anywhere, it's mostly there for Legacy Reasons(tm) AIUI 16:33:41 <adamw> i guess i'm a bit less of an 'oh obviously this is a blocker' than you 16:33:47 <kparal> netinst is the same as boot iso 16:33:53 <adamw> no, it isn't 16:33:55 <kparal> and that is publicly available from the website 16:33:57 <kparal> no? 16:33:59 <adamw> the actual netinst image was built and works fine 16:34:10 <adamw> this is only about whether the ostree image or the netinst image ultimately got linked as boot.iso 16:34:11 <roshi> well, if you expect workstation and get atomic ostree, that's kinda prima facie wrong, right? 16:34:55 <adamw> the install process built the netinst bits, linked them into this location, which was all as normal...*then* it built the ostree bits and linked them into this location, overwriting the netinst bits 16:35:01 <adamw> roshi: it's a *workstation* ostree. :P 16:35:12 <adamw> that's the cause of this whole problem: we now have a workstation ostree installer image 16:35:16 <adamw> which we never had till late in the f26 cycle 16:35:20 * kparal checks netinst 16:35:22 <adamw> kparal: https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/26/Workstation/x86_64/iso/ 16:35:35 <adamw> note the netinst image is 482M, the ostree image is 1.6G 16:35:38 <kparal> ok 16:35:38 <adamw> they're definitely not the same thing 16:35:48 <roshi> still though 16:35:53 <roshi> is it usable? 16:36:03 <roshi> iirc, workstation atomic isn't very usable 16:36:08 <kparal> so, if pxe gets you ostree, Beta, otherwise Final, from my pov 16:36:16 <roshi> and we haven't announced, "Hey, Workstation is Atomic too now!" 16:36:28 <adamw> roshi: it's a soft launch! 16:36:42 <adamw> it passes openqa tests, usually. i haven't played with it much beyond that. 16:36:52 <roshi> lol 16:36:53 <kparal> also note that boot.iso is used often because it's assumed to be the same as netinst 16:37:01 <adamw> but i mean, if you just do a PXE install from the Workstation tree, it's probably not what you expect to get. we still don't know if that's actually what happens, though. 16:37:08 <adamw> (i probably could've tested it while we were arguing about this!) 16:37:28 <roshi> is just the installer ostree, or the installed system? 16:37:30 <adamw> kparal: hum, you think so? that seems like one of those 'hard to be sure about' things to me. 16:37:32 <kparal> let's accept as Final and perhaps move to Beta if it turns out to affect pxe 16:37:49 * roshi can live with that 16:38:02 <adamw> personally i wouldn't necessarily block either milestone *yet*. but if i'm outvoted, fine. can someone else draft a #agreed? 16:38:12 <adamw> preferably with *some* sort of reference to, you know, an actual release criterion? :P 16:38:40 <adamw> (since i still can't understand what grounds we're accepting this on) 16:39:04 * kparal brb in 2 minutes 16:39:04 <roshi> I'm +1 blocker against the yet to be written criterion :p 16:39:13 <roshi> otherwise, it's not violating anything atm 16:40:34 <adamw> i mean, if we agree to add some kinda criterion covering this, great...but i wasn't sure if that was on the table. 16:40:55 <adamw> (and what does that criterion say? everything about the compose must be correct? seems like a hostage to fortune...) 16:41:55 <roshi> boot.iso should be the actual boot.iso people have grown to expect, not some new artifact that hasn't been announced as a change to the boot.iso default 16:42:03 <roshi> or something to that affect 16:43:25 <adamw> well, that'd be simple, sure. 16:43:28 * adamw waits for kparal 16:43:39 <adamw> to me, the boot.iso part of this problem is the last important part, but hey. 16:44:41 <kparal> sorry, I need to deal with something here right now. ignore my arguments, resolve it somehow, thanks 16:44:48 * kparal doesn't care that much 16:45:41 <adamw> well, since this seems a bit complicated, i'm gonna propose we just punt on it till we have a meeting with more people present 16:45:43 <adamw> including releng 16:45:49 <adamw> seem OK? 16:47:15 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1477916 - punt (delay decision) - there was a general feeling in favour of this being a blocker, but it does not clearly violate any existing criteria. we're delaying the decision until there are more folks to help come up with a plan, including release engineering 16:49:40 <kparal> ack 16:50:14 * adamw pokes roshi, satellit and pschindl_ with the pokey stick of shame 16:50:23 <roshi> ack 16:50:24 <pschindl_> ack 16:52:30 <adamw> #agreed 1477916 - punt (delay decision) - there was a general feeling in favour of this being a blocker, but it does not clearly violate any existing criteria. we're delaying the decision until there are more folks to help come up with a plan, including release engineering 16:52:44 <adamw> #topic (1483159) Server deployment still sets up Firefox extension, this is no longer necessary and broken on F27+ 16:52:45 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1483159 16:52:45 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, freeipa, NEW 16:52:57 * mboddu is kinda here, but I got a meeting in 10 min 16:53:04 <adamw> this is a nice simple one, it prevents FreeIPA server deployment. (well, it will, once the *other* bug breaking server deployment is fixed.) 16:53:19 <roshi> +1 16:53:48 <kparal> +1 16:54:51 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1483159 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - breaks deployment of FreeIPA servers, clear violation of Alpha criterion "Release-blocking roles and the supported role configuration interfaces must meet the core functional Role Definition Requirements to the extent that supported roles can be successfully deployed, started..." for the domain controller role 16:55:41 <kparal> ack 16:56:29 <mboddu> ack 16:56:29 <pschindl_> ack 16:56:56 <adamw> #agreed 1483159 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - breaks deployment of FreeIPA servers, clear violation of Alpha criterion "Release-blocking roles and the supported role configuration interfaces must meet the core functional Role Definition Requirements to the extent that supported roles can be successfully deployed, started..." for the domain controller role 16:57:05 <adamw> #topic (1479825) Install of Fedora 27 Rawhide 20170804.n.1 Workstation live image fails with the following error - boot loader install failed 16:57:05 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1479825 16:57:05 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, grub2, MODIFIED 16:57:38 <adamw> so, a brief history of this bug: it looks like -8 fixed it, then -9 introduced a related but not-quite-the-same regression (results in the installer failing with the same GUI error, but a somewhat different error from grub in the logs) 16:58:05 <adamw> -10 should fix *that*, but we haven't had a successful compose since it built, so i'm not sure yet. 16:58:13 <kparal> +1 16:58:21 <adamw> easiest option would just be to accept it, then figure out the details in the bug. 16:58:29 <adamw> it definitely seems to break all live installs. 16:58:51 <mboddu> adamw: +1 and figure it out 16:59:29 <pschindl_> +1 17:00:05 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1479825 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - this seems to cause all BIOS live installs to fail, which is a clear violation of several "must be able to complete an installation" Alpha criteria for the Workstation and KDE live images 17:00:26 <kparal> ack 17:01:09 <mboddu> ack 17:01:30 <roshi> ack 17:01:40 <adamw> #agreed 1479825 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - this seems to cause all BIOS live installs to fail, which is a clear violation of several "must be able to complete an installation" Alpha criteria for the Workstation and KDE live images 17:02:03 <adamw> #topic (1464556) [abrt] PackageKit: pk_backend_refresh_cache_thread(): packagekitd killed by signal 11 17:02:03 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1464556 17:02:03 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, PackageKit, ASSIGNED 17:03:13 <adamw> most recent comment claims this is fixed already 17:03:14 <adamw> lemme check 17:03:34 <kparal> close and reopen if it happens again? 17:03:47 <adamw> well, last time the test ran, it failed: https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/tests/131596 17:03:53 * adamw checks the logs 17:04:53 <kparal> ok, so accept and verify later 17:06:15 <roshi> wfm 17:06:20 <adamw> oh, failure looks like a needle mismatch 17:06:25 <adamw> so, i can go with close and reopen 17:06:30 <roshi> also wfm 17:06:32 <roshi> lol 17:06:34 <adamw> =) 17:07:19 <kparal> adamw: feel free to close 17:08:27 <adamw> #info 1464556 - it looks like this is resolved already; indeed latest openQA test did not run into the crash (though it failed due to a needle mismatch). we will close this as a duplicate of the resolved bug 17:09:36 <adamw> #topic (1480929) SELinux is preventing journalctl from 'map' accesses on the file /var/log/journal/e0215049b3ad4b45be988a3894bb0931/system@000555eff2a070fa-00d74fe76412519e.journal~. 17:09:36 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1480929 17:09:37 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, selinux-policy, POST 17:10:05 <adamw> it seems pretty likely this is the specific denial that caused journald to break after the 'map' permission was introduced. 17:11:03 <kparal> +1 17:11:07 <pschindl_> +1 17:11:11 <adamw> i think we can probably close it, in fact 17:11:22 <adamw> 3.13.1-272 seems to fix it 17:11:31 <adamw> or is anyone still seeing this denial with that selinux-policy? 17:11:45 <kparal> I don't run F27 17:11:47 * adamw is booted with that selinux-policy, in enforcing mode, and his journal works 17:12:14 <kparal> I can check rawhide if that helps 17:12:39 <adamw> nah, if no-one has a contrary experience i think it'd be fine to just close it and re-open if necessary 17:13:08 <kparal> wow, 28 selinux alerts about 'map' 17:13:28 <kparal> none of that is against journald, though 17:14:02 <kparal> but just about everything else :) 17:14:15 <adamw> yeah, it's a flood 17:14:28 <adamw> quite a few were resolved with -272, but some are still outstanding 17:14:31 <adamw> please do report all the ones you hit 17:14:39 <kparal> so, close this one? 17:14:44 <adamw> yeah, unless anyone objects 17:14:47 <kparal> nope 17:14:56 <kparal> adamw: feel free to close it, thanks 17:15:05 <adamw> #info 1480929 - testing indicates that selinux-policy 3.13.1-272 resolves this denial, so we will close this bug as fixed 17:16:51 <adamw> #topic (1483170) 'map' denial for comm 'ns-slapd' path '/run/dirsrv/slapd-DOMAIN-LOCAL.stats' (breaks FreeIPA deployment) 17:16:51 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1483170 17:16:51 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, selinux-policy-targeted, NEW 17:17:01 <adamw> so this is the *other* bug breaking freeipa server deployment, another of these 'map' denials 17:17:31 <kparal> +1 17:18:19 <roshi> +1 17:18:25 <adamw> the deployment log links up the denial and the error pretty clearly 17:19:05 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1483170 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - breaks deployment of FreeIPA servers, clear violation of Alpha criterion "Release-blocking roles and the supported role configuration interfaces must meet the core functional Role Definition Requirements to the extent that supported roles can be successfully deployed, started..." for the domain controller role 17:19:34 <kparal> ack 17:20:11 <kparal> let's speed this up, there are 5 very similar bugs 17:20:23 * kparal pokes pschindl_ 17:20:28 <adamw> this is the last of the beta proposals 17:20:35 <pschindl_> ack 17:21:00 <adamw> #agreed 1483170 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - breaks deployment of FreeIPA servers, clear violation of Alpha criterion "Release-blocking roles and the supported role configuration interfaces must meet the core functional Role Definition Requirements to the extent that supported roles can be successfully deployed, started..." for the domain controller role 17:21:03 <kparal> ah, I thought this was the first of dac_read_search 17:21:16 <kparal> anyway, 5 same bugs incoming 17:21:20 <adamw> nah, they come next 17:21:44 <adamw> #info that's all the proposed Beta blockers, moving onto proposed Final blockers 17:22:19 <adamw> so, proposal: as these are all basically the same, let's vote on them as a block 17:22:46 <kparal> yep 17:23:06 <roshi> wfm 17:23:49 <adamw> #info all 5 proposed Final blockers are SELinux denials encountered during boot of several release-blocking package sets 17:23:57 <adamw> #info to speed things up, we will vote on them as a block 17:24:21 <adamw> I'm obviously +1 to all of them, clear violations of Final criterion "There must be no SELinux denial notifications or crash notifications on boot of or during installation from a release-blocking live image, or at first login after a default install of a release-blocking desktop." 17:24:29 <kparal> +1 17:25:01 <pschindl_> +1 17:26:53 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1451377 1451379 1451381 1451385 1459081 - all AcceptedBlocker (Final) - clear violations of Final criterion "There must be no SELinux denial notifications or crash notifications on boot of or during installation from a release-blocking live image, or at first login after a default install of a release-blocking desktop." 17:27:36 <pschindl_> ack 17:27:42 <roshi> ack 17:27:54 <kparal> ack 17:28:14 <adamw> #agreed 1451377 1451379 1451381 1451385 1459081 - all AcceptedBlocker (Final) - clear violations of Final criterion "There must be no SELinux denial notifications or crash notifications on boot of or during installation from a release-blocking live image, or at first login after a default install of a release-blocking desktop." 17:28:20 <adamw> okay, that was nice and quick :P 17:28:25 * adamw looks at the accepted blockers 17:28:46 <adamw> we need to test and confirm the #1170803 fix i think 17:29:37 <adamw> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1438495 was just marked as an accepted blocker by Dennis back in April, i will ping him about that one 17:30:01 <adamw> other than that, not really seeing a lot to discuss 17:30:11 <adamw> anyone want to go through any of the accepted blockers, or should we close up? 17:30:36 <kparal> close up 17:32:44 * kparal needs to go. thanks everyone, see you 17:33:21 <adamw> thanks kparal 17:33:27 <adamw> hope whatever you need to sort out is OK 17:33:32 <adamw> #topic Open floor 17:33:35 <adamw> any other business, folks? 17:33:39 * roshi has nothing 17:35:44 <adamw> .fire roshi 17:35:44 <zodbot> adamw fires roshi 17:35:44 <roshi> much easier to attend than run, I'll say that much :p 17:35:52 <adamw> for old times' sake 17:35:58 <roshi> :D 17:38:00 <adamw> alrighty then, thanks for coming folks 17:38:12 <adamw> see you next time, same bat-channel 17:38:15 * roshi ambles off... 19:24:12 <nirik> #endmeeting